When Woman Has Twins The Family Cat Instantly Becomes An Honorary Parent.


There is nothing more precious than interspecies friendships. Whether it’s a bird befriending a golden retriever or a deer making friends with a rabbit… it’s about as cute as it gets. For this family, some newborn twins got an unexpected honorary parent: a cat!

Alfycat first became clingy during the pregnancy with these twins. Apparently, he was always right nearby. To a pretty extreme extent!


Once the kiddos were born, he was immediately by their side at all times. On their first night home, it was as if Alfy was a parent!

As the twins grew, Alfy’s bond with them only grew stronger. He was a protector and friend! An honorary parent, if you will.

Now that the kiddos are grown, the three are always up to mischief!



Over a million folks have heard about this unlikely trio and taken to the comments to express their obsession with these cuties.

“Twins? Looks like triplets to me!” said one fan. There is quite a family resemblance!



“The best big brother,” commented another.


Love shows up in all sorts of unexpected ways. This cat and these twins are bonded for life!


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