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Girl abandoned by parents for her looks wants to prove the world wrong – now she models for Vogue


Having your parents around your childhood gives you a feeling of safety.

If you are forced to grow up without parental presence or knowing your parents abandoned you, there is a chance you might grow up feeling some sort of resentment towards your parents.

Jennifer Lopez’s 16-year-old Emme’s large black piercings sets internet abuzz

She was named by the staff at the orphanage, the ‘Xue’ in her name means snow while ‘Li’ means beautiful. She was named this because she was born with albinism.

Albinism is a genetic condition that leads to reduced pigment melanin in a person and causes their skin, hair, and eyes to be pale.

She was adopted by a family in the Netherlands who provided her with a loving home. When she was 11 years old, she was asked by a designer in Hong Kong to model for him for a shoot where he wanted to portray various kinds of beauty.

“She called the campaign ‘perfect imperfections’ and asked if I wanted to join her fashion show in Hong Kong,” Abbing said in an interview to the BBC. “That was an amazing experience,” she added.

People with albinism are discriminated against in various parts of the world. In some instances, they are even ‘hunted’ because of the false belief that their bones have medicinal properties. “I’m lucky I was only abandoned,” Abbing has said.

At times even models with albinism can be used as props to depict angels or ghosts, about which, Abbing says, “It makes me sad.”

But Abbing was lucky enough to work with a photographer from London who treated her like any model should be treated. The result was a stunning photoshoot. One of the images from it was even sold to Vogue Italia for its June 2019 issue.

“At the time, I didn’t know what an important magazine it was and it took me a while to realize why people got so excited about it,” recalls.

Being a model comes with its own set of hurdles for Abbing. She has 8 to 10% vision and hence looking directly at camera flashes is painful for her. But she still wants to represent people like her who are not conventionally beautiful and that keeps her going.

“There are still models who are like eight foot two and skinny but now people with disabilities or differences are featured more in the media and this is great – but it should be normal,” she said in the interview.

“Maybe because I cannot see everything properly I focus more on people’s voices and what they have to say,” she said. “So their inner beauty is more important to me,” she says.

She hopes in making a difference in the world and educating people about her condition. “I want to use modeling to talk about albinism and say it’s a genetic disorder, it’s not a curse,” she says. “The way to talk about it is to say ‘a person with albinism’ because being ‘an albino’ sounds as if it defines who you are.”

“I’m not going to accept that children are being murdered because of their albinism. I want to change the world,” she said.

We wish Xueli Abbing the very best of luck in her journey. We are sure she will inspire and educate thousands of people around the world.

Share her story with your friends and family to help inspire them.

After 18 miscarriages over 16 years woman gives birth at 48 years old


When Louise Warneford met her husband Mark in 1999, she knew they wanted to start trying for a family straight away.

Louise, from Swindon, in England, started trying to conceive at 32 years old but her attempts were fraught with tragedy.

Despite 16 years of trying and 18 miscarriages Louise never gave up hope and now, at 48 years old, she is the proud mom of baby boy William and couldn’t be happier.

Louise and her 55-year-old husband Mark spent almost $100,000 on IVF treatment.


Mark had undergone a vasectomy during a previous relationship so the couple looked to expensive IVF treatments to get pregnant.

Louise didn’t have an issue with getting pregnant but at around 14 weeks she would lose her baby.

“Each time I got my hopes up and thought that ‘this was it’ and I was going to have the perfect family I’d always wanted – I couldn’t stop crying every time I miscarried,” Louise told the Daily Mail.

“We decided to try IVF but despite falling pregnant a number of times, we always lost the baby.”



Just when the couple decided to give up a breakthrough came when a doctor discovered that Louise had ‘killer cells’ which meant her own body was destroying her embryos.

Finally Louise got the treatment she needed and became pregnant. Her son William was born at 37 weeks via C-section.

“It was amazing,” an emotional Louise says of the moment she was handed her baby boy.

“When the surgeon handed him to me, I just couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe my luck, I still can’t he was beautiful, I felt as if I’d won the lottery,” she told 5 News.

Louise describes being a mom as “the best job in the world.”


Find out more about Louise’s story and her message to other couples trying to conceive in the clip below.

I’m so glad Louise and her husband never gave up hope; now they have this beautiful baby boy to complete their family.

Please share this story with your friends and family and help make them smile today.

This baby has to give his Dad bye-byes every day he goes to work…What his Mom captured is so adorable!


For this baby, seeing his daddy going to work has become a tradition, so every day he has to give dad goodbye. But this time the scene was so sweet that mommy brought the camera and captured this sad emotional moment.

touching story, magical, warm your heart, babies, home video, work, go to work, father, family, stories,

Wearing nothing but a diaper and standing in the middle of the driveway the boy was screaming “I love you Daddy” hoping his dad change mind and stay at home. They kiss and hug until it’s really time for Dad to go.



touching story, magical, warm your heart, babies, home video, work, go to work, father, family, stories,
Source: Youtube/Declan Greenman
The relation between this father and son is so strong! This could be the most lovable video I have ever seen… Just watch the video below!

This is seriously one of the most adorable videos I have ever seen.

4 Yr Old Twin Figure Skaters Come Out In Front Of The Crowd To Skate. See For Yourself Their Skills!


We have seen many talented kids on the internet before, Some of them know how to sing while some of them know how to dance. This video shows two incredible twins perform their talent!

These magnificent twins are only 4 years old, The girl named Katarina Delcamp while the boy called Dakota Delcamp. This mind-blowing video was filmed during a Christmas ice skating in December 2008. Take a look down below!



Christmas, skater, talent, dance, performance, adorable,

You are going to be totally stunned when you see these two young children showcase their skills!

The young girl in the center begins to sing, and the audience is left speechless


Jackie Evancho is giving a whole new spin to classical music. What talent! So much talent, in fact, she finished second on “America’s Got Talent” a few years ago.

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Source: Youtube
Can’t wait to see what she does next!


She is the closest to an angel. Just a beautiful voice!
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Source: Youtube
“Doesn’t matter at what age she performs they are all incredible. My favorite voice of all time, I can’t explain it.” Source: Youtube/Jackie Evancho

Watch this incredible performance on the video down below and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family…

Single Mom Spent Six Years Trying To Get Pregnant Via Welcomes Twins At Age 50


Manda Epton, 54-year-old, from Sydney, Australia, spent over $53,528 on multiple rounds of ⒾⓋⒻ before welcoming her twin daughters in August 2018. In the 11 years Manda Epton was going through fertility treatments, she never l.ost hope that she would one day become a mother. Twin newborn as a result of her infertility struggles, Manda says she now makes the most of every single second with her girls, unlike the younger mums she sees scrolling on their phones. Going ahead on her own meant between the ages of 39 and 45 she would spend a staggering $75,000 on fertility treatment. When she first looked at the possibility of becoming a mother via ⒾⓋⒻ she believed there was nothing holding her back. Doctors told her from the outset she had a five percent chance of falling pregnant, her age meant the quality of her eggs was diminished.

Despite , in the decade where Manda was trying to have a baby, she went through two and a half rounds of ⒾⓋⒻ – but the third was canceled due to ovarian hyperstimulation, which is an exaggerated response to hormones. The mom fell pregnant twice but sadly l.ost both at eight weeks. After this, she had 13 drug assisted fertility treatments and miscarried a third time. She added: “I struggled with the miscarriages and part of me wanted to give up at points, but I really wanted children of my own. I even thought about adoption, but the waiting list was seven years, and single women were at the bottom of the list.” In 2017, the mom traveled to Cape Town for a double donor embryo transfer which resulted in her successful twin pregnancy.

She said:” I got to choose the donors and gotta shop around. I come from a blonde hair and blue eyes background so chose a lovely egg donor from South Africa and gotta shop around for a sperm donor, eventually choosing one from denmark. I spent $10,835 at the clinic and had two embryos transferred, as it was my final chance and I really wanted at least one of them to be successful. I was in stirrups like Bridget Jones during the procedure.” and seven weeks later, after returning home to Australia, she was delighted to be given the news she was expecting twins. She added: “I was quite s.ick for the first five months of the pregnancy and had non-stop vomiting, and being an older woman, I had a lot of injections to help me along too. But both my girls came out perfectly happy and healthy.”

In August 2018, after a pregnancy that ran fairly smoothly, her twin girls were born via C-Section. The new mom says support from family and friends has made things much easier. Her parents help take care of the girls once a week and there’s also another close friend who is now caring for the girls twice a week so she can return to work.

The doll like girl is already 9 years old: what does she look like today


The cute little kid in the picture looks painted on and has a doll-like aspect.

Little Ira was not amused by her peculiar appearance, either.

It appears that the girl matured swiftly. All choices are made by parents on behalf of their kids.

Ira’s mother was certain that given her daughter’s appearance, a clear path to the modeling profession existed for her. Nobody asked about Ira’s desires because they believed they were unimportant.

The girl did not go to kindergarten, play with friends, or even have time to play like all the other little kids did.



Ira worked on movies, photo shoots, and fashion shows his entire life. But as the child developed, so did the features of her face.

At the age of 9, Ira is still a stunning young lady, but she is no longer the young “doll” she once was.

The young woman made the decision to live a normal, small-town existence rather than continuing her modeling career.


Ira occasionally, albeit infrequently, agrees to participate in PR or photography.

Above all else, she is finally content. She has many of friends and loves her school.

In life, beauty is highly valued.

Mom gives birth to rare albino twins with snow-white hair


Although each child is born with their own personality, it is unavoidable that some births will go down in history and leave an indelible mark on our memories.Catalina and Virginia, twin girls born in Argentina in 2018, made international headlines. What is the explanation for this? The girls were born with snow-white hair that was incredibly attractive. Four years ago, images of the lovely and distinctive twins went viral, but then they were forgotten. Catalina and Virginia’s relatives, on the other hand, recently uploaded some photos of the girls, and I must admit that they are still just as gorgeous!

Jorge Gomez and his wife were ecstatic as they prepared to bring twin girls into the world in 2018. The couple, who already had a lovely kid, were overjoyed at the prospect of expanding their family.

However, the parents had no idea how much attention their twin daughters would receive when they arrived in the world…

Mrs. Gomez went to the doctor on a regular basis at the start of her pregnancy. She found out she was having twins after just one visit, which was obviously exciting.

“When they told us we were having two babies, we were ecstatic, and when they were delivered and we discovered they were albinos, we were even more ecstatic.” It’s a blessing for us,” Jorge told a local daily.


He and his wife did everything they could to prepare for the arrival of the twins, and the pregnancy proceeded smoothly.

Although carrying twins increases the chance of difficulties for both the mother and the baby, Catalina and Virginia were delivered healthy.

The twins were born prematurely at 36 weeks, but they were both healthy and their mother was great.

Instead, in the hospital in Argentina’s Tucuman Province, something else drew the doctor’s attention. Mrs. Gomez had just given birth to two girls who had become overnight sensations due to their rarity.


Doctors were astonished when they first saw the babies because they couldn’t disguise their surprise. Catalina and Virginia arrived with milky white hair on their heads, and they didn’t look like anyone in their family.

Albinism is a rare genetic condition that causes a lack of pigmentation in the skin. The little girls were born with it. In the United States, for example, only one in every 17,000 newborns is born with albinism. Albinism is passed down through families (inherited), and in most cases, both parents must have the albinism gene.

Catalina and Virginia were the first albino twins born in Argentina when they were born.

Catalina was the first to arrive, weighing 5.95 pounds (about 2.6 kg), followed by Virginia, who arrived two minutes later and weighed 5.5 pounds (approx. 2.4 kg).

Everyone was taken aback when they discovered they had an uncommon genetic condition. Jorge and his wife, on the other hand, were overjoyed with their new additions.

“When they told us we were having two babies, it brought us a lot of joy, and when they were delivered and we discovered they were albinos, it brought us even more joy,” dad Jorge told LV12.

During the twins’ upbringing, however, some safety precautions were necessary. The girls, for example, are highly vulnerable to UV rays, which is problematic for a family with young children.

Catalina and Virginia will reach four years old this year, and as they grow older, they become more gorgeous every day.

The girls posed as models in December 2021 after a family member created some clothes.

Hopefully, their story and these photos can raise awareness about albinism and demonstrate how stunning albino people can be.

Jorge and his wife are committed to convince the world that all babies deserve unconditional love and love without prejudice.

And the girls will always have each other, no matter what life throws at them.
I wish these two sweethearts all the best, and I hope they continue to inspire the world in great ways!
Don’t forget to share this lovely story with your Facebook friends!

It’s just amazing, look at how a 13-year-old boy sings an emotional and angelic medley of songs on ‘The Voice Kids’


At just 13 years old, Phil takes the stage with his soulful voice, delivering an emotional and angelic medley of songs on ‘The Voice Kids’. With his rendition of “Broken Vow” by Lara Fabian, Phil leaves the entire studio spellbound, sending shivers down everyone’s spine. Each coach is captivated by his performance, and the audience can’t help but cheer him on.


As Phil finishes his medley, confetti fills the air, a fitting celebration for his remarkable talent. Now the question remains: which coach will Phil choose to guide him on his journey?

lt must be sееn.The first communication of two charming twins.


If you’re a fan of heartwarming moments, you won’t want to miss this video! Introducing Tyson and Kaden, the dynamic duo of adorable twin babies. While they’ve spent plenty of time together as twins, they’ve never quite noticed each other until now. Mom had the genius idea to capture the moment they locked eyes for the first time, and it’s absolutely precious!



In the video, you can see the sheer wonder and curiosity in their eyes as they gaze at each other, seemingly realizing for the first time that they have a built-in best friend right beside them. It’s a moment filled with pure innocence and joy, and it’s sure to melt your heart.

So don’t miss out on this overload of cuteness! Click the video below and join in on the joy of witnessing Tyson and Kaden’s adorable first encounter. Trust me, one baby is adorable, but two? It’s cuteness overload at its finest!