Mesmerizing violin solo leaves dog enchanted by love


The fantastic sounds of violinist and street performer Karolina Protsenko fill the air and the Internet. The YouTube sensation has gained millions of views with her stunning performances of pop songs on the violin.

The Ukrainian performer stands on the street of a shopping center. She begins to play the classic Elvis hit ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ as the sun is starting to set.

People begin to gather around to listen to the beautiful music from Karolina. She moves to the music while creating a scene. The crowd brings out their cell phones to capture the moment.

A young boy walks up and drops money in her bucket as she twirls and smiles at him. More people follow after the boy to drop money in the bucket. She smiles and makes joyful expressions while playing.



In the background, a dog is walking with its owners. Even the dog stops and stares intensely at Karolina. The dog’s owners seem to be content to let their dog enjoy the sweet sounds.

In the end, a man who has been moved to tears, drops money in the bucket, and Karolina smiles at him. This is the typical reaction to Karolina’s impressive performances on the street.

The touching, emotional song ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ was recorded by Elvis for the album ‘Blue Hawaii’ in 1961. It has been covered by countless singers over the years, and now Karolina can be included on that list.

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