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Toddler Boy Praying Boldly To God With His Classmates Is Just So Powerful To See


Cameras caught a precious boy praying before a class meal at school. And to see this little boy leading prayer so boldly is a blessing to all!

There’s no doubt that children are a gift from God. And there is something truly special about a child’s prayer.



So, it’s no wonder a video of a little boy praying before his whole class is going viral!

Toddler Praying Before Class Meal
In the video, it looks as though the class is preparing for either a snack or a meal. But first, they stop to thank their Heavenly Father.

One of the children is chosen to pray before the class eats. He stands with his hands clasped and his eyes closed tightly. And thankfully someone with a camera caught the precious moment of this little boy praying boldly to God!

“Father God,” he starts out. “We thank You for this food. We ask You to bless it. Make it nourishment to our bodies.”


While the sweet boy is praying before the class, he takes frequent pauses so that the teachers and other students can repeat the words of the blessing.

He goes on to say, “Bless all the boys and girls all over the world to receive food.”

The passion in the facial expressions of this boy leading prayer is just so touching. You can tell he is really putting his whole heart into thanking the Lord.

The precious toddler completes the prayer with, “In Jesus’ name.” And you can’t help but shout “Amen” with him and all the other children!

An individual named Gab Mime shared the powerful video online, saying “This may not be big to you…but our babies are Praying out to our God!”

And it didn’t take long before thousands of people were sharing and commenting on the post.

In fact, Julio Gonzalez, a national tax reform specialist, shared the video on Twitter, saying:

“God is Good! This little boy blessing everyone’s breakfast is the most amazing video you will see this year.”



God is Good! This little boy blessing everyone’s breakfast is the most amazing video you will see this year. Amen pic.twitter.com/gM0KV8VdBP

– Julio Gonzalez (@TaxReformExpert) January 15, 2020

There isn’t much information provided as to the school or where this took place. But seeing this little boy praying before class certainly gives us so much hope for the next generation.

We are told in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” And this sweet child is certainly off to a good start!

Teen dares cop to drum in high school band – he nails his performance


If only we could all love our job as much as Corporal Les Munn, of the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department, loves his.

As per his Facebook page: “It ain’t work if you love what you do.”

For many, Cpl. Munn might cast an intimidating figure, but he’s a perfect example of why you should never judge a person simply based on their appearance.

He was patrolling the event during an Arkansas High School game, and wound up appearing in a video that’s gone viral for all the right reasons …Whilst on his rounds, Cpl. Munn spotted the school band preparing their pre-game performance.

As he recalls, via Inside Edition: “A couple of the band members were bringing their equipment up into the stands and one of them was talking about how heavy it was, how I should carry it up there for her. I said OK, and she made a comment about, ‘Well, you come up in the stands, we’ll show you how to play this stuff.’”It turns out Cpl. Munn hasn’t played the drums in 23 years, coincidentally since he was in his own high school’s marching band. Still, he retained the capacity to give the crowd a show they truly couldn’t believe.


Speaking to Inside Edition, he said: “I was nervous; it had been a long time since I’d played so I didn’t want to let them down and [I was] hoping my skills were gonna hold up.”

As it happened, there was very little for Cpl. Munn to be concerned about.

In a video filmed by someone in the crowd, you can see Cpl. Munn performing alongside students who are incapable of keeping the smiles from their faces. People are simply taken back by his ability; the surprise is overwhelming.

Baby’s first time eating steak at 7 months old.


Introducing solid foods is always an exciting milestone, and today was an especially memorable one. At just 7 months old, our little one had their first taste of steak! The experience was filled with curiosity, tiny chews, and adorable expressions.

As we prepared a small, tender piece for our baby, we could see the anticipation in their eyes. With the first bite, there was a mix of surprise and delight. The new texture and flavor brought out giggles and wide-eyed wonder. Each tiny nibble was a step into the world of diverse tastes and new culinary adventures.

It’s incredible to witness these first moments and see our baby growing and exploring new foods. This milestone is not just about tasting steak for the first time; it’s about the journey of discovery and the joy of experiencing something new together.

Here’s to many more firsts and the joy they bring! Introducing new foods to a baby is always an exciting milestone, and today was no exception! At just 7 months old, our little one experienced their first taste of steak. The curiosity and delight in their eyes were absolutely priceless.



We carefully prepared a small, tender piece of steak, ensuring it was soft and easy for our baby to handle. As we placed it on their tray, they eagerly reached out, grasping it with their tiny fingers. The first bite was met with wide-eyed wonder and a few adorable gurgles of approval.

It’s incredible to see our baby explore new textures and flavors, and steak has certainly become a new favorite. Watching them chew and savor each bite was a moment we’ll cherish forever. Here’s to many more firsts and culinary adventures ahead!

Take your daily dose of happiness! Look at the baby girl’s amazing reaction when she sees her outfit


Prepare to be dazzled by a video filled with smiles, joy, and adorable moments! In this delightful footage, a beautiful baby gets to try on a charming new pink dress, and her reaction is nothing short of heartwarming. As her mother gently guides her to the mirror, the baby’s eyes light up with wonder and excitement.



The video captures the precious moment when the little one sees herself in the new outfit for the first time. Watch as her face transforms into a picture of sheer delight, her sparkling eyes reflecting pure happiness.

The baby’s reaction is a delightful blend of curiosity and pride as she takes in her reflection, clearly enamored with her new look. Her smile grows wider and more radiant with each passing second, showcasing just how much she loves her new dress.


This video is a beautiful celebration of a simple but magical moment—the joy of seeing oneself in something new and feeling special. The baby’s excitement and genuine happiness are infectious, making it impossible not to smile along with her.


It’s a touching reminder of the little joys in life and the beauty of finding delight in the simplest things. Enjoy this heartwarming clip of a beautiful girl discovering the joy of a new outfit and let her happiness brighten your day!

Little Boy Cuts Loose and Completely Steals the Show Dancing at School’s Year-End Concert


At a school year-end concert, one enthusiastic little boy stole the show and had the whole auditorium cheering with his impressive dance moves!

The opinions of others matter a great deal to much of the population. This kind of thinking has its upsides but also comes with many negatives. Most people are self-conscious and care too much about how others view them. Those concerns and fears will keep people from experiencing new and exciting things.

But sometimes, when you hear the music, and the beat hits you just right, you can’t help but bust out a move or two. That happened to one young man in South Africa during his sister’s school dance recital, according to UpWorthy.

The short, 1-and-a-half-minute clip shows a handful of children on stage moving and grooving to music as the beat pulsates throughout the room. The sweet children give the proud parents in the audience a cute show, but it’s clear that one child is feeling the music a little more than everyone else.


While standing in the middle of the stage, the young man dances like no one is watching. His moves are so confident and fluid and appear far beyond his young age. He switches effortlessly from one move to another, showing off his impressive skill.

Many in the audience are heard hooting and hollering at the unexpected but thoroughly enjoyable show of impeccable dance moves.

Not only does he dance like a seasoned trained professional who has loads of experience thrilling audiences, but he also mimes and mimics the song.

Joyous Little Boy Has Everyone Cheering
The little guy is basking in the spotlight. He appears to enjoy every second of his time on stage. He is head and shoulders above his peers, with most other children standing nervously and with little to no movement.

It does not matter what happened before or after that little guy’s dance clinic. His cool, smooth and suave moves stole the entire show!

@kleinkwagga1 Doen dit lyfie doen dit! @Bernice West #Dans #fun #show ♬ original sound – KleinKwagga

Young Man Explains How God Answers Prayers in a Heartwarming Way


A precious young man gives heartwarming explanation of how God answers prayers.

Reading the Bible and immersing oneself in God’s Word is essential for every follower of Jesus Christ. That holy text will strengthen our knowledge and understanding of God, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Also, like everything else, the more we read the Bible, the more we’ll understand and be drawn closer to Him.

Reading the Bible is an essential and necessary activity for all Christians. However, the most important thing any follower of Jesus Christ can do is to pray. Prayer is communicating and conversing with the Creator of the universe. Prayer will strengthen your relationship with God, and most people will present their requests to Him during those conversations.



However, sometimes it can feel like God is ignoring us or that maybe He didn’t hear our prayer request. It may even leave us wondering if God still answers prayer. In a clip posted on YouTube, one young man provides a sweet and heartwarming explanation for how and when God answers prayer.

I said boo boos don’t go away; they go away when they want to,” he said. “Just like God don’t answer your prayers right away.”

The child adds that God works on His timeline and calendar, not ours.When the little guy is asked who taught him about God’s method and timeline when answering prayer, he responds equally cutely. He stated that no one gave him this kernel of knowledge and insight but that he understands this simply because he is brilliant.

Continually asking the Lord for something and not seeing any change or movement on that request can become frustrating. However, as this boy reminds us, God has His timing and way of doing things that we must remember. His timing is perfect, and ours is not.

Mark 11:24 “For this reason I say to you, ‘Whatever you make a request for in prayer, have faith that it has been given to you, and you will have it.'”

12-Year-Old Goes Viral With ‘You Are The Reason’ Street Performance


One young woman’s stunning performance of the song “You Are the Reason” has gone viral, racking up millions of views.

Love is a subject that has and continues to keep songwriters and musicians busy. Whether a track about new love, a breakup or the loss of a loved one, songs about love are churned out at an impressive rate. While music tastes and sounds may change, society’s yearning for love and to be loved does not.



In a video posted to YouTube, Mia Black, a young woman, while standing in the middle of a busy, tourist-filled location, steps up to the microphone and sings Calum Scott’s “You Are the Reason.”

Seconds into the video, after belting out the tune’s opening lyrics, one thing is clear: Mia is abundantly and enormously musically gifted. The video’s title describes the young woman as being 12 years old, but her voice sounds like it is coming from someone many years her senior.

The clip of Mia’s breathtaking vocal performance, since posted in 2019, has been watched more than 9.3 million times!

It’s not hard to see why the video has gotten so many eyeballs. The tone, control and strength of Mia’s voice are startling. She sounds like a seasoned professional, like someone who has been performing for many years. Other people walking by Mia also seem genuinely taken aback by her stunning voice as well.

Several people stand around Mia, taking in her astounding performance. Even those who do not entirely stop, those passing by, give a glance at the talented street performer.

At the conclusion of the 3-minute clip, Mia receives a hearty round of applause.

This young woman has been truly blessed musically with a wonderful voice.

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

Triplets cute babies playing and fighting over pacifier


Meet Corde, Isa, and Fer, three adorable triplets who are the epitome of cuteness. These little ones were recently caught on camera in the most delightful scene: a playful tug-of-war over a single pacifier. With giggles, coos, and the occasional determined tug, they showed their unique personalities in the sweetest way.


Corde’s competitive spirit shone through as he tried to hold onto the pacifier, while Isa’s laughter filled the room as she tried to grab it from him. Fer, with a look of pure curiosity, watched his siblings and made his move to join in the fun. This adorable moment perfectly captures the joy and playful chaos that comes with raising triplets. Their bond is already strong, and these early interactions are just the beginning of a lifetime of shared adventures and love.

Corde, Isa, and Fer are three adorable triplets who bring endless joy and laughter to their family. One of their favorite activities is playing together, but things can get a bit competitive when it comes to their beloved pacifier. These little cuties often find themselves in playful tugs-of-war, each trying to claim the prized pacifier for themselves.


Their parents love watching these moments, as Corde, Isa, and Fer’s interactions are filled with giggles, gentle shoves, and determined faces. Despite the occasional squabble, the triplets share a deep bond and always end their little tussles with smiles and hugs.

Whether they are playing with toys, exploring their surroundings, or simply enjoying each other’s company, Corde, Isa, and Fer’s days are filled with fun and love. The sight of the three of them vying for the pacifier has become a cherished memory, capturing the essence of their playful and spirited nature.

Baby’s Hilarious Disagreement with Her New Doll


As soon as the new doll was placed in front of her, the baby’s wide-eyed excitement quickly turned to confusion. She tilted her head, examining the unfamiliar toy with a skeptical gaze. Her tiny eyebrows furrowed as she reached out, tentatively poking the doll’s button nose. The doll, with its unchanging plastic smile, didn’t respond to the baby’s prodding, which seemed to irritate her even more. She scrunched up her face, a mix of frustration and bewilderment.

This was not the reaction her parents had anticipated when they bought the doll, hoping it would become her new favorite companion. Instead, the baby’s lips curled into a pout, and her tiny hands pushed the doll away with a determined force. Her eyes, usually so bright and curious, now held a stormy glare as she babbled in an almost argumentative tone, clearly expressing her displeasure with this new playmate.



Her parents couldn’t help but laugh at the scene, finding her expressive disagreement both adorable and amusing. They watched as she continued her one-sided argument, waving her hands and vocalizing her objections.

It was a moment that highlighted not just her growing personality but also her ability to communicate her feelings so clearly, even without words. This hilarious interaction became an unexpected yet cherished memory, capturing the essence of her fiery spirit and strong opinions.

Little Girls Mistake Cashier For “Moana” Character And His Response Is Priceless.


Children are always excited when they bump into the “real life” versions of the characters they admire. It doesn’t matter if it’s Santa Claus or someone who bears a remarkable resemblance to a Disney character.

Sisters Ryley and Rylyn are always excited to pay a visit to their local Costco. It just so happens that an employee named Will bears a remarkable resemblance to the demigod Maui from “Moana.”



cashier was a good sport about the whole thing, keeping up the ruse for the excited little girls. And it turns out that Ryley and Rylyn aren’t the only ones who think Will and Maui are one and the same.

According to the YouTube caption:

“Will, featured in this video also does character appearances as Maui for parties and previously at Aulani Disney resort.”


He definitely seems to be a big hit with Moana fans, whether in or out of costume!Check out the adorable interaction below. If you’re a fan of children bumping into “real life” Disney characters, don’t forget to share this story!