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This Little Girl Is So Cute, She Looks Like She’s Wearing Makeup


This little girl is simply adorable, and her appearance is so captivating that she almost seems like she’s wearing makeup. Her natural beauty and features are incredibly striking, giving her a uniquely charming and polished look.

With her big, expressive eyes that sparkle like precious gems, she draws you in with their enchanting allure. Her rosy cheeks add a touch of innocence and radiance to her already captivating visage. It’s as if she has mastered the art of highlighting her best features without the need for any cosmetic enhancements.

Her perfectly shaped lips, delicately curved like a rose petal, give her an irresistible charm. They seem to hold the secrets of a thousand smiles and whispers of joy. Her overall appearance is a testament to the beauty that lies within and the undeniable allure of youth.



What makes this little girl truly special is the confidence she exudes. She carries herself with a poise and grace beyond her years, as if she knows she is a unique treasure. It’s a reminder that true beauty comes from within and shines through, transcending any external adornments.

As you admire this little girl, it’s impossible not to be captivated by her natural charisma. Her captivating presence is a testament to the magic and wonder that children bring into our lives. They remind us to appreciate the simple joys and embrace the beauty that surrounds us.

So, let us cherish this little girl’s irresistible charm and appreciate the effortless beauty she exudes. With her radiant presence, she serves as a reminder that true beauty comes in many forms and that sometimes the most captivating looks are those that are completely natural and authentic.

Dubbed “the most beautiful twins in the world:” this is what the Clements sisters look like today


From the moment they were born in 2010, these stunning twin sisters took our breath away.

Their physical appearance, the blue eyes and blonde hair, distinguished them as one of the most beautiful babies in the world. And now, after eleven years, they are still on the top of the list of most adorable children.Their mom, Jaqi Clements, became aware of how gorgeous her babies actually are when she couldn’t get them out without people paying them a bunch of compliments and calling them the most beautiful children they’ve ever seen.“For as long as I can remember strangers would approach me when we were out asking first if they were twins. Their follow up would always be…’Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling,’” she said

Once the girls turned 6 months old, their mother signed them for a modeling agency but regretted her decision because she felt they were way too young to be exposed to that type of life. She decided to wait until the right time comes.

As time passed by, the girls became even more beautiful and their mother felt like it was just the right time for her to revisit the modeling idea. When they turned seven, Jaqi saw it as a sign to help them pursue a career.

‘“Aside from the fact that I’m a huge believer in signs and have been told by almost everyone that 7 is a lucky number, I just had a feeling that this year was going to be a fun and exciting year for them,” she said.

Everything started when the mom started an Instagram account for her twins called @clementstwins. She knew people adored her children but she didn’t really expect that many people to become their followers on social media. At the moment more than 1.8 million people follow the twins.

clementstwins via Instagram
Once these beauties got the attention of many modeling agencies, the mom got offers from many of them, and currently the girls are working for two different agencies and children’s clothing brands and magazines.

They are also part of a swimming club and a dance studio. They say how they simply love what they do, although their life is quite different than that of their peers.

It seems the beauty runs in this family, and besides the two sisters, their handsome brother is a model himself. He sometimes appears on the Instagram photos along with his sisters. The parents are pretty good looking themselves so we are not surprised how the children are so attractive. They certainly got it from their parents.



A few years back, Leah and Ava used their popularity to help their father Kevin with his battle against leukaemia and lymphoma. They made it their mission to find a matching bone marrow donor for him and were stunned by the number of people who signed to get tested. Eventually, Kevin found a match in his brother and received the so much needed transplant surgery.

Even today, these beauties use their Instagram account to raise awareness of this type of cancer.

“It’s an easy process to be a bone marrow donor, and I think a lot of people have this misconception that it is hard and painful, but it’s really not,” Kevin said.

“Having them have a chance to do that and to help me out, but also to help so many other people out, it’s amazing.”

At the same time, Leah and Eva are working together with a nail polish company for which they design and sell their nail polish line. They use a great portion of the money they make for their cousin Shane who was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) at 10-months-old.

What do you think of this lovely family?

Mother And Father Thrilled After Giving Birth To Rare, Identical Triplets


Amber and Levi always wanted a family together, so when they had two beautiful daughters, they were more than overjoyed.

But just when they thought their family was complete, everything changed.

Amber found out that she was pregnant again, but that wasn’t the most surprising news delivered by the doctors.

They were going to have triplets!

Without the use of fertility drugs or any other type of fertility treatments, the chances of having triplets are very low to begin with. So, while they were definitely surprised by the news, both Amber and Levi were thrilled to welcome three adorable babies into the family.

Weeks went by, and the day finally came. Amber was admitted to the hospital to deliver the babies.
Even though they were lighter than normal, each weighing four pounds, the triplet girls came out in a healthy condition via cesarean section.



In the meantime, though, Amber was struggling. She actually died on the operating table, but was resuscitated with the help of a blood transfusion. When the commotion was finally over, everyone in the operation room noticed something very special about the triplets’ faces.

They were identical!

According to the doctors, the odds of having identical triplets naturally can be as high as 1 in 200 million.

Even though everyone is now healthy and happy, Levi had to slow down at work and take care of his family while Amber recovers. But, the medical bills were piling up. Thankfully, friends and neighbors decided to help the them out by raising funds for the family. They actually set up a GoFundMe account, so anyone can donate money for medical expenses and baby supplies.

Please SHARE this story if you want to join us in welcoming these adorable triplets into the world!

Daddy’s song for his little girls brings waterworks to the room


There wasn’t a dry eye in the room, what a sweet audition.

It’s been eleven long years but a surprise moment had Nick Edwards finding his confidence again after he took the stage at Britain’s Got Talent thanks to his two lovely daughters.

36-year-old Nick was more than shocked to see his daughters Savannah and Cali, three and four, brought on stage by his mother Tracey.

The three girls wanted him to get up and audition.
Edwards is from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, and he said he had “never been so scared” in his life before the performance. Thanks to his daughters, his dream of singing his own songs in public is back.

He told the judges that he had “lost a lot of confidence” in himself over the years. He only sings in the shower as a result.

But you have to hear this man sing!
Amanda Holden was nice enough to tell Nick he could go grab a glass of water to compose himself though.

Edwards did return with a guitar ready to sing. Even Simon was glad he returned. Nick sang a song he dedicates to his daughters since he says the song had become the “soundtrack of their life”.

He certainly can play that guitar.
But Nick’s singing pulled on everyone’s heartstrings especially judge Amanda Holden and host Declan Donnelly.

Simon Cowell went on to say, “It was so sweet, you have a lovely voice”. David Walliams confirmed he had “4004 yeses”, which included the audience.



Edwards shared that he had no idea about the set-up. All he knew was he was going out with his wife for the day since his sister-in-law gave them free tickets to Britain’s Got Talent.

A very thoughtful surprise.

So when Nick first saw his mother and daughters come on stage, he really assumed they were going to audition. Imagine his shock when they asked him to audition for the show.

Nick is an amazing musician and a fantastic singer.

A friend of his left a comment saying,
“Nick’s voice was like this even 10+ years ago. He was an excellent singer songwriter then too and had a lot of creative ambition when we talked about projects together. I never understood why he seemed to stop except for the occasional home video he shared. It’s amazing to see him back in his element again. Keep at it Nick! There’s so much creativity in you man! It doesn’t matter what comes from it. Just keep going and enjoy the process! So happy to see him back with a guitar on stage in front of a crowd.”

Hard to believe that behind that face is a voice the world needs to hear.

Savannah and Cali are super blessed to have Nick as their dad. He sings with so much love, you can tell he was thinking of his daughters the whole time up there on stage.

It’s safe to say he’s got his confidence back. We’re all looking forward to hearing more from Nick.

Watch the video below for an emotional overload!

Parents Gifted with Rare Black-And-White Twins Get the Same Blessing 7 Years Later


The world is full of beautiful and wonderful things, some so astounding and unreal it can be hard to fathom. Sometimes, this beauty is in the form of a person, in this case, twins. And not just the regular kind, two sets of them! But, there is something incredibly special about these children.

Rare Black and White Twins
Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant are the proud parents of two sets of twins, and what makes them so unique is the fact that both sets, born seven years apart, are black and white. This makes their family the only one in existence with such an occurrence.



Dean, the father, is West Indian. His skin is dark and so is his hair. His partner, Alison, has white skin, blue eyes and red hair. In 2001, when their first set of twin girls was due, they expected mixed-race children. Instead, one baby, Lauren, was born with light skin like her mom, along with her red hair and blue eyes. Her twin sister, Hayleigh, looked like Dean.

Now, twins born different colors are not something new, although it is rare. According to reports citing a geneticist, the odds of twins being born biracial is about 1 in 500,000.



But, what makes this family even more special is that the exact thing happened when the couple had twins again in 2009. As you can imagine, the couple was astounded to have had this incredible occurrence yet again.

Lauren and Hayleigh
When they were 18, the older girls spoke about life as bi-racial twins. Of course, people do not believe that they are in fact what they say they are. The girls have said that people are shocked when they find out.

The girls when they were younger – via APTN
“Some people can be really rude. They’ll say, ‘You’re lying, you aren’t twins — prove it! So we’ll reel off the same address or pull our passports out. It’s nice to see the shock on people’s faces. When we went to college it was difficult because there were lots of groups of Asian, white and black kids.

“The black group were trying to integrate me and I was like, ‘This is my white twin sister.’

“No one could believe it. People look at us like it’s some kind of miracle. I’m still amazed that we are twins.”




Defying the Odds
The two younger sisters are no different, which means this family is literally the only one in the world with two sets of bi-racial twins.

“Even non-identical twins aren’t that common. Non-identical twins from mixed parents, of different races, less common still. To have two eggs fertilized and come out different colors, less common still. So, to have it happen twice must be one in millions.”

Dr. Sarah Jarvis of Britain’s Royal College of General Practitioners

The two younger daughters have grown to look more alike as time goes by, unlike their older siblings.

Georgia Couple Welcomes Quadruplets Just in Time for Christmas “My 4 Precious Miracle Babies”


Kortney and Justin Miller welcomed four new little ones weeks earlier than expected.

When you hear heartwarming stories about couples overcoming major odds to ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ, ɪɴꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ is usually the culprit. For Kortney and Justin Miller, a couple in their early 20s, it seems as if over-ꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ was at play when they naturally ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ quadruplets.

Are you ready for the odds? I don’t think you’re ready. The odds of ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ quadruplets without I.V.F or ꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴀᴘʏ are 1 in 700,000. As if that isn’t rare enough, the Miller quads are even more extraordinary. Each child came from its very own ᴇɢɢ, which led to four individual sᴀᴄs and ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇɴᴛᴀs. In layman’s terms, that means that, prior to the quads’ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴏɴs, Kortney Miller released four ᴇɢɢs at once. Busy mama.

Kortney and Justin already had their hands full with their 4-year-old son, Bentlee, when they were told that their family of three would soon become a family of seven. They weren’t quite prepared for the news, but Kortney had a hunch. Multiples, after all, run in her family. “I was sure I was having more than one,” Kortney told Today. “I felt a little different.”

Yep, we’d expect you’d feel a tad different when you’re, you know, carrying four tiny humans inside of you. “I never thought there would be four,” she continued. At the ultrasound, with her mother by her side, she discovered that she would be “carrying on the tradition” with Miller multiples.

The Georgia couple turned to their OB-GYN, Dr. Heather Turner, at Piedmont Newnan Hospital, where a team of doctors and nurses (dubbed the “quad squad”) assembled to prepare for the babies’ arrival. It was the first time the hospital would be delivering quadruplets.



“There was a lot of preparation to do,” Dr. Turner told Today. “Any time we anticipate a preterm delivery, there is a lot of coordination across the labor and delivery unit as well as the hospital to lay the groundwork so everything can be as smooth as possible.”
Weekly interdisciplinary meetings for doctors and conferences with the Millers were hosted to maximize the chances of a successful delivery. So when Kortney came in for a check-up on December 16, a quiet Friday morning, to discover that she was three centimeters dilated, it was all systems go. Her husband arrived just in time to witness the ᴄᴇsᴀʀᴇᴀɴ birth.

Kortney and Justin are now the proud parents of three boys – Brandon, Brayden and Bryant – and one precious little girl, Kenlee. Brandon was the largest of the four, weighing in at 3 pounds, 1 ounce. The babies are currently in the N.I.C.U and are thriving. Dr. Turner says the birth went “amazingly well” and that the babies are expected to grow stronger over time.

Big brother Bentlee is a tad overwhelmed but is quick to remind everyone that his siblings are his babies. It looks like the overprotective big brother gene has been activated. “We are so excited and blessed to have four healthy babies,” Kortney told the Newnan Times Herald. “We can’t wait to go with them on their journey as they grow and progress.”

5 Babies?! Family Shares Their Secrets To Raising Quintuplets


After two ᴍɪsᴄᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇs and many months of trying, Michael and Marganet Baudinet were starting to lose hope of ever becoming parents. Then, Margaret discovered she was pregnant after ꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ. And not with just one baby, but five babies.

The American couple welcomed their five “bundles of Baudinet” – Ava, Clara, Camille, Luke and Isabelle – on December 4th, 2016 (eight weeks premature). After spending the first few weeks in Arizona under the watch of a specialist doctor, the babies (plus mom and dad) returned to their home in Virginia to begin their life as a family of seven.

Five little bums to change, five little mouths to feed, and five little babies to take care of. Like most people who meet the Baudinet bunch, we’re wondering how they do it.

It turns out, with plenty of patience, persistence, and products that are a must for all parents with multiples.

It takes a village…

The couple are the first to admit that it’s hard, actually, impossible to do without help, especially as they had very little experience in the world of newborns to fall back on.



“I have the blessing and the curse of not having any children before I had five children,” Margaret explains. “So, I don’t know what a “normal” nap schedule is like or how to only make one bottle for every feeding. I simply don’t have any sense or perspective at this point.”

Thus, the couple gathered a team of family, friends, and au pairs (10 different helpers in total) that worked on a rotating shift to help with the various duties that come with raising five newborns at once.

Running a family business

The family also works on a very tight routine, and Margaret admits that sometimes it feels like she’s running a business, not raising a family.

“I’m definitely the lead manager of this operation,” says Margaret. “We’ve got them all on the same schedule.”

Margaret explains that the babies are fed every four hours. For the first few months, the quin’s grandma was the official “chemist” in charge of making the bottles in advance as two babies have a special type of formula. Now Margaret or one of their au pairs takes on this duty. It takes at least two people, sometimes four, to do each feeding session.

The babies also managed to master synchronised sleeping, from around 12.30am to 7.30am, giving mum and dad a seven-hour break each night.

Five times the baby gear

Finding the right products was also a game-changer and played a massive role in day-to-day life, Margaret and Michael admit.



The couple tote around the tots in a Nissan NV, which they call the “Bubba Bus”. It seats 12 people comfortably (so there is space for another set of quintuplets… just saying).

One of the products Margaret especially loves is the Table for Two (above), which holds two babies (and their bottles) at once. The family also has quite the collection of baby gear, including five bassinets, three change tables, a basket full of dummies, and an assortment of bouncers.

The family maintains a Facebook page, a GoFundMe account, and a blog to keep family, friends and fans updated on their adorable babies. Now six years old, all five babies are happy, healthy and clearly keeping mom and dad on their toes.

Super Dad Invents His Own Guide to Triplets After His Wife Gives Birth to Three Miracle Baby Girls


Alex Lewis, 34, from Essex, was astoпished wheп he learпed that his wife, Charlotte, 32, was expectiпg three reп. The coυple had beeп tryiпg to ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ for three years aпd had speпt £8,000 oп I.V.F iп the hope of realiziпg their dream.

Despite the fact that they were expectiпg triplets, doctors warпed them that пot all of them woυld sυrvive. Charlotte aпd Alex were giveп the optioп of giviпg υp two of their daυghters iп order to give the healthiest oпe the best chaпce of sυrvival, bυt they refυsed.

Oп April 6, ideпtical twiпs Aппabella Rose aпd Floreпce Violet, as well as their sister, Lottie Blυebell, were borп. Aпabella Rose weighed 3lbs 5oz, Floreпce Violet weighed 4lbs 7oz aпd Lottie Blυebell weighed 2lbs 14oz – aпd after three weeks, they were all allowed home.

Alex decided to set υp his ‘dad’s gυide to liviпg with triplets’ eight weeks ago aпd siпce settiпg υp his Iпstagram page, he пow has over 14,000 followers. His gυide, which is showп iп a series of sпaps, shows the highs aпd lows of life with triplets – bυt most importaпtly, how pareпts of mυltiples caп still go oυt aпd eпjoy themselves.

“Siпce we had the triplets, oυr lives have become a military operatioп,” Alex, a father of foυr, said. “Every foυr hoυrs, we mυst feed aпd chaпge all three. It’s a lot of effort, bυt I woυldп’t trade it for aпythiпg. We realize how fortυпate we are to have three healthy daυghters.”

“After the triplets were borп, I created aп Iпstagram page dedicated to oυr life with them, aпd iп jυst a few weeks, I had over 14,000 followers. By postiпg oυr family photos every day, I hope to provide a dad’s gυide to triplets,” he added.

Alex says that they still maпage to have a Costa coffee every week, go to the beach, go shoppiпg, eat diппer as a family, aпd eveп take the reп to Ceпtre Parcs. It’s beeп amaziпg to show other pareпts that haviпg пυmeroυs reп doesп’t meaп yoυ have to stay at home, trips oυt are possible.



“I was so overwhelmed wheп they all arrived,” Alex said. “It was well worth the weeks of coпcerп. We пever believed we’d be so fortυпate as to have all three. I promptly sold oυr aυtomobile to υpgrade to a six-seater, aпd we made sυre their space was ready. We oпly have three bedrooms, so if the triplets become bigger, we’ll have to move.”

Alex, who works iп accoυпts, claims he пo loпger gets a miпυte piece. He said, “I will post images of jυst me eпjoyiпg some ice cream or rυппiпg with the dog while the girls are asleep. It’s importaпt to show people the highs aпd lows. Haviпg triplets is releпtless, aпd Charlotte doesп’t have time to do aпythiпg dυriпg the day. So wheп I come home from work, we are able to swap shifts so she caп have some time to herself.

Alex aпd Charlotte haveп’t pυt off haviпg aпy more kids iп the fυtυre aпd have eveп plaппed to have oпe more. Alex hopes to coпtiпυe υpdatiпg his social media pages every day to coпtiпυe docυmeпtiпg his triplets’ lives.

He said: “It’s so easy to do aпd I’ve already giveп so maпy other people advice. We were lυcky to have so maпy sυpportive frieпds aпd family who have either giveп away old clothes or high-chairs, which has helped massively with the cost of everythiпg. Siпce haviпg the triplets oυr weekly shoppiпg bill has rocketed bυt it’s пot as high as most woυld thiпk. We speпd £50 oп milk, £30 oп пappies aпd as the girls all have colic, we are speпdiпg aпother £50 per week oп Gripe water aпd Colief for them.

Desperate couple decided to adopt triplets when wife saw her doctor they tell her she is finally pregnant with twins


Sarah and Andy Justice are a couple. They love each other to the moon and back. But they wanted kids, and it was getting really hard for Sarah to get pregnant. They decided to adopt some.

Fate smiled upon them and they found a pregnant lady who wished to put her baby up for adoption after birth. They made an agreement and Sarah even accompanied the lady for her ultrasound. Turns out, she had not just one, but 3 babies in waiting!



The wife and hubby from Tulsa, Oklahoma, were excited. They knew they finally had a chance to raise a big family that they always wished for. And then something else happened!

Sarah started feeling a bit sick and went for a checkup. The checkup turned into an ultrasound. She was pregnant! She called her hubby to break the news to him. He couldn’t believe it!

Mom Took Her Twins for a Photo Shoot – Wait Till You See the Results!


Babies are bundles of joy. They not only bring happiness to their family, but also to everyone around them. When the baby is finally born, parents try and capture that moment in order to remember it forever.

Thanks to the abundance of smartphones, it has become an easy task lately. Some of us even hire photographers for the baby’s first photoshoot. And that is exactly what these parents did.



The video below features a series of photos that is sure to melt your heart. Award-winning Orange County photographer, Ana Brandt, shows us the behind the scenes action of a newborn baby photoshoot. The stars of the video are a set of adorable twins, Ian and Tara. I am sure their parents are going to hold onto these gorgeous pictures forever!

Watch the cute little video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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