Mom And Son Play The Cutest Game Of Hide-And-Seek


A mother and her young son played the cutest and likely one of the funniest games of hide-and-seek you’ll ever see.

Becoming a parent is one of greatest things about life. Adding a child to your home and family will forever change your life. After that first glance at that new bundle of joy, you’ll never be the same. You’ll want to spend as much time as possible with them, not wanting to miss a moment of their childhood.

As every parent knows, children enjoy playing and doing anything that involves a lot of running around. One of the most popular activities among children is the classic game of Hide-and-Seek. Most moms and dads have participated in their fair share of Hide-and-Seek adventures.

Some of those games last longer than others, with the seeker quickly discovering the person in hiding. However, others last longer than anticipated. A clip posted on social media shows a game of Hide-and-Seek that should have ended in seconds. However, one person’s hiding spot seemed better than initially thought.

In the short video, it’s the mother’s turn to find a good hiding spot as she’s trying to stay hidden from her son. Viewers see Mom hurriedly run into frame, which is centered on a coat hanging from a door. She runs to the coat and covers herself with it. Her legs and feet are completely out in the open for all to see. However, given the color of her pants, her spot may not be as bad as first thought.

Seconds later, the little guy walks into the frame. His first move is to check behind the door, causing his mother to move with the swinging door. Not seeing his mother, the sweet young man keeps looking.

The mother eventually reveals herself and her hiding location, much to the delight and surprise of her child.

What a sweet and funny moment!


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