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Albino Sisters Born 12 Years Apart Amaze Whole World With Their Extraordinary Beauty


These siblings have a unique thing in common despite having been born more than a decade apart.

A uncommon genetic disease called albinism results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and/or hair, giving albinos a distinctive appearance:

The fact that one Kazakh couple had not one, but two albino children 12 years apart is amazing because it’s quite uncommon to have an albino child.

Meet Asel and Kamila, the remarkably distinctive siblings who have become sought-after models:At age 14, Asel is the elder sibling.

When she was born albino, her mother, Aiman Sarkitova, stated she was shocked.

“When I gave birth to my eldest, genetics were not so developed with us,” she explained. “It is developing only now. The doctors were shocked.”

Imagine their shock when Kamila was born with the same problem 12 years later.

These two siblings together make for an amazing, striking sight, which is why they joined forces and started a modeling partnership.

Asel has been modeling since she was 10 years old, but with her 2-year-old sister by her side, her popularity has increased. On Instagram, the two have amassed over 33,000 followers.

Albinism has helped them succeed greatly, but it’s not always simple. A sensitivity to sunlight is one of the illnesses connected to the disorder.

“If I go outside in the afternoon, then I definitely apply sunscreen, put on clothes to protect my skin, headgear or use an umbrella,” Asel said.

“In the evening, when there is almost no sun, it’s much easier for me.”

They will, however, always have one other no matter what challenges life throws at them.


Albinos often feel alone because the condition is so uncommon, but these two sisters are fortunate in that they will always have a relative who shares their condition.

Ideally, their success as models will raise awareness of albinism and demonstrate how incredibly attractive albinos can be.

“Many people do not know what albinos are,” Asel said.

We think these sisters are stunning! Share this remarkable story and beautiful photos!

She was called a real-life barbie doll when she was just 2 years old, but wait till you see how she looks today


At the young age of two, Aira’s doll-like appearance drew the attention of the modeling industry, catapulting her into the limelight.



Because they believed the world should see her amazing beauty, her parents brought her to a modeling agency. She was able to play the part of a well-known doll with ease.

People were startled and perplexed when her images went viral online; some even conjectured that her remarkable features were the outcome of photo manipulation.

However, reality soon prevailed, and everyone realized that Aira’s doll-like appearance was real.

However, there was a cost associated with such quick accomplishment.

At a young age, Aira’s life was swept up in a vortex of modeling agencies and picture shoots, leaving her little time for a traditional upbringing.

She wasn’t given the same opportunities as other kids her age to go to school, hang out with friends, or be as independent.

Her parents made decisions for her that put her on the path to notoriety because they were seduced by the prospect of fame.

Aira experienced bodily changes as she grew older, and as a result, her distinctive doll-like appearance started to lose some of its brilliance.



Her once-explosive fame began to wane, and modeling agencies ceased reaching out to her or inviting her to photo shoots and fashion shows.

Since becoming a teenager, Aira’s life has changed. She updates her internet profile regularly with information about her personal life.

She seems to have completely removed that period of her life from the internet, so it’s interesting that she doesn’t seem to have any good memories of her “doll” days.

This young woman’s story is a sad reminder of the mixed consequences fame can have on a child’s life.

Nonverbal 2-Yr-Old’s Friendship With Recycling Man Helps Him Find His Voice.


Taking the time to invest in someone can make all the difference in the world.

Few people understand that as well as Caleb and Mallory Oosterhouse of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina. When their nonverbal 2-year-old bonded with an unexpected stranger, their friendship changed all of them for the better!


Caleb and Mallory call Brock their miracle boy because he came into their lives after many failed attempts at having children. But as their little one grew, Mallory noticed he wasn’t speaking or walking like other kids his age.

They put him in physical therapy, which eventually helped him take his first steps, but Brock still struggled to communicate. Just before he turned 2, he was diagnosed with a neurological disorder called apraxia, which causes people to have trouble with things like speaking, despite having the desire and physical ability to do so.

Regardless, Brock always made one thing clear: He loves garbage and recycling trucks. Little did his parents know, that passion would change his life!


The interest started because Mallory would take him outside with her during the summer and give water bottles to their mail carrier and any other workers who passed by. Over time, they bonded with their neighborhood’s recycling driver.

While many would ignore my nonverbal little boy, Mr. Aaron did not. Each and every week, he would stop at our house and get out of the truck. Instead of going straight to the bin to load the recyclables into the hopper, he would first come and greet Brock and me. He knew my guy was nonverbal and he would talk to him anyway.

Brock was in speech therapy at the time, and as he grew more confident, he wanted to talk about his favorite subject. Slowly, he mastered new vocabulary words that “were all tied to his weekly visits with his first best friend.”

As their families got to know each other better, the Oosterhouses realized Mr. Aaron was fighting to make ends meet. He’s a Marine veteran and a father of four, and he didn’t have a working car. To make matters worse, his mother had recently passed away from cancer.

Despite these challenges, he worked tirelessly to provide for his family – and befriend a quiet 2-year-old. That’s why Mallory decided to return the favor in 2018. She shared Mr. Aaron’s story on GoFundMe and Facebook and asked people for donations. Just one week later, they were able to give Mr. Aaron over $5,000 and several other gifts!

Thanks to their support, Mr. Aaron had what he needed to get a better position. While that means he isn’t Brock’s recycling driver anymore, their bond remains just as strong as ever. Mallory explained it best:


Brock is still in speech therapy, making more and more progress every week. If you catch us playing, he is most likely still talking about his friend. A friend who helped him find his voice and who helped my mom heart. I can’t thank Mr. Aaron enough for the kindness he shows our son and for being the inspiration to help him find his voice.

It’s easy to believe we can’t make a difference, but Mr. Aaron is proof that everyone has the power to turn lives around!

Share this story to thank the man whose friendship made all the difference for one little boy.

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Mother Births 3rd Set Of Twins, But When She Sees Birth Certificate She Can’t Believe Her Eyes


Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in April 2017.

A Wisconsin couple gave birth to a set of twins — and it would turn out to be their third set of twins born on the same exact day.

In 2013, Carrie and Craig Kosinski were contacted by a woman and asked if they would be open to adopting the twins she was pregnant with.

“She said she was pregnant and wasn’t able to give the babies the lives they deserved and wanted to put them up for adoption,” Carrie told NBC’s “Today.” The couple agreed, despite previously planning on having biological children.

“We just felt like that was what God wanted us to do, so we decided to put our own plans down and pursue the plan that God had for us and that was to adopt first,” she said.

The babies, Adalynn and Kenna, were born by emergency cesarean section on Feb. 28, 2014. The date also happened to be the birthday of their biological siblings, JJ and CeCe, who were born the previous year.

A year after becoming legal guardians of Adalynn and Kenna, the Kosinskis were contacted again by the mother and asked to adopt JJ and CeCe. The couple agreed.



In September 2015, the Kosinskis learned that they were expecting twins, and Carrie gave birth by emergency C-section on a date that completely shocked them — Feb. 28, 2016. The babies were supposed to be born just over three months later, but Carrie’s water broke at 19 weeks and she was put on hospital bed rest for six weeks before the C-section.

Despite the fact that all six of her children shared a birthday, Kosinski said that they’re all unique and different.

“They are all very different. Each has their very own personality, which is very fun, but we get pulled in six different directions,” she said.

The family said they decided to tell their story in the hopes that others would become more open-minded about adoption.


“We believe that because God adopted us into His family that we were meant to adopt these children into our family,” she said. “It’s such a huge blessing to us. We love all our children the same. We wouldn’t want our lives to be any different.”

The story quickly went viral, with many expressing well-wishes toward the family.

“Wow congratulations to your beautiful family!!!!God bless you always!!!” one Shared reader commented on the site’s Facebook page.

“Wow…This is touching and defintely God appointed. All born in the same day but different years…really amazing,” another added.

Stoic “Statue” Can’t Help But Break Character When Toddler Comes In For A Hug


People posing as statues is nothing new. In the TV series “Monk,” a statue man witnessed a bank robbery. Sometimes, people pose as statues to prank others. One actor working as a living statue trained his dog to pose with him. But what happens when a child approaches a “statue” to get a hug? If you’re like this statue, you break character and hug back.

While walking with his mom, Cody saw a man posing as a statue on a nearby bench. Once the toddler saw the statue, there was no holding him back. Cody wanted to hug the statue, so he hurried toward the statue man with his arms outstretched. Toddler hug mode is activated!



The man couldn’t hold his pose with all that adorableness happening. The statue broke character, first reaching for Cody’s head. A second later, the two were in full-blown hug mode. The statue man wrapped both arms around Cody, who leaned back into the hug. The moment was short, but the feeling of watching a statue break character to return a hug will last forever.

@mommasaywhat♬ original sound – Ashley Lawrence

8-Year-Old Roasts Dad During School Talent Show & Has Everyone Cracking Up


When it comes to favorite activities for young performers, the annual school talent show tops the list. The show allows students to get up on stage and do what they feel they do best. For Royal Gillespie, the talent he decided to showcase is a stand-up comedy routine. For many, comedy is a tough act. Delivery of the joke and the punchline needs to be precise to create the desired laughter response.


Royal seemed relaxed on the stage, standing with one hand in a pocket and the other holding the microphone while delivering his lines. Choosing an appropriate and comical subject is also part of the magic of great comedy. Royal focused on his dad, delivering comedy gold with each word.

Standing on stage, young Royal began, “My daddy breath stink so bad…” The audience was ready for more. Even though he is the brunt of the joke, you can hear his dad laughing in the background. Royal continues, “He’s trying to teach my sister to brush her teeth, but he needs to brush his teeth.” The audience laughed loudly, but Royal had more to say.


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With the setup delivered, Royal launches into the centerpiece of his routine. The following line is: “He tries to talk to me, he’s like, ‘Son, how was your day?’” The anticipation builds as he pauses. Royal emphasizes “Son” and “How” in a masterful impersonation of his dad. And then, the moment everyone is waiting for. The camera briefly pans over to a man standing on the side, laughing heartily. We’re pretty sure that is Royal’s dad. And then Royal delivers the punch line with perfect timing.

If this school talent show is any indication, this young man has a bright future in stand-up comedy! Please share this if you agree.

Teen’s Voice So Spookily Similar To Elvis’ All The Judges Turn For Him


As one of the greatest musicians of all time, it is no surprise that the music of Elvis Presley continues to be impersonated. While many of the impersonations fall embarrassingly short of the greatness of Elvis, every now and then there is a performance that sends chills down the spine of everyone in the audience.

This was the case recently, as reported by Stories Of The Moment, when 13-year-old Yaroslav Karpuk sang the classic Elvis song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” on the reality television competition, The Voice Kids Ukraine.

The deep and sultry voice was so reminiscent of Elvis himself that the audience was immediately enthralled with the performance. One judge even spun around in his chair within 15 seconds of the performance, indicating that the performer should move through to the next round of the competition.




The singer’s family is clearly thrilled when the first judge passes him through. As the performance continues, more judges jump on board. In fact, the remaining three judges push their button and spin around at the exact same time.

Once it is official that he is on to the next round of the competition, the contestant gets to choose which judge will mentor him through the process. Not surprisingly, this young man selects the judge that first spun his chair to be his guide.

It is clear that this teen has a bright future ahead of him with his musical career. Now you can see where he got his start on the big stage when you watch this magical performance. After you have watched the show, be sure to spread the amazing Elvis rendition to all of your friends and family.

Couple In Sudbury, Massachusetts Adopts Three Biological Brothers To Keep Them Together


Every year, on each Saturday in November, courtrooms across the United States are filled to the brim with cases that can actually bring smiles to the face of each and every person in attendance. On this particular day, judges are given the power and responsibility to grant adoptions. All of the traffic tickets, fights, and nasty divorces are overshadowed by the fact that families are being created. Perhaps most exciting of all, hundreds of children are able to get out of the foster care system and into a loving home. This day has been dubbed National Adoption Day.

Lena and KC Currie, a same-sex couple from Sudbury, Massachusetts, must have felt like the luckiest people in the world on November 23rd when they were able to take home three amazing brothers – Noah who is 1, Logan who is 2, and Joey who is 3. The best part of all is that these three kids are biological siblings.

As Good Morning America reported, the Curries first became parents about a year ago when they were legally granted the chance to adopt Joey. He was only 2 years old at the time. GMA reports that the Curries first set their sights on parenthood in 2017. They spotted Joey at a special event held by Children’s Friend.



The couple saw a picture of Joey and he was only 18 months old at the time. By the time the following March rolled around, Joey was an official member of the family. It was a happy time, but nobody could have guessed that things would get even better.

After a while, the Curries got a phone call from the people at Children’s Friends who mentioned that Joey’s younger brother Noah needed a family as well. Noah, who was 6-weeks-old at the time became the second official member of the newly-formed and rapidly-growing Currie family.

Around the same time, the couple heard about another brother who was going to be adopted by another family. Unfortunately, the adoption wasn’t successful. Lena and KC felt as though the universe was calling out to them.

Eventually, all three biological brothers were brought together under the same roof and within the same amazing family. Lena and KC sacrificed so much in order to ensure that these three brothers can grow up together outside of the difficult foster care system.

If you were inspired by this story, show it to a friend or family member who could use a pick-me-up.

3 The Voice Kids Contestants Take On “Bohemian Rhapsody” In A Breathtaking Performance


“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a song that many artists have covered over the past few decades. One version of this Queen mega-hit stands out from the rest. It’s done by a trio of girls competing on The Voice Kids in Germany.

Their performance went viral across the world. It’s garnered over 28 million hits since it hit the Internet waves. This iconic song is often the first one named when someone is asked to name a song by Queen. This 1975 British classic combines a number of genres into a musical masterpiece that remains popular over 40 years later. For the competition, the judges asked Sofie, Matteo, and Julia to perform “Bohemian Rhapsody”. To make this complicated request even harder, the contestants only spoke German.

With a piano accompanying the performance, Matteo is first to start the song. Julia came next, with Sophie being the third. Within just a few moments, the audience and the judges knew the trio’s performance was spectacular. The group’s voices got more powerful as the audience grew more stunned. One coach got goosebumps during the operatic section of the song. Two minutes into the performance, it was a rock concert with people going crazy. A little while later, the song slows down as the iconic closing lyrics come out.



This song brought out the strong, diverse singing talent these three teens have. It’s one of those songs that seems to envoke different meanings and emotions in everyone who hears it. Because the performance was so strong, they were brought back on to do an encore of their rendition. It offered the same thrills and chills as their first performance. The video hit YouTube and started spreading like wildfire. People around the globe were commenting that this trio’s performance would have made Freddie Mercury proud. Praise rolled in from every corner. “Worlds of talent in this trio.” “This is rock and roll.” There’s a reason why this video is so popular. You need to check it out for yourself.

Let us know what you think of Sofie, Matteo, and Julia’s performances. Are they as talented as we think? Also, let others see this talent for themselves by passing along the article.

Mom Serenades Baby With Karen Carpenter And Baby Steals Spotlight With Sweet Attempt To Sing Along


Everybody likes a good song by the Carpenters, right? In any case, one four-months-old baby is proving that he is a big fan of the singing group. A new video of the tiny baby trying to sing along with a Carpenters’ tune is so adorable that it’s easy to understand why it’s taking the internet by storm.

Baby Adler was sitting in his car seat, strapped into place at the kitchen table when one of his mom’s friends decided that it was time to introduce him to a famous Carpenters song. The woman leans over him and begins to sing “I Need To Be In Love”.

Initially, Adler is so captivated by her voice and the song itself that he seems mesmerized. His adorable reaction caused someone to start recording a video, and we’re so glad that they did!

As the song progresses, Adler’s adorable smile grows wider and he seems unable to handle just listening any longer. The precious child opens his mouth and starts trying to sing along, making little whining noises right along with the woman herself.




Staring into his mom’s friend’s face, Adler continues to beam, obviously enjoying not only the song itself but also the opportunity to sing along with her.

“I Need To Be In Love” isn’t just a hit among the baby population; according to Songfacts.com, it was also Karen Carpenter’s favorite of all her songs.

After catching the precious video of Adler singing, the man who recorded it knew that he just had to share it with the world! He quickly uploaded it to YouTube along with a thank you to Adler’s mom, Lisa, for bringing Adler over to visit and giving them the chance to see such a precious performance.

Since the video was posted online, it has been watched over 3.4 million times! Some commenters stated that their hearts were simply melting at the combination of the beautiful song and the baby’s sweet expression. Someone else said that the expression on Adler’s face revealed that he could feel every word of Karen’s famous song.