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Tinley’s Green Gagging: A Hilarious Tale Of Baby Food Adventures


Parenting comes with its fair share of surprises, and for Tinley’s parents, one unexpected twist came in the form of her aversion to greens. As they introduced her to the world of baby foods, they quickly discovered that Tinley had strong opinions – particularly when it came to anything green.

Despite their best efforts to coax her into embracing a variety of nutritious vegetables, Tinley made her preferences abundantly clear. And nowhere was this more evident than in her comical reactions to greens.

Picture the scene: Tinley’s high chair adorned with an array of colorful purees, each one carefully prepared in the hopes of winning her over. With a spoonful of spinach or peas poised for delivery, Tinley’s parents braced themselves for the inevitable gagging and grimacing that would follow.



But what truly made these moments unforgettable was the reaction of Tinley’s older sibling, Gaines. Instead of sympathy or concern, Gaines found endless amusement in Tinley’s culinary struggles. As Tinley gagged and sputtered, Gaines would dissolve into fits of laughter, finding the entire ordeal absolutely hilarious.

For Tinley’s parents, it was a lesson in the unpredictability of parenthood. While they had hoped for a baby who would eagerly devour their homemade purees with gusto, they instead found themselves with a little one who treated greens like the enemy.

Yet, amidst the chaos and laughter, there was a silver lining. Tinley’s aversion to greens became a source of family humor, a shared joke that brought them closer together. And while they continued to introduce her to a variety of foods, they also learned to embrace Tinley’s unique tastes and preferences.

In the end, Tinley’s green gagging moments became cherished memories, a reminder that even the messiest and most challenging aspects of parenting can be transformed into moments of joy and laughter. And for Tinley’s family, that laughter was the greatest gift of all.

Kindergarten Class Sings Parody Of ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ At Graduation And It’s Amazing


A parody of ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ made for the perfect graduation song. And this group of kindergartners certainly did Journey proud!

The cute group of kiddos assembled on stage, each adorned in golden robes and graduation caps. They stood atop bleachers in what looked to be a stage area.

In part, the assembly looks like a graduation. But they also resemble a church choir, standing in their formation and robes. Both are true, but thinking of them as a choir makes total sense too considering the lyrics they sing for the audience.

First, the music is cued. Then their teacher took a seat in front of them and the parody of ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ begins. She motioned with her fingers at times to direct the children vocally and even appeared to be mouthing the words too. Honestly, the children didn’t seem to struggle much with singing. They did well enough to cause some laughter in the crowd, and unsurprisingly, warm some hearts.



While not all of the lyrics are easy to make out, the lyrics they sang seemed to reflect their experience of going to school: riding the yellow school bus and living with mom and dad.

Whether Mrs. Tessier is the songwriter or not, the lyrics to the parody of ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ are definitely impressive, and quite fitting for children. Honestly, anytime someone can make a song out of education is impressive because most songs of the secular variety are sung about sin: lust, greed, violence. However, this song holds education in high regard and even mentions religion.

How amazing! Teaching children the wisdom of the Bible is sure to positively shape their futures and the generation of children that they bring into the world.

Little Boy Has A Funny Moment When It Comes Time To Pass The Offering Plate At Church


When it came time to pass the offering plate at church, one little boy had everyone cracking up with his reaction to the basket full of money!

Check out the little blond cutie as he waits for his big moment. He gets to put his dollar in the long-handled wicker basket when it comes time to pass the offering plate. And he has positioned himself at the end of the row, ready to go!

Three handsome boys are seated with a younger woman and an older woman-probably mama and grandma. What a beautiful thing it is to see the trio being taught to worship God and make an offering!

The basket across the aisle bops up and down, and the one on their side lands in front of the adorable rascal. He drops his part into the offering plate as it comes time for it to pass by him. And, his darker-haired brothers bounce up to enthusiastically and appropriately add theirs; they know the routine.

But, by now, the youngest has noticed he has an audience!



As his brothers are doing their part, he’s thinking maybe he should try to pull his back out. He lifts the bill with a little smile toward the watching friends a few yards away.

RELATED: Little Girl Adorably Gives Everyone At Church A Hug

But Grandma slides it right out of his hand and back into the passing offering plate where it belongs. Busted!

She gives him a light tap on the shoulder as he turns and squirms his way back to his spot on the pew. Mom delivers a gentle poke on the way back just to make the point clear. No taking back what’s been put in, kiddo!

Something tells us this little guy gets taps and pokes regularly! He might just be the family cut-up or clown. However, he’s getting Godly teaching and love from a fellowship of believers as he grows. He’s in good hands! The lady across the aisle loves him already! Bonds between the young and old, and generations in between, within a body of believers are so precious!

Little Girl at Dance Recital Is Not Having It and Her Reaction Is Absolutely Hilarious


Children are brutally honest individuals. As all parents understand, whatever youngsters are thinking or feeling at the time will inevitably find its way out of their mouths. They have not yet developed that filter that keeps adults from expressing every single thought running through their minds.

RELATED: Little Miss Complainer Rambles Off Her List Of Gripes While Hiking And It’s Too Funny

In addition to children being completely honest with their words and thoughts, this honestly also includes their facial expressions. In a short video posted on YouTube, one young woman was unhappy about performing in a dance recital.

How do we know that she was unhappy? It was all over her face.

The 45-second clip starts with the little girl at the dance recital looking off the stage behind her. However, when she turns back to the audience while her fellow performers are going through their synchronized dance steps, the little girl glares at the audience.



She is unhappy about something and is not afraid of others knowing how she’s feeling.

Seconds into the video, text pops up, which perfectly sums up how the young woman is feeling about her current position on stage.

RELATED: Little Girl Dancing Her Heart Out During Class Graduation Performance Goes Viral

“POV: your mom put you in twinkle baby dance and you absolutely hate your life,” the text reads.

While the other children continue to go through their dance steps, the young, angry woman also glares at them. She does not even attempt a half-hearted dance step. She is not happy and is making that perfectly clear to anyone and everyone watching.

Many are likely able to relate to the young woman’s feelings. Most people probably would not be too thrilled about being forced to participate in a dance recital.

Joyful Innocence: A Glimpse Into Pure Happiness


In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, there’s something truly magical about the sight of a sweet baby cooing and smiling directly at the camera. This precious moment captured on film encapsulates the essence of innocence and joy, reminding us of life’s simple pleasures.

With eyes that twinkle like stars and a smile that radiates pure happiness, this little one invites us into a world of wonder and delight. Their infectious laughter and playful demeanor serve as a gentle reminder to pause and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, even in the midst of life’s challenges.



As we gaze upon this angelic face, we are reminded of the purity of childhood and the boundless capacity for love that resides within each of us. In this fleeting moment, all worries fade away, replaced by a sense of warmth and contentment that can only be found in the presence of a happy baby.

This photograph serves as a timeless reminder to cherish the small moments, to find joy in the everyday, and to celebrate the innocence that resides within us all. For in the smile of a baby, we find a glimpse of heaven on earth, a precious gift to be treasured for a lifetime.

Slow teen shag dancers explode into show-stopping spectacle


Imagine the electric buzz of anticipation as a teen’s shag dance starts slow but suddenly shifts gears, igniting the dance floor with an infectious energy. This isn’t just any dance; it’s the Carolina Shag, a cherished emblem of South Carolina’s spirit and history.

Behind this vibrant scene is the Junior Shag Dance Team, a group fueled by passion and dedication to keep the Carolina Shag’s legacy pulsating through every step and swing at the USA Grand Nationals Dance Championships. Their youth belies a performance maturity that leaves audiences spellbound.

This dance, born on the breezy coasts of the Carolinas, has danced its way through time, evolving from its roots in the 1930s Myrtle Beach dance halls, where it first mixed the Charleston with a flair all its own. Here, the dance became more than movement—it became a rebellion, a statement of joy and freedom.

Picture the old beach club pavilions, with their soulful music and wooden floors worn smooth by countless shuffling feet. This was where the Carolina Shag thrived, a beacon for teens seeking the thrill of rhythm and the dance.



Despite fading into the background in the 60s, the shag reemerged, revitalized in the 70s, blending the best of East and West Coast Swing into the sophisticated, lively dance we celebrate today. It’s a dance that speaks of elegance and boundless energy, a testament to its enduring appeal.

The heart of this dance beats strongest in the Junior Shag Dance Team. Their routine, a mesmerizing mix of slow, intimate movements that burst into lively, synchronized footwork to the timeless tunes of Sam Cooke, showcases the Carolina Shag’s enduring charm and vibrancy.

This is the power of the Carolina Shag—once a simple beach dance, now an unforgettable spectacle.

Experience the Magic of the Carolina Shag

Street teen stops traffic with his haunting ‘Heartbreak Hotel’


At 14, Rhys Mcphillips took to the streets, guitar in hand, his confidence belying his age. With Allie Sherlock, his partner in music, they started into Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel,” immediately capturing the audience’s attention.

The streets, usually filled with the bustle of daily life, hushed. Passersby were drawn to the performance, each note bringing more spectators. Rhys and Allie transformed the classic, giving it a new life that resonated with everyone listening.



Their voices, powerful and emotive, breathed life into the song. The audience was visibly moved, their expressions reflecting the wide range of emotions stirred by this fresh rendition.

This wasn’t just any performance; it was a moment. The kind that stops you in your tracks, making you feel part of something special. For Rhys, it was a step onto a larger stage, his talent undeniably captivating.

As the last chords faded, the crowd’s applause was not just for the music. It was a celebration of youth, talent, and the timeless appeal of a good song well sung.

This performance of “Heartbreak Hotel” was more than a cover; it was a story of ambition, creativity, and the power of music to unite. Rhys and Allie, through their talent and passion, reminded us of the joy found in shared moments of music.

Watch Their Unforgettable Performance Now!

Abby’s 1st Taste Of Peas Doesn’t Go Well. She Doesn’t Like Peas.


In a scene that could only be described as pure culinary drama, little Abigail embarked on her maiden voyage into the world of solid foods, only to encounter a formidable foe: peas. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, she eagerly accepted the spoonful of mushy green goodness, unaware of the rollercoaster ride that awaited her taste buds.

As the spoon made its way to her lips, Abigail’s expression shifted from curiosity to disbelief, her tiny face contorting into a look of utter disdain. With a dramatic flair that belied her tender age, she promptly expelled the offending substance from her mouth, as if to express her vehement disapproval of this newfound culinary adventure.



Her parents, equal parts amused and sympathetic, watched on as their little one grappled with her first taste of peas. Despite their best efforts to encourage her, Abigail remained steadfast in her aversion, her distaste for peas becoming abundantly clear with each furrowed brow and emphatic head shake.

And so, in a moment that would go down in family lore, Abigail made her stance on peas unequivocally clear: they were simply not to her liking. Yet, amidst the laughter and good-natured teasing that ensued, her parents couldn’t help but marvel at their daughter’s spirited determination, even in the face of such a small, green vegetable.

As they cleaned up the mess and moved on to other culinary experiments, they knew that Abigail’s palate would continue to evolve and grow, but for now, the saga of the peas would remain a cherished memory of her earliest culinary escapades.

Feeding Baby Solids Third Time Can’t Get It Fast Enough Love Cereal


As the clock struck feeding time, anticipation filled the air. The high chair stood ready, adorned with colorful bibs and spoons, awaiting its tiny occupant. With each passing day, the excitement seemed to grow, for today marked a milestone: the third introduction to solid foods.

With a gentle scoop of creamy cereal, the spoon hovered before eager lips, and in a blink, it disappeared into the mouth of the voracious diner. But this time was different. There was no hesitant nibbling, no curious exploration. Instead, there was a fervent urgency, a ravenous hunger for more.



As spoonful after spoonful disappeared into the baby’s mouth, a newfound love affair with cereal unfolded. It was as if each taste ignited a passion for this newfound delight, sending waves of joy rippling through the room. Laughter filled the air as cereal bits scattered like confetti, a celebration of discovery and delight.

Gone were the days of cautious nibbles and tentative tastes. Now, it was all about the rush – the exhilarating race to devour every morsel before it could even touch the spoon. And as the feeding session came to an end, one thing was abundantly clear: this baby had found true love in a bowl of cereal.

Pint-sized powerhouse explodes the Anthem with her vocal fireworks


When 8-year-old Mirabel Pan Weston’s angelic voice brought the national anthem to life, hearts overflowed with pride and eyes glistened with tears of joy

Mirabel Pan Weston, at just 8 years old, delivered a heart-stirring rendition of the National Anthem during the WooSox season opener. Despite a recent bout with a cold, her performance was a showcase of bravery and talent, resonating deeply with the crowd. Her voice, robust and clear, brought a fresh vibrancy to the well-loved anthem.

Dressed in a black velvet top and a white puffy skirt, Mirabel stood confidently at home plate. Her attire, completed with a red socks necklace, not only nodded to the WooSox colors but also mirrored her vibrant personality. It was more than just an outfit; it was a statement of her readiness to take on the world.

Mirabel’s singing career is already off to a promising start, with a recent win for Best Stage Performance at the Boston International Music Competition. This particular performance at the WooSox game was another step in her journey to stardom. It was clear from the crowd’s reaction that she isn’t just performing; she’s inspiring.



Battling through her illness, Mirabel’s voice conquered the challenging highs and lows of the anthem with ease. What could have been a moment of vulnerability turned into a triumphant display of her vocal prowess. Her resilience transformed her performance into an unforgettable experience for everyone present.

The crowd’s response was overwhelming; applause filled the stadium as she hit the final note. Online, the accolades poured in, with comments celebrating her skill and bravery. Mirabel’s performance was not just seen; it was felt by all who watched.

It’s not just her voice that captivates, but the soul and passion she brings to her performances. Mirabel touches the hearts of her audience, connecting on a level that many artists strive to reach. This emotional depth is what sets her apart as a young artist with a bright future.

Witness the Unforgettable Moment When Mirabel Pan Weston’s Angelic Voice United a Nation in Awe and Admiration