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Funny reaction of twin babies when the phone rings. They are really cool


You can watch children’s videos endlessly. If you are in a bad mood or the weather is bad outside, then it’s time to find funny kids on the Internet and laugh heartily. One of these videos has become infectious on the Internet. This is a video of cute twins listening to children’s songs on the phone. Both are dressed in fashionable jumpsuits with huge bows, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to them. The girls first listen with a serious expression on their faces, then one of them starts laughing and dancing. However, the other does not share his sister’s mood and looks at her with a serious look. Then another song plays, and now the second of the sisters starts dancing and jumping. They look so cute and funny, like a child. Children do not know how to hide their emotions and do not hesitate to do whatever they want. They are unpredictable and honest. Childs speaks openly about what he thinks, not embarrassed in terms. We love them for their immediacy. The video of the twin sisters has gained a record number of views.



Children are always spontaneous. Of course, they are still hooligans, but at the same time they remain funny and everything they do comes out sincerely. Therefore, children’s laughter and cheerfulness cheer us up and always give us strength. Parents often take pictures of their children on camera so that they can revisit and relive the emotions they experienced when their children were babies.

Today, with the development of the Internet, more and more people share family photos and videos on social networks, which allows us to follow their lives. It is no coincidence that the most popular videos on the web are for children. After a hard day at work, you don’t want to watch the news and see the negative, but you want sincerity and positivity. Only children can give us positive emotions. Even the most serious adults cannot resist children’s smiles and the laughter of toddlers. Photos and videos of children evoke warmth and tenderness, because the smiles of children are always sincere and bright.

If This Doesn’t Make You Laugh Out Loud, You’ve Missed a Good Opportunity!


Ahh, to be young again. In this video, adults see themselves as babies in their reflections, and an epic dance party ensues. Keep an eye on the baby with the chocolate milk mustache. These guys are all so cute; you will want to join in on the dance.

In this adorable video, adults are walking on a busy street when they suddenly see their ‘inner babies’ in a storefront window reflection. And, as any self-respecting adult-baby would do, they start to dance, of course. The result is comical and very creatively done.

The adult characters interact with their baby selves through dance! This reminds my fellow old-timers and me of the old Charlie Chaplin chestnut where Charlie discovers his “independent” person in the mirror, but I digress.



Back to the video; just as the video comes to a close, a sweet senior citizen is walking her dog, and she happens to notice the ‘magical’ window. Instantly she is transformed into an adorable toddler — and her dog becomes a puppy. This is too cute not to watch and share right now because it will brighten anyone’s day.

So why is Evian using babies to sell its water? Glad you asked; because the answer is something any history buff will appreciate. The brand’s connection with babies goes back to 1935 when the brand was recommended as the best water to give to babies because of its “pH-neutral mineral composition” — as it was marked. Today more mothers give their babies Evian than any other brand of water. Yup. Now you know.

This type of Internet video commercial is about happiness, energy, and sharing! We say ‘sharing’ because this video is one of our most popular ones here on Madly Odd. It has been shared thousands of times because it’s just so cute. So, scroll down, and tell us what you thought of these dancing babies. See what others have to say and share your story, too.

This 1-year-old’s viral french fry dance will have you smiling from ear-to-ear…


It sounds like you’re sharing another heartwarming story about a 1-year-old’s viral french fry dance that is sure to bring a smile to people’s faces. Without more context, it’s difficult to provide additional insight or information.



If you have any specific questions or would like me to provide more details, please let me know.

An emotional groom surprises Stepchildren with Adoption request at Wedding…


A wedding is always an emotional ceremony when the groom takes his new bride home, but this groom not only made it official with his wife, but also with his two new daughters.

Heartwarming footage of the moment the groom and his new daughters, whom he surprised at the altar for adoption, are bringing smiles to the faces of people around the world.



The wedding took place on August 13 at the San Marino Club in Troy, Michigan, when Dontes surprised the girls. The thoughtful groom came up with the idea earlier this year while talking to his now-wife Michelle Burton, 26.So Dontes decided to offer to make his stepdaughters his children while they were still young, and what better place to do it than at his own wedding.

So when he finished saying his vows to Michelle, Dontes made an additional request that melted his and his girls’ hearts. He says he’s grown very close to the girls over the years, and he sees them as “daddy’s girls” because he says yes to more of their requests than he does to mom.

Baby eats dads face. So funny video


In the delightful world of parenthood, unexpected moments of hilarity often take center stage. This video captures one such endearing episode as a baby, fueled by curiosity and a sense of playfulness, “eats” Dad’s face. The infectious laughter that ensues reminds us of the joy that parenting brings, where the most ordinary actions become extraordinary sources of amusement.


This charming video showcases the bond between parent and child, where the simplest interactions become cherished memories. It’s a reminder that in the midst of everyday routines, the love and laughter shared between family members create moments that are truly priceless.

“A 4-year-old child takes the center stage with a heartwarming song.”


Christian worship is unimaginable without singing, and a church without a choir. In the past, church hymns were taught from a very young age.

It’s hard to believe that these young boys and girls from the children’s church choir are singing live. These children indeed have beautiful angelic voices. When you close your eyes and listen to their singing, you can appreciate what a truly beautiful voice is.

The children are dressed in white garments, looking clean and immaculate, and as you listen to their incredible singing in a grand cathedral, you start contemplating life and the existence of higher powers.


The human voice is a perfect musical instrument capable of evoking both sadness and joy. And when children sing, it’s impossible to resist the emotions.

Four-year-old Hayley Jones sings at the church every Sunday. The girl possesses an incredible angelic voice. When a child sings, without even knowing musical notation or how to read, you’re compelled to listen endlessly.


Little Hailey reaches out to God in her song, asking Jesus to be the center of her life. Her angelic voice in the cathedral feels magical and resonant.

Musical art, especially works performed during worship, requires deep reflection and study in terms of interpretation. It’s incredible that the performer is only four years old. People from the community and visitors come to listen to her. The church even organized a special adult choir to sing with her.

When Haley starts singing, she fully immerses herself in the song. The little girl turns to God and believes in Him with such sincerity that it’s impossible to remain indifferent. Everyone in the church watches her.
The young girl attends church every Sunday with her parents and prays with them. Instilling Christian traditions in children from a young age is very important. Faith in God leads to faith in oneself.

The little ones were skating and dancing so well that everyone was amazed. Their dance captivated many.


Perhaps the most beautiful sport is ice skating, which is both a sport and a dance. Ice skating is a completely different sport; it’s a true art form. It combines dance, flight, various music, graceful and fluid movements, acrobatics, and even a certain storyline. The elegance and synchronicity of the movements, as well as the athletic elements of ice skating, are very appealing to the audience.

On the ice, skaters seem to live out their entire lives during their performances with love, drama, and more. Ice skating, in essence, is a rather intriguing form of artistic creativity that allows athletes to convey the director’s idea through their movements without words.

Ice skating is practiced from a very young age, and young skaters can achieve excellent results early on.

The duo of Evelina, aged nine, and Ilya, aged twelve, wowed the audience and captured their hearts. The young talents performed with great emotion and flair. Their performance was based on a plot from the movie “La La Land,” and the music was chosen from the same film. The bright outfits of the young boys and girls and their sincere emotions made their performance unforgettable.



Evelina and Ilya have been skating as a pair for a long time and are close friends. In pair skating, trust between partners is crucial.

Ilya and Evelina prepared for this performance for nearly a year, perfecting every move and jump. Their diligence paid off, and they performed exceptionally well. The performance was flawless in terms of technique, grace, and artistry.

Both the audience and the judges appreciated the pair to the fullest. The children’s coach was Ilya Averbukh, who supported them in every way from the sidelines. Averbukh was very anxious for his students and watched their performance with bated breath.

When Ilya and Evelina finished their performance, their coach embraced them and congratulated them on their wonderful debut. The feelings and emotions that every viewer and athlete experience are indescribable and unique, feelings for the athlete, for their result, for their ability to skate cleanly and without falling.

Sports and art come together in perfect harmony in figure skating. Ice skating has become even more popular in our time. More and more ice skating schools are opening, and various television shows are filmed on ice for broadcast.

“Dad organized a musical group with kids during the forced vacation. Keep an eye on the soloist!”


A large family has found a cool way to have fun during enforced vacations.
The group already has fans, but so far, only on YouTube. They are confident that this talented family has a bright future!

The head of the family is a professional musician. The group practices every day, performing songs of different genres, from rock and roll to hard rock. Colt is the lead singer and main guitarist.



Cash, who is 10 years old, accompanies his father on the bass guitar, Beckett, who is 8 years old, keeps the beat on the drums, and Bellamy, who is 6 years old, dances, sings, and occasionally plays the maracas.

I must emphasize that they are doing remarkably well. Their cover of the Beatles’ song “Come Together” has been viewed by over half a million people, with more than seven thousand likes. What do you think?

Twin Babies Fight Over Pacifier . SO FUNNY


In this heartwarming home video captured on May 17, 2009, at our Keller, TX home, we witness a delightful showdown between two adorable grandchildren. Crucie Saunders, the 1-year-old son of Rachel and Cruce Saunders, and Anna Rodriguez, the 10-1/2-month-old daughter of Cheryl and Joel Rodriguez, take center stage in this unforgettable moment.

As these little bundles of joy engage in the “Battle of the Pacifier,” their innocent rivalry and sheer cuteness are on full display. You’ll see them tugging and playfully vying for the coveted pacifier, filling the room with giggles and laughter.



And just when you think it couldn’t get any sweeter, at the end of the video, you’ll hear the amused voice of Granddad, Bill Cook, who’s sitting behind the scenes, completely oblivious to the heartwarming spectacle unfolding before him.

This precious family moment is a testament to the joy that grandchildren bring into our lives and the cherished memories that are made in the simplest of moments.

The young dance couple shows what professionalism is. Their energic dance becomes addictive to watch


There are people who you look at and think that they were born to do what they are doing. They are professional at something, and they enjoy it too. We want to show you these young dancers, who are a perfect example of “born to do it”. They enjoy and feel the dance at its fullest, and make it addictive to watch their dance.

They are Mark and Stella, and the vide bellow shows their performance from the US National Amateur Dance sport Championship – March 12, 2022. They are a perfect dancing duo, and synchronize every movement as much as it is possible.



Their dance is full of energy and emotions, and they make you move just by watching them too. Next to them there are other talented young dancers, who remind us that the future is full of talented professionals. In one word, they are amazing.

Watch the video bellow to see their awesome and energic dance performance, we are sure you will love it. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family too, that way you can also support us. Thank you for reading and supporting us, we appreciate it. Enjoy watching!