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Dad Asks His Baby To “Stand Like Mommy”. Now Watch This Adorable Baby! ROFL!


Children learn from imitating the adults surrounding them. So it is quite normal when they try to mimic their parents’ behavior, try on their clothes and even imitate standing and walking styles. Take this child in the video below for an example. She is going to leave you laughing out loud.



This little kid’s name is Alexandra and she is just adorable. She knows how to imitate mom and crack everyone up. So when her dad asked her to “stand up like mommy stands” Alexandra had the most hilarious reaction ever. I never expected her to respond like this! Alexandra’s mom must be due soon, and without a doubt, she has clearly noticed it as well!

Check out this funny video below. Did this make you smile? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

This is the cutest baby ever omg. She looks like a doll. She is an Angel


Prepare to have your heart stolen and your senses overwhelmed by the sheer adorableness that is this extraordinary baby. With each glance, the world is instantly captivated by her irresistible charm. It’s as if a living, breathing doll has graced our presence, enchanting all with her delicate features and captivating aura.


This little cherub, blessed with features that resemble a porcelain doll, possesses a beauty that defies imagination. From her perfectly rosy cheeks to her button-like nose, every detail has been intricately crafted by the hands of a higher power. Gazing upon her, it becomes evident that she is the embodiment of innocence and perfection.

The baby’s resemblance to a doll is striking. With big, luminous eyes that seem to sparkle with pure delight, she possesses an otherworldly allure that can only be described as angelic. It’s as if she has been sent from the heavens above to grace us with her ethereal presence, radiating a glow that lights up the darkest corners of our hearts.

But it’s not just her physical appearance that makes her so remarkable; it’s the joy she exudes. Her infectious laughter and joyful giggles fill the air, captivating everyone around her. In her presence, worries melt away, and the world becomes a brighter, happier place. Her innocence and pure-heartedness touch the depths of our souls, reminding us of the beauty that resides within humanity.

As we witness this little angel’s every move, it’s impossible not to be moved by her divine nature. Her gentle gestures and delicate touch evoke a sense of awe and reverence. She seems to possess an innate wisdom, far beyond her tender age, as if she holds the secrets of the universe within her tiny hands.

This precious baby is a testament to the incredible miracle of life. Her existence serves as a reminder that amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the world, there is still an abundance of goodness and beauty to behold. Her angelic presence offers solace and hope, a reminder that there is a higher power guiding us through the journey of life.

As we marvel at this little one’s doll-like beauty and angelic qualities, our hearts swell with gratitude for the privilege of sharing in her radiant presence. In her, we find comfort, joy, and an unwavering belief in the power of love. She is a true blessing, a living testament to the boundless wonders that await us in the realm of the extraordinary.

So, let us celebrate this adorable baby, a precious gift who has bestowed upon us a glimpse of heaven itself. Her doll-like appearance and angelic nature make her a beacon of light in our lives, reminding us to embrace the beauty, innocence, and joy that exists within us all. In her, we find a reflection of our own divine potential, and we are forever grateful for the privilege of witnessing such an extraordinary being.

Bored Twin Watches Sister Playing The Piano. Then Joins Her & Classic Tune Starts To Change


The beauty of jazz music isn’t just in its nuanced melodies, complex rhythms, and distinctive voice – it’s also in the creativity of its improvisation. Being able to come up with idiosyncratic, unique lines of melody in perfect harmony with a fellow musician is a true art in itself.


Angelina and Ashley Leyva are twins and budding actors who have begun to make their names in the showbiz world. It’s often said that twins share a special connection to each other that gives them an almost telepathic link.

These two are about to show us! They stroll into a piano shop and decide that it’s the perfect time to test out pianos while putting on their own mini impromptu show. One twin picks out a bright red piano that stands out from the crowd and begins to play on it. The other sister joins her, which prompts the first to rush to a separate piano so that the two can play a perfectly synced duet! Check out these two putting on their impromptu boogie woogie concert and be wowed by their talent!

It’s amazing how easily the two play, sometimes barely even looking at the keys and other times making silly faces at each other, yet effortlessly churning out a delightfully soulful tune all the same. As the act reaches its climax, the two join up on one piano once more and skillfully tinker out their final harmonies over the span of several octaves, ending on one final, dulcet note. Share away, people!

Two-Year-Old Instructing Dad To Irish Stepdance Is Too Cute


On St. Patricks’ Day 2017, a cute two-year-old girl made her way into the hearts of many as she taught her dad Irish dance moves. In the viral video, the adorable girl clapped, tapped, and stamped while her dad follows her closely.

The little dancer’s mom, a former Lord of the Dance member for four years, tells Irish Central that she likes to think that her daughter has been dancing from the day she was conceived. The girl’s mom taught Irish dance through her pregnancy, and when the baby turned three months old, she started tagging along to watch her mom’s dance classes.
Her mom can be heard in the background, reminding her of the steps while cheering her on. Teaching a toddler anything is never a walk in the park. It is a wonder how this two-year-old can learn and coordinate her moves so well while her peers can hardly stand or walk a few steps without tripping. This little girl was not only born into dancing, but she is also extremely talented.

For this little girl, it is more than the practice, she loves what she does; that is why she is perfect. Although she is not old enough to start traveling around the world by herself for competitions, she still keeps up with all the action on the Irish dancing scene. In another clip on her Instagram page, she is seen keenly watching and clapping along to the music during champions live by the ceili dancing.

It is also completely sweet to watch as she tells her mom exactly what tunes are playing in the background. Her taste in Irish music and dances is exquisite. She loves Michael Flatley, the American-Irish former dancer who revolutionized Irish dancing into a spectacular attraction and her mother’s former boss, according to Britannica. Besides, she enjoys watching her mom’s Lord of the Dance DVD.


The adorable dancing start is downing a tiny green bow and tapping shoes ready for her grand performance. She is full of energy as she beautifully dances and hops around with skill and presence in their living room.


The dad cannot resist her charm as he is seen smiling as he taps, skips, and claps along with her. She is a true performer because she effortlessly moves her feet and quickly catches up whenever she misses or forgets a step.

Towards the end, the mom is heard reminding her to get ready for the “rollie-pollie,” the cutest. She gracefully comes in, rolling her hand, turning around, and it ends with her clapping and tapping. She pulls the cutest toddler stunt when she stops suddenly and stares up to something. The dad then signals the mum that this is probably the end. Don’t you wish it went on for a bit longer?

The little girl is a master of her art, and it is evident in the way she teaches her dad all about The Three Tunes. Like many other awards winning Irish dancing champions who started at a tender age, this little girl is surely set up for success.

For a two-year-old, this girl knows how to dance. It is impeccable to watch her, and it is hard not to wish you could dance along with her.

The power of supporting a child’s talent is undeniable. Parents are responsible for boosting their kids’ confidence and having them on a journey of success and self-discovery.

What did you think of this adorable video? Let us know in the comments and make somebody smile by passing along this cuteness overloaded moment with them.

Little Girl Tells Dad He Doesn’t Understand Weddings At All


A wedding is one of the most special events in a person’s life, and it’s best celebrated with people who are close to the couple’s lives.

Completing The Entourage


The wedding ceremony is usually made more beautiful with little children as flower girls and ring bearers to complete the entourage.

Little children are more adorable in their gowns and tuxedos but sometimes, they hate it when their proud parents embarrass them in front of a big crowd.

A little flower girl named JoJo had a serious talk with her dad before she walked down the aisle.

She lectured him about what her role is in the wedding and why he better not call out her name or say anything to her when she’s marching.

JoJo acts as if she’s an old lady while she exasperatingly explains the wedding scenario with her hands waving and making all those gestures that signal her seriousness with the topic.


“You Do NOT Understand Weddings. AT ALL.”

After a series of explanations, little JoJo got fed up and finally said “You do NOT understand weddings. AT ALL. Okay?”.

Watch the little flower girl’s hilarious conversation with her dad in the video below.

Tiny Girl Storms Into Room And Picks A “Fight” With Mommy


On his popular television show, “Little Big Shots,” Steve Harvey has all kinds of kids appear. Often, they have some special talents like singing, dancing, or athletics. Some of these kids are child prodigies in their own right.

In addition to the “traditionally” talented kids on the show, Steve often features kids that have other unique talents. Whether they appear on the show in person, or in a video like this little girl, these kids are impressive in their own right. It just happens that the adorable little girl in this video has a talent for… arguing.

If you’ve ever tried to argue with a toddler, you know that it can be something of a losing battle. There’s a very good reason it’s called “the terrible twos.” It’s not rare for a toddler to have a meltdown about nearly anything. Maybe they don’t like what they have for dinner, or their favorite toy is missing. Sometimes it’s hard to tell at all why the tiny human is upset. Getting to the bottom of the problem can be quite a challenge.



One of the things that make determining why a child is upset or angry so hard is that they don’t have all the tools needed for communication. They have all of these feelings, and they aren’t sure how to express them. The little girl in this video knows she has something to say, something worth arguing about, but she doesn’t quite have the words to express what she’s feeling. But, she has “arguing” down anyway!

As her mom calmly tries to deal with the situation, she goes on a tirade! It’s impossible to tell what she’s saying, but she means business! When she finally learns all the words, she’s going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Baby Says “DADA” For The First Time


In the tender embrace of a loving family, a momentous occasion unfolded as a sweet baby uttered their first word, sending ripples of joy and excitement through the air. With bated breath and hearts brimming with anticipation, everyone waited for that magical utterance that would mark a milestone in the baby’s journey – and then it happened.


Amidst a chorus of coos and gentle encouragement, the baby’s tiny lips formed the syllables of a word that held profound significance for everyone present. “DADA,” the baby exclaimed, their voice a melodic blend of innocence and wonder.


The room erupted into cheers and applause as proud parents exchanged teary-eyed glances, overcome with emotion at the realization that their little one had just achieved a significant developmental milestone. In that precious moment, the air seemed to crackle with the palpable energy of love and pride.

“DADA,” the baby repeated, as if savoring the taste of the word on their tongue, each utterance a testament to their growing understanding of the world around them. Their eyes sparkled with delight as they basked in the adoration of their family, who surrounded them with warmth and affection.

Just twin babies hiccupping to each other.


Ah, the delightful chaos of twin parenthood! Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along come our hiccupping twin babies, doubling the cuteness and mischief in equal measure.


It’s a scene straight out of a comedy sketch: both babies, nestled in their respective cribs, suddenly succumb to a bout of adorable hiccups. The rhythmic sound fills the room, punctuated by the occasional giggle or squeak of delight, as if they’re in on the joke together.

At first, it’s a symphony of synchronized hiccups, each hiccup perfectly timed to match the other’s tempo. But soon enough, the twins seem to enter into a playful competition, each trying to out-hiccup the other in a battle of baby bravado.


With every hiccup, their tiny bodies bounce and wiggle, adding an extra layer of hilarity to the scene. It’s impossible not to smile as we watch them, our hearts swelling with love for these pint-sized comedians who have turned hiccupping into an art form.

Of course, as parents, we’re quick to offer comfort and reassurance, gently patting their backs and whispering soothing words to help ease their hiccupping woes. But even as we try to calm them, we can’t help but marvel at the sheer adorableness of it all.

In the end, it’s moments like these that remind us of the joy and wonder that come with raising twins. From double the diapers to double the giggles, every day is an adventure filled with love, laughter, and plenty of adorable mischief courtesy of our hiccupping twin babies. 🍼🍼

She Married A Marine With A 4-Year-Old Son, Wedding Goes Smoothly Until She Whispers 6 Words To The Little Boy


When a heartfelt video of bride Emily Leehan reading vows to her groom’s 4-year-old son, Gage, moved viewers around the world, it showcased a remarkable moment of family bonding and emotion. Senior Airman Leehan and Sgt. Joshua Newville’s story is touching hearts everywhere.

Leehan and Newville met at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Trenton, New Jersey, and after three years of dating, Newville proposed on July 18, 2016. In the time leading up to their engagement, Leehan had grown close to young Gage, and her thoughts immediately turned to how to incorporate him into their wedding ceremony.


Leehan wanted the wedding to be an emotional and meaningful experience for their new family. She decided to recite vows to Gage, and when she shared her idea with Newville, he thought it was a beautiful surprise they could create together. The plan was set in motion, with both hoping for a special reaction from the 4-year-old.

The unforgettable moment arrived on July 22, when the couple stood at the altar in Ripley, New York, with Gage between them. In the viral video, Leehan’s loving words to Gage made him shed tears. She expressed her desire for him to be safe and a good person, words that resonated with the young boy, moving him to tears. The raw, emotional response was entirely unanticipated.


Describing the moment, Newville said, “I was trying not to lose it more than I already had—I think I was tearing up before the vows even started, just because of the sentiment that day—then when I saw Gage tear up, I was trying not to tear up with him.”


Despite Gage’s unexpected emotional reaction, the couple says that he typically doesn’t show such intense emotions. However, he does exhibit concern when he hears about “sad things.” Gage’s interests include superheroes and Star Wars, with Spider-Man, Batman, and Paw Patrol among his favorites.

Crucial to the success of this heartwarming wedding was the support of Gage’s biological mother, Kali Nuckols. The couple has since returned to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and is now considering a honeymoon when they save up enough money. As this special day demonstrated, life’s most priceless and spontaneous moments often come free of charge.

The Leehan-Newville wedding showcased the power of love and family bonds in a moment that brought joy to countless viewers. Their story reminds us that love and togetherness can create beautiful and unexpected moments that will be cherished forever.

Horrified Little Girl Says the Most Adorable Thing When Dad Pretends to Eat Her Sock


Kids are the most curious human begins. They question everything around them and when nobody is looking they even manage to swallow their curiosity. So, parents stay around them 24*7 to avoid any such happenings.
The clip below captures the reverse role in parent and child.


Like any parents, dads love playing with their young ones. They talk in hilarious voices or give them an airplane ride. Mostly come up with fun ideas to spend time with the kids. But sometimes they may end up doing something that can upset the little ones.



From the toddler’s outfit, we get a hint that she is a big Frozen fan, especially Elsa. In the beginning, her dad plays around with the sock. But within few seconds, he gulps the footwear. The little darling begins bursting into tears as soon as she sees that.

Eventually, the dad pukes the socks, which makes the tot happy. But the story doesn’t end there. The kid then starts to pour her wisdom about how eating dirty socks are bad for daddy.
Aww! isn’t that so adorable. Do share your thoughts in the feed. Please press play and enjoy this joyful experience with our frozen queen.