Big Sister Cries Meeting New Baby For The First Time


Watch this clip of a precious big sister as she holds her tiny baby brother during their first meeting. Her soft, fluffy hands are those of a toddler; she’s still so little herself. But, as she leans her sweet head next to the baby’s, she is experiencing a whole lotta little girl emotion! She’s not angry, throwing a fit, jealous, fussy, or sleepy, but she might be a little bit overwhelmed. Little one is just in love!


Though not pouting, her lower lip is pushed out. And it looks like her beautiful watery eyes spill a few drops onto Baby Boy. She whimpers a bit, and someone in the room assures her that it’s okay.

She lifts her head and says something not quite discernable. Then, she gently pats her little brother’s face a time or two and lightly wipes her damp hand on the sheet that’s wrapped around the infant. It is a touching moment—one Mom and Dad are sure to remember for a long, long time. Maybe, Sis will as well!


We sometimes forget how deeply little ones and children feel because we can’t always see or observe the feelings. They can’t always communicate their feelings in ways that we adults recognize. But, there is no confusion about this demonstration of emotion.

The two little ones are nestled together on bedding that has giraffes, whales, kitty cats, and more. Also visible on the comforter are the words “cutie” and “happy baby.” Check and double-check! Sometimes toddlers aren’t thrilled to have a new one enter the home, but this little sweetheart seems completely on board with her new family member and cuddle partner!

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