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3-Year-Old Dancers Perform The “Joropo” In Front Of Hundreds Of People


One of the most interesting representations of a country’s culture is its dance. It doesn’t only aim to entertain the audience, but it also brings out the sense of patriotism of the dancers.The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America that is rich in cultures influenced by three main groups namely the Indigenous Venezuelans, the Africans, and the Spanish.


The Joropo is a musical style that’s almost similar to the fandango. It is an accompanying dance that is now Venezuala’s national dance.Even the kids in the country know how to dance the Joropo at such a young age.A pair of 3-year-olds joined a local dance competition where they stood in a stadium filled with hundreds of people.The little kids bowed to the judges and started dancing as soon as they heard the song.Their routine is mainly composed of the little girl spinning around under her partner’s arm, and the both of them twirling across the floor


The little kids demonstrated a really strong sense of rhythm as they moved their feet rapidly to the music.There are lots of ways to keep a country’s culture alive throughout generations, and passing it on to young ones is one of them.Watch the 3-year-olds’ amazing Joropo routine in the video below.

An Adorable Baby Sings His Favorite Gospel Song. This Totally Made My Day!


In case you haven’t had your daily dose of cuteness, this little man is here to make your day. From his prime spot in his car seat, Demetrius shares with us his own, soulful version of “I’m Blessed”. I have to face it, even as a baby, his little voice is much better than my own. It’s not just his voice that’s impressive, however, it’s his passion for the music. It’s safe to assume that little Demetrius may not fully understand the meaning behind the words he’s belting out, but the spirit is there. He’s well on his way to understanding exactly why he is so blessed and having a deep appreciation for life and all that it has to offer.


Lydia Majette, Demetrius’ grandmother is the person recording the video, as well as the little one’s duet partner. Her influence has given this little boy an appreciation for gospel music and it’s clear that she has a passion for it as well. The beautiful music, as well as her own talent, has rubbed off on her grandson in the best way. It seems that the entire family has a passion for singing and gospel music. Lydia has three other grandchildren that also enjoy singing along. She just happened to film Demetrius on this particular day.


For any one of us, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives and worries. As adults, we carry a lot of pressure and expectations around with us. We have jobs, families, financial struggles, and even health issues to deal with. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and forgot all of the wonderful blessings we do have. Today, let little Demetrius, young and free of the difficulties of adulthood, remind us in his wonderful way that each of us is truly blessed.

Teacher Adopts Best Student after Seeing Him Asleep in Parking Lot, Later He Calls Her on Stage — Short Story


A childless physics teacher adopted her best student after discovering him sleeping in a parking lot after school. She raised him as her own son, and he made sure to recognize her contributions to his life by calling her up the stage during one of his awards nights.

Ms. Lane was a talented 53-year-old physics teacher who lived alone. She and her husband never had any kids, which eventually affected their relationship, and they filed for divorce.

Although she never had kids of her own, Ms. Lane loved children. She treated her students like her own and devoted her life to teaching.

Of all her students, Ms. Lane was particularly fond of a brilliant boy named Brandon. He was her star student, always passing her tests with flying colors and impressing crowds with his physics exhibitions.

“You’ll make a great physicist, Brandon. Keep at it, and you’ll do well! This could be your future profession,” she would motivate him. Brandon would nod and tell his favorite teacher that he would love to become a physicist one day.

Unfortunately, when Brandon got to his senior year in high school, his grades started to slip. “What happened to Brandon? Are his grades slipping in your subjects, too?” Ms. Lane asked her fellow teachers.

Mrs. Kimbell, the senior year history teacher, revealed that Brandon recently lost his mother. “He’s going through a rough time. He lost his mom, and he doesn’t want to talk to anybody about what happened,” she explained.



Ms. Lane wanted to try talking to Brandon to assure him he was not alone. However, no matter how hard she tried to speak to him, he remained reserved and had difficulty opening up about how he felt.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Lane, I just can’t right now,” he reasoned. “There are some things I’d like to keep to myself at the moment, if that’s okay.”

“Of course, dear. Take all the time you need to grieve. I just wanted to remind you that you aren’t alone, and any time you need anything, your other teachers and I are ready to listen,” she told him.

One weekend, Ms. Lane went on her monthly supermarket trip. She parked the car in the big parking lot in front of the store, and that’s when she noticed Brandon sleeping on the ground next to where all the grocery carts were parked.

She saw that the area was filled with homeless people who were waiting by the store for people to hand out donations to them. There was a fire hydrant where they could wash and a small bonfire on the ground to keep them warm.

“Brandon?” Ms. Lane said as soon as she left her car. “What are you doing out here?!”

At first, Brandon’s first instinct was to get up and run away, but it was too late. Ms. Lane was already helping him up the ground. “Come inside the store with me. Put your things in my car.”

Brandon hesitated, but he decided to obey his teacher out of respect. They went inside the store, where Ms. Lane bought him a hot meal and some drinks. “What happened to you, dear?” she asked him.

“When my mom died, my father suddenly turned up at home with another woman. I didn’t like that he instantly replaced mom, so I ran away from home. I’ve been sleeping at the parking lot for several days now, but my dad never cared to look for me,” Brandon revealed.

“Sometimes, I sleep on the ground, but sometimes, a homeless man named Hunter would allow me to sleep inside his car whenever it got too cold. Thank God for Hunter because it’s been freezing recently, and I always feel like I’m about to catch the flu,” he added.

Ms. Lane felt terrible for her brilliant student. Without hesitation, she told the boy she would try to adopt him if social services would agree to remove his father’s parental rights.

Because the boy was nearing legality, the process was long and tedious, but Ms. Lane never gave up. She took Brandon under his wing, and he slowly got his life back on track.

Ms. Lane tutored Brandon daily after school, becoming a true mother-and-son duo. They went on trips, enjoyed making meals together, and volunteered to tutor young kids during weekends.



Eventually, Brandon landed a full scholarship to one of the country’s top science universities. He excelled in what he did and became a famous physicist.

One day, Brandon received a prize that only top physicists in the world could receive. Instead of taking credit for the achievement in his speech, he decided to honor Ms. Lane, saying:

“When I was in high school, there was one person who inspired me to become the physicist I am today. I was already lucky to be her student, but by a twist of fate, I was even luckier to have become her son.”

Ms. Lane was in the audience, crying her eyes out upon hearing Brandon speak about her. She was so proud of him and wanted nothing more than to see him succeed.

“Without Ms. Lane, without my mom, I would not be here in front of you today. This award is for her – for all the sacrifices she’s made for me, all the lessons she’s taught me, and all the love she’s given me. Thank you, mom.”

As soon as Brandon ended his speech, Ms. Lane received a standing ovation from the audience. They applauded her for her big heart, and Brandon walked her to the stage to be recognized.



What can we learn from this story?

Never forget those who raised you. Brandon looked up to Ms. Lane as his teacher, but he never imagined she would become his mother. When he became successful, he recognized Ms. Lane and all her contributions to his life.
Your circumstances don’t need to define your future. Brandon’s hopes of becoming a physicist slowly disappeared when his mother died, and he ran away from home. Thanks to Ms. Lane, he didn’t throw away his future because she guided him in the right direction and raised him as her child.
Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a teacher who notices a girl had stopped going to school, only to learn she was left without clothes to wear every day because of an unfortunate incident.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to

A little Korean child started dancing on the street and attracted the attention of passers-by


Children are very open and spontaneous. We can often hear on the street how children express their opinions loudly about people passing by or tell their parents naive stories. Adults can learn a lot from children. They always do what they like and are not shy about the opinions of others. Therefore, at street concerts, you can often see children dancing and singing. The Korean boy touched all the passers-by with his funny dance to the song “Oppa Gangnam Style”. The hit Gangnam Style was released on July 15, 2012 and climbed to the top of the Korean charts.


In November of the same year, the video for the song took the first position among the most viewed videos on YouTube. When the song first appeared, only a few fans of the K-pop direction knew about it. But the main feature was the dance, which captivated the audience. This dance began to be danced by everyone without exception. The song was played at birthdays and weddings, discos and various other events.

Especially the children who fell in love with this dance and are trying with might and main to copy the movements of the performer. The Korean boy is no exception. He heard the rhythms of his favorite song in the street and began to dance. The parents did not interfere with the boy, and he merrily jumped and waved his arms to the rhythms of the melody. Passers-by gathered around the little dancer and couldn’t help but smile. Children can sometimes be so open and charging positive emotions.

Not a single adult would dare to start dancing on the street, and a child would not care. The kid wanted to have fun and nothing worried him. He clearly enjoyed the song and his dancing. He has such a good sense of rhythm and tact that he undoubtedly has a good dance and rhythm ability. Parents should take care of their boy. Maybe when he grows up, he can become a good choreographer or dancer. Well, Paul is just a little kid who loves to dance. The little music lover not only danced, but also repeated the words of the song to himself. Apparently the child really liked the song.

Hilarious toddler shows how to give directions in the country


A little boy in a worn-out baseball cap sits at a kitchen table eating his breakfast. Someone is recording the toddler as he sets out to tell his tale of what he did last week.

In front of his plate of bacon and eggs, the boy starts with an exasperated sigh as he answers something asked before the video began. His story is about Bear Creek.

As soon as the small boy pronounces those words, a man asks him, “Bear Creek? You know how to get there?” To which he smartly replies that yes, he does; this is when the fun begins.



The cute toddler names the roads that you need to pass by to get to the final destination. He states that you need to get on Six Mile Road, Bear Creek Road, and pass through various ‘miles.’

At the mention of ‘miles,’ the directions and the story get more complicated as the boy goes off on a tangent. His excitement to prove his knowledge transpires to his hands.

The country boy almost knocks over his tall glass of orange juice, but he manages to catch himself just in time and move it to the side. Off-camera a hand appears and moves it further away so the little guy can continue with his directions.

The video has gained over 1.2 million views on the YouTube channel ‘Life According to Jake Boone.’ With that extensive set of directions, viewers will know their way to Bear Creek like the back of their hands.

Flower Girl Runs Down Aisle After Spotting Grandpa


One cute, young wedding party member abandoned her duties when she spotted her grandfather.

Weddings are often emotional occasions as family and friends gather to watch two people in love exchange vows, promising to remain together through thick and thin. But weddings, and the days leading up to them, can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. Even the tiniest, smallest detail gets magnified and can cause a massive headache when it comes to planning a wedding.

However, one young woman did not let being a member of a wedding party phase her at all. She was completely worry-free when it came time for her role in the wedding. In fact, when it came time for her to walk down the aisle, she found something more important to do.

A clip posted on YouTube shows what happened when a flower girl noticed her grandfather. Instead of making her way up the aisle, she took a detour.

The video begins with the child being given a slight nudge forward as her cue to head up the aisle. Things go as planned for a few steps until the little girl sees her grandfather, and then she has her sights set on him.



She waddles and grins her way up the aisle. The attendees, understanding that the little girl is headed for her grandfather, let out a few laughs. When she gets just a few wobbly steps from her destination, she gives herself a hand, clapping as she approaches grandpa.

The whole scene is almost too cute!

Those in attendance also applaud as the little girl gets to her grandfather. He dips down a little, picks the cute little girl up and places her on his lap.

She is exactly where she wants to be. She is safe, secure and happy in the loving arms of her grandfather.

The baby is trying solid food for the first time. A touching moment that became a hit on the Internet.



The parents of this sweet and cute baby could not even imagine that their little miracle would soon become an Internet star. Luckily for us all, the baby’s dad turned on the camera just in time – just at the moment when the boy was supposed to try eating solid food for the first time in his life.


The expression on his face and experienced emotions are simply priceless. Not surprisingly, the video has received more than 4 million views on the Internet. It’s definitely worth the time spent. Don’t forget to watch the video below and share this positive moment with all your friends online

4 year old slays graduation performance. She gives it her all, and we love it!


She gives it her all, and we love it!


Children are unique in their manner of singing. They don’t know how to hide their emotions. This little charmer named Sophia is simply mesmerizing with her performance. Instead of just opening her mouth, while making incomprehensible sounds, she gives herself to the process with all her feelings. The mother of the future artist filmed the concert on video to capture her daughter’s bright and emotional performance. The children on the left and right sing, opening their mouths a little, but Sophia stands out from the crowd with her pronounced, memorable behavior on stage.


The video won many hearts. Choir is an operatic number for a choral ensemble (often mixed, sometimes male, female or children). Usually depicts the presence of a “collective character”, a group of witnesses or accomplices or a crowd of people. Occasionally it is used as an impersonal commentary or as a technique for creating a “liturgical” color. This is now a choir artist – a completely respected and professional staff unit. Well, maybe not the most highly paid, but certainly living the same creative life with the opera house.


Dad lets his 3-yr-old daughter pick her own outfit for class picture day


Children are unique. Most of them know exactly what they want even from early age. Their parents picking their outfits for them for school or social gatherings is just unacceptable for some kids who know what suits them best. Well, even if that means wearing mismatching clothes, or outfits not really “acceptable” to be worn in public.


It was going to be a ‘picture day’ at school and Kaylieann Steinbach’s parents carefully chose her outfit for the day. This pictures are forever so they made sure their little princess resembles exactly that, a cute little princess dressed in girly colors. And well, it was all fun and games for the parents until Kaylieann got to see her daddy and mommy’s pick. Pretty disappointing, to say the least. It was a huge no, no for this little fashionista.
She was taking things in her own hands.


Why not wear the outfit of someone she really loves the most. The greatest superheros of all time, “Pooterman” and “Pootergirl.” If you wonder who those are, it’s how lovely Kaylieann calls Superman and Supergirl because unfortunately, she is experiencing hearing loss and can’t hear the letter ‘S.’


She already had her decision made, it was either Supergirl or nothing. Her parents were a bit hesitant letting their girl wearing a costume to school, but they knew it was going to be fun.

Needless to say, they were right. Their girl was in the limelight that day and showed everyone that being different can be great. She posed for her picture with a doll of Superman in her hands.

She does wear costume outfits to school every now and then, when she feels like wearing them, and her teachers and classmates are always looking forward to see her next choice.

The story of this very special picture day went viral once Austin posted Kaylieann’s photo on Reddit. Many people wrote how he and his wife nailed at parenting.

Kaylieann, you indeed are a superhero of your own. Many people should follow this girl’s example and don’t be afraid to show their true selves.

Young Girl Asks Permission To Say Goodbye To Her Aunt At The Airport


Our family members are some of the most important people in our lives. An unnamed little girl has been capturing the hearts of people from all over the world due to her immense amount of love for her aunt. The small child took positive steps toward her aunt when she went to say goodbye to her at an airport. It was a heartwarming moment to witness, and fortunately, a video of the sweet goodbye was captured and uploaded on social media to be shared with the world.

Although it’s unclear who shot the adorable video and who the aunt and niece in the video are, it has been resonating with people from all over the globe due to its kind-hearted nature. At some point in our lives, we have all had to say a hard goodbye to someone we know and love, even if it was only for a few days. Still, it’s heartbreaking to have to watch your loved one go off without you as you’re stuck having to wait and hope for their safe return.

Before she could say her goodbye, the little girl needed to get the security guards’ permission first. The video of the beautiful moment appears to have been shot at the Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar. First uploaded to Twitter on Oct. 14, 2021, the video has since gone on to be shared with thousands of others across Twitter and other social media platforms. Read on to find out more about this adorable little girl and the heartwarming goodbye she gave to her aunt.At the beginning of the precious video, the little girl was seen trotting over to a pair of airport officials so she would be allowed to walk past the restricted line. She pointed off to the distance to indicate where she wanted to go. The airport officials easily gave the toddler the signal that she was free to pass.



The little girl’s aunt had already made it past the security checkpoint she just got permission to go through, so she picked up her pace to make her way over to her aunt. It was clear that she was filled with joy as she hurried over to her loved one, and the toddler’s aunt was just as excited to see her as she picked up the toddler and held her in a warm embrace. Picking her off the ground, the aunt hugged her niece closely and tightly, showing just how much the two truly cared for each other.

The video has since gone on to receive more than 890,000 views and more than 23,000 shares. Twitter users loved the video. One person commented, “What a sweet and beautiful way to start the day.” Another wrote, “Good gesture by airport authority… cute baby.”