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Siblings’ Emotional Rendition of ‘Give Thanks’


In a heartwarming display of faith and family, siblings from the Asidor family perform an emotional rendition of ‘Give Thanks.’ This Christian family from the Philippines has been sharing God’s love and the gospel through their music since 1996, traveling across the country to perform at churches, Christian gatherings, crusades, and various events.

The Asidor family’s passion for worship is deeply rooted in a vision experienced by their father, M. Asidor Sr., during his teenage years. He dreamt of angels singing in heaven, and those angels turned out to be his own children.

Their rendition of ‘Give Thanks’ is a touching reminder of the power of gratitude and faith. As the siblings, three young girls and one boy, sing the powerful lyrics:

‘Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give thanks to the Holy One



Give thanks because He’s given

Jesus Christ His Son’

Their harmonies resonate with the depth of their devotion. The chorus, filled with hope and assurance, echoes their belief in God’s providence:

‘And now let the weak say I am strong

Let the poor say I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us

And now let the weak say I am strong

Let the poor say I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us’

The Asidors’ performance is more than just a musical act; it is a testimony of their unwavering faith and dedication to spreading the gospel. Their father’s dream of angelic voices has come true, and through their singing, they bring a piece of heaven to earth.

The family’s journey and shared mission have strengthened their faith and touched the hearts of many who have had the privilege of hearing them sing. The Asidors remind us of the importance of giving thanks and recognizing the blessings we have received, encouraging us to find strength and richness in God’s love. We hope you enjoyed this delightful music video!

Children’s Sweet Reaction to Father’s Surprise Return Will Melt Your Heart


This video will bring you to happy tears. These children’s sweet reactions to their father’s surprise return will melt your heart.

At the start of this video, the dad places his video camera on the ground on their front porch. He squats down to tell us that his kids think that he is coming home next week and that he is surprising them. He goes to the door and knocks on it, stepping back to say hello. The dad stands ready to embrace his children. As he knocks, the little boy says in the background, “Hello.” He screams out, “Daddy!” running towards his father and jumping into his arms.

The two hold on to one another as you hear a little girl in the background yell, “Daddy,” as well. The father squats down while holding his son, preparing to embrace his daughter as well. This precious little preschooler runs to her dad, holding him with tears in her eyes. She smiles at him. The little girl adorably says, “What a nice surprise.” You hear crying in the background. The girl goes to find her mommy to tell her that daddy is home. The boy continues to cry and cannot let go of his daddy. They tell each other how they have missed each other.



Watching this video might bring tears to your own eyes. There is nothing sweeter than the welcoming of family. It is a precious moment to witness this reunion. It reminds us that one day we too will be reunited with our Heavenly Father in a great surprise. We will see Him face to face and be with Him forever home. He will wipe away the tears from our eyes and we will be in celebration that eternity in heaven has begun.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

2 Former Baseball Teammates Become Dads to Twins on the Same Day at the Same Hospital


Surely God had a hand in cementing the friendship of two former Framingham State University baseball players when the two teammates became dads on the very same day!

Chris Blydell and Justin Stanizzi played shortstop and third base, respectively, on the Framingham baseball team. The two played for the Framingham Rams just over a decade ago, but their paths crossed in a big way over the last several months.

Chris and Justin learned through social media that they were both expecting twins. They connected, and their wives, Michela and Allison, also became excited about their shared journey toward parenthood.

Michela said, “We shared the same doctor who said she was pretty sure we would both go a little bit earlier, but we made it all the way to 38 weeks and delivered on the same day. It was incredibly crazy.”

Moms Michela and Allison not only delivered all four babies on July 21, 2024, they also delivered their precious twins at the same hospital-Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts. According to NBC Boston, all four were born less than two hours apart!




The crazy coincidences don’t stop there, though! In both cases, the girls were born first, and the baby boys were born second. The parents report that both girls are “feisty” at nap time and bedtime, while their boys are content to eat and nap. Both couples celebrate wedding anniversaries in April, just four days apart. How fun is that!

Justin shared with a laugh, “We were kind of hanging out in the hallway-all of us-and people were kind of yelling at us in the hall being like, ‘You can’t just stand out in the hallway holding the babies.’ It’s really cool to be able to relate to somebody who is going through something very similar.”

Framingham State University shared the story of their graduates on their school website. Per the school’s website, Justin and Allison, parents of Sloane and Salvatore, and Chris and Michela, Mom and Dad to Reece and Brooks, look forward to sharing trips to the beach each year on the twins’ birthday!

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Twins Give Birth On The Same Day In Side-By-Side Rooms

Best wishes to the Blydell and Stanizzi families!

A Trio of Newborn Sisters Snuggle into Slumber


In the soft glow of the moonlight, three tiny sisters lie nestled together, their angelic faces adorned with expressions of peaceful serenity. The air is filled with the rhythmic melody of their gentle breathing, synchronized in perfect harmony.

Each newborn sister, a precious gem in the embrace of slumber, radiates innocence and wonder. Their tiny fingers curl around one another, forming an unbreakable bond that transcends words.



As they lay side by side, their dreams intertwine, weaving a tapestry of enchantment and possibility. Perhaps they journey through whimsical lands filled with cotton candy clouds and starlit skies, or dance with playful woodland creatures under the watchful gaze of a friendly moon.

In this moment, the world fades away, and all that exists is the profound beauty of sisterhood and the magic of infancy. Their parents, gazing upon this scene, are filled with overwhelming love and gratitude for the gift of these precious souls.

And so, under the watchful eye of the night, the triplets drift deeper into the realm of dreams, cradled in the tender embrace of sleep, their innocence illuminating the darkness like a constellation of hope and joy.

Cute Twin Brothers Moment: Brother Also Wants His Twin Brother’S Toys!


In the cozy nursery adorned with soft pastels and plush toys, a delightful scene unfolded between twin brothers, little Liam and Noah, both just eight months old. With giggles bubbling like sweet melodies, they wiggled and cooed, exploring the world around them with wide-eyed wonder. Yet, amidst the cuddly chaos, a charming tale of sibling discovery began.

As chubby fingers eagerly grasped at colorful toys, Liam’s chubby hand found its way to a vibrant rattle, his eyes lighting up with delight. However, his twin brother Noah, equally captivated by the shiny object, reached out with chubby hands of his own, a gleeful expression spreading across his cherubic face.



With matching squeals of excitement, a gentle tug-of-war ensued, as both brothers laid claim to the coveted rattle. Liam’s cheeks flushed with determination as he held onto the toy, unwilling to let go, while Noah’s tiny fingers grasped at it with equal fervor.

Their parents, watching from the doorway with hearts full of love, couldn’t help but smile at the adorable sight. With a tender touch, they gently intervened, guiding the rattle into Noah’s grasp, eliciting a chorus of delighted giggles from both brothers.

As they watched Liam and Noah’s chubby hands reach out to explore together, their hearts swelled with pride and affection. In that precious moment, the rattle became more than just a toy; it became a symbol of the unbreakable bond between twin brothers, a bond forged in love and shared experiences.

Through their shared journey of discovery, Liam and Noah’s brotherly bond grew stronger with each passing day, a testament to the enduring beauty of sibling love, even at the tender age of eight months.

4 months old Paxton first time eating rice cereal


In the cozy kitchen, filled with the aroma of home-cooked meals and the gentle hum of family chatter, a special moment unfolded as little Paxton, just four months old, embarked on his first culinary adventure. With eager anticipation and a spoonful of rice cereal at the ready, his parents gathered around, their hearts swelling with excitement and pride.

As Paxton’s chubby cheeks quivered with anticipation, his tiny hands reached out to grasp the spoon, his eyes wide with wonder at the new experience before him. With a tender smile, his parents guided the spoon to his lips, offering gentle encouragement as he took his first tentative taste.



At first, Paxton’s reaction was a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his little lips puckering at the unfamiliar texture. Yet, as he savored the creamy goodness, a look of sheer delight spread across his face, his eyes twinkling with newfound joy.

With each spoonful, Paxton’s confidence grew, his eager slurps and delighted giggles filling the room with infectious happiness. His parents watched in awe, capturing every precious moment on camera, their hearts overflowing with love for their little one.

As Paxton savored his first taste of rice cereal, it marked not only a milestone in his journey of growth and discovery but also a cherished memory for his family to treasure for years to come. In that simple act of sharing a meal together, bonds were strengthened, and hearts were united in the timeless joy of parenthood.

After Months Of Silence, Grandpa With Alzheimer’s Speaks The Most Precious Words.


amie Glassman recently had the opportunity to witness the beauty of the circle of life, and now she’s sharing it with all of us.

Her husband’s grandpa, who’s 94 years old, has been suffering with Alzheimer’s for a while now. By the time Jamie decided it was time to introduce him to their 6-month-old daughter, Elsa, he hadn’t spoken in months. Soon after meeting Elsa, however, that changed.



During one of their visits, this adorable duo were snuggled together when Jamie’s husband said “That’s so sweet – the baby loves you. Look at the way she’s looking at you!”

In the very next second, this sweet baby’s grandpa began saying “I love you.” Needless to say, it was a moment they’ll never forget!

Watch Elsa and her grandpa below, and don’t forget to share.


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Baby Arguing With Her Dad Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Day


In this heartwarming collection of moments, you’ll witness the irresistible charm of a little one trying to express her thoughts and feelings, often leading to hilarious and adorable disagreements with her doting dad. Their playful banter and the baby’s determination to make her point known will leave you in stitches.



From debates about what to eat for breakfast to disagreements about bedtime, these endearing exchanges between father and daughter are a testament to the joy of parenthood. It’s a reminder that even the simplest interactions with our little ones can be filled with laughter and love.

So, get ready to brighten your day with this funny and heartwarming father and baby compilation that showcases the precious bond between parent and child

Cowboy Baby Practices Bull Riding While Helping Mom With Chores In Cute Video


Having a clean house and kids isn’t always the best mix. As much as we try to have one of those Pinterest-perfect homes, it’s more of a pipe dream for most. Sure, we’d love it if our kids helped around the house. But getting them to do chores can be a chore. So, lots of moms and dads end up doing the work by themselves.

However, If you make it into a game for your kids, it’s a win/win. Courtney Taylor calls herself her son Wells’ “momager.” The baby boy is an aspiring bull rider who does his training while helping around the house—and we mean that quite literally.



Wells wears a cowboy hat and boots and sits on top of the vacuum or map as it roams and twirls around like a true cowboy. After Courtney shared videos of Wells on social media, he caught the attention of millions. Moms, dads, and cowboys love him. So does Kids Clean Car, which sent him a ride-along toy that helps his momma scrub the floors. It’s seriously genius.

He’s a viral sensation with moms going crazy. His Instagram comments are hilarious.



Like this person, “I find myself unexpectedly in need of a rumba and another child.”

And this one, “Gets on phone to schedule my husband’s vasectomy reversal.”

Other cheered on the cowboy cutie hoping he can start breaking records.

Someone suggested, “If he stays on for eight seconds then he gets to bypass those chores and go riding!!”

A mom joked, “How much does he weigh, and which Roomba is this? My robot stops when my LO sits on ours. Do I need a new baby or a new vacuum?”
His momma captioned his first viral video, “When you’re actually a Buller Rider but your mama says you gotta do your chores first.”

@courtneyander7 Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be MESSY cowboys! Thank you @kidscleancar.official for upping our mopping/bull riding game! #ootd #fyp #boymom #mamasboy #kidfashion #trending #toddlerlife #toddlersoftiktok #babytok #cowboy #pbr #bullriding @KidscleancarOfficial ♬ original sound – Courtney & Wells

Toddler Has Sweetest Reaction To Grandpa’s Visits Every Week


Moving from New York City to North Carolina is like moving to a completely different planet. Shelby, her husband, and their toddler Brooks made that move. She has chronicled the family’s adventure on social media and her blog at Pretty in the Pines. Shelby concentrates on the house, writing about interior design choices, patterns, and favorite products, but there is a better reason for the move. She encapsulated that in one compilation video of what her toddler does every Thursday when Grandpa comes to visit.

The family made the move and lifestyle change to be closer to family. The new house allows Shelby’s dad to watch Brooks frequently. The toddler has formed a special bond with his Grandpa, which is evident whenever he visits.

Brooks calls his Grandpa “Bops,” and every Thursday is “Bop Day.” When Grandpa arrives, the happy toddler runs, bounces, and jumps to the front door, greeting him with a loud and unfiltered “Hi, Bop!” The special day has become a time-honored tradition, and Shelby is busy storing these wonderful memories. Brooks is full of bouncy toddler love whenever Grandpa arrives.



Images show a toddler jumping for joy as his Grandpa arrives for a visit.
Image from TikTok.
Shelby rejoices over the small things like having a laundry room and a large yard for the dog. However, the proximity to family is one of the most celebrated advantages of the move.

Image shows parents playing with their toddler as Grandpa looks on.
Image from TikTok.

Not only does toddler Brooks get Grandpa time, but the entire family has a more relaxed lifestyle. Shelby has completely renovated the house. You can follow her journey on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Her blog discusses her furniture and style choices, including her favorite product choices. My grandmother had the same buffet Shelby selected for her foyer, which stirred up some fond memories for me.

@prettyinthepinesforever my favorite part about our move ❤️ treasuring these days.♬ Starting Over – Chris Stapleton