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Baby adores original bluegrass song by mom and dad


John Dowling is a contemporary banjo player from Cornwall, England. His musical talent has been praised by many. Even retired Scottish actor, Billy Connolly, has called Dowling “the most remarkable banjo player I’ve heard in ages.”

John Dowling began his musical career at a very young age. He was gifted his first violin in 1986 and would play his first gig the following year.

By 1993 he was awarded a music scholarship to the Truro School at Cornwall to play the violin. The following year, he would receive his first banjo as a Christmas gift.

Baby loves the original bluegrass song by mom and dad



John Dowling entered various folk and bluegrass contests from 1998 to 2002. He would even teach the British stand-up comedian Frank Skinner how to play the Banjo on TV.

John Dowling is also part of The Dowling Thing’s musical act, alongside his wife and fiddle player Anna Dowling. The eclectic group is a combination of bluegrass, jazz, folk, and funk, a true testament to the musical background of its members.

If you are looking for a remarkable banjo instructor John Dowling is your guy. He teaches all levels and styles on the 5 String Banjo in Cornwall, Central London, and via Skype.

Or suppose you are looking to watch an adorable baby enjoying their parents playing the banjo and violin. In that case, you can also watch in delight John and Anna Dowling playing their original tune, titled “Themis.”

Toddler pretends to like Mom’s spaghetti


This little girl must have the heart of an angel! We’re not sure if she hates spaghetti or if her mom is terrible at cooking, but we know that this isn’t a meal we’d want to taste ourselves.

Filmed by Annie Wilkins (and featured on the MTV show “Deliciousness”), this short clip begins with a close-up shot of Annie’s daughter. She’s been given some of mom’s spaghetti to eat.

“How is it?” Annie asks her daughter. “Good,” the little girl replies, though the expressions running across her face would suggest otherwise. Still, she manages to hold her composure for a little bit.

This charade doesn’t last forever, though, and the food tries to fight its way back out only five seconds into the video. Fortunately for Mom, her daughter is able to force it back down.



We can see a comedic mixture of displeasure and determination cross this little girl’s face as she struggles to manage the meal. The spaghetti tries to come back up again, but she somehow manages to overcome it.

“Okayyy, you okay?” Annie asks her daughter, sounding mildly concerned. Her daughter laughs it off, telling her that she’s okay while trying to maintain a straight face. She refuses to let the meal win.

We feel bad for laughing, but it’s absolutely hilarious how determined this little girl is. She doesn’t want her to disappoint her mom, so even though the food isn’t to her liking, she puts on a brave face. Such a cute display of love!

“Fur-tastic” Beagle’s hilarious attempt to climb on the couch


Adults share a special bond with their pet dogs. However, if you have a toddler at home and a puppy, they can develop a unique bond at a very young age. This special bond grows stronger with each passing day.

Recently, a Beagle puppy and a toddler were caught enjoying themselves. The moment has the toddler lying on a couch with a feeding bottle in her mouth. While the baby is having her milk, the Beagle pup tries to jump on the couch.

The futile attempt of the puppy makes the toddler laugh hysterically. Although the puppy has no idea why the baby is laughing, that does not stop the pup from trying repeatedly. Finally, after a few attempts, the pup also looks around for something to help him make the jump successfully.



Finding nothing helpful nearby, he decides to continue with his attempts. All the while, the toddler keeps laughing innocently. Finally, the puppy’s dad also decides to come and see what his son is up to. After many more failed attempts, the toddler’s parents helped the puppy to climb the couch.

The puppy climbs on top of the lying toddler and, after some time, starts chewing at the baby’s feeding bottle. The toddler tries to push the puppy away, but the baby dog is in no mood to stop chewing.

After some time, the Beagle pup puts his front legs on the toddler’s body and rests himself on her. Then, he keeps his head on the baby’s stomach and lies down peacefully. The toddler also stops having her milk in surprise.

The toddler smiles sweetly after realizing that her cute puppy friend is resting on her. This is an excellent example of how puppies and babies share a strong bond that grows stronger each year.

Baby happy to reunite with his special dog


Robert is a beautiful little boy who loves his dog, Kobe. He has a warm smile and a face so precious and pure it lights up the room. Robert is looking for Kobe all over, and his mommy makes airplane noises to make him smile and distract him. Once baby Robert and Kobe are reunited, it is so sweet and touching. Robert loves his doggie, and Kobe loves him.

The bond the two of them share is unbreakable. Robert’s expression changes from worried to joyful because Kobe has returned to him! To a baby, if you go into another room and leave them, it is serious. Even though adults know better, babies think you have gone away, which can be scary. That is what happened when Kobe went into another room.



Kobe coming back to Robert made his day! Both Kobe and Robert are so adorable. The baby giggled cutely when his “brother” returned to the room. Chocolate labs are so precious, and Kobe is such a sweetie pie! Nothing is better than a dog’s loyalty and friendship, and Robert knows that. You can see that the dog loves the baby and would give up his life for him.

A dog can be of great comfort to a child, which is apparent when Robert sees his doggie. The mommy in the video is lucky to have such great boys. Watch this video if you love to see dogs and babies interact with each other. This reunion is so heartwarming you do not want to miss it!

Watch a Sweet Toddler Share His Snacks with a Visually Impaired Dog


Babies and dogs have a unique bond that can warm anyone’s heart. Dogs are naturally protective, and babies always need someone to watch them. So when these two come together, it’s nothing short of magical.

Thanks to a video shared by a social media user, dog lovers can witness the heartwarming moment when a visually-impaired Golden Retriever named Smiley and a baby boy, Shepherd, meet for the first time.

Smiley is a therapy dog, born without eyes. He has captured the world’s affection with his ability to spread boundless joy. So when Shepherd saw Smiley, he immediately sensed that his new friend might need a little treat.



What happens next will melt your heart. With utmost gentleness, the sweet baby boy offered a snack to Smiley, showcasing an incredible act of compassion. The sight of this adorable pair sharing a snack will bring a smile to your face that will last for days.

Their interaction speaks volumes about the power of love and empathy. Despite their differences, Shepherd and Smiley formed an instant connection. It’s a testament to the incredible ability of animals and children to see beyond physical appearances and appreciate each other’s unique qualities.

Shepherd reminds everyone to be kind, caring and to help those in need. In this video clip, this little boy shows the people that even the youngest among us can make a difference.

This remarkable story of Shepherd and Smiley also reminds people to cherish the bonds with their beloved pets. In addition, it showcases the great connections that can be formed between humans and animals.

Discover the charming signs your child is being raised by huskies


As an animal lover, it’s no secret that Huskies are one of the most breathtakingly beautiful dog breeds. Their piercing blue eyes and fluffy coats are enough to make anyone fall head over heels in love. But did you know they can also be excellent caretakers for your children? That’s right, these magnificent creatures have a nurturing side you don’t want to miss out on.


If you have ever wondered how Huskies can raise your child, look no further than the hilarious and heartwarming video clip that has gained significant popularity online. A mother in Utah has recently shared her experience. According to her, these adorable signs show that Atlas and Triton, the Huskies in her home, are helping to raise her toddler daughter.

One of the funniest things that Huskies do when raising children is howling together. The mother in Utah hilariously notes that her Huskies are helping her daughter develop her howling skills. Together they let out a howl that would put wolves to shame. It’s a beautiful bonding experience you won’t resist joining in on.

Another way that Huskies raise your child is by teaching them to sit patiently for treats. If you’ve ever tried to teach a toddler to sit still for more than two seconds, you know how challenging it can be. But with the help of Atlas and Triton, it has become a breeze. The Huskies sit quietly, waiting for their treats, and the toddler follows suit.

Huskies use their mouths as tools, which is another sign that they are helping to raise your child. They carry toys around in their mouths and even help pick up dropped items. Showing how to keep things in their respective places, teaching the child how to be disciplined.



These dogs have an endless supply of energy and are always up for a game of fetch. They will chase after the ball and bring it back to your child, encouraging them to stay active and engaged. Huskies also love to play with toys, which is excellent news for parents who want their children to have a wide variety of toys to play with.

They will happily share their toys with your child, creating a fun and interactive environment everyone can enjoy. One heartwarming thing about raising your child with Huskies is their mentality of working in a pack. These dogs have a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness toward their family. They will watch over your child and make sure that they are safe and secure at all times.

Last, there’s nothing quite like watching your child play in the snow with these magnificent creatures. Of course, the Huskies will happily join in the fun, creating an unforgettable experience for your child.

You Will Genuinely Be Astounded at The Reading Ability of This Toddler – Incredible


They say a child’s brain is like a sponge and that they can learn and gain a lot of knowledge and skills in a short amount of time. This little baby named Torin in the video is around 16-and-a-half-months-old, but in spite of his young age, he has already learned a great number of things. It is simply unbelievable.

A couple of months prior to this video, his father involved him in the “Your Baby Can Read Program.” He also made him new cards to help him in his language development, and every day, Torin learns one to five new words. Isn’t that brilliant?



At the start of the video, we see Torin on the floor with flashcards scattered around in no particular order. His parents are filming him while they ask him to pick up certain cards. So if they say “tree” then Torin is supposed to pick up the card that says the same. And he does — every time. And there are no pictures. Amazing!

Torin continues to focus on this task for quite some time. Some of the words are quite difficult, like “orange” and “beetle” to name a couple. Actually, these are not easy words for a kindergarten student, so I am amazed that this 16-month-old can do this.

It looks like Torin and his father are spending some quality time together in the best way possible. Watch Torin’s amazing vocab in the video below. This young fellow is going to be leaps and bounds ahead of others his age, probably for the rest of his life.

These Adorable Twins Reciting ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Is Simply Precious


They say that a baby’s brain is like a sponge. You can teach them a lot of things in their formative years with patience and determination. Just take the video below, for example. The cute little twin girls in the video below can recite the Lord’s Prayer by heart. One day, Dad asks them to recite it for him and one of the twins, Natalie, gets right to it. But they get distracted when mom comes home.

Nicole doesn’t join in until she discovers mom is home. Maybe she’s afraid she won’t get to play with mom if she doesn’t say her prayers, but this sure does motivate her to say it with her sister.



Dad holds them back and asks them to recite it for him together. In the beginning, Nicole can’t keep up and then towards the end, she just starts blabbering away “and forgive us our trespasses.” The twins continue reciting it together for a while, but then Nicole is impatient to see mom and takes off reciting it at lightning speed.

A vocal war ensues for a moment after which poor Natalie tries to get a word in but never can. I can see that mom comes into the house, but we never get to see her. These twins get all the camera time. The antics of these precious twins is going to leave you with a big smile on your face.

Dog Starts Dancing, But I Wasn’t Expecting the Baby to React Like This! Adorable!


Nothing can beat a baby’s laughter. It is probably the most contagious thing in the world. This video below shows a priceless moment between a baby and his four-legged sibling. When Chopper the dog started showing off his hilarious moves in front of the camera, baby Rocco couldn’t back his laughter anymore.

This baby seems to be a big fan of his dancing buddy. And what can I say about the dog? Chopper is the cutest little thing I have seen in my life! Thankfully, mom decided to record it all on camera for us! The moment Rocco started laughing, I was in stitches as well. And when the dog stopped, the way the little tyke taps on the floor makes you think he wants him to start again.



I can’t tell what Rocco finds so interesting, but is sure does have his attention. Occasionally he stands on his hind legs and spins around, which gets a great response from the baby. The baby is enjoying watching him spin around and wag his tail, and he’s laughing up a storm.

Rocco doesn’t seem too interested in the baby. Whatever it is he’s watching off camera has him completely captivated. This must be the parent’s way of entertaining the baby, and it’s working. This dog and baby combo are adorable together, and I’m sure they have many happy years ahead of them to grow up together.

She Wants Her Baby to Say ‘Mama.’ But The Dog Does This Instead and Nobody Can Stop Laughing!


This is yet another video that shows us how awesome our four-legged doggie friends are. You are going to be in stitches when you see this! The Giovanini family was trying to teach their little baby how to say “Mama.” They were enticing him with the prospect of food. But the baby was just not interested in it. Wait till you see how his dog decided to take action, though.

This Australian Shepherd is the coolest thing I have seen today! When all eyes were on his human sibling, he stole the show with such hilarity; he had everybody cracking up.

According to the parents, this handsome dog is trained. But I had never imagined seeing a dog do something like THIS, trained or not trained. As they say, a dog can do anything for free food.



This dog sure does like whatever mom is feeding that baby. He wants it so bad; he is willing to do just about anything to get a bite or two. But the mom isn’t paying any attention to him. She only has eyes for her baby, and really wants her to say “mama,” but it’s not working.

The baby isn’t cooperating, but someone is. The dog is whimpering and whining and barking when suddenly, he says, “mama!” I couldn’t believe it! Even the baby gives him a pat on the head as a reward.