A young boy of two captured the hearts of the crowd with a hip-hop dance. Check out his incredible dance!


Jaden Silva is already more skilled at dancing than many professional dancers, even at a young age when most kids are just learning to walk. He had a stunning performance at the Artistic Dance Studio in Massachusetts in 2013 to the song Sweet Love by Chris Brown, and his mother has since made a video of the event public.

The infant is kneeling at the start of his song, anticipating the first notes to be played. He wears a baseball cap on his head and is wearing loose clothing. He starts to jump and kick the air, arms out, as soon as he hears the music.



Later on, it becomes clear that the baseball cap has a specific function in the performance as well; he removes it before falling and then jumps back up.

The dancing gets even more intense after the somersault as he keeps jumping to the music and executing classic hip-hop hand motions.

While most kids his age struggle to stay focused on one thing for extended periods of time, Jayden executes his carefully planned and practiced routine with precision and never wavers in his attention.

With millions of views on YouTube, the dance video quickly became extremely popular. Check it out bellow, and don’t forget to share this with your loved ones to share some positivity with them too! Enjoy watching!

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