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The famous septuplets have grown up. How they look and what they do now


An amazing surprise to mom and dad is not when they learn that they are expecting a baby, but when they learn how many of them there will be at once.




When a woman has a little one, she understands how difficult it is to be a mother, and if there are two or more of them, then this is a real heroism. And what do you say about the fact that 24 years ago in one family 7 little ones were born at the same time!


In the McCoy family, 1997 was marked by an incredible event, they had septuplets and so they entered all the pages of newspapers and in all the news.


A year before the birth of the little ones, McCoy had their first daughter. But only Kenny always wanted to have a large and friendly family, so the couple decided on a second conception so soon.


The doctors were only worried that one of the little ones would suffer in the womb or during childbirth, but in the end only two were diagnosed with cerebral palsy. After 24 years, all the little ones please their parents.


When Mom Sings Opera, Baby Gets Emotional!!!


Of course, the first thing our baby hears in the womb is her voice. Nothing is more important to a baby than the perception of his or her mother’s vocal timbre. He will always be able to tell him apart from a million others. When Mom begins to sing, the song appears to fascinate him and penetrates his very soul. The child relaxes and falls asleep more quickly. All of his daytime concerns fade into the background. He still doesn’t understand what the words mean, but he enjoys singing and pays close attention.




As he grows older, he will be able to distinguish individual words and grasp the meaning of the song. Imagination grows – the representation of the song’s fairy-tale heroes and their actions. The child’s psyche is positively formed by listening to the mother’s songs. With peers, it is easier to adapt to society. These babies sleep more soundly. As these children grow older, they become more self-assured and less likely to suffer from mental disorders.

Very rare mixed-race twins were born in Illinois and “no one believes they are twins”


These nine-month-old twins have gone viral after showing that not all twins need to be the same.

Therefore, the girls were born to an African-American father and a Caucasian mother in Illinois, USA.

These cute and different twins are really amazing, don’t they?




“Surrounding people do not always believe that both girls are our own daughters.

We can’t even go to the store without asking if they are our daughters and if they are related” – said the parents of the beautiful twins.

Thus, as statistics show, mixed-race couples have a 1 in 500 chance of having children of different shades.

Their mother, Whitney, posted a photograph of the twins on her Facebook page, and it’s what made them an internet sensation.

“We are identical twins. It’s rare, but so great to share!”

No one believes they’re twins, so let’s be patient and wait to see what pranks they’ll pull off when they’re older!

Funny reaction of twin babies when the phone rings. They are really cool


You can watch children’s videos endlessly. If you are in a bad mood or the weather is bad outside, then it’s time to find funny kids on the Internet and laugh heartily. One of these videos has become infectious on the Internet. This is a video of cute twins listening to children’s songs on the phone. Both are dressed in fashionable jumpsuits with huge bows, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to them. The girls first listen with a serious expression on their faces, then one of them starts laughing and dancing. However, the other does not share his sister’s mood and looks at her with a serious look. Then another song plays, and now the second of the sisters starts dancing and jumping. They look so cute and funny, like a child. Children do not know how to hide their emotions and do not hesitate to do whatever they want. They are unpredictable and honest. Childs speaks openly about what he thinks, not embarrassed in terms. We love them for their immediacy. The video of the twin sisters has gained a record number of views.



Children are always spontaneous. Of course, they are still hooligans, but at the same time they remain funny and everything they do comes out sincerely. Therefore, children’s laughter and cheerfulness cheer us up and always give us strength. Parents often take pictures of their children on camera so that they can revisit and relive the emotions they experienced when their children were babies.


Today, with the development of the Internet, more and more people share family photos and videos on social networks, which allows us to follow their lives. It is no coincidence that the most popular videos on the web are for children. After a hard day at work, you don’t want to watch the news and see the negative, but you want sincerity and positivity. Only children can give us positive emotions. Even the most serious adults cannot resist children’s smiles and the laughter of toddlers. Photos and videos of children evoke warmth and tenderness, because the smiles of children are always sincere and bright.

Auntie Keeps From Mixing Up Her Triplet Nephews Due To Easy Solution And Nails It


The Hasselquist triplets were welcomed into the world in January 2021. Knowing how difficult it can be to differentiate identical multiples, their family prevented any potential baby mix-ups by implementing a trick they’d learned from the staff at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU.) While in the hospital, Multiple Mom Crystal Hasselquist “talked to the nurses a lot and they [had] shared a lot of the different ways [that] other multiple moms have kind of color-coded their children to make sure they know who is who.” This simple, partial rainbow strategy proved incredibly useful, and the triplets were always dressed in “their colors” for easy identification. Thomas was red, Henrik was blue, and James was green. Having assigned the babies their own trademark color, the family figured they had solved the problem of how to tell their strikingly similar babies apart from one another. However, identical newborns confuse even their parents.



Especially when the three babies first arrived, it was hard to keep the colors apart. Having spent three months in the NICU, the newborns were greeted by a flood of well-wishers once they were finally discharged from the hospital. Once the baby boys got back home to Wisconsin, their Auntie Amy Jo Hasselquist recalled how there were “lots of friends and family in and out of the house…passing babies around.” While in the nursery, “everything has been color-coded – clothes, sleep sacks, cribs, blankets, coats,” there was a chance that in the constant shuffle of dirty diapers and spit-up that the system would get lost. Thankfully, the Hasselquist women added an extra trick in addition to the red-green-blue onesies to ensure that the boys would always be able to be identified.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

Multiple Mama Crystal “had a fear of mixing the babies up when they were young,” so she enlisted the help of the nursing staff. After hearing “a few different options [the nurses] shared with her,” she “landed on just painting one big toe” with nail polish. By coordinating the nail color with the red-green-blue system, she made differentiating the babies a breeze.


Seeing the success of the simple nail polish trick, Auntie Hasselquist, who describes herself as the “world’s okayest aunt,” shared the life (with multiples) hack via her TikTok to the delight of triplets and their families everywhere. On striking a chord with such an unexpected audience, Auntie Hasselquist said, “so many people [are] sharing the same stories about how they were color-coded” or “how they color-coded their kids.”


The task of differentiating the babies also got easier as they grew. Older now, “they have personalities and they have small differences.” Hasselquist explained how Henrik has emerged as “the leader” and the “goofball.” Meanwhile, James became the “sweetheart” who is “always smiling.” And Thomas developed into “the thinker,” who “will look at you and wonder what you’re up to.”

However, one member of the family that never needed nail polish or anything to tell the babies apart is their older brother, Peter, who is three. Auntie Hasselquist relayed how the toddler seemed to instinctively be able to identify his siblings. “He was probably the first one to be able to know who was who without ever having to second guess,” she explained “Even if we change the colors of their clothes and toes, [Peter] would still know.”

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Adorable Baby Laughs Hysterically When He Messed Up His Mom’s Shoe


If you’re having a bad day, watch this short video, and this baby’s hysterical laughter will turn your blues away.

Babies have a way of finding means of getting out of a messy situation. Jude, who just recently turned ten months, gave a burst of hearty laughter when he messed up his mom’s shoe.


This sweetheart puked on his mama’s shoe. He enjoyed every second of his adventure, especially when his mom called his attention. He could not stop himself from giggling and laughing out loud, even after being caught red-handed. This guilty, young man tried to crawl away from the “crime scene” while laughing real hard. He found what he did unbelievably hilarious! Getting mad at this adorable babe was definitely, impossible.


Jude’s contagious laughter has perked up the days of many! As of writing, this viral video has more than 39K views already. Someone commented, “Honestly, with that laugh…I’m never mad at anything that baby does, LOL.” Another one wrote, “What beautiful laughter! This really made my day! So gorgeous! This child is just something else, really God-sent.”


I pray for anyone reading this to have a good laugh today! May you find joy even in mundane things. Be reminded that just like Jude, you are loved and cherished by our good Father.

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Little twin babies are the best helpers of their mother…


As the youngest of 10 kids, Adelynn and Sarah are already very experienced when it comes to helping with the laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher, wiping and mopping everything from cupboards to tubs and floors, taking out the trash (my personal favorite to watch them do) and their latest favorite, yard work! So quickly children outgrow this initial stage of life, the tremendous intimacy and connection at the beginning that the most formative years lend themselves to, even demands if YOU are the one who is there for your child!



Every feeding, every wash, every diaper change, every book you read, every song you sing, and every little housework you do makes your hearts and beings strong enough to last a lifetime. Every moment you spend parenting, being with your child, matters where it matters most – in the heart.

One thing I would like to give to new parents is the perspective of appreciation, celebration, real enjoyment and that you do your best to take care of your little ones with joy! Every minute, even super-duper difficult, will be worth it!
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The network got new pictures of the grown-up quintuplets: they will already go to school


The Busby quintuplets became famous all over the world, thanks to the reality show. People from different parts of the world enjoyed watching the girls ‘ life from birth.


We can’t even believe that they recently turned 6 years old. By the way, at the birthday party, they had separate and completely different cakes, depending on their own preferences.

The other day, the parents of the girls shared a photo in which they showed the kids with school supplies, hinting that this year they will go to school.


Along with the quintuplets in the photo was their 10-year-old sister. Perhaps she is not so adult, but she managed to become a support for her sisters, and real salvation for her parents.

11-week-old baby girl says her first word


Children develop quickly and learn new skills. However most of them just babbled at two months or say simple syllables da-da or ba-ba. However, this little girl surprised not only her parents but also netizens. The baby’s name is Ilai. When she was born, her mother became the happiest. She wanted to give her daughter as much attention as possible. While she was pregnant, she constantly talked with the baby, read fairy tales to her and sang lullabies. Ila was born at term and developed rapidly. Already at the age of three weeks she began to sing along with her mother when she put her to bed. The girl roared when they read fairy tales to her or just talked..


The real surprise for the parents was when, at the age of three months, Ila began to pronounce her name. The first words for children are mom or dad, but Ila decided to start with her own name. At first, the mother of the child thought that it seemed to her or it happened by chance. But the girl called her name again and again. That was incredible. The woman took a video and posted it on her page. Users could not believe that this was possible. Under the video wrote a lot of enthusiastic comments. Nowadays, with the development of technology, the evolution of all living organisms is also taking place. Perhaps in the future all children will develop and talk earlier.


Or maybe Ila is just an exception and she has a talent. Perhaps in the future she will grow up as a talented child and make many discoveries. We do not know what the future holds for the baby, but today she is just a long-awaited child who pleases her parents with her achievements. The young mother promised to continue uploading videos with the baby’s new words. The child has become very popular on the net, because it is not every day you can see a child who talks at three months. Little Ila is lucky that she has such a caring and loving mother, who is ready to devote every minute to her daughter. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

8-month old twin girls dancing to “Crystal Blue Persuasion”…They are so sweet


The first real interaction of each person begins immediately after birth. One of the reasons twins are so close (and different) is because their bond is established long before pregnancy, during pregnancy. This can be seen as early as 15 weeks after pregnancy, using an ultrasound.

While in the womb, the twins hug each other with their arms, faces and whole body. In one particular case of twins, a man was seen reaching out to touch the face of a female twin. His siblings respond by stroking him cheek to cheek. A year after birth, the twins replicated this behavior by playing a similar game of cheek-to-cheek stroking. This may indicate that the twin connection is established in the womb and continues to exist long after birth. In fact, the connection made in the womb is so strong that twins who have lost their twins at or before birth report intense emotional distress. Research done on twin loss shows that these twins experience strong feelings of loneliness and emptiness throughout their lives.



When they are placed together in the same bed after birth, the twins touch, hug and suck each other. This practice, called shared bedding, has been shown to improve heart rate, temperature, breath control, fewer apneas, lower oxygen demand, and greater weight gain in infants. In fact, this can be easily depicted in the well-known case called “The Saving Hug”. One of the twins, who was in critical condition, was rescued after being placed in the same incubator as his twin.

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