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Toddler is Playing With Toys In Her Room – Then She Starts Singing ‘Jolene’…


“Jolene” by Dolly Parton is one of the most famous songs in the world. It was released in October of 1973 as the first single and title track from her album of the same name.
Fifty years have passed since then, but the song still manages to stay in the limelight. The song even falls at #63 on Rolling Stone magazine’s 2020 list of “the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time”. Dolly says that out of all of her songs, “Jolene” is the one that has been most-recorded by other artists.

Dolly explained that the song is loosely based upon events in her own life, when after spending considerable time on the road, she was worried her husband might have his eye on one of the tellers at the local bank.



The video below features yet another cover of “Jolene” and it is probably the sweetest one out there. Mom and dad couldn’t help themselves from taking out their camera and filming while their little girl, Sophia, sang the classic hit.

Her rendition went viral on the internet very fast. And I am not really surprised, because this cute clip is worth sharing! Even Dolly watched the video and said it warms her heart that music reaches even the littlest of fans. Watch this adorable short clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Baby Girl Steals the Show at Dance Showcase and She Couldn’t Be Any Cuter


Most children start walking between the ages of 9 and 18 months. This is a significant milestone for children and their parents, as it is the first time a child is able to move about freely and independently. During this time, children will practice standing up and balancing, as well as taking their first steps. As they gain more confidence, they’ll become more proficient in walking and eventually running.

Well here’s a toddler who’s definitely got the standing and walking part down, so now she’s decided to try her hand at dancing. She’s watching the big people all around her at a Ballroom Showcase dance and she think’s she’s got what it takes, so she decides to shake and turn and wobble.



Her mommy tries to get her away, but she denies it as she wants to dance her heart out. With a charming smile on her face and a cute looking outfit. She becomes the center of attention within minutes of showcasing her fun moves.

She looks a lot like a moving doll–and is every bit as cute! I hope you enjoy this. Watch the cute video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

School Children’s Rendition of the “Little Drummer Boy” Leaves Everyone Breathless


Every time I listen to the song “Little Drummer Boy,” I picture Angela and Dwight from The Office doing karaoke of the song in one of Christmas special episodes. So, every time I hear the “ra pum pum pum/ra pum pum pum,” I feel like Christmas is here.



But this performance of the classic Christmas song is a little different. It is performed by the choir of Killard House School with an actual drummer boy.

Students from four to eight get up on stage and stand in line. Four of them stand below the stage in another platform. And right beside them stands the drummer ready to show off his skills. And right when the piano starts playing, they begin to sing in beautiful harmony.

Dad Interviews Baby Daughter, Her Answers Left Even Mom in Hysterics!


Children seem to put their dads on a pedestal, especially daughters. The daddy-daughter relationship is often the best and their interaction with one another can be adorable, to say the least. A dad views his little girl as a princess, while the daughter will always think of her dad as her first love.

The video below features a daddy-daughter duo that is going to melt your heart with their cute conversation. This dad is having a hilarious interview with his daughter, Amalah.




Dad asks her some questions and Amalah gives him some deep insights. Her answers will crack you up for sure! He did his first interview with Amalah when she was 6 weeks old and she is 14 months old in this clip.

Wait till you see this–you’ll understand why this clip has over 8 million views. I can’t stop smiling! Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Big Brother Wants Some Answers Before His New Baby Sister Comes Home


It may be funny when you look back on it years later, but if you’ve had kids, you’ve inevitably been treated to the spectacle of a verbal gaffe. Been there, done that. Sometimes, we put our foot in our mouths. Other times, it’s just sweet innocence that gets us in trouble. As we know, kids speak their minds — although as we’ll see here, they often aren’t fully informed — and sometimes don’t have a “filter.” It can be cute and sometimes downright hilarious, particularly if it’s just you and them.

In the video posted below, you’ll see a fine example of a kid saying something really funny and managing to embarrass no one but himself. And don’t worry, we aren’t going to reveal any spoilers. This particular incident actually began as a really nice family moment. Mom hands a newborn baby to a little boy and explains that she’s his brand-new sister. So much for sibling rivalry: he’s all smiles and clearly delighted to be meeting her. He even gives her a little peck on the cheek. Aw, what a good brother.



The newborn starts to squirm, and her brother announces that she’s “wiggling around.” Their mom explains that “Yes, she’s wiggling around. It means she likes you.” Now it’s time for him to show off some of his knowledge. For the benefit of everyone in the room, he points out where his new sister’s stomach is, where her legs are, and where her feet are.

This is when the embarrassing gaffe happens. He asks a question that has everyone laughing. That’s funny enough, but wait until you see the expression on his face when his mom tells him the answer – that is truly the funniest part.

Dad Sings And Dances With Baby Girl


Mom is the nurturer, protector and first caregiver of a baby. After all, the two started to forge their bond in utero! Mom tends to be a little more sensitive to her baby’s needs with the tendency to always watch over and make sure her baby is safe, well-fed, guarded and out of harm’s way. But what about dad? Dad’s role is just as important but it’s a little different. He gets to start bonding once the baby is born. He’s a little more hands-on and shares the responsibility with mom in a different way.

In this video, we get to see a dad babysitting his baby girl, and what he does and how he does it is making hearts flutter from beginning to end!

Just before the video starts, this adorable baby girl was upset and crying. She needed a little love and attention, so dad scoops her up in his arms, hits play, and the rest is magic. Sam Cooke’s “A Change Is Gonna Come” comes on and the moment it starts, dad starts to sing, and this hunky dad has a serious set of pipes!

His name is Mani Hoffman and he’s a French singer, songwriter, and music producer. But when he’s not writing and producing for the masses, he’s at home with his family recording himself belting out soulful sounds to his little girl. And she loves it! She’s fully intrigued, and enjoying the sound of her father’s incredible voice. How could she not? The man summons some serious blues-sounding vocals that are just too good!



And like daddy like daughter. She perks up and tries to sing along with him, making cute little sounds, followed by a big smile. The two are dancing around the bedroom, as he moves up and down with her, gently twirling her around while hitting a couple of high notes. No big deal. He’s totally a multi-tasker. So much so, right at the 2:38 mark, sounds of another child are heard and dad spins around on his heels, instantly making sure she’s okay. And he doesn’t break from the song! He’s still singing flawlessly, as another little girl comes running in shouting, “Daddy!” He scoops her up too, finishing up the song while breaking hearts!

Click below to watch this heartwarming video of one handsome dad singing his heart out to his favorite girls!

Tiny Gymnast Takes Over The Mat With A Stellar Performance


As a kid, I played street hockey and basketball. I loved volleyball (still do!), climbing trees, ice skating, biking around the neighborhood and going swimming. I’m happy I had an active childhood, I was always moving, engaged in some kind of athletic sport. I even did ballet for a while! But, the one thing I really wanted to do or get more into, was gymnastics. I never really fully realized that interest (probably because I had my hands full doing other things!) but I often wonder what would have happened if I had pursued it!

I don’t know if I ever would have been even half as amazing as this little stunner, Ulyana Travkina, because wow, she is something else. I’m pretty sure her body is made of elastic!

Ulyana, from Russia, is only eight years old, but she’s taking the gymnastics world by storm. In this video, she emerges from the corner of the mat, in a pink tulle skirt. The audience is a little sparse, but they are captivated nonetheless. She works the floor like she’s done a million times, no doubt. Her practice has lead to the perfection of her routine, and it’s obvious she is a master at what she puts her mind to.

Her body is little, but mighty, able to stretch and bend in ways I’d assume a body can’t, but she proves me wrong. From the minute she starts her routine, she’s defying the law of gravity and what the human body is capable of doing. Ulyana’s routine is a mix of dance and gymnastics. She has no props, no partners, it’s just her and the floor – she dominates! Her bends and folds are impressive, to say the least, because she is able to really sink into a stretch or fold over like a contortionist.



The little girl has energy and drive, and if she keeps up her attitude, continuing to train long into her adolescence, there’s nothing she can’t do! It’s hard to keep your eyes off her, I mean, how does a body move like that?!

Click below to watch Ulyana rock the floor and steal the show because clearly, the natural laws of physics don’t apply to her!

10-Year-Old With A Sweet Voice Sings “Hallelujah”


Jasmine Clarke is barely a tween but she’s already singing like a seasoned professional – and she’s even set up like one too! Notice her top-of-the-line microphone and the background music to her song that even has sound effects! She’s got her family’s support because they know their little girl has got the talent. All Jasmine has to do is open her mouth and let her song be heard.

While she may be small in size, her voice and passion are loud. That’s why she’s got the in-home studio so she can practice perfecting her craft – and she’s only ten years old! She’s just going to get better and better!

Originally from Perth, Australia, Jasmine has been musically inclined since she was a tot. Her parents wanted to encourage their daughter, so they helped her by moving to Los Angeles where there’s more opportunity to pursue what she wants. In this home video, Jasmine has chosen to sing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” for her adoring fans. Not an easy song! While some parts are smooth and not too challenging, other parts and lifts are. Especially in Jasmine’s version. She starts out slow and methodical, building interest. Her voice is sweet and present. She’s not taking too many risks or jumping between notes, but it’s steady, and it sounds pretty.



After the second verse and chorus, Jasmine kicks it up a notch on the third verse. She switches gears to give a more heartfelt emotional performance. Her notes become higher and more pronounced, and she throws her voice a little more, showcasing what she’s able to do with it. Notice how she becomes a little more animated too – she finds strength in her voice by moving her arms and using more of her body. Jasmine also adds a little bit of a pop flair by changing up the syllable emphasis on the word “Hallelujah” a couple of different times in the closing of the song.

While the first part of the song was a bit more of a warm-up, she definitely brings it home later in the song, gaining confidence and trust and believing in herself and her talent. It seems to me that this girl has got lots of potential and she’s going to go far in a matter of a few years! I think we’ll be seeing her on “American Idol” soon enough!

Click below to watch Jasmine in her comfort zone. She’s got it going on!

Mom walks in on twins in the laundry basket, can’t stop cracking up at their adorable conversation


These twins are having a very important conversation about socks when mom walks in and sees them in the laundry basket. She had to get out her phone and record the chat because it’s just too cute!
18-month-old twins Stella and Lilah are just trying to help fold socks and talking about the upcoming nap time probably!



How do you like their communication? Feel free to let us know in the Facebook comments, and remember to like and share. We hope you have a COOL INFO!

Little Boy Explains Why God Made Grandmothers


Most parents will report that grandparents tend to have a much different role in children’s lives than parents. That’s not much of a surprise, given that grandparents don’t have to be as involved in the day-to-day raising of children. They just get to spoil them and enjoy all of the fun!

Raising kids is a tough job and grandparents have plenty of experience raising their own kids — they may even have plenty of advice to offer. But, it’s not their job to be the parent. While parents may have to be the “bad guys,” grandparents have the option to always be the “good guys”.

They are older and therefore, mellower in their parenting styles and position as a disciplinarian, they tend to try harder because they are not the primary caretaker in the child’s life, and they may be taking advantage of a chance for a “do-over” in their own experience of raising kids.



“But moving to the next generation, grandmothers (or grandparents in general) typically aren’t called upon to deal with their grandkids at their most challenging worst. Nor are they required to function as disciplinarians, so they can be more lenient. Having completed the arduous, worrisome, and super-responsible job of childrearing, they’re in a far better position to simply sit back and enjoy all the things that children say and do that make them so lovable…The daily stresses that go with parenting are largely absent in this quite different grandparent-to-child relationship. And so their role is less complicated, less taxing, less laborious.”

At the end of the day, kids don’t care about all this — they just like spending time with their grandparents. The little boy in this video has a very simple explanation for why God made grandmas, particularly his own grandma. In the sweetest, most genuine way, he explains that “God made grandmothers to love and care about you, that’s all I know.” He’s also very impressed with how old she is!

This little boy is lucky to have a loving, caring grandma in his life. As adults, we may think too hard about family dynamics and who plays what role in a child’s life. But, I think he has the right idea about what’s really important. I hope his grandma knows that she is loved!

Watch the adorable video below and share it with all the loving grans you know!