An Amazed Audience Watches as a Young Boy With Unbelievable Talent Plays “Classical Gas” on the Ukulele.


The musical talents of a little youngster known as Feng E. have left the Internet in awe. In the video, Feng performs a version of Tommy Emmanuel’s “Classic Gas” on the ukulele while busking in Taipei, Taiwan. It would seem that the child’s father instructed him on the basics, but the remainder of the material was learned by the youngster on his own.



He uses his fingers to pluck the strings of the ukulele, which gives the impression that he is an experienced musician. Be on your guard when he eventually invests in a real guitar.

The question “Does he give lessons?” was posed by a viewer in reaction to the film. MAZING! This up-and-coming guitarist has the ability to bring back the golden days of the guitar. BRAVO! ”

You may judge for yourself by hitting the play button.

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