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5-Year-Old Girl Makes A Confession After School, Forcing Her Grandma To Spring Into Action


Now and then, a child will come along who reminds us that there is compassion in the world. This five-year-old girl did that recently and brought her grandmother to tears.

A grandmother is in tears right now, but her tears are for a good reason. She was overwhelmed with emotion at the compassionate nature of her five-year-old granddaughter.


It’s hard to find bright people in a world that sometimes seems to lack empathy, and she was happy that she could find it in a relative. It’s refreshing to see a child like this.

It reminds us that we can still have hope in humanity.

The little girl’s name is Sunshine, which is quite fitting for her bright personality. Her grandmother, Jackie, saw her do something a bit peculiar when she came home from school.

Jackie saw Sunshine emptying her piggy bank.

She had been saving money and putting it into the piggy bank for a long time, so she had a significant amount of cash saved. Naturally, her grandmother wanted to know what she was going to do with the money that she dumped on the floor.Sunshine told her grandmother she was taking that money to school for her friends. Jackie was puzzled, and she asked Sunshine why she was going to do such a thing.

Sunshine went on to explain that some of her friends did not have money for milk, and she wanted to share her money with them so that they could have that. She didn’t think it was fair for those children not to have milk, and she felt like she had plenty of money.

Little Boy Tries To Help Mommy With Groceries Instead Has Internet In Tears Of Laughter


We love little kids for all of the cute reasons they give us! They have sweet, angelic smiles, expressive eyes, and beautiful little voices. Those together are plenty enough to melt your heart. But this little boy is winning hearts around the world when you see all three of these things put together in one video. You’ll positively melt when you hear his little voice and see his cute face!

Chrystal Logsdon, a young Southern mother, decided to record her little boy when she made her shopping list. It is now going viral for so many reasons. It’s just too adorable for words.

Chrystal’s little boy was all ready to take a trip with her to pick up some groceries. However, it was time to make the shopping list before they went out. He ran to her desk to get a paper and pen before running back to his mother to list the grocery items they needed.


Chrystal would first tell him the food item that they would need to get from the grocery store. You could hear her strong southern accent with every word. However, her little boy’s accent was just too adorable. He would repeat what she said in the most down-home, country voice you could ever imagine.

Many people can’t believe how strong his accent is at such a young age. However, the publication Smithsonian explains that this is quite normal. They say that an accent can be programmed into a baby as young as six months old.


According to the publication, a baby actually begins to differentiate bits of verbal input by six months old. They silently rehearse the words until they can actually deliver them later. When they do begin to speak, they will do so with whatever distinctive accent they have been hearing for their short life. In this case, it was with a definite southern inflection.

An accent can stay with a person for many years. That is definitely the case when it comes to this little boy and his cute little accent! As soon as she started recording him we could easily hear that Southern twang come out.

Are you ready to hear this little charmer for yourself? Check out the video below:

Dad sings to his baby daughter – and her reaction is so pure


Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

When it comes to expressing emotions, we could all learn something from this baby. Thanks to her lack of inhibitions, she really shows her dad how much she likes his singing.

Every parent should sing to their baby. One video really shows why. It isn’t flashy. It just shows a father singing to his baby daughter. And it’s amazing because of that.

The dad holds his baby in his arms, with her head nestled in the palms of his hands. She looks up at her dad with love in her eyes.



The dad sings to the baby, “You are so beautiful to me.” As he sings this lyric, the baby cannot contain her happiness. She forms a huge gummy smile and laughs slightly.

The baby may not understand the words, but she can clearly grasp their meaning.

Then the dad starts rubbing the baby’s head with his thumbs and continues with, “Can’t you see?” But it’s obvious that the baby can very clearly see!

The dad keeps on singing. Every time he starts to a new lyric, the baby smiles again. At the end of the song, the dad gives his daughter a big kiss. The baby looks more contented than ever.

Luckily, the mom was filming this heartwarming moment. The footage then appeared on Youtube, where it soon went viral.
To date, it has gained over 2 million views. It also has more than 35,000 likes and 1,700 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Not only is singing a great way for a parent to show that they love their baby, but it’s also great for developing the baby’s brain.


Jessica Grahn, a cognitive neuroscientist and associate professor of the University of Western Ontario has stated the following on the studies of parents singing to their babies:

“We are seeing relationships between rhythm and language abilities, attention, development, hearing acuity, and even social interactions.”

In fact, parents should start singing to their babies while they’re still in the womb, other research has indicated.

This research comes from a study of 170 women. Half of them sang lullabies to their babies during pregnancy. The other half didn’t. The babies that were sung to in the womb ended up crying for significantly less time after they were born.

And it’s not like there’s a shortage of songs that parents can sing to their babies.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t take much effort to sing to a baby/baby bump. But doing this simple thing is incredibly beneficial for the baby. So the message is loud and clear: parents, sing to your babies. It’s for their own good.

Flower girl falls asleep at wedding so her ‘security team’ hilariously steps in to help


The audience was poised for the classic image of a child strewing petals before the bride’s path, yet what unfolded was a heartwarming display of improvisation and familial love that captured the essence of the day.

The young girl had drifted off to sleep, nestled comfortably on her cousin’s shoulder, oblivious to the waiting crowd and the significance of her role.

In a moment that would become the highlight of the ceremony, the men of the family stepped in, their actions speaking volumes about their bond.


They formed a makeshift entourage, a ‘security team’ as they fondly referred to themselves, ensuring that the absence of the flower girl’s traditional performance was not felt but instead replaced with a memory even more precious.

The bride and groom looked on, their faces alight with amusement and affection, as their family turned a potential mishap into a moment of joy.
“We were all hysterical,” Charlotte’s mom, Briana Imbriano, told Good Morning America. “It was the funniest thing ever … It was the perfect combination of funny and cute.”

As the ceremony concluded, Charlotte woke up, her timing as impeccable as her earlier repose.
She rose from her dreams just as the formalities ended, ready to partake in the festivities and, more importantly, the wedding feast.

Her awakening was as timely as it was symbolic, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.


It was a reminder that sometimes, the most memorable moments are those that are unplanned, the ones that showcase the genuine reactions and adaptability of loved ones.

The wedding guests, and indeed the couple, were left with a lasting impression of a day where everything fell perfectly into place, even the unexpected.
Charlotte’s slumber, far from being a minor hiccup, had added to the day, weaving in a thread of innocence and charm that only a child’s presence could provide.

Little toddler ‘crashes’ daddy’s concert and shows off his ‘adorable moves’


Parenting is full of surprises, and kids have a knack for throwing us unexpected curveballs.
One fine day, a young boy stole the spotlight at his dad’s concert, and it was a moment no one saw coming.

Coffey Anderson is a well-known country singer who made a name for himself through the Netflix reality series “Country Ever After.”
This show offers a glimpse into the life of Coffey and his wife, Criscilla, a talented hip-hop dancer, as they navigate the intricate dance between career and family.

His son, Ethan, who was just over a year old at the time, was about to deliver a remarkable moment.
Picture the scene: Coffey Anderson on stage, pouring his heart into his music, guitar in hand, and the audience enraptured.

He began his journey towards the stage, seemingly in search of a hug from his dad. But midway, he had a change of heart.

Dressed in an oversized T-shirt and sneakers, Ethan briefly clung to his dad’s legs before deciding that the stage was where the real action was.


The audience erupted in cheers as Ethan, pacifier in mouth, started grooving, feeling the beat deep in his tiny bones.

Coffey, caught a bit off guard but not missing a beat, continued his performance, all the while keeping a watchful eye on his son.
Ethan danced his heart out, occasionally pausing to soak in the surroundings, after all, he was just a toddler exploring a new world.

The peak of the show came when Ethan playfully acted like he was heading back to his mom but then did a quick turnaround and sprinted back to the stage.

He danced with all the gusto a toddler could muster, encouraged by the cheering crowd and his dad, who strummed his guitar just for him and shouted, “Go, baby!”

As the performance approached its conclusion, Ethan made his way back to his mom, handed her his pacifier, and resumed his dance.

When the song finally ended, he returned to his seat, leaving the audience in awe of this endearing father-son duo.


This little guy, with rhythm coursing through his veins, completely stole the show that night.
It serves as a heartwarming reminder of the joy and spontaneity that children bring into our lives.

Dad shares adorable way he puts baby to sleep and cute moment wins 28M views


Picture a moment of serenity and a profound display of parental affection, where a simple gesture holds the remarkable ability to soothe and reassure.
That’s the heartwarming essence of a video that has captured the hearts of millions, revealing a father’s unique approach to lulling his baby to sleep.

The video opens with a tranquil scene: a baby nestled cozily in his dad’s arms, his eyes teetering between the realms of wakefulness and slumber.

The father, radiating an aura of tranquility and patience, tenderly places his hand on the baby’s face.


This seemingly simple act, free of any complexity, brims with unspoken understanding and affection that resonates deeply with its audience.

As the father’s hand glides down the baby’s face at a gentle pace, a magical transformation unfolds. The previously restless baby gradually surrenders to a peaceful sleep.

This moment is profound, underscoring how a parent’s touch can serve as the most comforting and effective remedy for restlessness.
The father’s technique, stripped of modern gadgets or tricks, harks back to the timeless and universally understood language of parental care.

Though brief, the video conveys a powerful message.

It prompts us to appreciate the elegance that often underpins the most effective solutions.

In a world inundated with parenting advice and an array of gadgets, this father’s approach stands out for its simplicity and efficacy.

The father’s bedtime technique extends beyond merely inducing sleep — it’s about forging a connection and instilling a sense of security.
The gentle, rhythmic motion of his hand is nearly hypnotic, providing not only solace to the baby but also anyone fortunate enough to witness it.

It serves as a poignant reminder of the potent influence of human touch and connection, particularly within the parent-child relationship.

The video has touched the hearts of millions, not solely due to its endearing content, but also because of the profound message it carries.

It serves as a reminder of the gentle power of parenthood, the beauty encapsulated within simple gestures, and the profound impact they can have on a child.

In a world where parenting can sometimes feel overwhelming, this video offers a moment of clarity and simplicity.
The video’s popularity further emphasizes the universal nature of both the challenges and joys of parenting.


“This shows the importance of human touch from loving parents.”

“Dad’s hands like the magician, never failed to hypnotize his son to sleep. Daddy’s hands bring peace and safe feeling to his son, what a good daddy.”

This sweet video is a poignant portrayal of love, patience, and simplicity at the heart of parenthood.

It reminds us that sometimes, the simplest methods are the most effective, and that the bond between a parent and child possesses a formidable ability to bring solace and reassurance through the gentlest of gestures.

Adorable 3-Year-Old Smiles At Piano, Seconds Later Floors The Internet With Her Talent


While I was growing up, an uncle of mine had a piano in his home, and it was so grand. I loved to go over during family gatherings and play on the keys of the piano. He was nice enough to let us kids around the instrument. If you have a piano or a musical instrument in the house, it’s not uncommon for little children to want to “play.” They will walk up to the piano, climb onto the bench, and start banging away at the keys. Rarely does it resemble music and it’s more likely to sound like irritating noise. These kids might be musically talented, but they probably won’t find that out until a few years later.

But, there are always exceptions and while some children are learning preschool basics like tying their shoes, coloring, and following directions, one little girl is practicing her classical piano performance. At just three-years-old, little Charlotte looks just like any other girl her age. That is until she sits down at the piano and begins to play.

According to Baby Center, most piano teachers recommend that children start lessons around the age of five. However, there have been instances where children can begin learning the piano as young as three.



At just three-years-old, Charlotte is already a talented piano prodigy. She’s not playing basic scales or “Chopsticks” — she’s tackling pieces like “Allegretto in F” by J.C.F. Bach. It contains challenging chords and requires a depth of training and talent to perform.

It seems impossible that her tiny hands could even play the music, but she plays with exceptional skill way beyond her years. She hums along with the music and shows a connection to the song and the piece. If she’s already able to play at this level, just think of what she’ll be able to accomplish in a few more years! She’s well on her way to being one of the best pianists of her generation.

Charlotte isn’t the first child I’ve seen on the piano, but I will say that she has to be one of the most talented ones of all the ones I know of. What did you think of her skills? Feel free to share some of your favorite pianists in the comments below — we’d love to know who you like listening too, maybe it’s Charlotte?

Watch the video below and see why 5 million people have clicked.

Little Girls Are Dancing To “Watch Me” When Their Horse Joins In And Steals The Show


Who doesn’t like to get on the dance floor and bust a few classic moves when their favorite song comes on? I know that is the exact reason that I like to go to parties—there’s nothing like letting loose and dancing away sometimes. It’s clear that there are a couple of others who feel the same way!

In the video below you see a little girl happily dancing away to Silento’s popular song, “Watch Me.” We don’t blame her for doing all the catchy dance moves and singing along because this tune is quite catchy! I’m guilty of trying to copy the choreographed dance in Silento’s music video as well.

You’ll notice that the girl is dancing right next to a horse; she was at the San Antonio Rose Palace that day and decided to put some talented dance moves! As she dances and bops to the music, you’ll see that the horse is compelled to start dancing as well. Don’t believe it? Then be sure to check it out for yourself! It’s quite clear that the famous song was too hard to resist, even for the horse.



The video is so funny and hard-to-believe that it has garnered 5 million views on Facebook, and that’s definitely for all the right reasons! After looking into their affinity for music, it’s safe to say that horses really enjoy songs. Studies show that music helps eliminate outside sounds for the animals and they’re distracted enough to not regard things like thunder, tractor sounds, and tools.

We also know that horses are very smart animals. They say that owners should always play music around their horse in order to keep him/her calm during times like grooming and eating. Country music helps them stay mellow and upbeat tunes will always prompt a horse to get on its feet and start dancing! This is exactly what happened in the situation below!

Do you know of other stories that have animals shaking a leg or two? Or, does your pet like to dance to the beat of his/her favorite? If so, let us know in the comments! We’d love to read your stories.

Watch the video of the dancing horse below and like and share this post if you found it as amusing as we did!

4-Year-Old Kid Takes The Stage To Perform Rendition Of Johnny Cash Classic


Sometimes I wonder what I was doing when I was 4-years-old. I mean I had just started school, probably discovered some new shows I enjoyed watching during snack time and was just learning how to tie my laces. I was also working on being more confident as a child because I had a hard time having conversations with my teacher and other students in the classroom.

Every child has his/her own timeline. There are some children who are talkative and questioning everything and just confident in everything that they do — it comes to them naturally from a young age. So, unlike me, there were a lot of other 4-year-olds who loved attention, were entirely composed in front of big crowds, and had incredible talent.

Valor Yost is a kid with a great voice and the guts to take center stage to perform a Johnny Cash classic that everyone loves; he also happens to be the youngest Johnny Cash impersonator, and he seems to have a good handle of the music! You don’t see someone so small performing a Johnny song. And, even if you had someone tell you this, you wouldn’t expect anything of professional caliber from the child. Right? Nope, that’s adding too much pressure on the poor little thing!



But, after watching this footage, your mindset may change and you may feel it appropriate to expect something like this from other kids, too. The video opens up with the little boy standing in front a mic, with guitar in hand. He just finished telling the host of the night that he’s going be serenading the audience with Johnny’s famous song, “Ring of Fire.”

As he starts his performance, you can almost immediately hear the crowd’s amused reaction. By the sounds of it, Valor knows how to put on a performance. He stands in front of his audience with great confidence and gives them a couple of moments to chuckle in between, too! I always say that the person who can take the stage and engage the audience, regardless of what his/her routine is, is the true performer! Valor proved it with this one, today.

Which one of Johnny Cash’s songs is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

In the meantime, watch Valor set the stage on fire with his performance, below.

Marine Officer Helps Flower Girl Walk Down The Aisle


Ladies and gentlemen, wedding season is now upon us. It’s time to take out your best dresses, your favorite hats, and clutch purses, and find those comfortable heels that’ll make life so much easier when you’re walking around enjoying a wedding reception. Yes, it’s that time of year, and what fun!

We classify these ceremonies as “fun” but, it’s not a wedding unless you’ve laughed and cried. Your mascara has to run or your face has to hurt from laughing or someone has to fall over to make the day complete and seal it into everyone’s memory. I mean, you’ve got to have something else to look back on besides the bride and groom! This is an overly emotional day (in a good way!) that’s guaranteed to include all the feelings!

The ceremony that we’re sharing with you today is exactly that. The video opens to music that is slow and peaceful and played beautifully on the piano as both the flower girl and the ring boy carefully make their way down – and this is just the beginning.



Being a flower girl has to be hard work. Carrying the basket, looking pretty, getting all the attention second to the bride – but somebody’s gotta do it! This little girl is clearly giving it all she’s got because the ring bearer is leading her by the elbow so as not to lose her. As they’re walking down the aisle, she just about makes it to the bottom of the steps – and then sits down! This little cutie just needs a break from such an exhausting day!

She seems to have lost her way, fallen and can’t get back up, so a marine has to scoop her up and help her get back on her way, which she does, for a moment. But then sits back down again, and stays put! It’s quite graceful and adorable, and everyone laughs because it’s too sweet to pass up! This is such a funny little moment no one will forget!

Thank goodness for things like smartphones and tablets because that’s exactly how memories are made these days. Something memorable happens while you’re at a wedding, and you instantly take your phone out and record it — a digital memory made!

What are some of the funny stories you recall from weddings you’ve attended? We’d love to read about them in the comments below!

In the meantime, watch the cutest moment of this particular wedding in the video below!