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Howl Do You Say It? Rottweiler Helps Teach New Little Sister How To Say “Mama.”


Babies pass about a million milestones in their first year of life, from rolling over to saying their first word. It’s always fun for parents to see their kids learn and grow, and just like with anything else in life, it’s more fun when you add dogs! Take the video below, for example, which was gifted to the internet back in 2021 and continues to bring smiles years later.




In the clip, a mom from Greeley, Colorado is using her camera to video her baby daughter, Amy, who is sitting in a bouncy chair and looking flat-out adorable. Mom is trying to capture her daughter’s first word on video, and naturally, she’s hoping that word will be, “mama.” She chants the word over and over for the infant, but Amy says nothing. Her canine brother, however, had plenty to say. Just off-camera, the family’s 2-year-old rottweiler Oswald (Ozzy) seems to say, “mama,” in howl form!


How can a video that’s only 15 seconds long be this precious? Take a look below!

A Precious First: Baby Twins Notice Each Other


There are few things as heartwarming as witnessing the pure, innocent joy of baby twins discovering each other for the first time. Our little ones, Lucas and Lily, had this magical moment today, and it was nothing short of breathtaking.

Lucas and Lily, just a few months old, have always been close, sharing the same space and growing together. But today was different. Today, they truly noticed each other. Their eyes met, and a world of wonder seemed to open up between them.



With curious smiles and tiny, excited babbles, they began to communicate in their unique twin language. Their faces lit up with joy as they reached out, touching each other’s hands, their giggles filling the room with happiness. It was as if they were sharing secrets that only they could understand, creating a bond that will only grow stronger with time.

This precious moment is the start of a beautiful friendship. As they grow, Lucas and Lily will share countless adventures, play together, and support each other through life’s journey. Today, they took their first step towards becoming not just siblings, but best friends.

Capture and cherish these priceless moments, for they are the beginning of a lifelong bond between your baby twins.

New Grandpa Can’t Stop Crying Over The Reveal Of His Grandson’s Name.


Choosing a name for your child is no easy task. People spend countless hours researching and making lists in order to narrow down their choice to the one that’s perfect for their little one. For Carly Kriser of Utah, that decision was made easier thanks to her Dad. Why? Because she named her son after him!



Best of all, her Dad had no idea! In a video capturing the moment, Dad can be seen, quite literally, skipping for joy as he enters the room to see his grandson. While holding him, Carly and others inform him that they’ve settled on a name. Not only that, but his birth certificate was officially in the process of being made, meaning their choice was truly locked in. The name? Lawson Leonard Kriser.

Once it was confirmed that she was very much serious, Dad burst into tears, all while holding the precious little one who shares his name.

“One of the most special moments of my life,” Carly wrote when sharing the moment online.

Watch Carly’s emotional reveal in the video below.

@hairbycarlyk One of the most special moments of my life. Lawson Leonard Kriser Born 7/5 at 7:55 7lbs 11oz 20” long #utah #fyp #babyboy #surprisedad ♬ Emotional Piano for the Soul (Inspirational Background Music) – Fearless Motivation Instrumentals

Neighbor “Deals” With Kids Playing On His Driveway In The Cutest Way.


When it comes to awesome neighbors, Dave Palazzolo is kid (and parent) approved! He and his friends run Canyon Chasers, a motorcycle enthusiast website that offers riding tips and product reviews. But at home, he wears another hat: racetrack manager extraordinaire.


A few years ago, Dave noticed a boy on his security footage who stops to ride his bike around his driveway whenever he and his parents walk by. Dave knew something had to be done about this adorable “nuisance” – and his solution couldn’t be cuter! Now people around the neighborhood are flocking to his driveway!

Watch as Dave demonstrates “how to deal with kids playing on your driveway” in the video below, and share to spread smiles!

Baby’s first time eating steak at 7 months old.


Introducing solid foods is always an exciting milestone, and today was an especially memorable one. At just 7 months old, our little one had their first taste of steak! The experience was filled with curiosity, tiny chews, and adorable expressions.

As we prepared a small, tender piece for our baby, we could see the anticipation in their eyes. With the first bite, there was a mix of surprise and delight. The new texture and flavor brought out giggles and wide-eyed wonder. Each tiny nibble was a step into the world of diverse tastes and new culinary adventures.

It’s incredible to witness these first moments and see our baby growing and exploring new foods. This milestone is not just about tasting steak for the first time; it’s about the journey of discovery and the joy of experiencing something new together.



Here’s to many more firsts and the joy they bring! Introducing new foods to a baby is always an exciting milestone, and today was no exception! At just 7 months old, our little one experienced their first taste of steak. The curiosity and delight in their eyes were absolutely priceless.

We carefully prepared a small, tender piece of steak, ensuring it was soft and easy for our baby to handle. As we placed it on their tray, they eagerly reached out, grasping it with their tiny fingers. The first bite was met with wide-eyed wonder and a few adorable gurgles of approval.

It’s incredible to see our baby explore new textures and flavors, and steak has certainly become a new favorite. Watching them chew and savor each bite was a moment we’ll cherish forever. Here’s to many more firsts and culinary adventures ahead!

94 years old grandma meets her grandson for the first time…


Being a grandparent for the first time can be incredibly rewarding and fun as you enjoy the joys of first steps, words, and birthdays. Of course, being a new grandparent isn’t without its challenges, from determining how much time spent together is “right” to knowing when to hand out gems of parenting wisdom.

Whether you’re actually in for your first smile or your first steps, make the most of the moments you’ve witnessed. Mark each milestone (large or small) and don’t forget to record the progress for posterity. Always carry a camera or a diary with you… and be sure to call your parents if any special event takes place without them!


If you’re a long distance grandparent, make sure you’re prepared for those important Skype calls. And if, for any reason, you are denied contact with your grandchild or become estranged from him, take steps to find out what your rights are as grandparents and try to keep all channels of communication open (if possible) to show that you are always within reach.

8-month-old Liam has never been around a puppy before. This is the first time he meets 2-month-old Ollie.


The bond between children and puppies is undeniably heartwarming, and the meeting between 8-month-old Liam and 2-month-old Ollie is a perfect example of this. From the moment they met, it was evident that they were destined to be the best of friends.

The video captures their first meeting, and the immediate connection between Liam and Ollie is apparent. They cuddle together, showcasing the pure and innocent friendship that often develops between children and their furry companions.



This heartwarming interaction reminds us of the special relationships that can form between kids and pets. It’s a reminder of the love, joy, and companionship that animals bring into our lives, especially in the formative years of childhood. Liam and Ollie’s friendship is a beautiful example of the bond that can develop between a child and their beloved pet, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Here is the video:

Josh Turner’s sons take to stage and win whole internet’s heart with sweet song choice


Superstardom is sometimes linked to drugs and general debauchery. Some stars can’t handle all the limelight and turn to a life of drugs and extreme thrill seeking, among other unhealthy leanings.

But this isn’t always the case — nor does it have to be. Some superstars, such as country megastar Josh Turner, continue to live their lives with wonderful values and steer clear of harmful temptations.



Indeed, despite his fame and fortune, Josh has remained true to his Christian roots. He is known to be a man of God as well as a devoted husband and father of four boys: Hampton, Colby, Marion and Hawke.

During a recent family-friendly gospel performance, his four boys lined up on stage and proved that they could hold their own, just like daddy does.




Josh Turner and his family attend church regularly, often singing gospels all together. So when the occasion rose for them to record a gospel album at the Gaither Studios in Alexandria, Indiana, they didn’t hesitate.

The album, “I serve A Savior” couldn’t be more representative of Josh and his family. And his sons proved that they’re just as talented as dad!

Loads of fans attended the recording to the Turner boys sing onstage. The boys were not used to such a large outpouring of support and certainly could relate to dad after that!

Nevertheless, all four boys performed exceptionally well, especially when they took to the stage and sang a sweet rendition of River of Happiness. They are their daddy’s sons after all!

Mom gives birth to healthy baby in delivery room: 6 weeks later, begins to vomit and ultrasound reveals the incredible


Eliza and husband Ben, like most other parents, were overwhelmed by the prospect of having their first child together.

Their little girl Charlie was born healthy and well – life was like a bouquet of flowers for the new family of three.

Just a few short weeks later, however, Eliza began to feel strange. She developed

symptoms she hadn’t expected, including vomiting, and knew in herself that something was wrong.

Her and Ben went back to the hospital as a result, wanting to investigate just what could be the problem.

It was there, after doctors had given her an ultrasound examination, that the incredible truth was revealed to all …Meet Eliza Curby. She and her boyfriend Ben had only been in a serious relationship for around three months when their lives were changed forever.

Eliza was pregnant! Both of them dreamed of forming a family, and this meant they could start a whole new journey together in life.Her pregnancy was normal and Eliza felt well. When their beloved daughter Charlie was delivered, they thanked their lucky stars that all had gone to plan. The new family of three went home and began to adjust to life.

Just a few short weeks later, however, something strange happened.

Eliza began to feel unwell. She started vomiting and a weakness took over. She knew herself that not all was right.


The couple decided to go back to the hospital to investigate. Then, out of the blue, doctors returned results from an ultrasound that would throw their lives in a completely new direction.The ultrasound revealed that Eliza had become pregnant again! And this time with twins! Her stomach just grew and grew and grew …

So it was that nine months later, the family went from three to five!

She gave birth to two identical boys, Jack and Wolfe. They were born healthy and without complications.


Eliza had delivered three children in just eleven months!

While Eliza and Ben can enjoy raising children, it’s great that little Charlie has two young brothers to look after.

Twin girls separated at birth – see their emotional reunion after a decade apart


I love to see a family reunion, watching the emotion of someone reconnecting with a relative they either lost touch with or didn’t even know existed is a beautiful sight.

In the case of Audrey Doering she was about to find out that not only did she have a sister but that sister was her twin.

Audrey’s adoptive mom Jennifer wanted to give her ten-year-old daughter a Christmas gift that included details from her family tree in China.


With the help of a Chinese researcher, the Wisconsin mom discovered a picture that made her jaw drop. On the lap of her foster mom she saw baby Audrey but next to her was a baby that looked just like her. She had a twin!

Through social media Jennifer managed to track down the adoptive mother of Audrey’s twin Gracie and discovered she was living just across the country.

The Rainsberry family lived in Washington, and also had no knowledge their daughter Gracie was a twin.

Mom Jennifer did all she could to ensure the meeting between the two girls didn’t upset them too much by talking to specialists and speaking to families which had gone through similar situations. A doctor who had been helping the family adjust also confirmed that the girls were identical twins!

The girls chatted via video and over the phone to get used to each other and then a meeting in person was arranged on the show “Good Morning America.”


Audrey has three big brothers so was very excited to learn that she had a sister and Gracie was also the youngest child in her family and couldn’t wait to meet her twin. They told the show they had always felt there was something missing.

Find out more about this incredible story in the video below and get the tissues at the ready.


What an amazing story! I hope these two can find lots of opportunities to spend time with each other, they have a lot to catch up on!

Please share this uplifting story with all your friends and family on Facebook.