2-Year-Old Refuses To Dance Until She Spots Camera – Then Comes Alive And Steals Show With Her Capers


Toddlers are the walking bundle of joy on earth. Everywhere they go, their curious aspect of life spreads happiness or laughter time and again. However, life can be challenging for these angels, as performing in front of a crowd is never easy.

The little girl in the clip featured is dragged on the stage to perform with her fellow ballerinas. Nevertheless, she hardly moves a muscle during the initial phase of the act. Standing apart from her friend, she looks uninterested in the whole routine. But as soon as she spots a familiar face with a camera.



She is ready to showcase her dance move to the whole crowd with a twist. But first, she makes a run for the camera guy. Safety first, so someone from backstage grabs her avoiding any unfortunate accident.

She continues to enjoy her dance with a massive smile on her face. The baby girl even makes a few swirls. And in no time, the kid runs to the front of the stage again. But the trusty hands catch her again. Needless to say, the baby girl can’t contain her excitement.

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