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Emotional Dad’s Cinderella Dance With Daughters Is Bringing People to Tears


Once we have a family, don’t we come up with all sorts of activities to spend time with our loved ones. For some, it could be a newfound interest while for others a shared passion. In Russ Papparotto’s case, it was the love for dancing that bonded the family closer.When Russ and his wife started their family, they were blessed with one daughter after another. Soon enough the girls’ followed in their father’s footsteps. Sioned and Brianna began practicing dance routines with dad. It was not long before they took up on stage. However the younger child Sophia was only six, and it was her first time taking on the stage.



Obviously, the stakes were high, the family dressed to perform for Experimental Movement Concepts Dance Concert. As the music Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman cues on the speakers, we witness a lovely little girl walk onto the stage. Sophia is incredibly confident and it shows in her act no doubt about that. Russ makes his entrance a few minutes later and the father-daughter duo really make an impact.

And so on the performance comes to life one talented daughter after another. It had me reaching for tissues. Please press play and enjoy the dance routine.

Four Girls Line Up on Stage – But Their Dancing Is Nothing Like I Expected


Many parents of young girls are a little trepidatious about dance recitals: long days watching lots of semi-skilled girls try their best at doing moves they’ve been working on for weeks. Good news for this video: these girls are not semi-skilled and you’ll definitely enjoy their dance.

Irish dancing derived from ancient Celtic and Druid dance rituals over 1,000 years ago. It has been practiced in Ireland since at least the 16th century, and is thought to be a combination of traditional Irish, Scottish, and English dance styles. It is characteristic for maintaining a stiff upper body with intricate footwork. These four girls use a slightly more modern flair but their moves are still beautifully Irish dance.



These girls are just amazing. They are dancing to “Siamsa” by internationally acclaimed composer Ronan Hardiman, whose music has been in movies (Neverland), TV, theater and Irish dance shows such as Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames and Celtic Tiger.

The girls precise movements do the composer–-and their dance teacher–-proud. I really think you will like this! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Daddy Says It’s Time To Pray— Watch As Baby Girl Joins In Most Adorable Fashion


The majority of parents are unable to eat their meals without their children crying and running around. This toddler, on the other hand, had excellent table manners, and our hearts warmed.


The 15-second video has been viewed by millions of people on YouTube. According to some sources, a viral Facebook video was seen 38 million times.
The toddler is saying grace at the table before dinner with her family in this video.


At the time, Eloise Invorvaia was 20 months old, but she had better manners than most of us. When her father tells her it’s time to pray, Eloise knows just what to say

In 2016, the video was uploaded to YouTube for the first time. Liz and John Invorvaia, who were residing in Indianapolis, Indiana at the time, published the video online. The gorgeous family currently resides in Waterville, Ohio. At Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, John is the Director of Family Ministries.
Because Eloise enjoys praying, John made sure to explain that they must pray 4-5 times before each dinner. Quite a bit
This family custom has something adorable and great about it, and Eloise has captured our hearts. The toddler’s popularity grew to the point where she was featured on Fox News, The Ellen Show, and The Today Show.

Following the video’s release, Elizabeth and John appeared on Fox and Friends Weekend, telling presenters that they are trying their best to teach their children the correct things. During his conversation, John expressed how God’s love always offers comfort

At the time, Eloise knew 12-15 words, with “Amen” being her favorite. Of course, the toddler is too young to comprehend the significance of saying grace, but it was an excellent foundation for her future life

It’s always a pleasure to watch children with impeccable manners. Eloise is a lovely young lady with impeccable manners. She will undoubtedly mature into a kind young lady who will model correct behavior for others.Her generosity and love will inspire others to follow in her footsteps. More toddlers like her are needed in the world. Let us work together to make the planet a better place to live

Captivating Blue: A Baby’s Innocence through Sapphire Eyes


In the realm of heartwarming moments, a sight of unparalleled charm unfolds as a cute baby looks at the camera with her mesmerizing blue eyes. Like sapphires glistening in the sunlight, her eyes hold a universe of innocence and curiosity, inviting us to peer into a world untainted by complexities.

In this enchanting snapshot, the baby’s eyes become a window to her soul. The depth of her gaze seems to hint at a profound understanding, as if she’s contemplating the mysteries of life itself. Those innocent eyes, like two crystal-clear pools, reflect the purity that resides in the heart of every child—a purity untouched by the passage of time.The play of light in her eyes accentuates the unique shade of blue, evoking a sense of wonder akin to staring at the open sky on a bright summer day. It’s as if the very essence of the universe is encapsulated within those iridescent orbs, and through them, we’re reminded of the beauty that exists in the simplicity of existence.

The camera becomes a silent companion in this moment, capturing not just an image, but a feeling—a feeling of warmth, tenderness, and unspoken connection. The baby’s innocence, framed by those captivating blue eyes, creates a tapestry of emotions that transcends language and culture, speaking directly to the heart.



As we gaze upon this image, we’re reminded that within the chaos of the world, there are moments of sheer beauty that have the power to stir our souls. The baby’s eyes, like beacons of light, guide us back to the awe-inspiring wonder that exists within every breath we take and every gaze we exchange.

This photograph stands as a testament to the captivating power of innocence, and a reminder that the most profound truths often lie in the simplest of gazes. The blue eyes, a reflection of the boundless sky and the depth of human emotion, invite us to cherish the purity that resides within us all.

Devastated 5-year-old Finds Her Brother Must Grow Up – So She Gives The Sweetest Outcry


Little Sadie cries and rants about not wanting her brother to grow up in this viral video. And girl, we hear ya! The 5-year-old keeps calling her baby brother cute and hugs him while he smiles at her.
Her little brother Carson sits beside her and looks at her with innocent eyes. Besides, he definitely loved the attention he was getting. Both of these siblings are simply adorable!



At one point, Sadie even complains about not wanting to die when she is 100.

The video got viral and gained millions of views in a short time. In fact, we must admit that we can’t help but fall in love with this adorable duo. Watch the full video below!

This little girl is hearing for the first time in her life – Her reaction is adorable!


It is a fact that people who have been deaf since birth have a harder time adjusting to the world. In fact, even hearing through hearing aids may seem new and alien to them. This viral video of a little girl who hears for the first time will surely melt your heart.

The little one seems to be a little hesitant when her parents put a pair of hearing aids on her ears. She is very new to the aids which is why she seems extremely perplexed at what is happening. When her parents tenderly put it on her and start talking, the girl is shocked and a little terrified at first.



Someone plays a happy song in the background and she eventually adjusts herself. She starts looking happy once the song plays. She sees that she can actually hear what her parents are saying.

This has to be one of the most heartwarming videos you’ll watch on the internet.

Watch the full video below!

Couple adopts 3 biological brothers under 4 so they can grow up together


In life, not everyone is lucky enough to be part of a family that will teach them what love and security are. Many kids are part of dysfunctional surroundings and never get to experience parental love.

Three brothers Joey, 3, Logan, 2, and Noah, 1, found themselves looking for a forever home. The chances were that they would end up in three different families and that would mean they wouldn’t be given the chance to grow up by each other’s side.


However, things turned for the best for these young boys and they were all adopted by the same family. Their story is an example that miracles do happen, and theirs took place just before Christmas.

KC and Lena Currie of Sudbury, Massachusetts, adopted Joey around a year ago after they met him at an event sponsored by Children’s Friend



We saw a picture of Joey and Children’s Friend mentioned [it] would be a good match,” Lena explained. “He was 18 months old at the time.”

Joey was a loving little boy who settled in with his new family just perfectly. Although they didn’t really consider adopting another child, the Curries got a call from Children’s Friend and were told how Joey had a little brother who was six weeks old. Sweet Noah needed a home, and both KC and Lena knew his place was right beside his brother’s. Soon after, Noah was legally adopted and part of the family.

Some time later, the family learned of the third brother, Logan. They were told how he was supposed to be adopted, but something turned wrong and he was again looking for a family.

Was it a sign that they should adopt him, too? Well, the Curries believed exactly that and now the siblings were together, under one roof

“It was our gut feeling,” KC told GMA. “We were going to end up saying yes because keeping the brothers together was really important to us. When they’re older and have questions, they’ll have each other to lean on and experience that ride together.”

Looking after three kids under the age of 4 isn’t easy, but KC and Lena are more than willing to do all in their power to be the perfect parents to their boys.

“It’s the first year and first holiday where it’s all permanent and true,” Lena said.

“Now we can start dreaming about grade school, sports, and all those fun things,” added KC.

This story is both touching and inspiring and exactly what we needed to hear during the most wonderful time of the year.

This Little Toddler Refuses To Flush The Toilet Because ‘Poop Is His Friend’


Didn’t we all have special imaginary friends growing up? Furthermore, everything we came across was our pals. Because kids have the most innocent hearts, they spread so much joy by loving everyone and hardly judge anyone.
For toddlers, friends hold the dearest and nearest place. They support and comfort them when needed. What happens when they stink? Do we just stop caring about them? Or even flush them down the toilet?



Oh! Yes, you heard me correctly. After finishing his business in the toilet, this little boy is hesitant to flush his poop. And his reason is the most adorable one. According to the darling, he doesn’t want to do it to his new buddy. Moreover, he even apologizes for it smelling so bad.

What an unusual relationship, isn’t it? Not just that, he is crying his eyes out when mommy keeps requesting to finish the deed. Watch the funny video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Baby Doesn’t Want a Nap – Watch How She Tries to Convince Mom


Babies can be very mischievous and many parents have a hard time resisting their charms because they are just so cute. Here’s one who knows she’s cute and tries to win over mom instead of doing what she’s supposed to.

There is barely a parent who would say no to the puppy dog-eyed baby. Moreover, these babies always find a way to get what they want with their innocence or their naughty ways. It is not very easy or in many cases, even fair, to not be nice to your child or not do what they want.



This baby, for instance, hates taking naps. Now, we all know that children despise taking naps and would rather play than sleep. However, this baby has her own tactics to avoid sleeping and one really can’t help but fall in love with the baby’s smartness.

This video is too cute. Watch the full video below and don’t forget to leave us a Facebook comment on whether you think the baby was convincing!

Three firefighters from the same firehouse celebrate becoming dads within 24 hours


The happy dads, who work with Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services at Fort Belvoir Army Base, showed off their new additions on Monday after becoming fathers at Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center.

“All of our doctors use Spotsylvania Regional and the nursing staff have been extremely pleasant, passionate and caring,” Kyle Dean, one of the new dads said.



“The staff truly make you feel like they care. From everyone that enters the room, from the cleaning staff, nurses, NICU, et cetera.”

Kyle said he and the other expectant fathers had talked about how crazy it would be if their babies came at the same time, but they didn’t actually think it would happen.



“Once I found out I actually told the nurses. Just a heads up — two of my guys are coming as well and we ended up with the nickname from the nursing staff as the fab three!” Fellow dad Michael Irvine told Fox News.

Kyle said he was sure their three boys would end up becoming good friends.

‘Don’t blink…It goes by so fast’


“We’ll get together to do the milestone pictures of all three of them together. Maybe one day we’ll get them up to the firehouse and do a group photo there too,” he added.

Kyle said he already had a “handful” of kids and was “adding to the bunch” so for first time dads he had this sound advice, “Definitely take advantage of it and don’t blink because it goes by fast.”

Michael added, “The biggest thing is to be present as much as you can, (especially) with our schedule – because like Kyle Frederick says it goes by in a flash. They grow up so quickly so be there as much as you can and enjoy the moments.”

Such a happy coincidence and who knows, maybe all three boys will grow up to be firefighters just like their dads. Congratulations!

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