Golden Retriever Is Less Than Thrilled With Little Girl’s Performance


The family dog is faithful beyond measure. They keep us company, watch our kids, and provide unconditional love. Nothing is cuter than watching a child interact with a beloved family pet. This adorable interaction is a ten on the cuteness scale. Our pets may also get stuck being an audience for performances. When a young girl recruits this golden retriever, he has trouble masking his reaction to her singing.

The originator makes light of the golden retriever being corraled by the young girl. The point of view is that the dog has been volunteered as tribute. The caption reads, “Sorry bud, its every man for themselves. May the odds be ever in your favor.” This video epitomizes “taking one for the team.”



The dog’s expression says what words cannot: a sad look and sorrowful eyes. Yet, he remains the faithful watcher. He makes no effort to move and seems resigned to his fate.

The girl continues singing her heart out, and she is adorable. Standing confidently with her microphone, she sings words we cannot quite hear. Her little outfit is impeccable, right down to the mismatched heels. This image is the Rockwell standard of Americana. Imagine this painted in his memorable brush strokes and appearing on the cover of “Life Magazine.”

Left image shows a small girl singing to her golden retriever (out of view). Right image zooms in on the girl’s adorable mismatched shoes.
Image from TikTok.

You probably have many similar stories if you have raised children in a home with pets. Our animals become members of our families. They get happy when we are happy and comfort us when we are sad. Like this golden retriever, they keep our children company and play any game the child decides on. Without question, this golden retriever shows dedication to his girl.

Please share if you love this doggo.

@emilylong41Sorry bud, its every man for themselves. May the odds be ever in your favor.

♬ original sound – Emily Long

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