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Adorable Baby Gets Very Emotional As He Listens To Andrea Bocelli Singing “Time To Say Goodbye”


Music is the language that connects all of us, including young children. Opera music does not necessarily appeal to the masses, but no one can deny that the voices of opera singers can bring out emotions as they sing with such passion and intensity.


This was recently on display when a mom captured a beautiful moment when her baby son hears Andrea Bocelli sing for the first time. The mom is shooting a closeup video of her son, Abriel, as she starts the song.

The song starts with the children’s character “Elmo” singing which by the expression on the child, you know he has heard that voice many times, so it brings him great joy as he smiles and laughs.

Baby listens to BocelliThen the real show begins as he hears Andrea Bocelli take over. Abriel immediately shows an array of complex emotions. It’s as if the voice of Bocelli is filling his little body with feelings he can’t control and does not understand, yet he FEELS the beautiful music like everyone else.


Abriel never complains or fusses as if he wants to hear more Elmo, instead, he listens intently, and the emotion on his face shows that the song is striking a chord with him. He puckers his lips and tears seem to form in his eyes.

Every time Elmo comes back into the song, the young baby will smile and laugh, but when Bocelli comes on the emotions change in his face. It appears that Abriel might be an up-and-coming opera fan when he gets older as he seems to love Bocelli as much as we do.

If you loved little baby Abriel video and his precious reaction to hearing the great Andrea Bocelli, then share his video with your friends so they, too, can experience this touching moment.

4-Year-Old Gives Hilarious Life Advice To His New Baby Brother


Energetic, quirky Kristina Kuzmic is well-known on social media for her honest advice and for being so open and authentic about juggling everyday life. Her commentary is usually blended with humor which keeps drawing more and more viewers. She already has over 2 million Facebook followers.


Despite her success, she takes a break from the camera to let her son take over today. She is watching Baby Finn today is next to him, engrossed in “baby talk” with him. Getting up after a minute, she walks away as she tells her son that she’s going to make lunch.

BoyHer four-year-old son looks at baby Finn seriously and animatedly starts to fill him in on what to expect in life: “I’ve been on this earth for four loooooong years. From one man to another, here’s my advice.” He starts to list some hilarious, but surprisingly practical advice for baby Finn.

His first bits of advice were, “Mommy and Daddy are gonna say ‘no’ a lot. They’re just trying to keep you alive.” (How true!) Next; he warns baby Finn that one day he’d be responsible for wiping is own butt. “Nasty!” he exclaimed, and Finn’s eyes grew wide in shock at this huge revelation about his future.


A few serious warnings were involved in this clip, too. “Grown-ups will try to get you to sleep more. Don’t do it!” Finn seems to gurgle an agreement to this one. He says that Finn might miss out on something fun if he does.

The next warning was, “Grown-ups will try to feed your crazy stuff.” Finn’s eyes start to grow wide, looking a bit scared. The four-year-old’s advice was to never say “yes” to green stuff – except green M&Ms of course!

Here’s some advice even grown-ups can use. He suggested, “When in doubt, just sing.” He starts to serenade Finn, and he seems to enjoy it. Another sweet bit of advice was to be sure to hug mom every day.

He ends his instruction with, “Sometimes you gotta cry it out, but I’m always here for you.” Finn smiles a huge grin and seems genuinely pleased to know that he’s always got back up. He then plants a huge kiss on Finn’s forehead. It’s so sweet to see how these two interacted with each other, and the advice was pretty practical!

If you thought this four-year-old’s heart-to-heart was hilarious, please share this video with your friends and family.

11 Week Old Newborn Talking To Mama


In the soft glow of dawn, nestled in the warmth of her mother’s embrace, a tiny miracle unfolds—a tender conversation between an 11-week-old newborn and her mama. Though no words are spoken in the traditional sense, their dialogue is woven with love, understanding, and an unspoken bond that transcends language.

With wide eyes sparkling like dewdrops on a spring morning, the newborn gazes up at her mama, as if searching for the secrets of the universe within her loving gaze. And mama, with a heart overflowing with love, listens intently to the symphony of coos, gurgles, and sighs that emanate from her precious bundle.

Each sound, each movement is a melody in this enchanting conversation—a language of love that needs no translation. As mama cradles her newborn close, she responds with gentle whispers and tender touches, affirming their unbreakable connection.

In the language of their hearts, the newborn shares her dreams, her fears, her hopes for the future. And mama, with a wisdom born of love, offers reassurance, comfort, and unwavering support.




Together, they navigate the vast expanse of parenthood, bound by an invisible thread that links their souls for eternity. In these precious moments of quiet conversation, time stands still, and the outside world fades away, leaving only the purest expression of love between a mother and her child.

And as the sun rises high in the sky, casting its golden rays upon their peaceful sanctuary, the newborn drifts off to sleep, cradled in the arms of her mama, knowing that she is loved beyond measure.

For in this sacred space of togetherness, every whispered word, every gentle touch, serves as a testament to the power of love—a love that transcends time, distance, and even words themselves.

Adorable Babies Crawl Across The Finish Line In A Baby Race


For fans of Lithuanian basketball, the most exciting competition at the arena that night wasn’t the players, it was the babies. The BC Zalgiris Kaunas held a baby crawling competition, lining up babies to see which is the fastest crawler. Watching these competitors crawl across the finish line just melts our hearts.

When folks came down the sports arena to watch their local basketball team compete, they were delighted when halftime featured a competition of an altogether different type of athlete. The BC Zalgiris Kaunas featured a baby crawling race, where they lined up tiny tots and watched to see which one would reach the finish line first.



Babies are cute the world over, and everyone likes to watch them crawl. This was the case for the crowd in Lithuania that night, that featured families with babies racing. The cheers and laughter seemed to spur some kids on, confuse others, and even make a couple babies unhappy. No matter who crossed the finished line, the real winners were everyone who got to see it.

She Loves Her Parents But How Long Will Obedience Last With Candy Around?


This kids’ candy challenge tests the patience of a well-mannered, good-natured toddler against a bowl of candy. Will the curious kiddy manage to hold out, or will the sweet craving win?

Kids love candy, but there is no substitute for a mother’s love. Will will win out over a bowl of candy when mom leaves the room? She knows she isn’t supposed to touch it in this adorable, touching video.




For thirty seconds, she is happy-go-lucky, for a while, even counting the candies. How long do you think it’ll take before the novelty distraction? You’ll be surprised!

By a minute she’s screaming so it can’t be long, right? The adorable two-year-old girl stairs down that jar of candy lasting as she can, but her little brother is up next, and he is only one-year-old. Now that’s funny.

Lockdown Restrictions Lifted? Time To Reunite 3-Year-Old Besties


Lockdown, quarantine, shelter-in-place – whatever you’re used to calling it, the state of the globe is far from what we’re used to. While taxing for adults, the social distancing has caused separation challenges for kids as well. After seeing the reunion, you’ll soon see how much.

Three-year-old Madison Rosboschil is overjoyed to see her cousin James, of the same age. The two had been ‘Facetimig’, but now that Texas restrictions have been lifted, the two could finally play together again, and you’ll be smiling from ear to ear at their meeting.



There’s not a moment of this touching reunion that doesn’t cease to make you smile, warming the heart at every step of the way. If you think those cuties running toward each other is adorable, just wait.

Two-months of lockdown have indeed made the heart grow fonder for these loving three-year-olds. What an open showing of affection. I can’t think of anything more inspiring than seeing those two play – hope is alive!

A young girl cuddles a puppy suffering from separation anxiety.


Hello, don’t be sad,” she says as she takes a seat next to the dog. The dog is calm and comfortable with her as she softly pets her. The dog and the toddler are both at eye level.

She says to the dog, “Grandma’s going to be right back soon, Lulu,” in a soothing voice. Lulu takes pleasure in her companionship as she continues to stroke her head and back. Grandma will return, the child keeps telling Lulu.

Then, she employs her sneaky tactic by asking young Lulu if she wants a donut. She shows the puppy a box of donuts while holding out a little donut and telling Lulu to sit.



Later, as Lulu is in a dog stroller, she tries to apply a bandage on her head. The toddler’s companionship and attention seem to be enjoyed by the dog the entire time.

When their owners are gone for any length of time, dogs might experience separation anxiety. This occurs particularly if a dog develops an excessive attachment to its owner. When they are removed from their owners, they exhibit distress behaviors including vocalizing, destroying, or house-soiling. They also get quite agitated.

An Emotional Performance by a Precious Five-Year-Old Girl Who Dazzles with Her Dance Skills


With Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” playing in the background, this young woman walks out onto the stage. It takes a lot of agility and expertise to dance to this music. Dressed in a form-fitting leotard, Audrina walks confidently onto the stage.

Although this song is certain to bring tears to your eyes, the talented five-year-old gets it down pat. You can’t but watch the whole performance as she continuing to dance fluidly to this emotional tune.



Her spectacular flips and twists astound the crowd. As the sad song ends, her face shows every emotion possible. To watch what she will do in the future, she has tremendous poise.

Big Sister’s Loving Hug To Her Little Brother. A Heartwarming Display Of Sibling Affection


In a touching display of sibling love, a video captures the sweet moment a big sister gives her little brother a tender hug and kiss. The setting is cozy, perhaps their living room, with toys scattered around, evidence of a play session just paused for this little interlude of affection.

The big sister, a few years older, approaches her little brother with a smile that lights up her face. Her arms open wide, she wraps them around him, pulling him into a gentle but enveloping embrace. The little boy, still toddling around with unsure steps, giggles with delight, his tiny arms reaching up to hug her back.

As she leans in to plant a soft kiss on his cheek, his laughter fills the room, and her eyes sparkle with joy. It’s clear from her attentive care that she not only looks out for him but cherishes every moment they spend together. She whispers something sweet to him, and he looks up at her, eyes wide with admiration and trust.



This simple act, caught on video, is a beautiful testament to the bond between siblings. It’s a reminder of the pure, unconditional love that can exist in a family, celebrated in this everyday moment that they’ll look back on with fondness as they grow. The video, likely shared by a proud parent, resonates with anyone who understands the deep connection and protective love a big sister can feel for her little brother.

Sisters Perform Stunning Moves In Dance Duet That Leave Audience Breathless


You can easily distinguish between a non-dancer and a dancer. Their perfect posture and points are easily recognizable. And even when dancers come up on stage, you can easily tell. But when these two dancers walked up on stage, they were unpredictable.



The two sisters were participating at the National Duet Dance Championship. They danced to Michael W. Smith’s “Place in This World.” And their choreography makes everyone’s jaw drop.

It’s not just the dance that’s impressive about the sisters. But their acrobats is what catches everyone’s eyes. Their perfect balance while carrying out the acrobatic moves, is very impressive. Their perfect pirouette and synchronization are too beautiful. And they won the first price.