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Woman Gives Her Step Daughter Gift, She Realizes There’s More in the Bag and Bursts Into Tears


Blood ties don’t matter when it comes to love. And the people in this video are the perfect example of it. This clip features a stepmom and her beloved kid, Haley. The footage shows us an instance from Haley’s birthday. You are going to be in tears when you see the unbelievable gift Haley received during her party from her stepmom. The little girl will never forget the emotional turn her birthday party took when her stepmother handed her one gift bag.



Friends and family and gathered together to celebrate the little girl’s birthday. Everything seemed to be going normally, but this particular birthday was going to be like no other for Haley. Her stepmom sat her down in a chair and gave her a present. She opened it to find a stuffed animal inside. But then Haley realized that there was another gift in the bag. Wait till you see her take out the well-thought out gift and read it aloud!

The stepmom surprised the young girl with an adoption on her birthday! What follows is like a movie scene and it will touch your heart for sure. Haley was left in a fit of tears, but with a gift that beautiful, who wouldn’t? Watch this life-changing gift below! What did you think about that? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

2 Yr Old Loves to Hear Daddy Sing, Then She Imitates Him & Wins Over the Internet


Meet Maddy Dellaca. This tiny girl loves to hear her daddy sing. She is only two years old and she lives in Iowa with her family. Every time her dad breaks out into a song, she pays close attention to him. Then she mimics his actions. One day, her mom, Chelsea, overheard her performing the Star Spangled Banner. She enjoyed it so much that she couldn’t help but capture it on camera and share it on the internet. Needless to say, it went viral.



Maddy is just the cutest little thing! In the video, she can be seen clutching her toy microphone and belting out the classic in her own sweet way. Ever since the little girl heard her father practice the song for an audition to sing at an Iowa Cubs baseball game this season, she has been singing the tune herself all the time. Sometimes, she even asks her brother to join in with her! According to her mother, Maddy has started singing the song at random times too!

Though she has a hard time remembering and pronouncing every single word on the song, she does a good job covering it. It is a real treat watching this enthusiastic little girl sing her heart out. Wait till you see her perform the song for yourself! Watch Maddy’s amazing performance below! Did you enjoy it as much as we did? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

He Sat Down to Read a Book, This Precious Moment Captured Will Melt Your Heart


Parents can’t always be fun-loving and entertaining with their kids. Sometimes, they need to be strict with them as well. And this is where uncles come in! Everyone should have a “fun uncle” in their life. He doesn’t really need to be blood related, but he should definitely know how to make you laugh and have a good time! Not only are these “fun uncles” great entertainers, but they are also good role models – despite being a little naughty from time to time.




Little Margot is lucky to have an uncle who is exactly these things. Her uncle, Adam Theroux, is a goofball, but he has her best interest at heart. The following video features one of their interactions and it is going to melt you for sure! This clip was taken when Margot was still a baby. Adam sat her down on the sofa and read her the beloved children’s classic, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” He does a really good job at it! His hilarious performance cracks up Margot and she starts chuckling uncontrollably.

Margot and her Uncle Adam took the internet by storm when this video was posted. It has since then gone viral. The little baby is a bit older now and she even has a little sister. I am sure Adam reads to his younger niece in the same way he did with his older one! Check out this precious clip below! Did this make you smile? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

Daddy Begins Singing Classic. Baby’s Comeback Is Melting Everyone’s Heart


The bond between a father and his son is truly special. It is unlike anything else in the world. And that is exactly what this video shows. Isto wanted to show the world his beautiful connection with his newborn baby son. So he decided to perform a wonderful version of “You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby” for his son, while he captured his reaction. The response he got has been melting the heart of everyone on the internet. Wait till you see this! You are going to be smiling from ear to ear for sure!

“You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby” is almost 80 years old. It was written way back in 1938 by Harry Warren and Johnny Mercer, and was sung by the incredible Bing Crosby! It has been covered by countless artists since its first release. The song has also been used for various television shows. The classic hit holds a special place in all our hearts, as it usually tops the charts when covered by a new musician. So it comes no surprise that Isto’s performance went viral on the online community.



Isto belts out the perfect version of “You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby.” In the middle of the song, he lets his baby boy strum a few chords. Then the little guy steals hearts with his reaction. He even bobs his head back and forth to the tune! Watch Isto sing to his son in the video below! Did this make you smile? Share what you thought about the video in the comments section!

Emotional Father and Son’s Song Tears Up Simon So Much That He Hits the Golden Buzzer


Many skillful people come to show their unique talents in ‘Britain’s Got Talent.’ But the show only recognizes a handful of talented people, and it’s hard to shine through. But not this father-son duo! They say talent runs in your genes, now watch how they prove this fact.



Both of them start strumming their guitar and sing an emotional song. And as well know if you build an emotional connection with the audience, you have done your job! Once they start singing, you come to see that they have a fantastic bond. They can perfectly harmonize with the music. As soon as they started singing the heartfelt lyrics of “Lucky Ones,” the audience knew this is going to be something mindblowing. And the most shocking reaction of all was that of Simon. He goes on to give a golden buzzer to this incredible pair! Can you believe that?

Many contestants try a lot to break this though judge, but it looks like this father-son duo managed to open his softer side. And he feels they can shine through by sending them into another round. Did you enjoy their soulful performance as much as we did?

Little Boy Stops the Passerby With His Unbelievable Ukulele Rendition of “Classical Gas”


I’m sure everyone has wanted to pick up a musical instrument at some time in their lives. Moreover, it seems like a fun hobby to pass the time. However, not many of us do it. And even if we do, we just know how to play the basics. But when you hear this kid play the Ukulele, you’ll be left awe!

Whan Feng E began showing an interest in playing the Ukulele; he never got lessons from a tutor. Instead, his dad got him an instrument and taught him the basics. From there, the boy has been learning to play it himself. And although Feng never got formal guidance, his talent shone through. And in no time, he was playing in the busy streets of Taipei, Taiwan.



Sitting in the city center with only his Ukulele and an amp, Feng plays the strings flawlessly! His passion for the instrument shows as he performs “Classical Gas,” an instrumental piece by Tommy Emmanuel. Moreover, the Ukulele almost looks like a full sized-guitar in the young boy’s hands! But he doesn’t let it get in the way. In fact, he has full command of the strings and enjoys playing it. His effortless playing even includes some drumming on the side!

Little Girl Says “Bye” to Everyone Going Down That Escalator but Wait Till You See Their Reaction


A simple act of thoughtfulness can do wonders. It can improve a person’s day and there really is nothing better than putting a smile on someone’s face, is there? Just take a look at this little ray of sunshine in the video below! What this little girl did at the mall left many people in smiles. Wait till you see this!



Chloe and her dad were spending some quality time at the Copley Place mall in Boston, MA. When they came upon an escalator, Chloe took the liberty of saying “bye” to everyone that went down the escalator. Almost all of the people greeted her back. Her dad says that he thought it was the funniest and the cutest thing ever, so he couldn’t help capture his daughter’s adorable act on the camera.

Watch this heart-melting kid below! I want to be on that escalator now! What about you? Let us know if you enjoyed this cute clip in the comments!

Tiny Dancers Stare at Each Other and Wait for Music. Moments Later, No One Can Believe Their Moves


At the young age of 7, this cutest duo has touched the heart of millions with their captivating dance at Murrieta Dance Project.



Paige Glenn and Artyon Celestine show off their fearless turns and lifts, leaving the judges at awe. The flawless execution of the routine “Tale As Old As Time,” the title track of beauty and the beast made them the winner of the competition. After this dance went viral, the little couple also appeared on “Little Big Shot” and “The Ellen’s Show.”

Not just the dance, just look at their expression. This routine is perfect in every way. Watch the full video down below:

Little Girl Has a Crush on a Boy, Grandma’s Advice Has Everyone in Laughter


All of us have had crushes. Do you remember when you had your first crush? The little girl featured in the video below is called Mila Stauffer and she just had her first crush at the age of two! And now she is head over heels for someone who millions of people in the world adore. That is why she decided to FaceTime her grandma so that she could get some expert opinion on the matter. You are going to be left in stitches when you hear her lovely grandmother’s relationship advice!



Mila wants to win over her celebrity crush, Justin Beiber. And luckily for her, grandma has lots of suggestions that might actually be of help to her. Some of her ways are dated, but the little girl still listens to what the elderly lady has to say. From writing letters to primping up herself, grandma shares the best of her useful insights to the adorable little girl. When the two year old asks her what she should convey when she writes the message, grandma says something that leaves the whole internet laughing out loud.

Let’s hope the little girl gets a chance to meet her celebrity crush and give him a great big hug! She is so cute – I am sure she will win Justin Beiber over if she had the chance! Watch Mila’s hilarious talk with grandma in the video below! Did this duo crack you up? Share what you thought about it in the comments section!

The Little Girl Doesn’t Like Her Mum and Wants a New One – See How She Conveys It.


Every mother has their own way of responding to their children. No matter how harsh the situation might be, mothers always hope to make the best for them. However, children might get emotional over silly things and lead on to disastrous steps.

The video presents the little girl asking for her new mommy with full of tears. She doesn’t describe the real reason behind replacing her. But, surprisingly, she suggests the name of her new mommy to replace her present mother.



Even so, the mother carefully handles the situation and acknowledge her demand. The child was too innocent to be blamed for the situation. At the same time, the child asks with her husky voice whether to call from her name. This video gets so engaging with the surprising conversation handled by her mother. Furthermore, the mother laughs and smiles with love, showing the kid she is not rude to her.