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“Born with thick hair” | what does a girl who was born with hair look like today


Denitsa Kaneva, a Bulgarian citizen, gave birth to an unusual girl a few years ago. Even seasoned doctors claimed they had never seen thick, dark hair like that when little Gabriella was born.

Her mother quickly launched her daughter’s own Instagram account, where she regularly publishes amusing images and videos of her little child. Only Gabi, the family’s beloved nickname for the girl, according to Denitsa, has such luscious hair in the family.



Mom buys high-end, pricier shampoos and balms in an effort to maintain her wealth. At the age of two and a half, our heroine’s hair has grown to the waist. She even resembles Rapunzel to some extent.

By the way, Gaby’s parents recently got hitched. Like her sister, the girl wore a pretty white outfit at the wedding. The baby was very adorable, but the entire family looked quite lovely.

What do you say, dear readers? How do you like such a funny little girl?


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One in 104 billion chance: the story of the world’s only six twin sisters who survived their births


The only baby sisters in history to survive delivery were born in Liverpool 36 years ago. It should be mentioned that up to that point, their mother had made numerous unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Let’s learn more about these remarkable kids’ lives.

Nothing foreshadowed danger when Janet came in for a normal scan. However, the procedure took longer than it ought to have. When the woman noticed the doctor’s terrified expression as he studied the image on the screen, she enquired as to what was wrong. Although doctor claimed that everything appeared to be in order, she was supposedly expecting twins.


It was Janet and Graham’s thirteenth try in five years to conceive children. Before the scan, the lovers made a vow to each other that they would choose adoption if the pregnant woman’s therapy did not succeed this time.

Janet was first thrilled about the expected twins, but she soon started to worry. The doctor phoned one colleague first, then another, and that was the whole affair. As they entered the room, many specialists continued their conversations. The soon-to-be mother eventually ran out of patience and inquired as to what was happening. Six children would be born to her, it was said.

In such a circumstance, the likelihood of a normal pregnancy is one in 104 billion. Clearly, Janet and her kids were in peril all the time. There was no assurance that everything would happen without a hitch. Even though 36 years have gone since that moment, the woman still fears when she tells her tale.

Although she now acknowledges her concern, at the time she received the news calmly. She was quickly assured that her children would be fine for whatever reason.

So the day eventually came when a C-section was required. The expectant mother maintained her composure. On the other hand, the hospital personnel was under a great deal of pressure. The maternity ward was shut down, and all surgical treatments were postponed.

A group of numerous doctors had to treat each child. The expectant mother was also given access to a medical team. She was given a general anesthetic during labor. When she regained consciousness, she enquired, “Is the baby alright?”


Interestingly, all of the infants were still alive. They were all female and weighed between 2.2 and 3.5 Ibs. The infants continued to be healthy after a few days, so we could conclude that their lives were not in danger. For simplicity, journalists referred to them as “baby number one” through “baby number six” while writing about them in the newspapers. By the way, physicians claimed that they had some concerns with baby number two. Parents now quip that the second of their heiresses is still upsetting a few people.

The parents eventually developed coping mechanisms for the kids. They use double strollers and slings to transport them on walks. They were occasionally joined by pals who received a free double stroller.

Except for Hannah, all of the sisters now reside near to their parents, and they frequently visit one another. The daughters claim that they look up to their mother because as they become older they see how much work she put into them.

“Very beautiful babies. Both then and now.” One looks like her father, and the other is a copy of her mother


Marcy and Millie are the names of the sisters. Doctors and family members alike inform us that they were eerily identical. However, the twins began to change with time. One of them had darkish complexion, different eye and hair colors. The second girl remained largely unchanged. The fair-skinned blonde was just starting out.



Many people find it difficult to believe the girls are related. However, the answers to the many queries are easy and straightforward: they were born to parents of different nationalities. And it’s very stunning! Every female is unique in her own way.


Amanda and Michael’s entourage were opposed to their marriage at the time. They, however, did not listen to the critics and are still married. Because of a photographer who observed the girls on the street, the family became renowned all over the world.

After the writer wrote about this intriguing narrative, many people became interested in the twins’ lives.

Twin Baby Sisters Have A Very Intense Conversation


In a nursery filled with soft pastels and an abundance of stuffed animals, twin baby sisters, Lily and Sophie, were having a conversation that was anything but typical for their age. These two bundles of joy, barely a year old, were engaging in an intense and adorable exchange that seemed to be filled with a secret language of giggles and babbling.

Lily, with her big blue eyes and a tuft of blonde hair, sat facing her sister Sophie, who had the same sparkling eyes but sported a head of dark curls. The room was silent except for their animated baby chatter, which filled the air like music.



Lily gurgled something that sounded remarkably like, “Goo goo gah!” and waved her tiny hands in front of her. Sophie, not one to be outdone, responded with a hearty, “Babababa!” as her dimples deepened with excitement. It was a back-and-forth of sounds and gestures, as if they were each trying to express the most profound thoughts.

No Matter How She Tries, This Adorable Toddler Can’t Say “Ice Cream”


The video shared below has recently been making the rounds on the internet. And we are not really surprised! It will definitely be one of the funniest yet most adorable things you will come across today. Meet Delta. This little kid has taken the online community by storm with her made-up word for “ice cream”. The baby girl came up with a new name for ice cream, and the funny moment was caught on camera by her dad.

In the video, her father starts talking to her, asking her to repeat some sentences. Things take a hilarious turn when he tells the tiny toddler to say “I love ice cream.” The baby girl somehow manages to utter the sentence, but only up to a point, because she just cannot say the words “ice cream”.


The dad tries again. The kid is able to say “I” and “want”, but not “ice cream”. The man doesn’t give up, and tries to make his daughter say the words “ice cream”, but all in vain. In Delta’s vocabulary, the word “ice cream” does not seem to exist.

In its place is a mysterious, three-syllable word, “camtono”. The word even confused the hell out of her dad. The video has been shared millions of times, with many viewers trying to figure out what “camtono” means. One of them even took it upon themselves to enter the word in Urban Dictionary! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

This Little Toddler Refuses To Flush The Toilet Because ‘Poop Is His Friend’


Didn’t we all have special imaginary friends growing up? Furthermore, everything we came across was our pals. Because kids have the most innocent hearts, they spread so much joy by loving everyone and hardly judge anyone.

For toddlers, friends hold the dearest and nearest place. They support and comfort them when needed. What happens when they stink? Do we just stop caring about them? Or even flush them down the toilet?



Oh! Yes, you heard me correctly. After finishing his business in the toilet, this little boy is hesitant to flush his poop. And his reason is the most adorable one. According to the darling, he doesn’t want to do it to his new buddy. Moreover, he even apologizes for it smelling so bad.

What an unusual relationship, isn’t it? Not just that, he is crying his eyes out when mommy keeps requesting to finish the deed. Watch the funny video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Tap-Dancing Teens Wow the Crowd with ‘Zorba the Greek’ Routine


Tap dancing is a popular style of dance that originated in the United States during the late 1800s. It began in the African American communities of the South, where slaves would create and perform their own songs and dances. As African American culture and music spread, so too did the popularity of tap dancing.

During the 1920s and 30s, the style of dance evolved and became more popular as a form of entertainment in vaudeville shows and Broadway musicals. Well in this video, we get to see a wonderful tap dance performed by a large group of young teens, and I think you’re going to like it.



The girls perform the “Zorba the Greek” dance, a traditional Greek dance that originated in the island of Crete and is said to have originated from the ancient Minoan civilization. It is a lively and energetic dance that is traditionally performed in a circular pattern, with the dancers stepping and turning in unison, to the accompaniment of guitars, mandolins, drums and tambourines.

And even though it’s a group performance, they all perform like they’re one. The perfect sync of their moves will give you chills. The girls put on a fantastic show, and the crowd’s reaction proves it right. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Four Girls Line Up on Stage – But Their Dancing Is Nothing Like I Expected


Many parents of young girls are a little trepidatious about dance recitals: long days watching lots of semi-skilled girls try their best at doing moves they’ve been working on for weeks. Good news for this video: these girls are not semi-skilled and you’ll definitely enjoy their dance.

Irish dancing derived from ancient Celtic and Druid dance rituals over 1,000 years ago. It has been practiced in Ireland since at least the 16th century, and is thought to be a combination of traditional Irish, Scottish, and English dance styles. It is characteristic for maintaining a stiff upper body with intricate footwork. These four girls use a slightly more modern flair but their moves are still beautifully Irish dance.



These girls are just amazing. They are dancing to “Siamsa” by internationally acclaimed composer Ronan Hardiman, whose music has been in movies (Neverland), TV, theater and Irish dance shows such as Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames and Celtic Tiger.

The girls precise movements do the composer–-and their dance teacher–-proud. I really think you will like this! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

4-Yr-Old Genius Has a Mind-Blowing Talent Unlike Anything You’ve Seen


If you ever tried learning a new language, and failed miserably, trust me! You are not alone. I tried learning Chinese for years, but all I could say was “niao.” And I always wondered. If only I were young with a brain like a sponge, how many languages would I learn! Well, this girl has the answer.

Perfect 7. This little Russian girl is just four. But age is only a number for her. In such a short time, she has picked up seven languages. And she is fluent in all of them.



At just 4 years old, she became an inspiration for millions. She sang, read, answered questions, and communicated all with different languages. Later, her mother told the judges, they found her interest growing in learning new languages.

So, they gradually taught new languages time and again and made it to 7. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Watch This Adorable 2-Yr-Old Break Out Dancing When Her Favorite Song Plays


Have you ever seen a toddler dance like a professional? If not, you’re in for a treat with the video below. This adorable little girl is enjoying a corndog when her favorite song, Beyoncé’s “Crazy In Love”, starts to play. She immediately drops the corndog and starts dancing like there’s no tomorrow. Her yellow sweater, the wind in her hair, and her outstanding dance moves make her look like a superstar.

It’s amazing how music can make us move, no matter our age. This little girl proves that even toddlers can feel the rhythm and express themselves through dance. Watching her dance is not only entertaining but also heartwarming. It’s a reminder that we should all let loose and enjoy the moment, just like this little girl does.



The video has gone viral, and it’s no surprise why. It’s impossible not to smile while watching this little girl dance. Her joy is contagious, and it’s a reminder that sometimes the simplest things in life can bring us the most happiness.

So, if you’re feeling down or need a pick-me-up, watch the video below. It’s a guaranteed mood booster. And who knows, maybe it will inspire you to dance like nobody’s watching, just like this adorable little girl. Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!