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8-month old twin girls dancing to “Crystal Blue Persuasion”…They are so sweet


The first real interaction of each person begins immediately after birth. One of the reasons twins are so close (and different) is because their bond is established long before pregnancy, during pregnancy. This can be seen as early as 15 weeks after pregnancy, using an ultrasound.


While in the womb, the twins hug each other with their arms, faces and whole body. In one particular case of twins, a man was seen reaching out to touch the face of a female twin. His siblings respond by stroking him cheek to cheek. A year after birth, the twins replicated this behavior by playing a similar game of cheek-to-cheek stroking. This may indicate that the twin connection is established in the womb and continues to exist long after birth. In fact, the connection made in the womb is so strong that twins who have lost their twins at or before birth report intense emotional distress. Research done on twin loss shows that these twins experience strong feelings of loneliness and emptiness throughout their lives.


When they are placed together in the same bed after birth, the twins touch, hug and suck each other. This practice, called shared bedding, has been shown to improve heart rate, temperature, breath control, fewer apneas, lower oxygen demand, and greater weight gain in infants. In fact, this can be easily depicted in the well-known case called “The Saving Hug”. One of the twins, who was in critical condition, was rescued after being placed in the same incubator as his twin.

Emotional Baby Is Brought To Tears By Mom’s Singing


In a heartwarming and tender moment, a mother’s voice becomes the catalyst for a flood of emotions in her little one. As the mother begins to sing, a connection beyond words is established, and the sheer power of her melody strikes a chord deep within the baby’s sensitive heart.

The emotive resonance of the mother’s voice creates a captivating atmosphere, weaving a comforting cocoon of sound that envelops the infant. It’s a testament to the profound impact that a parent’s love and soothing presence can have on a child’s emotional well-being.

As the lullaby unfolds, the baby’s tiny face undergoes a transformation. At first, curiosity sparkles in their eyes, but gradually, a cascade of tears begins to flow. These are not tears of distress but rather an overflow of pure, unfiltered emotion stirred by the maternal melody.



The mother, intuitively attuned to her child’s feelings, continues to sing with unwavering tenderness. Her voice serves as a gentle embrace, offering solace and understanding to the little one who is still navigating the complexities of the world.

This poignant moment encapsulates the magical connection between parent and child, where music becomes a conduit for shared emotions. It’s a beautiful reminder of the extraordinary power that love, expressed through a simple lullaby, holds in nurturing the emotional landscape of a child, creating memories that resonate throughout a lifetime.

Capturing Innocence: A Baby’s Smile


In the soft glow of natural light, a precious scene unfolds. A chubby-cheeked baby, with eyes twinkling like stars, gazes directly at the camera with an expression of pure delight. Their rosy lips curve upwards into the most heartwarming smile, revealing a hint of glistening baby teeth.


With innocence radiating from every dimple, this little one’s smile captures the essence of joy in its purest form. Their eyes seem to sparkle with the sheer excitement of being alive, while their smile speaks volumes without uttering a single word.


In this fleeting moment frozen in time, the world stands still, enraptured by the beauty of a baby’s smile. It’s a reminder of the simple pleasures that bring happiness to our lives – the warmth of a gentle embrace, the sound of contagious laughter, and the sight of an angelic face beaming with pure, unadulterated joy.


As the camera clicks, preserving this precious moment for eternity, one thing becomes abundantly clear: in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, a baby’s smile has the power to brighten even the darkest of days. It’s a beacon of hope, a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, and a promise of brighter tomorrows yet to come.

Pro dancer picks little girl as his dance partner only to learn she’s even better than he is


If you’ve ever seen Valentin Chmerkovskiy perform, you’ll know that he is among the greatest dancers in the world.


You may have seen the Ukrainian-American professional dancer on Dancing With the Stars
If you’ve ever seen Valentin Chmerkovskiy perform, you’ll know that he is among the greatest dancers in the world.


You may have seen the Ukrainian-American professional dancer on Dancing With the Stars.

He won twice on the U.S. version of the show.
Chmerkovskiy started out on Season 2 and appeared in an episode on Seasons 4, 10, and 11.

Pro dancer picks little girl as his dance partner only to learn she’s even better than he is
He partnered up and competed in seasons 13 through 25. He skipped season 26, came back for seasons 27, 28, and 29, and will be appearing on Season 30.

Chmerkovskiy is also a two-time World Latin Dance Champion, which he won in the junior and youth categories.

He’s also a 14-time U.S. National Latin Dance champion.

That’s a lot of wins. So, it’s probably pretty hard to impress someone as renowned as he is.

But Chmerkovskiy was impressed with Camila.
Chmerkovskiy danced with Camila in May and was so impressed by her skills that he posted a video of their performance on Facebook.

“Hey, world meet Camila, my new dance partner. This Mother’s Day I can’t help but think of and thank all the mothers that support their children. Giving life to a child is hard, being a mother that supports her child is even more difficult,” Chmerkovskiy wrote in his post.

“Coming back from another weekend of working with young men and women, I am once again impressed by the discipline and talent that is out there, that’s a sign of some amazing mothers. #HappyMothersDay to all the moms out there making the tough choices sacrificing for their kids. Thank you!”

That video ended up being viewed more than 1.7 million times on Facebook alone. People were astonished by how talented Camila is.
Her dance skills were perfection.

Perfectly timed and dynamic. It must have taken her a lot of hard work and dedication to get them right.

“You lucky man to have such a lovely new partner. Watch out, she might take over the dance floor,” wrote one commenter on Facebook.

“Omg, that little girl has learned more dancing in her short life than some people learn in their adult life, that is amazing!” said another.

There were so many children there watching the performance intently, and many of them were cheering wildly at seeing their fellow dance classmate do so well.

“You are a gifted teacher, coach, and friend for these kids. They will benefit from your incredible talent,” said a commenter.

Another wrote,

“She is terrific. Being a professional dancer this young girl has a wonderful future as a dancer. By the way she has a fantastic teacher.”

She truly has the talent of a much older dancer. I guess it just comes to her naturally. I can’t imagine how talented she will be when she gets older.

Maybe she’ll even be on Dancing With the Stars one day.

In the meantime, see her incredible performance in the video below!

Angry Toddler Does Not Like Daddy Kissing Mommy and She Lets Them Know!


Children are very innocent and, especially when very young, think that they deserve all of their parents attention. They don’t seem to even understand that dad and mom are a loving couple or even individual people who are separate from their relationship with the child.


That’s never more evident than in this hilarious video of a baby that went viral on the internet. The adorable little one is Sami. Sami does not like it when her dad kisses her mother.

This toddler keeps shouting at them. She definitely wants all her dad’s love by herself and does not like sharing any with her mother
The parents take her reaction as an amusing one. They keep teasing her by kissing one another. The dad is just as happy seeing her fight for his love while the mom finds it hilarious how her little toddler can be so possessive of her dad.

Pregnant Mom Asks Her To “Walk Like Mommy Walks” — Her Imitation Is Hilariously Accurate!


Are you familiar with the imitation game? Of course you are. Everyone has played the imitation game, whether they were a willing participant or not. It’s the game where one person copies the movements of another person and repeats everything he or she says. Super fun for the imitator, super annoying for the person being imitated.

And you know who loves playing the imitation game, almost exclusively playing the role of the imitator? Kids. Perhaps it’s because they’re still sponges that learn by copying, or perhaps it’s because they’re so pleased with themselves for figuring out a way to befuddle adults. Either way, they get a lot of practice in so they’re pretty much pros in the art of mimicry.



So when Teri O’Neil, a six-month pregnant mother, asked her adorable 1-year-old daughter Olivia “how does momma walk?” you better believe that Olivia was more than happy to demonstrate exactly how mommma walks.

Olivia arches her back and pushes out her belly as she walks very deliberately across the room. But the best part that you don’t want to miss is her facial expression! Olivia’s imitation of her pregnant mom is absolutely hilarious and way too accurate!

Watch the video below and don’t forget to share it with your family and friends!

Grandpa shares sassy conversation with baby girl and she takes hilarity to the next level.


Most people can agree, babies are the absolute cutest. Everything they do, from waddling around as they try to find their footing, to making big ol’ bubbles as they try to form their first words, everything about them is so adorable.
One thing in particular that people can’t help but love is their adorable baby speak.

But if that’s the case, why hasn’t anyone learned to translate baby talk?

J.R.R. Tolkien created a language so unique that he ended up making a story that revolved around it. In Star Wars, there are whole worlds with languages unique to each individual creature.


The possibilities are endless with a strange tongue. So why hasn’t anyone created a universe revolving around toddlers?

Grandpa here gets is as he talks to his adorable granddaughter in her native tongue. We don’t know how and why grandpa is fluent in toddler talk but it’s pretty clear that they understand each other.

Their convo clearly gets intense.
We only lament the fact that it doesn’t come with subtitles.


This baby girl is telling all to grandpa in great detail.
Grandpa responds, confirming that he understands and that he wants to know more. He nods in agreement as she explains her dilemma.


This conversation is so cute though. A viewer named Mary says,

“He’s good. He speaks toddler. He phrases it well. They’re having a meaningful conversation. Imagine playing that at her wedding. There wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house !”

Where did he find a course on toddler-talk?

Relating to a toddler isn’t always the easiest of tasks.
The frequent mood swings, tons of energy, and demanding behavior have proven to be too much for most. But grandpa gets it.

He engages with her, encouraging his little princess to open up to him.

Leave the raising and disciplining to mom and dad. Let grandpa do the playing and the talking. He does not mind one bit. In fact, he loves it!

First Things First provides insight in to that relationship:

“Grandparents can bring a special enthusiasm to the time they spend with their little ones, and that helps a child learn and grow. They help children learn by playing, talking and reading together while giving them focused attention. And they teach more directly by telling stories and sharing family and cultural traditions. Grandparents are also in a unique position to reinforce limits and lessons from parents while also listening, wiping away tears and showing their grandchild that they understand.”

Catch the adorably sassy convo this girl is sharing with her grandpa below!

Such a beautiful little girl. Such beautiful eyes


aIn the midst of this vast and diverse world, there is a shining star—a beautiful little girl who captures hearts with her radiant presence. Her innocence and charm are evident in every smile she shares, and her eyes hold a universe of wonder and curiosity.



Those beautiful eyes, like sparkling gems, reflect the purity of her soul and the depth of her emotions. They are windows to a world that she navigates with awe and amazement, taking in every little detail as she explores and learns.In her laughter, we find the sweetest melodies, and in her tears, we see the vulnerability of a tender heart. She embraces life with open arms, unburdened by the worries of the world, and reminds us of the simple joys that make life extraordinary.

Her presence is a reminder of the beauty that lies within each one of us, and in her, we see the potential for goodness and kindness that can light up the world. She embodies hope, love, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Baby of three months singing ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star’. This video will give you a good mood for the rest of the day


By three and a half months, your baby will start to demonstrate whether he or she prefers to be alone or engage in social interactions.

They are unable to predict whether he will develop into an introvert or an extrovert as an adult

While some babies like to be alone or with only a small group of people, others want to be surrounded by people.
Your 14-week-old baby will pick up a lot from his surroundings, and as his brain processes the data, it will make sense of it all.

He will now get much more interested in some other features of the house and want to look about the entire house.



Your child’s neck muscles and upper body strength will both be developed to a sufficient degree. He might be able to look around for extended periods of time while keeping his neck upright.

Fly around the home humming and making airy noises while holding your infant on your shoulder.

The experience of traveling backwards can produce a great riot and make him grin and giggle if he holds in such a way that he glances back.

You can hold your baby while stacking him on top of a gym ball or big beach ball if you’re into exercise.

The baby should then be allowed to squirm and move slightly in each direction while you softly roll the ball in various directions.

Baby of three months singing ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star’. This video will give you a good mood for the rest of the day


By three and a half months, your baby will start to demonstrate whether he or she prefers to be alone or engage in social interactions.

They are unable to predict whether he will develop into an introvert or an extrovert as an adult

While some babies like to be alone or with only a small group of people, others want to be surrounded by people.
Your 14-week-old baby will pick up a lot from his surroundings, and as his brain processes the data, it will make sense of it all.

He will now get much more interested in some other features of the house and want to look about the entire house.



Your child’s neck muscles and upper body strength will both be developed to a sufficient degree. He might be able to look around for extended periods of time while keeping his neck upright.

Fly around the home humming and making airy noises while holding your infant on your shoulder.

The experience of traveling backwards can produce a great riot and make him grin and giggle if he holds in such a way that he glances back.

You can hold your baby while stacking him on top of a gym ball or big beach ball if you’re into exercise.

The baby should then be allowed to squirm and move slightly in each direction while you softly roll the ball in various directions.