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This cute conversation between a 2 month old baby and her daddy will bring a smile to your face


Arabella had just recently realized that she could connect with her father. So she coos her little heart out as she looks up at dada with those lovely eyes, unaware that she is gripping daddy’s heart in her small hands.

Zac, her dad, isn’t bothered in the least. He’s a very content father!

Zac relaxes, puts his feet up, and holds his darling daughter in his arms, savoring the moment. Time appears to stand still between a father and his daughter, and the only thing that counts is their interchange.

Arabella talks in «baby language,» yet Zac understands her well. Love doesn’t mind how it is expressed as long as it is felt.

Snicky58 has similar ideas, stating,

«What a sweet baby.» «I love you, Daddy,» she was undoubtedly trying to convey.

«That’s a wonderful healthy baby!» said another observer. She warms our hearts, and you are very lucky.

Moms are frequently praised for their efforts, and rightfully so. Mothers carry them for nine months, give birth, remain up all night, and perform the majority of the filthy job. Fathers are seen as providers who go to work, return home, and play with their children before repeating the cycle the following day.

Experts have discovered that fathers, too, have a caring nature.

Parents published a study on their website.



According to psychologist Marsha Kaitz of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, «When their senses of sight, hearing, and smell were inhibited, moms and dads who had spent at least one hour with their newborn were equally skilled at identifying her only by caressing the backs of her hands.» And Ross Parke, Ph.D., head of the Center for Family Studies at the University of California, Riverside, observed parental tendencies in children throughout their first two days of life. His constant conclusions, after many years of study, are that men are just as responsive as women to a baby’s signs and just as capable of reacting properly.

If given the option, Zac would want to remain at home with Arabella. While mom enjoys a well-deserved day at the spa, this dad would gladly nourish and clean his chatty baby girl.

She’s adorable! Those cherry cheeks are so full and asking for kisses. And the way she kicks her legs and extends them as she coos at her father is too cute!

Zac is behaving appropriately in this situation. He engages with her while making physical contact with her. It contributes to the development of a child’s relationship with his or her parent. It’s not visible, but it’s there.

Toddler Declares She Is No Longer Speaking To Mimi


In 2015, a toddler Josie was captured throwing an adorable tantrum and explaining why she wouldn’t be talking to “Mimi” anymore.

Kids say exactly what they mean. Josie clearly states the issue she has with one of the adults who is watching her.

In addition to her words, this toddler knows how to express her displeasure. Her face is determined, and her whole body shakes as she wags a pointed finger for emphasis. She also stomps a few times and firmly plants her hands on her hips.

As the crowd listens, they begin asking questions. When asked if she won’t talk to anyone, Josie announces who she will still speak with: Kirsten, KK, and Mamie.

Since there are four women in the room with her, there’s one person Josie isn’t speaking to. In her own words, Josie says, “I’m not talking to Mimi because I’m really upset.”

Why is she upset? If you think that it would take a lot to get a child so upset, you’re right. Mimi used the bad words, “poop away.” As she recounts her experience, Josie admonishes, “It’s not funny, Mimi. I told you.”

Despite her anger, this toddler thinks ahead. In fact, she has a plan for what she’ll do when she gets home to mom and dad. In case you’re wondering, Josie wants to tell her parents, “take a rest,” and then “be upset.”

Perhaps you can relate to Josie through childhood memories or even recent events. Sometimes, we all need to let out a little steam. Chances are you think she’s absolutely adorable. Plan to commiserate with others or celebrate cuteness here or through another social media community.

This Dad Performs A Classic For His Baby Boy And Your Heart Will Melt From His Reaction


There are few things sweeter than the bond between a parent and their child, and the heartwarming connecting between this father and his newborn son is no exception. As the father performs the classic “You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby,” his son lights up with joy and responds in the most precious way.



This Dad Performs A Classic For His Baby Boy And Your Heart Will Melt From His Reaction

3-Year-Old Dancers Perform The “Joropo” In Front Of Hundreds Of People


One of the most interesting representations of a country’s culture is its dance. It doesn’t only aim to entertain the audience, but it also brings out the sense of patriotism of the dancers.The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America that is rich in cultures influenced by three main groups namely the Indigenous Venezuelans, the Africans, and the Spanish.


The Joropo is a musical style that’s almost similar to the fandango. It is an accompanying dance that is now Venezuala’s national dance.Even the kids in the country know how to dance the Joropo at such a young age.A pair of 3-year-olds joined a local dance competition where they stood in a stadium filled with hundreds of people.The little kids bowed to the judges and started dancing as soon as they heard the song.Their routine is mainly composed of the little girl spinning around under her partner’s arm, and the both of them twirling across the floor.

The little kids demonstrated a really strong sense of rhythm as they moved their feet rapidly to the music.There are lots of ways to keep a country’s culture alive throughout generations, and passing it on to young ones is one of them.Watch the 3-year-olds’ amazing Joropo routine in the video below.

For his blind audition, Arthur (10) picked Bob Dylan’s track, “Knockin ‘on Heaven’s Door”. A decision that pays off since the little youngster will turn the three mentors around. It is at last Louis Bertignac that he will choose as his mentor!


A song has given individuals chills since it previously showed up in the 1973 film, Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid. Dylan delivered the single “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” a couple of months after the fact and it turned into a worldwide hit.

It’s nothing unexpected that Dylan has produced numerous other melodic craftsmen consistently. His songs are additionally broadly covered by both the well known and hopeful singers like Arthur,Some music is immortal and given from one age to another. Amazing singer, Bob Dylan, has been contacting individuals’ spirits since the mid 1960s with his work – and keeps on doing so today.



There are sure songs that carry a tear to your eye regardless of how frequently you hear them,

“Mama, take this badge off of me – I can’t use it anymore. It’s gettin’ dark, too dark for me to see – I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door…”

3 Young Girls Begin Singing “Hallelujah,” But With A Twist Like You’ve Never Heard Before


The girls gathered on The Voice: Russia stage and sang their international version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” The judges watched silently as the girls belted the words in the three languages – Russian, English and Arabic – and clearly went through their own range of motions during their performance. The girls sang on in the three languages and gave the entire audience and those watching at home goosebumps.



Their performance really spoke to the true meaning of the lyrics. No matter who you are or where you live, love is the most important. Through good times or bad, happy moments and sad, you can find love if you look hard enough. Watch this incredibly moving performance of “Hallelujah” for yourself by pressing “play” on the video below. We hope to see more performances like this in the future

Tiny Toddler’s Potty-Training Conversation Leaves Dad Tearing Up With Laughter


Many people find that raising children is one of life’s greatest joys. Sure, it’s tough, and you’ll experience a whirlwind of emotions through every tantrum and every successful milestone, but most parents would say it’s all worth it in the end.

I’m sure the parents of a toddler by the name of Matty would completely agree with that last statement. Matty is a great joy in both of their lives, and to top it off, he has a great sense of humor. In fact, during a potty-training session back in October of 2019, Mom overheard Dad and Matty having a hilarious conversation. Instantly, the toddler’s mom whipped out the camera to capture the moment on film

Matty, who was sitting on the toilet confidently informed his dad in a humorous voice that he didn’t poop; he peed. “Wait, you didn’t poop?” Daddy asked. Little Matty made sure to inform Dad a few more times to correct his misconception.

Then at one point, Matty’s father puts his head down as he wipes tears from his eyes. Matty gets concerned, asking if his daddy is sad. “No, I’m not. I’m trying so hard to not laugh, I’m crying,” he clarified to his son.



Once Matty was sure that Daddy was okay, he once again assertively announced with a big smile on his face, “I didn’t poop; I peed!” a few more times. In response, his father gave his little guy a high-five. Way to go, Matty!

When the video was initially posted on Facebook by Matty’s Mom, Dani DeVito, the hilarious clip earned over 29,270,000 views! It was also shared over 800,000 times and commented on over 140,000 times.

After watching the video, people commented how adorable and funny Matty was.

“Sooo cute and I think that little boy will actually get a big kick out of it if he sees it when he grows up. We all have one of those moments!” one person said.

I totally agree with that last commenter. Although, I’d be a little embarrassed about it during my pre-teen and teenage years, that’s for sure!

Another user couldn’t help but reflect on how quickly children grow up yet how amazing it must have been to capture such an adorable clip: “Where does the time go. I wish time was slower than it is. What a a moment to cherish.”

I’m sure the DeVito family will be watching that video dozens of times over the next few years. It’s too cute not to!

Do yourself a favor, and hear the hilarious child’s potty-training talk in the video below.

America’s first all-female quintuplets…


OutDaughtered is an American reality TV show on TLC starring Adam and Danielle Busby, the parents of the only recorded five American girls.

The series debuted on May 10, 2016, and its eighth season premiered on February 23, 2021. The 8-season series concluded with episode 75, which aired on May 4, 2021. Danielle gave birth to quintuplets with the help of caesarean section at 28 weeks gestation.

Heart murmurs were found in all five girls shortly after birth; it was treated with medication. The Quints spent the first eight to twelve weeks of their lives in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Texas Women’s Hospital before being allowed to go home between June and July 2015. Hazel’s eye condition, congenital nystagmus, was described on the show.


Because of this condition, Hazel moves her eyes uncontrollably and holds her head at an unusual angle to compensate for her lack of clear vision. In 2016, Hazel underwent eye surgery to improve her condition. In 2017, Hazel was diagnosed with astigmatism in her left eye, which may ultimately be why it sometimes turns into a defect. She was prescribed glasses to help with farsightedness in her left eye, in the hope that her vision would improve as the eye developed.

A 2-year-old toddler is the youngest winner ever in the ‘Got Talent’ reality shows. His drumming abilities are out of this world


When in 2007 the Britain’s Got Talent talent show aired for the first time in the UK, the world has seen how much talent the general public has.

The show was so successful in the UK that more countries decided to broadcast their own local version and today it is broadcasted in more than 60 countries and has won the title of the most successful reality show ever, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The youngest winner ever in the reality show

The level seems to be rising from season to season and those who participate in it are getting younger and younger. But one small kid became the youngest winner ever of the TV show when he swept the title at just 2 years of age.

Hugo Molina’s incredible drumming talent led him to win Spain’s Got Talent (The spain version) in 2019, but you have to see and listen to believe in the toddler’s talent.

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When he got up on stage with his father, the audience was asked not to cheer or applaud for fear that it would frighten the little boy and make him scared of performing; No one knew what to expect.

His father introduced the boy and then placed him in front of a snare drum. The audience waited and held their breath and silence took over the arena. So his father asked, “How do we play the drums, Hugo?”.

Suddenly a famous easter parade music was played and Hugo joined in drumming in perfect synchronization and rhythm.


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His father knelt next to his son and everyone in the studio was in complete silence, all the judges could do was look at each other in disbelief with their eyes wide open.

Anyone who has seen the video was not surprised that he won the show, he is truly an amazing drummer for a two year old boy!

Even Pope Francis saw his performance and wanted to meet the boy, which left his parents in tears of happiness. But Hugo was still too young to realize the magnitude of his achievement.
Watch Hugo play in the video below that has been viewed more than 20 million times:

5-years old girl wows Got Talent judges with uncommon voice


A little girl from Ukraine simply stunned the judges and the whole audience with her beautiful and unique performance at Got Talent Ukraine. The Got Talent stage has always been able to keep in focus some of the best talents in the world.

This little girl, only 5 years old, was a vivid example of that. The little girl, dressed in traditional Ukrainian costume, directly introduced the judges and the audience to the traditional Ukrainian folk song.

We can cast many glances at the audience and the judges on the verge of tears at the distinctive and angelic voice of this girl who performs this traditional and folk Ukrainian song.



The children who were lucky enough to pass the Got Talent stages all over the world were able to fill the judges with awe at the level of skill they were able to achieve from such a young age.

Even this little girl, who is only 5 years old, seems to know the art of singing and already prefers her profession.

His confidence, in turn, was also amazing, the confident little boy with a smile on his face, appeared in the middle of a huge stage, in the eyes of many spectators of the live audience.

With millions of fans around the world, the Got Talent universe gives children the best opportunity to start their careers that anyone can only dream of.