Nervous Cheerleader Finds Her Courage After Crowd Cheers Her On


In this video clip, a precious little girl is processing her anxieties. This nervous cheerleader finds her courage after the crowd cheers her on.

Normally a cheerleader is focused on lifting the spirits of others, however, in this video, a crowd encourages her. As the clip starts, a mom shares that her daughter who is only 6 years old is having her first cheerleading competition. The little girl who is standing front and center wipes away tears on her uniform. The mother tells her, “let’s go!” and that she was going to be fine. She cheered, “Let’s go, Anna!”


Suddenly, people all in the crowds began to clap and cheer for her. Anna begins to take a few deep breaths and pulls herself together. The young girl begins to smile and begins her cheer. She is the team captain and she grew in confidence ready to start!

So many times in our own lives, we too can feel like this little girl. We can be overwhelmed by emotions and in need of support to keep pressing on. Just like the crowd cheered for Anna, the Lord and His angels are motivating us. Whatever we feel discouraged or anxious about, this video reminds us that we are not alone. In fact, Hebrews tells us that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who are cheering us on right now. Be encouraged today.

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