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Dad Began Playing His Guitar, Then His Five-Year-Old Daughter Joined in


Caitlyn Rose is a wonderful country singer who has influenced many others. When she started out, she was actually interested in punk rock, but now seems to have found her sound in country music, fortunately for us.

Her voice has been compared to the likes of Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn, so this is very high praise for such a young girl, but I think she lives up to it. She seems to have very young fans as well and seems like a good role model for them, inspiring them to work towards what they believe in. Just have a look at the adorable little girl in this video!



In this next clip, you will see just how much Caitlyn Rose inspires others, even those much younger than herself. This is a video of five-year-old Rowan. She seems a bit camera shy, but that doesn’t stop her from performing a stellar cover of Caitlin Rose’s “Own Side Now.”

With her father in the back providing the music for the song, little Rowan does an amazing job singing the song, thanks in part to her dad’s support. I hope she continues singing so wonderfully and following her dreams, even after growing up. She has clearly been inspired by Caitlyn Rose.

Over 3.7M enchanted by Alice’s electrifying first encounter with boogie woogie rhythm


Alice, an 8-year-old with uncontainable energy, bounded into a room where the rich, exhilarating sounds of Boogie Woogie resonated for the first time in her young life. The venue, though ordinary, came alive with the pulsating rhythm, each note painting streaks of vivacity and color. Alice’s enchantment mirrored our collective awe, a sweet reminder of the first time that Boogie Woogie gripped our souls.

We were witness to a revelation unfolding, and as the notes swirled, Alice danced with abandon, a performance charged with an infectious vitality. You could feel the rhythm, the sheer magnetic force of Boogie Woogie transcending age, beckoning us into a world where music and dance are the heartbeat of existence. Each step Alice took, each sway, was a declaration of an unbridled joy that Boogie Woogie not only promises but delivers.


We marveled at Alice’s spontaneous dance, a pure, unrehearsed outburst of joy that echoes the uncontainable spirit Boogie Woogie inspires in us all. In those moments, we aren’t just spectators but participants, embraced by a rhythm that knows no boundaries, no limits, just the unfettered freedom of expression. It’s a dance that doesn’t discriminate; it invigorates the old and young alike, a testament to its timeless allure.

As Alice’s feet tapped to the robust tunes, we recalled the legends of this genre. Boogie Woogie, with its roots deeply embedded in the early 20th century, is an art that’s been handed down generations, each era adding its flavor, yet the core – the soul-stirring rhythms, the captivating melodies – remains untainted, unspoiled. The greats who’ve swayed to this enigmatic tune danced through our minds. They too were once novices, their souls untouched by this powerful art form, until that first note struck a chord within.

Isn’t that the magic we all seek? To be transported to a place where worries are drowned by melodies, where the soul is free to dance, to express, to live without inhibitions. Boogie Woogie isn’t just a genre; it’s an experience, a journey that Alice embarked upon with millions of us as witness.


As the music faded and Alice’s dance reached its crescendo, the room wasn’t just a room anymore. It was a sanctuary of joy, a testament to the unyielding power of Boogie Woogie. We didn’t just watch a dance; we were part of a transcendental experience, an unspoken communion of souls bound by the rhythmic chains of Boogie Woogie.

Now, as you find yourself swaying to the invincible rhythm, join us in the visual spectacle. The video below captures not just a dance, but an initiation into a world where rhythm, melody, and movement are the holy trinity. Like and share because every soul deserves to dance to the mesmerizing tunes of Boogie Woogie, an art form that isn’t just seen and heard but deeply, profoundly felt.

Quick-Thinking Cat Freezes to Dodge Baby On the Move


We’ve all been there. You’re in a situation where you’re desperate to go unnoticed, and your best strategy is to simply freeze. That’s exactly what Churchill, a clever cat from Kyiv, did when he encountered an unexpected challenge: a curious toddler named Danilo.

Imagine you’re sitting on the living room floor, basking in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. The world is at peace, and you’re lost in your own thoughts. Suddenly, there’s a tiny human, stumbling and grabbing everything within reach to keep from tumbling down. What do you do? If you’re Churchill, you become a statue.


For our feline friend Churchill, every step Danilo took was an adventure, filled with wonder and curiosity. But for the wary cat, Danilo’s unpredictable moves and insatiable need to touch everything made him a small but potent force to be reckoned with.

We’ve all seen the videos – kittens pouncing on shadows, adult cats mesmerized by laser pointers. But it’s not often we come across a cat who employs the “if I don’t move, they can’t see me” strategy. Reminding us of the famous scene from “Jurassic Park”, where it’s believed that the giant T-Rex can’t see you if you don’t move. Churchill seems to have taken this page out of the dinosaur’s playbook.


Now, let’s set the stage for you. Kyiv, Ukraine. A spacious living room bathed in sunlight. Toys scattered everywhere, indicative of Danilo’s recent path of toddler destruction. And right there, in the midst of it all, sat Churchill, trying his hardest to blend in with the toys. Why? Because this isn’t just about evading a toddler. This is about survival. The survival of one’s tail, whiskers, and dignity.

Throughout the video, we felt a connection with Churchill. Just as you might hold your breath when someone is hiding in a movie, we found ourselves hoping Danilo wouldn’t notice our still feline hero. And when the moment passed, and Danilo moved on, the collective sigh of relief from all of us was palpable. We were right there with you, Churchill!

Did you know that a cat’s tail is one of its most sensitive parts? That’s why cats often don’t appreciate it being touched, let alone grabbed by an enthusiastic toddler. By staying still, Churchill demonstrated his wisdom and experience, showcasing an impressive understanding of toddler behavior.

There are millions of cat videos out there, but there’s something particularly endearing about this one. It’s not just a cat video; it’s a snapshot of family life, of the relationships that exist between pets and their human siblings. And while Churchill’s tactic might be humorous to us, it also serves as a reminder of the adaptability and intelligence of our feline friends.

Before we part, remember to share this delightful video because every cat lover deserves to experience the ingenious antics of Churchill. And if they ask why? Tell them because it’s a heartwarming testament to the lengths a cat will go to for a moment’s peace.

1.9M treasure One Voice Choir’s ‘What Child Is This’


One Voice Children’s Choir delivers a stellar rendition of “What Child Is This” in the recent Christmas Special. The sheer beauty of their harmonized voices and innocent faces is a testament to the power music has in touching our hearts.

We had the privilege to witness the unique and talented children of the ONE VOICE CHILDREN group, an admirable 501c3 nonprofit organization. Their mission? To inspire the world using the might and magic of children’s voices. And believe us, when you listen to their take on “What Child Is This,” you’d understand why so many are drawn to them.


While the entire performance is a marvel in its own right, what particularly caught our attention was the hauntingly beautiful opening with “Noel, Noel” setting the tone for the performance. As the song progresses, we hear the tale of the birth of Christ, brought to life by the ethereal voices of the choir. The angelic pitch, the heartfelt emotion, and the depth in their performance captivates us and takes us on a journey back to that holy night.

When you immerse yourself in the music, it’s easy to feel like you’re right there, witnessing the beauty and tranquility of Mary’s lap cradling the sleeping child, with angels and shepherds watching over. The spirit of Christmas comes alive, reminding us of the significance of Christ’s birth, the King of Kings, and the beacon of salvation for many.

Comments from ardent fans echo the sentiments we felt. One heartfelt comment read, “This is honestly one of the best music sessions I have ever heard. The voices make me smile, and the heartwarming smiles are endless.” Another viewer, emotionally moved by the performance, extended a prayer to fellow listeners, emphasizing peace, clarity, and positivity, showcasing the healing power of music.


Now, as we approach the climax of our musical journey with this choir, the song crescendos with the choir exclaiming, “Joy, joy for Christ is born, the babe the Son of Mary,” painting a vivid image of the jubilation surrounding the birth of Jesus.


On that note, we present to you this enchanting performance by One Voice Children’s Choir. There’s a beautiful aura that this song radiates, a feeling of hope and joy intertwined with the true essence of Christmas. And because this rendition is so special and speaks volumes about the talent and dedication of these young singers, we urge you to share it. Let others experience the magic of “What Child Is This” as sung by these angelic voices. Share it because music like this is meant to be spread far and wide, touching as many hearts as possible.

3-Year-Old Sings “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” to Daddy, Her Angelic Video Gets 21 Million Views


Madly Odd fans never tire of hearing the angelic voice of 3-year-old Claire Ryann Crosby especially when she’s singing to her daddy in a pitch-perfect voice that has generated over 21 million views on YouTube. When you watch, you’ll understand why she’s so famous.

Here we see the family at home. Daddy starts strumming the guitar quite expertly and sets things up for his little angel by singing the intro. You can see where little Claire gets her musical talent from because daddy is quite a singer himself.

His steady rhythm and clear vocals carry you through the first minute and en Claire takes over, and gosh, does she! I was not expecting such a powerful voice, nor such stage presence. Her adorable smile was simply the icing on the cake.



If darling Claire and her doting daddy seem familiar to you, it’s because you’ve probably seen them before. They’ve been all over social media and also television, but most recently you’ve probably seen them on Madly Odd where precious Claire got her fame by singing this ever-popular, classic Disney melody.

Behind the scenes is Claire’s mommy. She’s responsible for the little girl’s sparkly costumes and I’ve been told she is the visual artist behind the videos as she plans the scenes and does all the extras that you just know has to get done while daddy and Claire do their thing. A big shout out to, mom!

Today, adorable Claire continues to perform with her daddy and you can rest assured Madly Odd will bring you all of her precious performances. So please watch and enjoy this, one of our all-time favorite videos.

‘Shorkie’ Puppy Has Crazy Reaction to Meeting Newborn Baby Sister — and It’s Mutual!


There are few things as touching and charming as a baby and a dog who get along with each other perfectly. Even though it may sound dangerous in theory, the reality is that dogs can be perfect companions even for the smallest children, since they can be careful and loving just by pure instinct.

You might have seen videos like this before, but do you notice how natural the interaction is for both of them? In the following clip, we see Sophie, a baby girl who meets her new Shorkie puppy for the first time. It’s quite an interesting situation: We have two babies together, discovering each other for the first time and deciding to be friends.

Now you might be wondering, “What is a Shorkie?” A Shorkie is a mix between Yorkshire Terrier and a Shih Tzu. This adorable breed is commonly known by the following names: Shorkie, Yorkietzu, Yoshi, Shorkie Tzu mix, or just a Shih Tzu Yorkie mix. You won’t be surprised to learn that many of the “famous” Internet dogs are Shorkie mixes (sometimes with a little Chihuahua ancestry.)



It’s truly wonderful to see these two interact and instantly hit it off after meeting each other. Neither of them can contain their excitement. Both of their reactions definitely caused a big surprise for their parents, who probably weren’t expecting such an adorable meeting.

The pup himself seems extremely excited to meet his new human friend, who isn’t rubbed the wrong way by the adorable little dog at all! Wait until halfway through the video, that’s when the real magic happens. They’re the cutest little couple you will see all week, I can guarantee.

We really have to thank the parents for sharing this adorable video with us and for making such a wonderful memory. However you’re feeling now, you’ll feel ten times better after watching their cute video. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, isn’it? After you watch, leave a quick comment if you liked it, and share it if you loved it!

A Husky and a Baby Have a Conversation, Or Maybe It’s More Like an Opera


Huskies are famous for two things. One, of course, is their gorgeous looks. The other is there, let us say, talkativeness.

Instead of barking like most other dogs, Huskies have a distinctive howl. To people who love the breed, it’s music to their ears. Sometimes it can sound almost as if a husky is talking. They don’t really talk, although one husky’s interaction with a baby makes you wonder.

As its name suggests, the Siberian husky originated in the vast region stretching across central and eastern Russia. Specifically, the husky’s home is the far eastern part of Siberia across the water from Alaska. The indigenous inhabitants of that remote corner of the world, the Chukchi, bred huskies to help with hunting. This was a shrewd move: these hardy dogs enabled them to survive in a harsh environment and even expand into new territory.

The Chukchi let their dogs roam freely in the summer and this may have something to do with the Husky’s reputation as an escape artist, quite resourceful when it comes to getting over, under, or through fences.



But the Chukchi also made sure their dogs were well-suited for a family setting and to this day, Huskies get along very well with children. It may be that the intense urge Huskies have to be part of the pack makes them feel especially protective of the smallest members of their human pack.

In the video posted below, you’ll see a husky have a conversation of a sort with his newest friend. While the baby and the dog aren’t having a conversation in the usual sense — or are they? — the two of them are definitely on the way to forming a strong connection!

How did you like the way this beautiful husky and his tiny human friend are getting along? Let us know in the comment section below the video and don’t forget to like and share!

8 Month Old Twins Laughing At Fake Sneezes


In the heart of a warm and welcoming home, a symphony of joy is playing out—one that’s orchestrated by eight-month-old twins, Alex and Emily. These cherubic siblings have discovered the delightful hilarity that ensues when fake sneezes are on the menu.

On a sunny morning, their father, David, decided to introduce a bit of playful mischief into their day. Armed with a repertoire of exaggerated fake sneezes, he knelt down in front of his giggly duo, ready to unleash his comedic masterpiece.

With a dramatic “Ah-choo!” David’s first fake sneeze filled the room. Alex and Emily, who had been playing with their colorful toys, stopped in their tracks, their faces a mix of surprise and curiosity. But then, as the absurdity of the situation dawned on them, their tiny faces broke into contagious grins.



David wasn’t about to stop at just one sneeze. He continued with a series of theatrical and utterly absurd fake sneezes, each one more ridiculous than the last. The twins’ laughter erupted like a chorus of joyful bells, filling the room with a symphony of mirth.

As David’s sneezes became increasingly exaggerated, the twins’ laughter grew heartier. Their tiny bellies shook with each giggle, and their laughter bounced off the walls, creating a joyful cacophony that echoed through the house.

The more David sneezed, the more the twins laughed, and the more they laughed, the more David was inspired to concoct ever more absurd sneezes. It was a cycle of joy, a ripple effect of laughter that seemed to have no end.

Granduncle Plays Guitar for His Quadruplet Grand-Nieces and Nephews


“The only thing more wholesome than watching a baby hear music for the first time is four babies being serenaded by a loving family member.

In this video, a group of five-month-old quadruplets sits on a floor while their uncle plays low, soft acoustic guitar to their delight. The babies nod, bob their heads, and squee with approval throughout the thirty-second video.

The clip has racked up 13 million views since it was posted in 2010. The video appears on a YouTube channel called Four By Two. The parents of the four infants started the channel to chronicle their children’s lives as they grow up.


Though it wasn’t posted until 2010, the video is probably older. The quadruplets were born in December 2008 and would not have had such a fresh look by 2010. They are now all ten years old and, according to the channel, they still keep mommy and daddy busy. Other videos include holiday celebrations and the kids’ milestones like learning to ride a bike.

The children are named Isaac, Lucia, Jude, and Dahlia. Two boys and two girls. They all turned ten on December 24, 2018. Their parents, Suzy and Ted, keep a blog which they regularly update. The blog further tells the story of the kids and their adventure. It is called Four By Two, matching the YouTube channel’s name.

The babies were born prematurely and spent 16 days in the NICU. This must have been a harrowing time for their first-time parents, who are committed Christians. Faith can be a source of strength, and it is easy to see how much this family depends on their faith to deal with adversity. A Bible verse appears on the sidebar of the blog landing page.

The YouTube channel, and especially the blog, really are accurate ongoing accounts explaining the reality of raising those many children. The blog begins shortly after Suzy learned she was pregnant. There are pictures of that initial ultrasound, and the parents were more surprised than anyone to see four images. They would have been happy to see one!


Suzy credits her husband, Ted, with helping her through the pregnancy and reminding her to care for herself. One picture shows them with their doctor after a visit. All three are smiling and at ease for each other. Good medical care, from a familiar doctor, is essential for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

There are many other such moments in the blog. Suzy thanks God, asks for prayers, and tells stories of her little ones and their daily antics. It is difficult to care for one child, let alone four. Ted and Suzy continue to face challenges every day.

It was a homemade music video that first brought attention to this beautiful family, but reading and following along with their lives keep viewers interested. Who knows–the quadruplets may grow up to form a band of their own.”

Adorable Baby Gets Very Emotional As He Listens To Andrea Bocelli Singing “Time To Say Goodbye”


Music is the language that connects all of us, including young children. Opera music does not necessarily appeal to the masses, but no one can deny that the voices of opera singers can bring out emotions as they sing with such passion and intensity.


This was recently on display when a mom captured a beautiful moment when her baby son hears Andrea Bocelli sing for the first time. The mom is shooting a closeup video of her son, Abriel, as she starts the song.

The song starts with the children’s character “Elmo” singing which by the expression on the child, you know he has heard that voice many times, so it brings him great joy as he smiles and laughs.

Baby listens to BocelliThen the real show begins as he hears Andrea Bocelli take over. Abriel immediately shows an array of complex emotions. It’s as if the voice of Bocelli is filling his little body with feelings he can’t control and does not understand, yet he FEELS the beautiful music like everyone else.


Abriel never complains or fusses as if he wants to hear more Elmo, instead, he listens intently, and the emotion on his face shows that the song is striking a chord with him. He puckers his lips and tears seem to form in his eyes.

Every time Elmo comes back into the song, the young baby will smile and laugh, but when Bocelli comes on the emotions change in his face. It appears that Abriel might be an up-and-coming opera fan when he gets older as he seems to love Bocelli as much as we do.

If you loved little baby Abriel video and his precious reaction to hearing the great Andrea Bocelli, then share his video with your friends so they, too, can experience this touching moment.