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Cutest Baby Ever Worships God in the Car



Seeing such an innocent angel worship God will lift your spirits and inspire you to pray to the Lord today. It’s not hard to worship your Heavenly Father, so take a page out of this faithful little girl’s book! AMEN, baby!

Baby Eva Grace, is best known for her adorable worshiping at church, but check this cute video out of her praising the Lord in her car seat while listening to Philips, Craig and Dean.

When This Little Boy Sings “God Bless The USA,” You’ll Be Proud To Be An American, Too


You don’t have to be an American to appreciate this next video, but it sure does help.

Patriotism doesn’t mean waving a flag, wearing a tee-shirt or even singing a song. It’s expressing devotion, love and pride for one’s country, no matter how you want to show it (or not!).


Here at LittleThings, we’ve seen some pretty amazing acts of patriotism that give us hope for the younger generations. This video of a young boy holding salute in a D-Day vigil went extremely viral after we shared it and it was impossible not to be touched by this little boy’s act of kindness toward a soldier.


This time around we see something that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a little more love for our great nation in your heart. Veterans don’t always get the appreciation and respect they deserve, so to thank our country’s heroes on Veteran’s Day, this little boy in this next video decided to do something truly moving.


He can’t be much older than 4 years old, but the little boy in this video learned all of the words to “God Bless The U.S.A. (Proud To Be An American)” by Lee Greenwood to show his appreciation for our veterans and military members still serving.

If this little boy’s sweet song doesn’t make you proud, I don’t know what will…

Please SHARE this video on Facebook to make someone you know smile

5-Yr-Old’s Impromptu Dance During Easter Service Is Stealing Hearts Everywhere.


One of the best things about kids is that they are unapologetically themselves. One minute they’re sitting quietly and, in the next, they’re singing and dancing.


That’s exactly what happened when 5-year-old Charlotte went to an Easter service at Davidson College Presbyterian Church. According to her parents, Charlotte sat quietly throughout the entire service, just like any other attendee.


This changed, however, as soon as the choir started singing their last song: “The Messiah.” Thankfully, for us, the adorable moment was caught on camera. In the video, you can see the little girl dancing in the middle of the aisle in her beautiful pink dress like no one is watching.


Charlotte performs all kinds of spins and moves – she just feels the music and acts accordingly! It’s inspiring to see children being themselves like this, and we think adults can learn a thing or two from them.

Thanks for being you, Charlotte!

Watch the hilarious and adorable moment below, and don’t forget share it with a friend.

Two-Year-Old Wrestler Shows Absolute Determination In Adorable Video


This Tiny Wrestler Stole Hearts
The video starts with the wrestler toddler walking confidently onto the mat. The note written over the video reads, “When your two-year-old is a legend. Wait for it…” The “wait for it” builds suspense for the viewers as they continue to watch this little man completely own his stride.


This wrestling toddler was so ready for his match that he walked out even before his match was called. You can hear his loved ones calling his name. One of his loved ones shouts, “Come here! Walker!” However, little Walker pays her no mind; he is on a mission.


The announcer then declares, “On mat one Isabella Lannis vs Walker Wesse.” Walker heard his name and held up a number one with all the self-assurance of a pro wrestler. Whether it was to acknowledge that he heard the announcer say his match was on mat one or to show that he would be number one, the world may never know.

He then leans forward to gather his equipment and get his head further in the game. The video is captioned, “It’s Walker Weese’s world. We are just living in it.” I think the fans would agree. Comments on the video showed that viewers thoroughly enjoyed this wrestling toddler’s cuteness.

One comment from Dalton Bradshaw read, “You should see if you can play music and play bad to the bone when he walks out.” Anthony Batterham added, “He’s on straight business.” With 9.9 million plays, it is clear to see that Walker Weese truly is the king of the world. Or at least King of the Wrestling Mat and TikTok.

@ciaraweese TURN SOUND UP!! It’s Walker Weese’s world… we are just living in it! #wrestletok #wrestler #toddlerlife #walkerweese ♬ original sound – The Weese Family

Baby Hysterically Laughs When Mom Makes Animal Noises


The last time I went shopping for a baby shower gift, I was totally overwhelmed. The shower was for my best friend, and I knew I wanted to get her some good stuff, but the problem wasn’t that I couldn’t find the right gifts to get, but that there too many to chose from!

After picking out one the cutest little outfits ever and enough Pampers to to build ten diaper cakes, I wanted to get one last thing. Some kind of toy or game that I could play with my “niece” the second I got to meet her.

Talk to moms about mom stuff. And make money doing it.
I was so caught up in checking out all of these new and exciting toys, that I totally skipped over the section that contained my favorite thing when I was younger…books!

There’s just nothing quite like reading a book to a little one, and when those books make sounds or have lots of pretty pictures, you will have baby’s attention for much longer than any toy ever could.

When the mom in this video decides to act out the animal sounds from a book while reading to her 8-month-old son Nate, she not only gets his attention, but also gets some of the greatest giggles ever heard!

Even at this young age, Nate is already on his way to becoming a smart little toddler, all thanks to his mom!

If this baby made you laugh and smile, please SHARE!

5 Little Boys Line Up Onstage, Perfectly Recreate Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back” In Style


Third grade students at Baldwin Hills Elementary School in Los Angeles, California, did a stunning rendition of a classic Jackson 5 song. Performing in a school-hosted talent show with the theme “The Sounds of Motown,” these third grade students lip sync “I Want You Back,” and it’s awesome!


They stand on stage wearing eye-catching outfits with two of them holding guitars. When the music starts, they begin to dance on stage to a routine that was choreographed by their teacher, Malinda Williams. The energy that these kids put into their performance left me astounded. They are highly talented, and this was a pleasure to watch.
Please SHARE this awesome performance with everyone you know. These third graders are truly something special!

Dance Class Recreates Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” Video


Whether they like her music or not, when Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” comes on the radio, most people can’t help but to sing and dance along.

And how could you not? The message behind the song is a positive one that tells you to do whatever makes you happy and to brush off the negative things that people might say. It’s a message that applies to anyone and everyone, no matter what your age — but most importantly, it is a good message for kids.

While there are people dedicated to stopping others from bullying the 8-year-old boy who refused to cut his hair just because he was teased, or the prom queen who stood up to bullies when her homemade prom dress went viral, the sad truth is that there will always be someone who has something negative to say.



Besides the fact that the adorable dancers from Principal Creative & Performing Arts in this video are continuing to spread the message to just “shake it off” when people aren’t so nice, their dance moves and awesome re-creation of the now famous video are enough to make us and Taylor Swift extremely proud.

Who knew shaking off the bullies could be so fun?

If this video put a smile on your face, please SHARE!

Dad Pulls Over Daughter For Drinking Milk And Driving


Look out, Cops, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s coming for your regular programming.

An adorable new video has surfaced of a father giving his daughter a stern talking to after her car hits a snow bank under questionable circumstances — like something straight out of a police chase series.

Talk to moms about mom stuff. And make money doing it.
“Boop, boop!” he says, mimicking the siren of a police vehicle. “Keep your hands where I can see them!”



As he approaches his daughter’s mini pink car, he asks her what the problem seems to be — only to cut himself off mid-sentence after noticing a pink bottle of milk in her hand. “M’am, what is in the bottle,” he asks. “What is in the cup?”

Naturally his daughter is much too young to understand she’s being pulled over for drinking milk and driving. But for us adults, this hilarious encounter is near-impossible not to crack a smile at. Possibly the best part of this video, though, is his daughter’s indifference to the entire situation — from the moment he pretends to pull her over to the second he calls into the station for backup after he reports she’s been “non-compliant.” May dad humor forever continue to crack us up with its shenanigans.

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Dad And Daughter Spend Weekends Together Creating Awesome Trick Shot Videos


When you work five days a week, those two days off are hardly ever wasted. Sure you might use them to catch up on sleep, get the chores done, or run some tedious and time consuming errands, but you fill those days up with things to do since you finally have the time.

The best days off are the ones that are spent with family and loved ones, whether you need to catch up after a long week with a friend over drinks, or play all day outside with your kids.

Talk to moms about mom stuff. And make money doing it.


Many working parents use the weekend to take their kids on fun outings, but the dad who made this video, Rhett Dashwood, uses his to create fun things with his daughter.

Like the skateboarding dad who combines his work with having fun with his son, this dad uses his skills during his fun weekends with his 6 -year-old daughter, Riley.

Being an award-winning creative director might be the reason why Rhett decided to make this unique video with Riley, but by looks of it, they continued filming because of how much fun it was!

The result, is an awesome video that is quickly going viral, that they will be able to cherish forever.

If you were impressed with Riley’s skills, please SHARE!

Apparently, This 3-Year-Old Is The Best Motivational Speaker EVER!


This 3-year-old cutie decided she would share some motivational words with you. So her daddy filmed her. And I gotta tell you her ‘Just Do It’ motivation was just what I needed today! And seriously could she get any cuter!?!

This 3-year-old cutie decided to share some motivational words with the world, and her daddy captured the moment on video. With her tiny voice full of determination, she looked right into the camera and delivered a powerful “Just Do It!” message that was both inspiring and adorable. It was exactly the motivation I needed today! And honestly, could she get any cuter? Her enthusiasm and innocent wisdom are enough to brighten anyone’s day. That little burst of positivity is a reminder that sometimes the most profound inspiration comes from the smallest voices.



This 3-year-old cutie decided it was time to spread some positivity, so she took it upon herself to share a few motivational words with you. Her daddy caught it all on camera, and let me tell you, her message of “Just Do It” was exactly the boost I needed today! Watching her tiny self deliver such big encouragement with so much sincerity is beyond heartwarming. And seriously, could she get any cuter? Her bright eyes, that little voice full of determination, and the way she puts her whole heart into it—it’s simply too precious for words. She’s got the kind of spirit that can light up a room and inspire anyone who sees her.