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Toddler Says “Daddy, This Girl Is Pretty,” Then Realizes Who She’s Talking About!


We always want the best for our children. We try our hardest to instill in them a sense of pride and self-confidence. That isn’t always easy until our children develop self-awareness. According to science, that occurs when children are between 15 and 18 months old. Watching the video below, we can hazard a guess that science is pretty accurate with this toddler named Charlie.

Image shows a toddler looking into a camera right before she has a moment of self-awareness and understands that she is looking at herself.



The short clip provided by her dad shows his adorable toddler looking directly into the camera. She tells her dad, “This girl is pretty.” You can hear her Dad in the background patiently explaining to Charlie who she is looking at. You see the realization hit like a bright lightbulb. If you have children, do you remember their first moment of self-awareness?

Watch the clip and let us know what you think!


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Toddler Gives His First Thumbs Up — And He’s So Adorably Proud!


Oh, the simple joys of our childhood days! Remember your first thumbs up? For most, it’s as mundane as brushing our teeth. But for one toddler, it was nothing short of a mini Everest.

This tiny tot was gazing, perplexed, at his own hands. First, the index fingers make an earnest appearance. He’s onto something, but not quite. Thumb, where art thou? Finger by finger, he grapples with the task, culminating in the eureka moment! Thumbs up, achieved! And cue the family fanfare.



It’s a tableau of endearing innocence, a reminder of life’s little wonders. Ready for a heart-melt? Dive into this toddler’s delightful journey from confusion to celebration. Go on, share this bundle of joy with the world!

@cbsnews This toddler was proud of himself for kicking a ball – so he tried a “thumbs up” for the first time and after concentrating hard, he nailed that too 😂 #kidsoftiktok #funnyvideos #momsoftiktok ♬ original sound – cbsnews

13-Yr-Old Singer Wins Golden Buzzer With Reinvented “Bohemian Rhapsody” Cover.


Covering a song as iconic as Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” would be a risky move for any aspiring singer. But Angelina Jordan has the voice to back it up.

The Norwegian teen has spent her life exceeding expectations, after all. At just 7 years old, she won “Norske Talenter,” or “Norway’s Got Talent” in 2014. Now, at the ripe age of 13, she’s already on her way to becoming a champion once again.

Angelina was among the first to grace the stage in the season two premiere of “America’s Got Talent: The Champions.” As she introduced herself to the judges, the audience couldn’t help but notice that she was standing barefoot.


As Angelina later explained, she always sings barefoot for a special reason. When she was 6 years old, she met a girl her age who didn’t have shoes.

“I gave my shoes to her because she had scars on her feet, and it was really cold. So, whenever I’m on the stage I’m always reminded about all the children who don’t have any parents, clothes and shoes. She’s always in my heart.”

If that touching story wasn’t enough to win the audience over, her audition certainly was! Angelina stunned everyone with a stripped-down cover of the classic Queen hit. Not only did she do the song justice, but she made it her own with hauntingly beautiful vocals. You’d never guess her age listening to her sing!


The judges and audience celebrated her breathtaking performance with a standing ovation. As Alesha Dixon put it, “I feel like I am witnessing the birth of something really special – a star.”

“Everything about tonight felt like it came from you,” Simon Cowell added. “The arrangement of the song, the simplicity of it. I’ve never heard that song in that version before. Seriously, this was an amazing performance.”

Heidi Klum didn’t have many words for Angelina, but she said it all when she hit the golden buzzer, sending her straight to the finals!

If Angelina is this good at 13, just imagine how she’ll sound in the future! We’re wishing her the best of luck in the competition, though she clearly doesn’t need it at all.

Listen to Angelina’s audition in the video below, and share her amazing voice!

Baby Tries Cereal For The First Time. Hilarious Reaction


There are moments in a parent’s life that are etched in memory forever, and one of those milestones is when your baby tries solid food for the very first time. Today was one of those special days as we introduced our little one to the world of cereal.

As we prepared a tiny spoonful of baby cereal mixed with warm milk, our 6-month-old’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. The room seemed to hold its breath as we carefully brought the spoon to our baby’s lips. The first taste was met with a mix of wonder and surprise. Her tiny mouth opened, and her taste buds embarked on an adventure they had never known before.



The expression on her face was a delightful blend of confusion and excitement. She squirmed in her highchair, trying to process this new sensation. A few more cautious bites, and the confusion gave way to a burst of joy. With each spoonful, her tiny hands reached out, eager to grab hold of the spoon herself, as if saying, “I want to do it too!”

Little Girl Leaves Hilarious Voicemail For Grandma After She Doesn’t Answer The Phone


Little Girl Leaves Hilarious Voicemail For Grandma After She Doesn’t Answer The PhoneBy Sandeep Panesar – July 24th, 2018
I was lucky enough to have spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was young. My grandpa would drop me off at school and pick me up at the end of the day. My grandma was always my favorite cook and I used to look forward to afterschool meals and snacks when I knew my gran was over to visit — this meant my mom wasn’t allowed to cook, for the time being, my grandma would look after that, and gladly!

I have so many fond memories of my grandparents mainly because they were so close to me and so involved in my life. But, not many kids can say that they spent so much time with their gran and gramps. Sometimes life takes you further than you’d like to be from those you love. Sometimes we move states, having to leave behind the children and grandchildren, hoping that you will see one another soon.

We always try our best to make it out on birthdays and graduations and Christmas — grandparents, and grandchildren alike, will do anything to stay connected, that’s for sure! The bond is just so special and unbreakable, do you agree?

The video below shows a cute moment in which a little girl is trying to make a phone call to her grandma. The girl is sitting there holding her mom’s phone; mom helped her dial grandma’s number, and the phone is on speaker. Sadly, grandma can’t come to the phone right now, and after it rings several times, the voicemail comes on. The little girl is prompted to leave a message.

The child is visibly upset that she wasn’t able to get a hold of her grandmother; she even says, “Grammy’s not here.” She’s frustrated and sad at the fact that her call went unanswered. But, mom has another suggestion. She tells her daughter to leave gran a message, and she can do so right after the beep!

The little one instantly perks up at the thought of being able to leave a special message for gran and waits for the phone to beep. The moment it does, she smiles and tells her gran how she really feels. It’s a hilarious message, that’s innocent and cute. In order to know what she says you’ll have to tune in to the clip!

Click below to listen to this grandchild leave a cutesy and funny message from Grammy! I hope she called back after this one!

Baby Has Hilarious Reaction To Seeing Mundane Household Locations


Babies learn at their own pace, so parents introduce them to things as they seem “ready.” One mom seems to have a weird concept of the appropriate time. At an early age, she began showing her baby places he’d never seen before. But the best part is the expressions on the baby’s face. Watch as they tour mundane household locations like the freezer, the pantry, and under the bed.

The original video sparked a flurry of comments, which, of course, led to more videos in response to her fans. Now, there is the beginning of a series of related videos on Una Laguna’s TikTok channel. Part 2 of the series is just as hilarious.


Some comments have sequel videos. Due to the expression on the baby’s face, commenters wanted to know what was on the top shelf of the pantry. The answer was disappointing, but it still made us laugh. Other commenters wanted to know if the baby was trying to pet the dead cat. There isn’t a video for that one yet.

Left image shows a baby making a “shocked” face as his mom shows him the top shelf of their pantry. Right image shows the baby looking at a small urn containing cat ashes and seeming like he wants to pet the kitty.
Image from TikTok.


When the young mom showed her baby her birth control pills, his looks said so much. The first look seemed like a bit of shock. The mood shifted quickly, possibly to the realization that he may be an only child forever.

Showing her baby things he’d never seen before, her birth control pills got a different response from him.

Babies at this age are typically not very expressive. They cry, gurgle, and smile. Some laugh early, but the smiles are mostly just gas. This little guy displays a full range of emotions with his expressions. You can almost hear what the baby is thinking as his mom shows him places he’s never seen. For more videos like this, check out the mom’s TikTik channel.

@una_laguna Replying to @Eloise A part two has been made 😆 #fyp ♬ original sound – una laguna

Curious Toddler Can’t Stop Asking Mom “What Happened?”


A curious toddler is going viral for being adorably confused by her mom’s wardrobe malfunction.

Natasha Rexing, who runs the TikTok account natrex12 captured a video of her 2-year-old daughter, Imi, who was fascinated with the fact that her mom’s pants had a hole in them.

The adorable situation began when Natasha realized that Ima was fixated on something, so she asked her daughter “What happened?” Imi responded by saying, “There’s a hole,” and Natasha verified that she was correct. So Ima turned the tables and asked her mom “What happened?”

Natasha said she didn’t know what happened, but that answer didn’t work for Imi—she needed more information. So, she asked, “What happened?” seven more times before finally rephrasing her question with “It broken?”

Natasha explained that her pants were not broken and she would still “wear them.” But that just made the sweet toddler wonder “What happened?” again.

After reminding her mom that there was “a hole” in the pants and asking “what happened?” several additional times, Natasha cut off the video.

“I guess I need new pants … we will be discussing all night,” she captioned.

The Indiana native spoke with people after her video went viral with more than 2 million views. She told the publication that little Imi kept at it for “probably… five minutes” before losing interest. But when she woke up the next day, she was back to it.

“She then started again the next morning when I walked up in the same pajama pants,” Natasha shared.

“She has a strong future as an interrogator,” a commenter joked; “She just knows you’ll eventually break and tell her what happened.”

“Legend has it she is still asking about how the hole happened,” laughed another.

@natrex12 I guess i need new pants…we will be discussing all night #toddlersoftiktok ♬ original sound – NatRex12

Triplets’ Adorable Dance: A Heartwarming Showcase Of Talent And Love


In a world where every moment seems to move at a frantic pace, there’s a trio of tiny dancers who’ve mastered the art of slowing time and capturing hearts. These charming triplets have something truly special about their performance – an irresistible blend of talent, coordination, and a whole lot of love.

The stage is adorned with twinkling lights, creating a magical ambiance that perfectly complements the enchanting performance that’s about to unfold. As the music starts, the triplets step into the spotlight, and from that moment, it’s pure enchantment.

Their movements are a delightful combination of practiced routines and spontaneous laughter. With each step, spin, and twirl, they manage to convey their personalities and their shared connection. The eldest, always with a guiding hand, showcases responsibility and leadership. The middle triplet dances with an unrestrained spirit, embodying the essence of pure joy. The youngest, ever so charming in her innocence, radiates happiness with every step she takes.



Their coordinated outfits, adorned with matching bows and ribbons, highlight their individuality while celebrating their unity. The audience can’t help but be charmed by their endearing performances and the unmistakable bond they share.

As the music reaches its crescendo, the triplets dance as if they share a secret language. They move as one, their steps in perfect harmony, creating a dance of love, joy, and unity that leaves the audience in awe.

The performance concludes with a final flourish, and the triplets take a bow, met with resounding applause and adoration from the audience. Their dance may not be that of professionals, but it is a dance of hearts, a testament to the beautiful moments that come from shared experiences.

The sight of these triplets dancing so adorably is a heartwarming reminder that in the whirlwind of life, we should cherish the moments of togetherness, innocence, and the simple joys that these young dancers so effortlessly embody.

Sneaky Little Bacon Thief Is Winning The Internet With Her Smooth Moves & Adorable Expressions


This adorable little bacon thief has won over the internet with her smooth moves and precious personality.

Sometimes, it’s the simple things in life that make us smile. And in this case, it’s a sweet little girl who can’t help but grab a piece of bacon from her mom’s plate—and who can blame her? We can’t resist a delicious slice of bacon either.

But it’s the way that this little girl, named Sailor, went about pilfering the treat that has viewers in stitches.

As her mom, Kennadee Harris, wrote on TikTok, she was recording Sailor while they were out to eat. Kennadee had no idea Sailor was going to be a bacon thief, though. She just caught the smooth move by chance.



“The fact that I was recording her because she was being cute and dancing but then does this 😂😂,” she captioned under a clip of the adorable robbery.

In the video, Sailor and her mom are enjoying breakfast when Sailor spots the bacon and decides to go for it. She grabs the food in plain sight and then gives her mom the most innocently goofy side-eye as though she’s saying, “What? I’m not doing anything.”

Kennadee isn’t even mad that her toddler stole the goods because she was so cute when she did. So Sailor got to enjoy the delicious piece of bacon while her mom laughed. Over 33 million TikTok fans are also laughing over the wholesome moment.

“BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE 👁️,” a follower laughed.

“Not guilty by reason of the universal ‘you don’t see me side eye rule,’ someone joked.

“CANT BE MAD AT AN adorable face like that 😂,” commented another follower.

Remember to share this story with someone who needs a smile!

@lalakennThe fact that i was recording her because she was being cute and dancing but then does this 😂😂

♬ original sound – Kennadee Health Harris

Little Boy Makes Hilarious Observation While Meeting Baby Sister.


When children meet new siblings, there is no forewarning about how they will react. Some embrace new brothers or sisters with love and adoration. Some have tantrums because they don’t want to share. When this young man met his new sister, he had an interesting observation that had his mom (and us) in stitches. Holding the little bundle, his mom asked him what he thought… he thought his sister was missing arms!



He looked his new sister over from top to bottom, carefully thinking about something. When he answered his mom’s question, she burst out giggling. His sister seemed to be missing something important! Leaning back, the young boy took one final look at his sister before announcing…

@abc7la“She doesn’t have any arms!” This little boy in Thousand Oaks who met his baby sister for the first time had no idea her arms were wrapped up in a blanket. 😂🤗

♬ original sound – ABC7LA