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Video of a one-month-old baby talking and cooing with her mom received 1.5 million views


Having a kid in the home is a big deal, particularly if it’s a newborn! They are noisy, messy, and vulnerable, and you know who is in charge of all of that? You! Despite all of the challenges that come with having a kid, no parent in their right mind would ever regret it.

A parent can’t help but like their children’s little bodies!



Those infants, though, will inevitably grow up. It is not quick, but it occurs whether you want it to or not. Fortunately, there may be delight in the process of maturation. Any parent understands how much fun it is to follow their child’s growth phases and see how they are progressing!

«Oh, your kid hasn’t started gurgling yet?» My son was two months old. While we may not take pleasure in our baby’s milestones, we can’t help but smile when we reach a new one! Achieving a goal ahead of everyone else is typically a reason for celebration!

Bentley, a four-week-old baby, had just woken up, and his parents decided they wanted some good baby video of him. He’s lovely, so we can’t blame them! They didn’t expect to catch anything spectacular on camera.

His mother begins to make baby sounds while they videotape him.

Making baby sounds and «baby talk» is a crucial part of the process, regardless of your age. Bentley’s mother begins to do so, and the baby’s response is incredible

Keep in mind that Bentley is just one month old!



Bentley mews when she makes sounds and then replicates the identical tone of her voice with his!

It’s extremely lovely and deserves all of the praise it’s received. It now has over 1.5 million views!

Was Bentley speaking? Most likely not, but he sounded like he understood what he was doing! WebMD outlines what occurs at the 3-month talking milestone:

At 3 months, your baby is listening to your voice, watching your face as you speak, and turning toward other voices, noises, and music in the house. Many newborns prefer the voice of a woman over that of a man. Many people prefer voices and music they heard when still in the womb. By three months, newborns begin «cooing,» which is a pleasant, calm, rhythmic, sing-song vocalization.

Bentley seemed to have started «cooing» far earlier than he should have. Maybe he’ll grow up to achieve something amazing!

WebMD’s last level of conversation is at the 3-year mark.

By the age of three, your baby’s vocabulary is quickly expanding, and «make-believe» play promotes knowledge of symbolic and abstract words like «now,» sentiments like «sad,» and spatial notions like «in.»

The incredible part is that Bentley is already six years old! In principle, it’s amusing, but our children grow up so quickly.

Check out the video below for all the cuteness!

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In case if you recall these 6 babies from 20 years ago: return to see how much they’ve grown and changed


The town of Norwich, Kansas — population 450 — is about to get even smaller.The Headrick sextuplets, whose birth made national headlines in 2002, graduated from Norwich High School, and come fall, the siblings will be heading off in different directions.

It’s understandable that their parents, Sondra and Eldon Headrick, are experiencing a range of emotions.“I can’t even put into words how proud we are of them,” Sondra, 51, told TODAY Parents. “But at the same time, you know, we’re a little sad.”Sondra said she finds comfort in knowing that the 18-year-olds are continuing their education in Kansas.

Ethan is headed to Wichita State University to study technical networking, while Sean will major in cybersecurity at Cowley College. Grant, who is the most outgoing of the boys, is taking a gap year.“He’s going to continue working and figure out what he wants to do next,” Sondra explained.

Jaycie, the class salutatorian, will study elementary education at Pratt Community College. Her sisters Melissa and Danielle are attending Hutchinson Community College for graphic design and animation, respectively.

“Melissa and Danielle won’t be roommates, but they want to be on the same floor, so they can check on each other,” Sondra said. “The girls are really extremely close. They’ll stay up late talking about everything.”

Sondra predicts that the first couple of days will be “an awakening” for Ethan, Sean, Grant, Jaycie, Melissa and Danielle.“They’ve always been together,” she said.

Parents Gifted with Rare Black-And-White Twins Get the Same Blessing 7 Years Later


The world is full of beautiful and wonderful things, some so astounding and unreal it can be hard to fathom. Sometimes, this beauty is in the form of a person, in this case, twins. And not just the regular kind, two sets of them! But, there is something incredibly special about these children.

Rare Black and White Twins

Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant are the proud parents of two sets of twins, and what makes them so unique is the fact that both sets, born seven years apart, are black and white. This makes their family the only one in existence with such an occurrence.

Dean, the father, is West Indian. His skin is dark and so is his hair. His partner, Alison, has white skin, blue eyes and red hair. In 2001, when their first set of twin girls was due, they expected mixed-race children. Instead, one baby, Lauren, was born with light skin like her mom, along with her red hair and blue eyes. Her twin sister, Hayleigh, looked like Dean.

Now, twins born different colors are not something new, although it is rare. According to reports citing a geneticist, the odds of twins being born biracial is about 1 in 500,000.

But, what makes this family even more special is that the exact thing happened when the couple had twins again in 2009. As you can imagine, the couple was astounded to have had this incredible occurrence yet again.

Lauren and Hayleigh



When they were 18, the older girls spoke about life as bi-racial twins. Of course, people do not believe that they are in fact what they say they are. The girls have said that people are shocked when they find out.

The girls when they were younger – via APTN

Some people can be really rude. They’ll say, ‘You’re lying, you aren’t twins — prove it! So we’ll reel off the same address or pull our passports out. It’s nice to see the shock on people’s faces. When we went to college it was difficult because there were lots of groups of Asian, white and black kids.

“The black group were trying to integrate me and I was like, ‘This is my white twin sister.’

“No one could believe it. People look at us like it’s some kind of miracle. I’m still amazed that we are twins.”


Defying the Odds

The two younger sisters are no different, which means this family is literally the only one in the world with two sets of bi-racial twins.

“Even non-identical twins aren’t that common. Non-identical twins from mixed parents, of different races, less common still. To have two eggs fertilized and come out different colors, less common still. So, to have it happen twice must be one in millions.”

Dr. Sarah Jarvis of Britain’s Royal College of General Practitioners

The two younger daughters have grown to look more alike as time goes by, unlike their older siblings.

Heartwarming Moment Little Girl Can’t Hold Back Her Tears When She Meets Her Baby Cousin For The First Time


There are few things more precious in life than holding a tiny new infant in your arms. Newborns are so incredibly adorable, from the top of their sweet-smelling heads to the tips of their teensy little toes. It’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the purity of these tiny human beings. This toddler ᴄʀɪᴇs happy tears after holding her sweet baby cousin for the first time.



Bree Miller of Reseda, California recently gave birth to her first child, a daughter named Marley Rae. When it came time for the tiny infant to meet some of her family members, Bree had her camera ready to capture the sweet moments, but she had no idea just how sweet those moments would end up being.

Two of Marley Rae’s new cousins were paying a visit that day to check her out. As Bree held and fed the baby, the two little girls seemed rapt with attention. They would tentatively reach out to touch her downy-soft hair, and both couldn’t wait to get that little girl in their own arms to hold her.

Two cushions were placed in her lap in anticipation of the youngster meeting her new cousin – who was in the arms of a woman next to her. As soon as Bree placed a sleeping Marley Rae into her niece Tiffany’s arms, the little girl seemed overwhelmed. The little girl ᴋɪssᴇᴅ the baby’s forehead, rubbing their noses together as she hugged the newborn and then begins to tear up. At some point, the baby started ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ, and one would have thought she would be rattled by that. But instead, she stroked the baby’s legs till the baby stopped ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ.



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The Happy Parents Take Home Two Sets Of Identical Twin Girls After 8 Years Of Waiting


A Utah couple whose journey through in-vitro fertilization captivated the nation welcomed quadruplets — two sets of identical twins.

Ashley and Tyson Gardner said they are “overwhelmed with joy” after the birth of Indie, Esme, Scarlett and Evangeline by Caesarean section at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo. Three of the newborns weighed a little more than 2 pounds at delivery. The fourth weighed slightly less than 2 pounds, according to the hospital.

The couple said they sᴛʀᴜɢɢʟᴇᴅ for eight years to conceive a baby before deciding to turn to IVF treatment. It is a sequence of procedures that involves fertilization of an egg outside a woman’s body in a specialized lab. After both of the fertilised eggs Ashley was carrying split – at odds of one in a million – she found herself pregnant with not one, but TWO sets of twins. This is a rare phenomenon. Only one out of 70 million pregnant women deliver quadruplets.

This Lone Peak grad carried the four girls for 29 weeks and 4 days, with 7 1/2 weeks on hospital bedrest. But Ashley wasn’t bored. By the time Ashley met her miracles, the Gardners had become quasi-spokespersons for the infertility community. She spent hours answering questions on social media, reading messages of support, and sending love to those sᴛʀᴜɢɢʟɪɴɢ to start families.

Then on Dec. 28, 2014, the bedrest ended — and so did the word “rest” in any form. The four baby girls were born within 2.5 minutes — small but healthy.

“It’s amazing to see babies come into this world,” Tyson says with emotion. “You can’t describe it — you have to feel it.”

Five neonatologists — and a total of 37 people — were in the much-anticipated delivery room at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, prepared to take care of each baby girl’s needs. Within two months, beautiful girls named Indie, Esme, Scarlett and Evangeline had all come home — and the family was together in their American Fork townhouse.

“I like to say, ‘These are the little blessings I never knew I wanted,’” Ashley says.



Indie, Esme, Scarlett and Evangeline attract attention wherever their parents take them, from shopping malls and grocery stores to swimming pools and parks. As they wheel the girls around in a quad stroller, Ashley and Tyson have learned to deal with being rushed by crowds of people with a vested interested in their daughters’ welfare.

“So many people followed our story every step of the way – they feel like we’re part of their family,” says Ashley, 28, who is finally getting a full night’s sleep after months of being awakened every few hours around the clock.

“Those first months since they were born were ᴇxʜᴀᴜsᴛɪɴɢ, but so rewarding,” she tells PEOPLE. “Every day, I feel so grateful as I watch these little miracles grow. They’re healthy now, they’re happy and thriving. I’m soaking up every minute with them – I can’t get enough of holding them and watching every little milestone.”

Adorable Twiп Babies Iпcredible Boпd Aпd Scream Wheпever They Are Separated


Wheп yoυ’re a twiп, yoυr boпd is iпcredibly stroпg. Bυt a pair of adorable пewborпs have takeп the meaпiпg of ‘ɪɴsᴇᴘᴀʀᴀʙʟᴇ’ to a пew level. Mυm Breппa Grυпd has eпcoυпtered aп iпterestiпg issυe with her twiп babies – iп that they sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ the hoυse dowп wheпever she tries to pυt them dowп sᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇʟʏ.

Breппa Grυпd, 27, from Miппesota, iп the US says her soпs Laпe aпd Leппox have oпly speпt oпe пight apart siпce they were borп aпd that fiпd each other’s preseпce comfortiпg. After receiviпg some ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪsᴍ oп TikTok for lettiпg them sleep beside oпe aпother, the mυm decided to show what happeпs wheп she tries to sᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇ them at home iп Miппesota, US.

The mother-of-foυr also said she doesп’t believe iп ‘ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ it oυt,’ meaпiпg she doesп’t waпt to leave her childreп ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ iп their room aloпe. Iп order to help them settle qυicker, she places the twiпs iп together.

She said: “My heart ʙʀᴏᴋᴇ sᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ them so I took them oυt after a few miпυtes of пot calmiпg dowп aпd pυt them iп bed пext to each other aпd they fell asleep withiп two miпυtes. I caп’t say it eпoυgh. Their boпd is somethiпg oпly a twiп caп υпderstaпd. It’s so iпcredible as their mυm to watch.”

The twiп had to speпd time iп the ⓃⒾⒸⓊ, aпd both eпded υp with a series of ᴄᴏʟᴅs, amoпg other challeпges. Throυgh it all, they have oпly slept apart oпce. Beiпg close to oпe aпother, holdiпg haпds aпd cυddliпg seems very soothiпg for the babies, aпd so every time they are separated, they become very ᴜᴘsᴇᴛaпd ᴀɢɪᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. So, Grυпd lets the twiпs sleep together, eveп thoυgh the Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ Pᴇᴅɪᴀᴛʀɪᴄ Assᴏᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ does пot recommeпd sibliпgs sleepiпg together becaυse it might iпcrease the ʀɪsᴋ of Sᴜᴅᴅᴇɴ Iɴғᴀɴᴛ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ Sʏɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇ. The Grυпd twiпs have beeп sleepiпg together their eпtire lives aпd seem to get better rest that way.

People who saw the video said Grυпd shoυld let the twiпs cυddle aпd ‘be happy.’ Oпe posted: “Why woυld aпyoпe waпt to sᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇ them? They have bυilt iп comfort with each other. I’m jealoυs. Of coυrse yoυ shoυld let them cυddle aпd be happy!!”

Aпother wrote: “My twiпs doп’t sleep together becaυse they always wake each other υp…. BUT if they slept better together I 100% woυld sυpport it! Do whatever works!”

The woman adopted a boy, a year later she adopted a girl, and it turned out that they were brother and sister.



This incredible story happened in Colorado.

One day, Miss Page adopted a boy, and a year later a girl, she could not even think that these children would turn out to be siblings.


After she divorced her husband, she decided to change her life radically. She changed her place of residence, her job, and her environment. She met up with the church and started working as a caretaker at a center for abandoned children.



At first, it was a very depressing job, and it was hard for her. But gradually she got involved and loved the process. Soon after, the woman realized that she wanted to adopt a baby from this center. He was 4 days old. His mother abandoned him, during pregnancy she was very fond of drugs. Fortunately, this did not affect the health of the baby.


Miss Page took custody of the boy. She gave him the name Grayson while all the social services were looking for his real parents. The search was unsuccessful and the woman was handed documents for adoption. So, Grayson became her son officially.

But that’s not the end of the story. A few days later, the woman received a call and was asked to pick up another baby from the center. Her woman gave birth in the same hospital. The woman felt that she had to take this child for herself.

Miss Page finally met the baby. And the most amazing thing is that on the small hand was attached a bracelet with the same name of the parent as Grayson.


The woman found the address of Hannah’s biological mother (the girl was named that way) and met with her. She said that she does not know anything about her son and she is expecting a third child.


Katie Page reported this to her supervisor, who conducted several checks and confirmed that the boy and the girl are relatives.



Well, that’s not the end of the story.

After all, soon the wayward mother abandoned the third child. And Katie Page is already applying for custody.


Cuteness Alert! Little Boy Gets Choked Up Holding Baby Sister For 1st Time.


Some people seem to have been born to love and nurture others! Mom Ali Retelle recently welcomed a new baby girl to their family, and when her toddler son met her, it was definitely love at first sight! Thankfully for us, Ali captured the adorable first meeting on camera.



In a video, we see the little boy holding his new sister in his arms as he gazes into her tiny face. Without seeming to notice, he begins to weep, silently wiping the tears away with his arm without ever looking away from the infant. His parents tell him he can talk to her, but she won’t talk back, and he seems delighted to know she can actually hear him. Veteran older siblings will warn him to enjoy these days before she learns to talk, but that’s not important right now.

This little boy clearly has a heart of gold! Check out the video below to see why we think he’ll be an excellent big brother, and don’t forget to share.

Mother And Father Thrilled After Giving Birth To Rare, Identical Triplets


Amber and Levi always wanted a family together, so when they had two beautiful daughters, they were more than overjoyed.

But just when they thought their family was complete, everything changed.

Amber found out that she was pregnant again, but that wasn’t the most surprising news delivered by the doctors.

They were going to have triplets!

Without the use of fertility drugs or any other type of fertility treatments, the chances of having triplets are very low to begin with. So, while they were definitely surprised by the news, both Amber and Levi were thrilled to welcome three adorable babies into the family.




Weeks went by, and the day finally came. Amber was admitted to the hospital to deliver the babies.
Even though they were lighter than normal, each weighing four pounds, the triplet girls came out in a healthy condition via cesarean section.

In the meantime, though, Amber was struggling. She actually died on the operating table, but was resuscitated with the help of a blood transfusion. When the commotion was finally over, everyone in the operation room noticed something very special about the triplets’ faces.

They were identical!

According to the doctors, the odds of having identical triplets naturally can be as high as 1 in 200 million.

Even though everyone is now healthy and happy, Levi had to slow down at work and take care of his family while Amber recovers. But, the medical bills were piling up. Thankfully, friends and neighbors decided to help the them out by raising funds for the family. They actually set up a GoFundMe account, so anyone can donate money for medical expenses and baby supplies.

Please SHARE this story if you want to join us in welcoming these adorable triplets into the world!

Woman celebrates 100th birthday on the same day as her great-great-granddaughter’s 1st birthday


Having grandkids is great, but not many people get to see their grandkids have their own kids. For those who do, it probably feels like a repeat of the joy they felt from their first set of grandkids.

And living that long must be something. You’ll have life experience galore, and you’ll have seen more of the world than most. I guess that’s why seeing your grandkids can be a humbling and profound thing.

But then your grandkids are eventually going to have kids of their own, and their kids will do the same. Don’t you wish you could just be around to hold and love all of them?
Vivian Dahl is something that not many people live to be: a great great grandmother!




Her 100th birthday is the same day as her great great granddaughter’s, so they celebrated together.

This is a huge deal. Vivian is not just a great grandmother. She’s a great great grandmother. Vivian’s been around for a very long time, and saw 2 more generations of her family than most people get to.

Her daughter’s name is Eloise. Little Eloise has only been on this earth for a year so far, and hadn’t the slightest clue what was going on. Her great great grandma, on the other hand, saw this as a precious, once-in-a-lifetime moment.


Obviously, the story of a woman turning a century old and sharing a birthday with her youngest descendant was pretty news-worthy.

The story was featured on FOX9, with photos provided by Elijah Dahl.

When Vivian shared her advice on living a life as long as hers, she said “No smoking, no drinking, and no candy”. Personally, I don’t have any trouble following the first two bits of advice. But the “no candy” bit? Well, I can’t exactly make any promises.
It’s not known exactly how many people on the planet are great great grandparents, probably owing to how rarely it gets to happen.


Though something we do have some estimate for is people who’re 100 years old or older.

People who reach this age are called centenarians, and there’s something around half a million of them in the world right now. Or at least, the last time the United Nations estimated. The interesting bit is that the number seems to be increasing.

Looking at a trend from the past decades, it appears as though people are living longer than past generations.

Since the year 2000, the number of centenarians is four times what it was if those estimates are true.

That photo of Eloise and Vivian is several generations of memories, all told through their eyes.

Vivian looks at a new family member 100 years later, and Eloise’s innocent eyes look back at someone who’s been through it all.

Happy birthday to Eloise and Vivian! I hope they had a blast at the party their family threw for them at Lake Crystal. The very place where Vivian has lived for all her life.