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Mailman Stops To Dance With Adorable Little Girl Who Always Waits For Him.


Mailman Stops To Dance With Adorable Little Girl Who Always Waits For Him.
You remember at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when we were stuck inside all the time? It’s easy to get bored when you’re on what feels like the millionth consecutive day at home. That’s why Dr. David DC shared how his daughter was passing the time. The resulting video is giving all of us a serious case of the feels!



In it, we see the little girl waiting eagerly by their front door for Ian, the mailman who at that time visited them once a day. Ian is a neighborhood favorite because he always has a smile on his face, but it’s the way he interacts with her that has stolen our hearts. Every day when he dropped off their mail, Ian paused to dance with his young friend for a few minutes. It may not be much, but it’s exactly the boost she needed during this uncertain time!

Check out their daily dance sessions in the video below, and don’t forget to share this story.

@my.nameisdavid #positivevibes #friendstory #happiness #Essentialworkers #uspsworker #usps #dance #fyp @boredmama503 ♬ Home – Edith Whiskers

Toddler Hilariously Explains Why You Can’t Go in This Room After Dad…


Dads are typically the ultimate superhero for their little daughters. But just because most girls love their dads, it doesn’t mean there aren’t certain elements that bother them a lot. In the clip below, the baby girl clarifies what she doesn’t like about her daddy.

Initially, in the clip, the girl and her mother are recording outside their bathroom. She is taking charge to warn anyone who tried to go on the other side of the door. When her mom decided to ask why she gives out the hilarious answer. In a concerned voice, she tells mom, “You will die”. When asked for a further explanation, she reveals the real reason for her worries.



The girl hesitates for a bit of a while before ratting her dad out. Apparently, her daddy went earlier in the washroom and stank up the whole room. She might love her daddy, but she surely is not a fan of the smell. She explains to her mom exactly what she feels. After all, the sweet girl has to protect her mother. The video has made many laugh and accumulated hundreds of similar confessions in the comment section. “The baby girl is a comedic genius said,” one user. And I couldn’t agree more.

Watch the short clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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7-Yr-Old Dancers Own the Floor in Ballroom Swing Championship


It’s fun to watch kids doing things that are normally the province of adults, especially something creative and entertaining. Here’s a video of two kids doing swing dancing, or “jive” as it’s often called, so well that you’d think they lived in the 1940s instead of the 2020s.

The video features the boy with the dark hair, Nikita Shablinskii, and his partner, Olivia Tsar, at the Boca Ballroom Dance Sport Championship (BBDC) in West Palm Beach, Florida. Nikita and Olivia are well known on the kids dancing circuit and Olivia even has her own YouTube channel with nearly 40,000 followers.

The way these two kids move is incredible–you’d swear they were two older swing dancers trapped in a kid’s body. They really look professional!



The BBDC wasn’t just for kids: it has categories for singles and pairs, amateurs and professionals, multiple age groups (kids and students all the way up to seniors), and many different dance categories: Latin, rhythm, smooth and show. This was from 2022 but it’s held every year–we’ll probably be including it in future posts!

This is amazing. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Tiny Girl’s Huge Voice–and Her Little Backup Dancers–Have Audience Cheering!


Sienna Belle is a Brazilian singing girl with a soulful voice and a passion for music. She was born in Ontario, Canada, but when she was only 3, her family relocated to São Paulo, Brazil. Sienna began singing at a young age and has since developed a unique sound that blends traditional Brazilian style with modern influences. From samba to bossa nova, her music is rooted in her Brazilian heritage and is always full of emotion and joy.



In this video, Sienna sings Ellie Goulding’s signature song, “Love Me Like You Do.” The thing is, the kid is very young at age. And, we can see how determined she is to put forth a good performance for the audience and we can also see that everyone in the room loved her as much as we did. She is very talented and I appreciate talents like this very much.

Sienna has performed in several countries around the world, including the United States, and has released several singles and albums, including her latest which was released earlier this year. Sienna’s music has been praised by audiences everywhere for its skillful composition and uplifting message, and she is quickly becoming one of Brazil’s most sought-after vocalists.

She is amazing. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Four-Month-Old Boy/Girl Twin Babies Laughing At Fake Sneezes. They Think It’s Hilarious.


In the heartwarming world of parenting, there’s an extraordinary phenomenon that occurs when twins come together to share their joy. Such a moment of sheer delight unfolded when a pair of four-month-old twins, a boy and a girl, discovered the uproarious hilarity hidden within fake sneezes.

Picture this charming scene: the twins, nestled side by side, gazing at the world with their curious eyes and contagious smiles. Nearby, their parents had concocted a playful scheme to make them laugh. With synchronized precision, Mom and Dad unleashed a series of perfectly timed, fake sneezes.

What happened next was nothing short of magical. The twins, not quite sure what to make of this strange sound, looked at each other with wide-eyed wonder. But instead of fear or confusion, they erupted into giggles. Their laughter was a symphony of innocence and mirth that filled the room.

Mom and Dad couldn’t help but repeat their faux sneezing performance, and each time, the twins responded with even more infectious laughter. It was as though the twins had an inside joke, a secret language of hilarity that only they understood.

The room became an arena of joy, with the twins’ laughter harmonizing with Mom and Dad’s playful antics. Fake sneezes turned into real belly laughs, creating a chorus of happiness that could warm the coldest of hearts.

As the laughter continued, it was a reminder of the unbreakable bond between siblings. The twins, barely four months old, were already sharing moments of pure, unadulterated joy. In their laughter, there was a promise of a lifetime of shared adventures, inside jokes, and unwavering support.

In this enchanting moment, the twin babies taught their parents a lesson in the simplicity of joy. The fake sneezes were the catalyst, but it was the twins’ laughter that truly made this memory unforgettable. It was a testament to the power of laughter and the magic that can be found in the loving connections between siblings.

3-Yr-Old Came Home With Classmate’s Jacket – Watch Her Hilarious Explanation


We’re all humans, which means making mistakes is something we’re all used to. And we also get to learn a lot from the mistakes we make. This little girl in the video also made a tiny mistake, and her father interrogates her for it.

Mila came home one day wearing a jacket that doesn’t belong to her. Looking at the coat, both mom and dad were sure that they didn’t buy it for her. And they were also convinced that she must’ve taken it from one of her friends at school.



So, the dad sits Mila down for interrogation while mom films the entire conversation. Dad asks Mila where’d she got the jacket from, and she answers for “5 money” from the “jacket store.” But they both know she was lying.

So, he asks if anyone else in the school has a similar jacket. And Mila answers, “yes, Carter does.” The funny interrogation carries on as Mila keeps on giving some very creative answers. Watch the funny video clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

Genius 8 Month Old Finds a Way to Climb Off the Bed by Himself


It is truly amazing to witness how a baby grows day by day. One week they are this tiny tot, and the very next week, they have grown inches. Not only that, they master skills in no time.

According to experts, babies develop multiple ways to think, communicate, and solve problems in their first year. The growth is both physical and mental simultaneously. The year is very crucial as babies are equally fragile during this time. Therefore, they need proper attention, diet, and movement.



The PBC Expo states, Babies who gain enough exercise during the first year will develop better coordination, problem-solving capability, and perception with age. Similar to our little guy in the clip. Initially, we witness him crawl toward the edge of the bed.

Once he reaches the edge, he wobbles a little turning his back-side right up. Typically, parents hold the baby during such cases. But the parents are confident in the baby’s effort. I was even rooting for the little guy. To everyone’s surprise, the baby dangles his feet in the air. Furthermore, he is holding on to the comforter he narrowed his landing. Voila! The technique works. He crawls the rest of the way. Watch the short video clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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25M People Can’t Stop Laughing At This Little Girl’s Dance Moves To “Baby Shark.”


If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve heard “Baby Shark” many, many times.

There’s something about the popular children’s song that’s just irresistible to kids, making it practically impossible for them to not sing and dance along. One dad can even attest to its effect on babies. When he played the catchy tune for his infant daughter, she immediately started bopping along, leaving her father astonished by what she could do.With a huge grin plastered on her face, the little cutie begins expertly gyrating her hips as her dad records. She moves in a way that seems to defy her age, performing body rolls better than many adults.

At one point, she looks over at Dad as if to ask, “Are you seeing this?! Look what I can do!”



Obviously not being able to keep the adorable footage to himself, the girl’s dad shared it on Facebook, where it racked up millions of views. The tiny tot became a viral sensation before she could even know what that means, and thousands of adoring fans commented to share their disbelief.

“I’m offended how she can do a better body roll than me,” one woman wrote. “Whatever is in that shark song I want some of it… it got these babies rolling more than me,” another added.

Other viewers couldn’t stop laughing and making jokes.


We’re not really sure how this little girl learned to dance like that, but it’s hilariously entertaining all the same. Her parents must get a kick out of watching her groove along to whatever music they’re playing.

Talented Teen Sings “Hallelujah” On Dublin Streets


I wasn’t very familiar with busking until a year or so ago. Actually, let me correct myself: I didn’t know the term for some street performers was “buskers,” and I only learned on my last trip to Europe. Buskers are quite common in different areas and countries around the world, and it’s incredible to hear some of the great music they perform — sometimes even on request! I remember hearing some classics while I was shopping one afternoon. That moment reminded me of a fantastic clip that we’re going to share with you below.

Everyone knows the lyrics to Leonard Cohen’s 1984 song “Hallelujah.” In fact, if you have watched the movie “Shrek,” then you are probably already pretty familiar with the song. I think it’s safe to say that even if you haven’t seen the movie, you have heard the song somewhere in your lifetime. It’s extremely popular.

Now, just when you thought you’d witnessed every cover of “Hallelujah,” there’s another you should check out. 12-years-old at the time, Cork, Ireland-born Allie Sherlock bravely set up a microphone and music stand outside of a Dublin shopping area only to begin singing one of the most beautiful covers of “Hallelujah.” She had a guitar that she had only learned to play a few years ago. But, she still takes the song on like it’s nothing and does it full justice.



Allie’s strong yet relaxing voice and beautiful strumming powered through the shopping area.

Next thing you know, a crowd of people of all ages formed around her until her performance was complete. Even folks around Allie’s age and younger gathered around regardless of what they had been busy doing before, all to give this girl the attention she deserved.

After completion, everyone cheered and gave Allie a big round of applause for her immense production. Best of all, this act was caught on camera and posted on YouTube!

After her performance, the recognition for Allie did not stop. She has a recording contract, has been featured on Ellen DeGeneres’s “The Ellen Show,” and has landed several interviews.

Now in her early teens, we commend Allie for being bold enough to kick off her music career at such as early age.

If you live in Ireland or just happen to be visiting, keep your eyes peeled for more performances Allie performs on the Ireland streets!

Allie’s voice is like no other. Check her singing out in the video below!

This Little Girl is Not Happy About Her Newborn Sister and She Shows It…


Sometimes when kids act up it’s a little bit funny and other times, it’s nothing but sad because you know it portends some bad times to come. Well here’s a video that’s one of the latter.

The girl in the video is a two-year-old named Piper. She recently gained a new sister, but she doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about it. She lets her family know that she is unhappy by throwing a tantrum. Her dad tries to ask her a little about her little sis, but the reaction he gets is not what one would expect.

It could be hard for children to accept and adapt to a new baby in their lives, but it is a parent’s responsibility to prepare them and handle situations like these if they arise. They should keep in mind not to force them to things they don’t want; it could lead to more resentment.



It looks as if Piper still needs sometime before she gets used to her new sister. Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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