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Just when the judges thought that Connie wouldn’t be able to deliver, she proves them wrong!


I believe that everyone is talented. People are born with something that is unique about them, and they carry this element of individuality with them every day of their lives — this statement applies to babies and children. You may think that babies don’t get a chance to showcase any “talent” because they’re still developing. But, really, who has the power to make a room full of people laugh hysterically loud with a single motion, gesture, or cutesy sound? That’s gotta be a baby. If you ask me, that’s quite the talent!



On a more serious note, the video below showcases, six-year-old Connie Talbot who has an impeccable voice and innocent stage presence. She confidently goes on stage and stands in front of the three infamous judges of “Britain’s Got Talent.” She even holds her ground when Simon Cowell chimes in and says he’s going to speak to her like an adult.

To begin with, the judges had no faith in Connie and her talent. She’s a singer who has had no professional training, and they figured that this was just another one of those auditions that would walk away disappointed. It’s not until the girl opens her mouth and belts out the first note that they’re left floored.

Connie takes the stage and starts to sing everyone’s favorite, “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” As soon as the cameras turn to capture the judges’ reactions, one of them is seen sitting there teary-eyed, with her hands clasped tightly over her mouth. It’s clear that she has no words to describe what she’s watching on stage.

Connie went on to be a significant part of “Britain’s Got Talent” that year. Although she didn’t win the final round, she made room in the hearts of many people all around the world.

Click on the link below to watch her excellent rendition of this classic.

7-Year-Old Boy Sings “Take Me Home, Country Roads”


From “America’s Got Talent” to “The Voice,” and the classic “American Idol,” reality television and singing and talent competitions are all the rage. You might think that after watching these types of shows for years, we would be tired of them by now. But the truth is that they are only getting more popular and I’m one of the people that simply can’t get enough of them.

It’s hard to figure out why so many people enjoy these shows as much as they do. I think that the reason might be different for everyone. There are actually a lot of different aspects of these shows that different people may find entertaining, engaging, or even addicting.

For instance, some people may love the suspense that comes with watching a talent competition from week to week and wondering or trying to guess who is most likely to go home. Other folks may just like watching the various performances and choosing their own favorites to root for and doing a little bit of “armchair judging” of their own. There’s definitely something in people that makes them root for certain contestants because of their background and personal stories, usually if it’s something that is emotionally compelling or that we can relate to in our own lives.



For most viewers, it’s probably a combination of all of these things that make us keep coming back to these wonderfully entertaining shows. While I enjoy all of these aspects and more, my favorite part of any television talent show just may be the auditions. Not only do I love watching a true talent surprising everyone and being discovered for the very first time, I love watching normal people, who like myself, have pretty much zero natural talent.

Thankfully, the little boy in this video is a member of the first category — he’s very talented and the judges and audience are getting to experience his singing talent for the very first time. Seven-year-old Shaney-Lee’s own mother describes him as an “old man in a little person’s body,” and when he takes the stage on Britain’s version of “The Voice,” he is not only adorable but wise and talented beyond his years.

The little boy auditioned with John Denver’s “Take Me Home” and immediately charmed the judges and the audience with his voice and adorable country twang. Watch him in the video below and please like and share to spread the smiles!

Dad Becomes Tickle Monster And Makes His Triplets Laugh


Too often, we focus on the dreadful parts of parenting: the diaper changes, the tantrums, the expenses of raising children, and so on. But what about all the good aspects of parenting? You know, the parts that make you smile and laugh and genuinely make you proud to be a parent? Yeah, those! There are a lot of them.

In one video on the web, a father tickling his adorable triplet boys reminds us that joy can be found in the simplest of things. It also reminds us why we shouldn’t take parenting for granted. Sometimes reading our children one more story before bed or engaging in Ring a Ring o’ Roses for the seventh time is worth seeing the smile on their face.

The beginning of the video reveals three identically-dressed, curly-headed baby boys lounging on a couch. Then daddy storms in, in “tickle monster mode.” Instantly, the three cuties squeal of excitement! Seeing their little faces light up was a joy in itself.



The best part is next. Dad walks away like nothing ever happened and stalls for a bit while the boys settle back down in their chill state. But back comes the tickle monster once more! At this point, I die with laughter as each triplet squeals with laughter at the exact same time. It appears that the father and his three boys are having equally as much fun with his tickle monster act!

More rounds continue where the tickle monster leaves and comes back roaring before providing another tickle attack. The three boys have the same hilarious reaction, acting surprised each and every time. Like them, I have the same reaction each time too, smiling and giggling at their adorable laughs.

The fact that this father had the energy and took the time to play around with his three boys after a long, tiring day of work really says something. Sure, many parents still take on their mother or father duties regardless of how tired they are, but hey, the tickle monster requires quite a bit of zest if you ask me!

With millions of YouTube views and hundreds of positive comments, it’s clear that others enjoyed the tickle monster video too.

If you have children yourself, what is/was your favorite game to play with them to keep them entertained? Peek-a-boo? Hide-and-go-seek? Maybe you were a tickle monster too? Let us know!

To see dad play around with his three sweet babies, watch the video below!

Irish Dancers Perform To “Footloose” Song


Being a dancer means you can dance anywhere, and mostly, on anything! All you need is two feet and a heartbeat (ok, music and speakers too!) and you can transform any surface into your dance floor! What’s more, it’s so expressive and personal. It’s about communicating what’s on your mind and in your heart by moving your body.

It’s this “body movement” that stands as the crux of the matter in the 1984 cult classic Footloose, where public dancing and rock music were made illegal in a small American town. Everyone ends up getting involved and at the end, they’re finally allowed to dance! The hit song “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins is a celebration of the law change, and it’s played in the big scene of the movie after everyone is legally permitted to bust a move.

Not surprisingly, this song is a favorite among many, and that’s why these Irish-dancing young ladies chose to put on a spectacular performance using it! Anna Meese is a student at the Murray Irish Dance School in Oregon, an esteemed school that specializes in teaching children of all ages and backgrounds this specific form of dance. Founded by Geraldine Murray, hundreds of students have perfected their Irish dancing skills and have gone on to win championships, or in this case, create videos that go sensationally viral!



Spearheaded by Anna, the young girl has assembled a team of dancers to join her in this collaboration that ties traditional Gaelic folk dancing with 1980’s American rock ‘n roll. It is a bizarre mash-up, but it works. One look at the video and you can see how much fun the girls are having doing something they love. And, they’re so talented! Each girl has her own set of skills and style, and when they come together to dance as a group, it’s lovely to watch! The choreography is high-energy and intricate, plus it’s performed all over town in different parts of a really pretty city. Different monuments, parks, and paths set up the environment for some action-packed dancing to go down. It’s impossible to get bored watching this, there’s just so much to see!

Click on the video below to watch an extra fun version of a nostalgic song that’s been around for so long. It’s great to see some new life and vision brought into it!

Dad Asks Hard-Working Son If He Can Do 1 More Chore. When He Sees What It Is He Breaks Down In Tears


A good work ethic is something that is oft-lamented these days. While hard work and determination have been the backbone of this country for years, many children have grown soft and don’t know the feeling of a hard day’s work.

Just because a lot of kids are that way, though, doesn’t mean all of them are.

Nine-year-old Kolt Kyler from Pierceton, Indiana, knows the meaning of hard work. He helps his dad on the family farm, and that often includes chores like feeding and cleaning up after their pigs.

While many boys his age might scoff at such hard and dirty work, Kolt works tirelessly and without complaint.

“His work ethic is amazing,” Kolt’s sister, Hannah Himes, said.



After one particularly arduous day on the farm, Kolt’s dad, Andy, had a proposition for him.

“You know, I kind of tested you a little bit today,” Andy told him. “I wanted to see how you’d react because I knew you were tired. You never once complained. You worked hard.”

He then asked if Kolt would be up for one more job. He warned his son that it would take a lot of time – probably all day – but the hard-working young man agreed to the task before he even knew what it was.

That’s when Andy handed him an envelope and told him to open it. When Kolt saw what was inside he immediately melted into tears.


Instead of another chore, the envelope contained tickets to go see Kolt’s beloved Chicago Cubs play at Wrigley Field, a reward for working hard on the farm, at school, and on his baseball team.

“He may or may not be their biggest fan!” Hannah said, adding that Kolt has “been carrying around a bat, ball, and glove since he could walk.”

Hannah posted a video of the sweet moment on Twitter where it immediately caught fire, spreading as far as the Cubs themselves.

Anthony Rizzo, the Cubs’ first baseman, retweeted the video and said he would have batting practice passes waiting for Kolt so he could experience the game from right on the field!

The whole team will give Kolt and his father a warm welcome at their game against the St. Louis Cardinals in June, and we’re sure Kolt is eagerly counting down the days!

What a fitting reward for such an exceptional young man!

Little Drummer Boy Hurts His Finger While Drumming, His Reaction Is The Cutest!


Drumming is one of the coolest hobbies one can develop. And you know what makes it cooler? When a toddler plays it with ease! It’s pleasantly surprising to see how insanely talented kids these days are. We can only imagine how much better they’ll get as they grow up.



The video below features a cute, curly-haired kid playing drums. His dad is singing while the wonder kid is drumming along. At such a tender age, his talent goes beyond his age. In the middle of the song though, poor kid hurts his finger and cries for help. However, his dad’s kiss makes the pain go away and he continues with his rocking performance. To add on to it, he even flashes his adorable smile towards the end.

WATCH this drummer boy effortlessly giving the beats to his dad. We are his fans already!

‘Apparently’ This Kid Is Awesome, Steals The Show In An Interview


Apparently, some people are just born to be on TV. Noah Ritters was only 5-years-old when he was visiting the Wayne County Fair. A reporter stopped him to ask a simple question, “How was the ride?” Whether he knew or not that it was his chance to get famous, he still made the most of his brief time on TV.

He went on and said a lot of things, but the actual answer to the question. However, this interview with Noah was particularly interesting because of one reason. He was very fond of this word ‘apparently’ and used it all too often while he spoke!



He said, “I’ve never been on live television before. Apparently, sometimes I don’t watch the news because I’m a kid. ” Then he went from his first-time experience to power balls and other rants about his grandfather.

When the reporter asked him what he thought of the ride, this was his answer.

“The ride was great because apparently, you are spinning around and apparently you get dizzy.”

How adorable! Right? WATCH his apparently hilarious interview below!

11-year-old Belts Out “let It Go” on Stage. His Perfect Notes Make Everyone Jump to Their Feet


Ellen DeGeneres needs no introduction. She is probably one of the most popular talk show hosts on TV right now. Apart from being witty and hilarious, she is also very generous as well. Her show introduces some interesting people to her viewers. Her hit show features many celebrities, but she also invited funny or talented people she discovers on the internet as well.



An 11-year-old boy named Luke Chacko’s was invited to her show. His dream became a reality after he performed his version of “Let It Go” for singer Idina Menzel on The Ellen Show. His rendition of the hit song from the animated movie “Frozen” was simply flawless. He hit all the high notes perfectly, and made it look just so easy.

He totally wowed the crowd with his voice. Even Idina was so moved by the intensity of the song that she offered the young man and his family tickets to see “Wicked” in New York City. Luke was absolutely thrilled after receiving the gift. His incredible talent paid off in a big way for him. This must have given him even more encouragement to continue with his passions and talent.

Ellen has really made so many dreams come true, and Luke’s is definitely not going to be the last!

Check out this amazing video below:

Kids Walked on Stage Wearing Bags Pulls A Hilarious Twist, Leaving Crowd With Biggest Roar of Laughter


When you think of a dance team, you probably think of a beautiful production with members doing crazy stunts. Or synchronized acts of fancy footwork! But these high school dancers have a surprise in store for the audience members that will knock their socks off!



When the Beyer High dance team had an opportunity to perform a routine in 2010, they wanted to make it unforgettable. Although any fantastic production would have surely stolen the show, they wanted to stand apart from the crowd. So, they decided to start with classical music in the dark and finally reveal their true colors in the second act.

The music starts playing, and dancers who are covered head to toe with a cloth start moving to the soothing sounds. Then suddenly, “I Feel Good” by James Brown starts playing, and the lights shine bright.! And it’s revealed that all the dancers are wearing colorful stretchy bags! And their dance is just hilarious. Moreover, they perform to a full pop medley, making the crowds erupt in laughter! Watch the entire video below:

He Takes Her Hand in His, and When the Music Starts, These Cuties Perform the Cutest Dance Ever


The following video is from an episode of Ukraine’s Got Talent. It shows two amazing little dancers that will no doubt leave you amazed beyond words! The little guy is Yuta and he is seven. His partner is called Karina and she is only six. But their age is no issue when you see their amazing talent.

These little kids are not only adorable but also extremely talented. It could be hard for even adults to do what they performed, but Yuta and Karina pulled it off without any problem! This dup managed to capture the hearts of all the spectators. Long hours of practice and hardwork must have gone into this!



Watch their brilliant performance in the video below! Did you like this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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