Absolutely identical quadruplets act as charming photo models


Four Canadian girls – Abigail, McKayla, Grace and Emily Webb – will be 4 months old in January. Just look at their photos, from which it is impossible to look away!

Photographs were taken by Cassandra Jones of Noelle Mirabella Photography in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. She has photographed newborn quadruplets and claims they have grown up, and besides, it was a lot harder photographing them for the first time. “Three months makes a huge difference! ” She adds.


This time the girls were smiling and finding the interaction with the photographer fun. To distinguish the twins, they insert earrings of different colors in their ears and paint their fingernails in different colors.


The only girl Jones could tell apart from the others without looking at her earrings and fingernails was the youngest of the sisters, Abigail. In this photo, she is looking at the camera with interest, while all the other sisters are sleeping.

The photo shoot lasted about four hours; Jones was assisted by three assistants.


The chances of conceiving a quadruple without using various types of stimulation are 1 in 729,000. However, the chances of conceiving four twins are even lower – just one in 15 million pregnancies.



The Webb family, who celebrated their first wedding anniversary this summer, became parents for the first time.

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