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Woman Adopts Girl Who Came to Her on a Rainy Night, Meets Girl’s Carbon Copy on Her Porch Months Later


It was a rainy night when a woman heard a tap on the gate and saw a little girl on her doorstep. She immediately took her in, and the youngster became an inseparable part of her life. Months later, the woman received a call that altered her life most unexpectedly.

Humans might find themselves yearning to discover their heart’s true calling from time to time. While it isn’t always an easy journey, figuring out one’s purpose in life can be an exciting experience. Sometimes, the path we take and our choices as adults might differ from how we pictured things in our youth.

But as Albus Dumbledore said in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” The woman in today’s story experienced a chain of surprising events that changed her perspective and filled her heart with gratitude.

Megan Boudreaux Anderson described herself as someone who didn’t know what she wanted to do in life. After graduating from college, she started working in PR and marketing for a hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Given her prior work experience in Ukraine and Africa, Megan said she was sent to visit the hospital’s malnutrition center in Haiti — a journey that proved life-changing.

On the mountaintop in a small Haitian city, Gressier, she laid the foundation of Respire Haiti, a nonprofit organization aimed to educate, encourage and empower restaveks, orphans, and vulnerable kids. Restaveks included domestic workers and child slaves, mostly deprived of education and health care.

It was 2011, and Megan had been in Gressier for a few days when she noticed a little girl under a tree on Bellevue Mountain hurling rocks at a bird. Later, Megan discovered that the youngster was doing so because she was starving and wanted to eat the bird.

Then, one night, there was a knock on the door, and she heard someone calling her and Josh’s names.

The little girl’s name was Michaelle, and she lived with a family on the mountain that wasn’t her own. Gradually, Megan forged a friendship with the then-six-year-old girl and invited her to the feeding program she hosted on Bellevue Mountain. She even made efforts to enroll Michaelle in a school.

A few months later, it was heavily raining when Megan heard a tap on the gate. When she answered the door, she was startled to see Michaelle, drenched from head to toe. The little girl told her:

“They said they don’t want me anymore. You can have me.”

Megan recalled feeling shocked after hearing Michaelle’s words and deeply felt for her. She was 24 at the time and knew her decision would prove life-altering for her and the little girl. So, without second thoughts, she welcomed Michaelle into her heart and home.

Months later, Megan returned after visiting an orphanage and was putting Michaelle to sleep when she said, “Look, mom, we have room for one more.” She was taken aback by her little princess’s words but felt something in her heart.

Soon afterward, Megan took out Michaelle’s documents and found a death certificate written in French. She discovered that Michaelle’s mother had passed away surrounded by her husband and two kids. The thought of her little girl having another sibling kept her awake all night.

The following day, Megan turned to Michaelle and asked her, “Do you have a brother or sister?” The youngster responded, “Yes, I think I have a sister.” When Megan inquired about her name, Michaelle said she couldn’t recall it. But Megan knew she wanted to search for her little girl’s sibling.


Three weeks passed, and one day, Megan received a call. The voice on the other end said, “Megan, you need to come home immediately. A little girl who looks exactly like Micha is on our front porch.” Megan hurried home and was astounded to see her little girl’s carbon copy. She recounted:

“Micha ran toward our house and the next thing I know, these two sisters rushed towards each other as I heard them yelling each other’s name, ‘Micha!’… ‘Jessica!’ And they hugged each other. I could not believe my eyes.”

As was expected, Megan took in Michaelle’s sister, Jessica. As a 24-year-old, unmarried woman living outside America with two kids, Megan said she often wondered if she would ever find a life partner and settle down. But that changed when her path crossed with Josh Anderson.

The pair met in an orphanage, and it took Megan some time to realize why Josh continued to return to Haiti. The couple tied the knot on Bellevue Mountain, surrounded by friends and friendly animals like goats, cows, and chickens. After that, Josh joined his wife in raising two girls and running Respire Haiti.

Six weeks later, one of the students from Respire Haiti’s school went missing. Despite her best efforts, Megan couldn’t find him. Then, one night, there was a knock on the door, and she heard someone calling her and Josh’s names.

Astonishingly, it was the nine-year-old boy, Saintil, who had mysteriously disappeared from the school. He looked exhausted and told the Andersons that he had walked for three days to reach their home because he knew he would be safe with them.

While Saintil stayed with them, Megan and Josh learned that his birth parents had died and he had nowhere else to live. Then, the couple decided to take him in and enrolled him in their school. As of 2022, Saintil is a 17-year-old high school senior with excellent grades.

Even though the couple had already welcomed Michaelle, Jessica, and Saintil into their hearts, they had to wait 11 years for their girls and nine years for their boy to become Andersons officially. In March 2022, the adoption was finalized, and Megan and Josh couldn’t be happier.

The family lived in Haiti for 11 years and ensured that their kids developed a close association with their local culture, values, and beliefs. Since the pandemic, the Andersons have been living in Lafayette, Louisiana. Megan and Josh are now doting parents to six kids, three of whom are their biological children.

Despite going through a long and arduous adoption process, Megan expressed that she and Josh are immensely grateful for being blessed with their bundles of joy, and they wouldn’t change anything. The couple continues to raise their voices for ethical adoption, orphan care, and education.

What are your thoughts on this story? Please keep us posted with your valuable feedback on Facebook, and don’t forget to share this heart-touching story if you think that all children are as worthy of loving parents as Michaella, Jessica, and Saintil.

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An Adorable Baby Sings His Favorite Gospel Song. This Totally Made My Day!


In case you haven’t had your daily dose of cuteness, this little man is here to make your day. From his prime spot in his car seat, Demetrius shares with us his own, soulful version of “I’m Blessed”. I have to face it, even as a baby, his little voice is much better than my own. It’s not just his voice that’s impressive, however, it’s his passion for the music. It’s safe to assume that little Demetrius may not fully understand the meaning behind the words he’s belting out, but the spirit is there. He’s well on his way to understanding exactly why he is so blessed and having a deep appreciation for life and all that it has to offer.



Lydia Majette, Demetrius’ grandmother is the person recording the video, as well as the little one’s duet partner. Her influence has given this little boy an appreciation for gospel music and it’s clear that she has a passion for it as well. The beautiful music, as well as her own talent, has rubbed off on her grandson in the best way. It seems that the entire family has a passion for singing and gospel music. Lydia has three other grandchildren that also enjoy singing along. She just happened to film Demetrius on this particular day.


For any one of us, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives and worries. As adults, we carry a lot of pressure and expectations around with us. We have jobs, families, financial struggles, and even health issues to deal with. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and forgot all of the wonderful blessings we do have. Today, let little Demetrius, young and free of the difficulties of adulthood, remind us in his wonderful way that each of us is truly blessed.

5-Year-Old Belts Out 40 Year Old Classic Song And Simon Is Lost For Words



A little girl shocks all four judges of “America’s Got Talent” and leaves the audience screaming in awe in this incredible video that has taken the internet by storm! Five-year-old Sophie Fatu is a young veteran of the spotlight. Self-described as a “jazz singer, model, and actress” on her Facebook page, Sophie has appeared on NBC’s “Little Big Shots,” YouTube, and the “Ellen Degeneres Show” where she performed a rendition of “Fly Me To The Moon” by Frank Sinatra.


Naturally, “America’s Got Talent” was next in her sights. The moment Sophie waddled onto the stage in her pink outfit and greeted the judges and audience, everyone melted at her adorable speaking voice. Not one person there was prepared for how cute Sophie was–not even Simon Cowell, a notoriously hard judge, who broke out in laughter at her entrance.When Sophie Fatu began to sing, though, those expectations changed. In the video, the girl opened with a powerful rendition of “My Way” by Frank Sinatra, raising her hands with the lyrics and performing it like she was ages older.




The audience roared and cheered while the judges sat with their mouths wide open at what they were witnessing. Sophie Fatu held notes like a pro and conducted herself like an opera singer. No one thought a girl her age could do something as incredible as that! In the end, Sophie got the approval from all four judges to move on to round two. Her mother, Victoria Fatu–an award-winning musician with her own popular YouTube channel and following–looked as proud as any parent could be when they both walked to the backstage.

14-Year-Old Sings Rascal Flatts’ Cover On “The Voice”


Watching “The Voice,” a television talent show, can be an incredibly stressful experience — probably not as stressful as competing! While other shows simply eliminate a certain number of contestants after each round, “The Voice” has a variety of different ways that singers compete to win the finals.

First, they must compete to get on the show through blind auditions. The judges listen to them sing with their chairs turned around. If a judge likes what they hear, they hit a button to turn their chair around. The contestant then gets some power over their own fate: they get to choose the judge that will coach them for the rest of the show.Following a strong blind audition, 14-year-old talented singer, Brynn Cartelli, chose “American Idol” alumni Kelly Clarkson as her coach. She then progressed to the Battle Round where she won against another member of her team and moved on to the Knockout Round. In this part of the competition, Brynn would choose a song to perform in a head-to-head competition with another contestant who is revealed minutes before her performance.

Brynn sang “Here Comes Goodbye” by Rascal Flatts and gave a chilling, but wonderful performance. She showed poise, talent, and impressive singing chops. She certainly impressed the judges: “Brynn, I was so excited by the song choice, even to attack a song with [Rascal Flatts’] vocal,” said coach Kelly.

Kelly had to choose between Brynn and Jamella — only one could move on to the next round. She chose Brynn: “[She] has something really strong and super unique. Brynn will be the youngest person ever to win this show. I didn’t say ‘could,’ I said ‘will.’ ”

Watch Brynn’s hauntingly beautiful performance in the video below and please like and share!

Boy’s Fingers Blur Playing ‘Dueling Banjos’ Then Big Brother Takes It To Next Level


The Sleepy Man Banjo Boys, originally made up of three brothers from New Jersey, made a name for themselves back in 2011 with an appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman. In this 2012 cover of the traditional folk song Dueling Banjos, the three Banjo Boys showed fans yet again that despite their young age, they can play just about anything at whirlwind speed.

The Mizzone brothers each play a different instrument in the family band. At the time, the band’s oldest brother, Tommy, was fourteen years of age and played the guitar; middle brother Robbie, thirteen, played the fiddle; and nine-year-old Jonny played the banjo, according to Cyber Grass. This trio has put in the practice and dedication to make their clearly innate talent truly shine. Watching the video below, you can see that stage fright isn’t exactly a factor for them, as they play for a live audience just as well as they would hanging around, practicing at home.



A well-known classic, the boys begin their rendition of Dueling Banjos. Jonny and Tommy, on guitar and banjo, begin the clip by mimicking the notes of each other’s instruments, gradually picking up speed. Soon, you see their fingers are flying over the frets, almost too fast to watch. Even though the boys seem like they might be shaky in the beginning, this proves to be just an act as the pair quickly escalates their speed to a confident expert level. Around the three-quarter mark of the song, middle brother Robbie sneaks himself and his fiddle into the now-trio, adding his own flair to the old-time favorite.

With talent like that, it’s no surprise that the Sleepy Man Banjo Boys has only become more successful since their Letterman appearance rather than fading away into obscurity. The heartwarming video below was uploaded shortly after their Letterman performance and has been viewed over nine million times since. Constantly growing their talent, these brothers have also enhanced their repertoire, expanding their music to include anything from pop to Americana and bluegrass.

But as of today, the grown-up Banjo Boys are, well, not really boys anymore. The three brothers have grown up to become young men, and along with growing up, the band added a bassist and changed their name to just be Sleepy Man, according to Bluegrass Today.

Amazing 13-Yr-Old Belts Out ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and Blows Everyone Away


There are lots of talented kids in the world. Featured below is one of these talented girls. She is called Marina Dalmas and she was just 13 years old when this video was taken. When she walked on the stage for her auditions for France’s Got Talent, she managed to stun everyone in the audience with her beautiful voice. She belted out “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele and captivated the judges right from her first note. By the time she reached the chorus, everyone was sold!In a matter of moments, the young teen had managed to leave the massive crowd cheering and applauding for her. “Rolling in the Deep” was written by Adele and Paul Epworth. The singer herself describes it as a “dark bluesey gospel disco tune”. The song received three Grammy Awards for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Short Form Music Video. It has been covered by many artists, but it is not an easy song. However, Marina did it complete justice.



She managed to win this French version of the Got Talent series and is quite popular in her country. She uses the stage name Marina Kaye and is now 23 years old. It is amazing how she managed to accomplish something so grand at such a young age! Check out Marina’s audition below.

Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

This 14-year-old started singing, her performance gave everyone around chills.


This 14-year-old started singing, her performance gave everyone around chills. – With a stunning and beautiful voice Billie Marten’s gives a fantastic rendition of “You Make My Dreams” by Hall and Oates in a studio in London. This talented girl stuns everyone with her soulful style that captures your attention.



These Children Are Joined By Their Grandpa For A Memorable Street Dance


For one grandpa, a walk doesn’t just mean walking. No, this grandpa also believes in dancing and doesn’t hesitate at any opportunity to hit the street with his grandchildren to bust a move and show off his dance moves.

That’s just what he did in this exciting video, joining his grandchildren in an impromptu dance party that caught the attention of many nearby bystanders. Thankfully somebody videotaped it and it made its way to the Your Care Everywhere website, which is meant to show that dancing has incredible benefits for those wary of growing old.

Along with the physical benefits that dancing can provide through exercise, dancing also helps keep your brain sharp and brings many mental benefits. Being sedentary can ultimately be harmful to your body, which is why getting enough exercise is incredibly beneficial for your health.

Even while keeping all of this in mind, these weren’t the only reasons as to why this grandpa took to the street to dance with his grandchildren. He truly cares about his family and wants to support them, a trait which is incredibly valued and appreciated by many families.

What’s especially noteworthy is that the dancing is not only well-done but active and coordinated. Do you think they practiced in private before taking their moves out in public? It’s amazing at how fluidly the grandpa moves for his age. I wish I am that active when I am his age!

What a heartwarming story to see! It’s always great to see families take walks together and spend time together on sunny days, even better when it’s a grandpa spending quality time with his grandkids. These memories will likely stay with the kids forever as some very fond moments in their childhood—how wonderful!

What do you think about this adorable dance by the grandpa and his grandchildren? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section. Send this article to your loved ones for them to see!

After 16 Years, Abandoned Baby Discovers She Has A Famous Sister


Imagine having a secret sibling somewhere in the world. While many of us might bicker with our brothers and sisters, we wouldn’t trade them for the world. But Jennifer Bricker never knew anything about her sister or biological parents.

Abandoned as a baby, Jennifer decided to embark on a journey to uncover the truth about her birth family, which led to a shocking discovery.

Despite being born with no legs, Jennifer dreamed of becoming a gymnast. Jennifer was given up for adoption shortly after birth because of her disability, but she was soon adopted by loving parents who went above and beyond to make sure their daughter could achieve anything she set her mind to.

The confidence and self-love fostered in the Brickers’ home helped Jennifer blossom into a beautiful young girl. By age seven, she was already a gymnastics champion! Even without legs, her determination and passion motivated her to try her best and overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds.




As a child, Jennifer idolized famed gymnast Dominique Moceanu. The athlete influenced and inspired Jennifer to always work hard, and she eventually grew up to become an aerial performer who gets to embrace her love for gymnastics for a living.

Jennifer’s parents never hid the fact she was adopted, and they even told their daughter her birth family was from Romania and encouraged her to find out more whenever she was ready. When Jennifer finally decided it was time to learn about her origins, she uncovered a mind-blowing secret that completely changed her life.

It turns out, her idol Dominique Moceanu was her sister.

Families keep secrets, but some are much heavier than others. While it may seem like Jennifer’s birth parents’ were wrong to never tell her sister about her sibling, their choice to put her up for adoption ultimately ended up giving her a life filled with opportunity that led her to reuniting with her sister down the line.

Can you believe the twist at the end of this adoption story? Let us hear about your reaction and pass this wonderful story on to your friends and loved ones.

10-year-old boy turns every seat on “The Voice” with Bob Dylan’s 1973 nostalgic cover of “Knockin ‘on Heaven’s Door”


For his blind audition, Arthur (10) picked Bob Dylan’s track, “Knockin ‘on Heaven’s Door”. A decision that pays off since the little youngster will turn the three mentors around. It is at last Louis Bertignac that he will choose as his mentor!

A song has given individuals chills since it previously showed up in the 1973 film, Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid. Dylan delivered the single “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” a couple of months after the fact and it turned into a worldwide hit.



It’s nothing unexpected that Dylan has produced numerous other melodic craftsmen consistently. His songs are additionally broadly covered by both the well known and hopeful singers like Arthur,Some music is immortal and given from one age to another. Amazing singer, Bob Dylan, has been contacting individuals’ spirits since the mid 1960s with his work – and keeps on doing so today.

There are sure songs that carry a tear to your eye regardless of how frequently you hear them,

“Mama, take this badge off of me – I can’t use it anymore. It’s gettin’ dark, too dark for me to see – I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door…”