Don’t we all love a dance recital? As a child, I’d love to go watch my sister during the holidays as she and her class put on a great show for all us siblings and parents, right before Christmas. The well-choreographed dancing and all the fun that the kids seemed to be having on stage was always enticing enough for me to one want to join in for a performance.
While a majority of children are comfortable performing in front of a large crowd and immerse themselves in the act, there are some that can’t get over their stage fright — they’re not to be blamed! It’s different when your class practices in the classroom and no one is watching. As soon as you come in front of all these adults keenly watching your every move, you’re bound to get a little nervous.
Now, that’s exactly what happened to the little boy in the video below. Dressed in sailor suits, four little toddlers accompany a ballerina onto the stage. They form a line, and the dance begins. Not too long into the routine, however, Fred Gapuzan, one of the sailor boys, is seemingly reluctant.
Although his twin brother, the other sailor boy, is fully participating, Fred gets shy and pulls his hat over his face. He doesn’t want to be on stage right now. The other children dance and prance around as Fred stands there just waiting for the whole thing to end. We can’t say that this wasn’t a cute encounter!
I remember something similar happening to a friend of mine on stage, back when we were in elementary school. But, this incident had a bit of a domino effect. As she stopped performing, a lot of the other students stopped to stare at her. Eventually, there were just a couple of kids dancing on stage while the rest just stood around, their heads down while the Christmas music played in the background! Good times!
What are some of your most memorable moments from a recital? It could be something from your own performances or something from a child or grandchild. Tell us about it in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!
Click on the video below and watch the footage Fred’s mom and dad shared with Inside Edition.