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Get ready to be charmed by the adorable antics of this adorable baby girl when she sees her reflection in the mirror for the first time!


Prepare to be enchanted by the delightful antics of this adorable baby as she encounters her reflection in the mirror for the first time! Babies never fail to surprise us with their innocent curiosity and boundless joy, and this little one is no exception. With each giggle and gurgle, she brings a ray of sunshine into our lives.

As she interacts with her reflection, her expressions range from sheer delight to playful mischief, creating a scene that is both heartwarming and hilarious. It’s as if she’s found a new playmate in the mirror and can’t wait to join in on the fun!



Watching her innocent attempts to engage with her “new friend” is sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. So don’t miss out on this precious moment captured on camera! Click the video below and join in on the laughter as this cute baby discovers the wonders of her own reflection.

Baby Sister Hates To Cuddle, Mom Records Heartfelt Moment She Finally Comes Around


In every family, some people are more affectionate or cuddly than others. It just depends on a person’s personal preference. While some people show affection through kind words and sweet gestures, others love to hug and cuddle with those that they care about.

When you’re a person who likes to hug and cuddle, it can be difficult if you have friends or family who aren’t as receptive. Especially if you’re just a little girl and want to show some love to your new baby sister.


From birth, little Nowah was always a cuddly little girl. She loved to snuggle with her parents, grandparents, and pretty much anyone who was willing to show a bit of affection. She’d cuddle on the bed, on the sofa, and anywhere anyone else wanted to. So, when her new baby sister, Indi, was born, she was looking forward to having someone else to snuggle with.

But, as it sometimes happens, Indi just wasn’t as cuddly as her older sister. When Nowah would go in for a hug, Indi would just push her away. While it’s not abnormal, little Nowah was too young to understand why and was heartbroken by her little sister’s actions.


Indi didn’t know the benefits of snuggling. According to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles cuddling has many benefits. Some of these include creating a healthy sense of personal boundaries, encouraging calmness and relaxation, and improving muscle tone and circulation. A little bit of snuggle time also helps in enhancing pulmonary and immune functions, improving sleep patterns, lowering anxiety and stress, reducing discomfort from teething, relieving congestion, and colic and emotional stress, and strengthening digestive, circulatory and gastrointestinal systems.

Fortunately, baby Indi finally decided that she would like to be cuddled, and the girls’ mom was able to capture the incredibly sweet moment on camera.

Watch the beautiful moment when Nowah cuddles her baby sister for the first time, it’s sure to make you smile.

6 Teenagers Sing “Amazing Grace” In A Capella And Give Audience Goosebumps


Singing talent never ceases to amaze me! Everyone can sing, even if you’re a bathroom singer, you know that your tune sounds brilliant to your ears, muffled somewhere in between the water pattering on the shower floor and the bathroom fan. So, there is the bathroom singer (someone like me), and then there are those who present their talent in front of so many people. The six teenagers in the video below belong to the ladder group of people.

This group of teens takes the stage to perform a difficult song for the church-goers on a particular day of service. The stakes were high because this is a popular and beloved song — “Amazing Grace.”

However, not only did the group decide to run with this tune, but the singers also chose to put their spin on it and sing it in a capella. Everyone fell in love with their talent that day. Their voices sound smooth and silky, something straight out of a recording studio. Their timing is just perfect and best of all, they’re all in sync.



For those who don’t know, a capella means singing without any instrumental background score. The term “a capella” is directly translated into “in chapel style” in Italian.

The group in question definitely does justice to everyone’s favorite church melody, sans instruments and in complete harmony. You’re going to want to listen to this one over and over again.

Click on the link below and watch these six teens perform!

Get ready for the infectious laughter of the most adorable baby you’ve ever seen to warm your heart.


Prepare to have your heart warmed by the infectious laughter of the most adorable baby you’ve ever seen. In this heartwarming video, you’ll witness the sheer joy and happiness radiating from this little bundle of delight.

With each giggle and chuckle, the baby’s laughter becomes an unstoppable force, filling the room with warmth and joy. Their eyes sparkle with excitement, and their contagious laughter is sure to bring a smile to your face.

As the video circulates on social media, viewers can’t help but be captivated by the baby’s infectious laughter. Comments flood in, expressing sentiments like “This baby’s laughter is pure magic” and “I can’t help but feel happy watching this!”



In a world that can often feel heavy and overwhelming, moments like these remind us of the simple joys in life. Laughter truly is a universal language that brings people together, and this adorable baby’s laughter is a testament to that.

So sit back, relax, and let the irresistible charm of this baby’s laughter brighten your day. You won’t be able to resist joining in on the laughter and spreading joy wherever you go.

Nervous 2-Year-Old Looks At Dad When She Forgets Dance Steps, He Jumps Right Into Action


Most parents will do anything to help their children succeed. Parents help with homework, drive their kids to sports practice and support their teams in competitions, and attend dance recitals, plays, and school performances. Activities and encouraging your child are just a part of being a parent.

But, some parents go above and beyond. Sometimes, it’s not necessarily a good thing. Maybe they push too hard, are too critical of their child’s accomplishments, or are those yelling and screaming parents at the soccer game.


However, it seems that most parents have their child’s best interests at heart and only want to encourage them to do their best. For many parents, that means finding a balance between encouragement and pushing too hard and being able to offer help when it is needed.

One Kentucky parent, Acers Gill, is determined to be the best “dance dad” that he can be. He’s apparently been paying close attention when his daughter attends dance lessons and rehearsals at Kiddie Kapers & Company Dance Program. It seems that he knows the moves even better than his adorable little girl.

When his daughter is performing, the two-year-old gets nervous and forgets the moves she practiced so hard. Fortunately, her attentive dad knows the dance routine better than she does. He’s waiting in the wings of the stage, and when she looks to him for help, he’s able to guide her through the dance.


What Acers didn’t realize is that he could be seen from the audience, and another dance parent was able to catch the sweet moment on video. His “performance” quickly went viral, much to his surprise.

“I don’t even know what to think about it because, for me, anyone who knows me knows that’s just me being me, being a parent,” Acers told the Herald-Leader. “I do that daily. That’s nothing unusual.”

Watch the heartwarming video below!

Talented Girl Dances To Favorite Song When Grandpa Decides To Jump In


Grandparents are always so much fun! And what’s even better than fun-loving grandparents? A dancing set of grandparents! It’s always a treat to watch the elderly get their dancing shoes on and give their skills a shot—regardless of whether they can dance or not, they’re sure to look absolutely adorable while busting any type of dance move. And they’re the best when they’re shaking a leg with their grandchildren.


The video shared in this post shows a little girl, Alexia, dancing to an upbeat song while being recorded by another family member. At first, she’s so engrossed in her performance that she doesn’t notice that there’s more than just one dancer in the room. Enter gramps in the back dancing along to the music whilst cleaning the table!

Listen carefully and you can actually hear Alexia’s grandfather humming along to the beat of the song. But he obviously doesn’t stop there. He has his own set of dance moves to groove to the music, but what’s funny is that he actually starts to copy his granddaughter’s dance moves! Watch how he tries to move his hands, the same way she’s moving them, to the sound of the music. So hilarious!


And to add a bit more humour to the whole scene, grandpa tries to make it seem like he’s NOT putting on his show in the back—every time Alexia turns around to tell him to stop dancing (and perhaps to not steal the limelight), he pretends like he wasn’t doing a thing other than continuing to clean the table. Beyond cute, in my opinion!

Do you have dancing grandparents stories? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

In the mean time, click on the video and check out the entire performance for yourself! Share it with friends and family and inspire everyone to get their dancing shoes on!

Talented Teen Sings “Hallelujah” On Dublin Streets


I wasn’t very familiar with busking until a year or so ago. Actually, let me correct myself: I didn’t know the term for some street performers was “buskers,” and I only learned on my last trip to Europe. Buskers are quite common in different areas and countries around the world, and it’s incredible to hear some of the great music they perform — sometimes even on request! I remember hearing some classics while I was shopping one afternoon. That moment reminded me of a fantastic clip that we’re going to share with you below.

Everyone knows the lyrics to Leonard Cohen’s 1984 song “Hallelujah.” In fact, if you have watched the movie “Shrek,” then you are probably already pretty familiar with the song. I think it’s safe to say that even if you haven’t seen the movie, you have heard the song somewhere in your lifetime. It’s extremely popular.

Now, just when you thought you’d witnessed every cover of “Hallelujah,” there’s another you should check out. 12-years-old at the time, Cork, Ireland-born Allie Sherlock bravely set up a microphone and music stand outside of a Dublin shopping area only to begin singing one of the most beautiful covers of “Hallelujah.” She had a guitar that she had only learned to play a few years ago. But, she still takes the song on like it’s nothing and does it full justice.



Allie’s strong yet relaxing voice and beautiful strumming powered through the shopping area.

Next thing you know, a crowd of people of all ages formed around her until her performance was complete. Even folks around Allie’s age and younger gathered around regardless of what they had been busy doing before, all to give this girl the attention she deserved.

After completion, everyone cheered and gave Allie a big round of applause for her immense production. Best of all, this act was caught on camera and posted on YouTube!

After her performance, the recognition for Allie did not stop. She has a recording contract, has been featured on Ellen DeGeneres’s “The Ellen Show,” and has landed several interviews.

Now in her early teens, we commend Allie for being bold enough to kick off her music career at such as early age.

If you live in Ireland or just happen to be visiting, keep your eyes peeled for more performances Allie performs on the Ireland streets!

Allie’s voice is like no other. Check her singing out in the video below!

Baby Girl Hilariously Fake Cries In Front Of Mommy And Has The Internet In Stitches


You know how sometimes some children are prodigies? They’re somehow amazing pianists or artists at 4-years-old, or they play the electric guitar like no other and make money playing at subways? That’s what the video down below is all about. In this video, we have a baby girl who deserves an Oscar for fake crying so well. She’s going to become an actress someday—or maybe even really soon.

The video begins with this baby’s mother saying, “What’s your deal? You’re not even crying. There’s no tears in your eyes—nothing!”

And what does the baby do? She suddenly cries, and the way she cries is hilarious. She pouts and moves her mouth in a way that one usually does when they’re shivering.

Some people described in the comments of the video that, between the “cry” she lets out and the movement of her lips, it makes her sound like a machine gun—which is the exact way to describe it. I personally immediately thought of a jackhammer!


When she stops, however, that’s when you see the actress in her. She stops right away without giving it a second thought, and it’s as if she had never been crying in the first place. She returns to her blank stare as she looks at the camera. The second she stops, her mother asks her, “What was that?”

And with a blank face, no sadness or welling tears in her eyes, she does the cry again.

This little girl reminds me a lot of my brother when he was younger. When he figured that the family was too occupied in its day-to-day routine, and no one was paying enough attention to his antics, he would go grab a seat on the stairs leading to the second floor of the house. We would then have to go “find” him and ask him if he was ok. At this point, he would fake cry for the attention that he wanted.

For me, this little episode would be hilarious. I loved watching my little brother put on a cute, yet fake, act. But, I can’t say it didn’t work. The moment his happened, he’d be scooped up, taken to the pantry and he’d be allowed to get his favorite lollipop out of the candy jar. Score! (For him, at least!)


So, for me, it’s just as amusing to watch this little girl!

If you want to watch the video for yourself and listen to this amazing fake cry, give it a watch here!

Little Girl Gets Into Dance Position Only To Look Up And Make Everyone’s Heart Melt


Ella Dobler is just a young child. However, her talent won her a first-place trophy when she stepped out on the stage to perform. While she may only be 4-years-old, she has all of the sophistication and grace it takes to deliver a beautiful dance routine.

Ella took the stage during the Rainbow National Dance Competition with determination and attitude. She was set on delivering the best dance routine she could. Her mother, of course, was ready to videotape her daughter dancing for all to see.

Luckily, she decided to share it with the world.

Those who know Ella can attest to the fact that she has loved to dance from a very early age. She has rhythm and love for movement that cannot be contained. When you see her dancing onstage, you will see her love for the act shine through in every move.



As the years went on, Ella’s talent became more and more obvious. Her family realized that it was time for her to take dance lessons. By the time she was 4-years-old, Ella was already competing at national levels. She often took home the top prize when she danced against others her own age. That’s why no one was surprised when she put on a spectacular performance at the Rainbow National Dance Competition.

Ella walks across the stage and sits down quietly as her song, “Heaven on Earth,” begins to play. All of a sudden she bursts into spectacular dance moves! As you will see in the video, Ella has the grace of a swan. She has moves that are so perfect you won’t believe they are done by a 4-year-old.

Of course, she took home the first place trophy!

Ella dances with the New Level Dance Company and travels across the United States with the rest of her dance troupe. She has won several titles, including the Petite Miss Leap Sensation 2017 and the Regional Mini Miss Ruby Showbiz 2017. Ella has a true passion for dancing that shows in her every move. You can see that she will go far as she gets older.

Toddler Sings The Blues And Plays The Harmonica


If a family is into music, you best believe that everyone is going to be musically-inclined. When parents are musicians and into the arts, they usually instill these interests in their children as well. Or, if they don’t try to, a lot of the time, kids are taken by sounds and music on their own. Musical talent often appears in children at a very young age. Children in musical households experience a lot of benefits, physically, intellectually and emotionally. According to Bright Horizons, music education can impact children in the following ways:

“…musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills… learning to play an instrument can improve mathematical learning and even increase SAT scores. Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. For children and adults, music helps strengthen memory skills.”

The toddler in this video was raised in a musical household and has a head start on everything that comes along with it. While music has all types of benefits for this little boy, none of that matters to him. All he wants to do is take the mic and get started! His eagerness is so adorable.



His dad picks up the guitar and begins to play, but two-year-old Luca wants to be part of the performance. Dad hands him a harmonica and places him in front of the mic, and his impressive performance begins. Sure, he’s not a professional, but he has the heart and passion that it takes to be a musician, and it’s clear that this little boy will be ready for an on-stage performance in a few years.

This toddler isn’t playing lullabies and cartoon songs — he sings the blues! His adorable performance shows real promise, but right now he’s just having fun. Not only is he reaping the benefits of learning and playing music, but little Luca is also spending quality time with his father. These memories will undoubtedly last a lifetime, and we’re glad this was recorded for us all to see!

Watch his adorable performance below and please like and share the video!