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Daddy And Toddler Sing “My Girl” In Front Of Mirror


I’ve always believed it’s the little things that count. Just give a child a gift wrapped in fancy wrapping paper and bows, and watch how he or she will give more attention to the ripped paper than the gift itself! It’s those small defining moments in time that stick to memory, leaving an everlasting impression. Sometimes those moments are nothing more than a minute or two spent doing something silly or daring with someone you love, or stumbling upon something that momentarily moves you, and yet they stick around forever! You may not remember the exact words someone said, but you’ll always remember the way they made you feel.

It’s beautiful moments like this that forge a bond, and add love and light to a child’s memory bank when they’re all grown up. These become some of the fondest memories for both parent and child. Not to mention how much it makes mom swoon when she gets to walk in on this!!



Mom Laura Caperton Richardson made sure she had her camera ready when she opened the door to the bathroom and saw this scene unfold. Dad’s got their sweet little daughter sitting on the bathroom sink in front of the mirror. He’s holding her hands while standing behind her. She looks all washed up and ready for bed, wearing quite possibly the cutest onesie I’ve ever seen in my life (now, if only it came in my size…), and the two start their show.

Dad cues his daughter in with the beginning of The Temptations’ “My Girl” by singing, “I got sunshine.” She jumps right in, mirroring what daddy’s singing. He goes on to start the lyric, and she finishes it off with her tiny, little squeaky voice! But the girl knows it! He starts, “I got sunshine…..” and then she comes in, “…on a cloudy day….”

Then it’s mostly just her, singing along and totally owning the rest of the song as she whips through the lyrics; she even pulls off a few dance moves thanks to dad! They are definitely a dynamic duo. This is such a sweet moment for her to look back on, and it just goes to show how close they are as a family. She is daddy’s little girl and always will be.

Click the video below to watch this little impromptu bedtime dance-off in the mirror. Could there be a better send off to dreamland?!

Everyone Thinks Little Girl Can’t Sing, But Her Voice Instantly Shatters Their Doubt


Whitney Houston is still a force to be reckoned with. Her songs are timeless, and she’ll always be revered. People are constantly covering her songs, especially in talent competitions—the classic being “I Have Nothing.”

The problem is that “I Have Nothing” is just about one of the toughest songs to cover. Very few people can sing that song and cover it amazingly. In the video down below, 11-year-old Arisxandra Libantino, a Filipino-English singer, is one of the people who sang it exceptionally, especially for somebody of her age!

However, she didn’t just cover it in a random video that she uploaded to YouTube. She sang this at “Britain’s Got Talent” in front of millions of people watching and judging her every note. She sang it at the moment where one has to risk it all and perform something that defines whether or not they stand a chance at winning. She sang this risky song during the semi-finals of the competition!

The video begins and Arisxandra starts, the lyrics pouring out of her voice with confidence. “Share my life, take me for what I am.” The young girl doesn’t have an ounce of fear in her body, and her passion comes through clearly as she continues singing.



“Can’t run from myself, there’s nowhere to hide,” she sings, sounding even stronger. Then, she gets to the chorus, the moment that everybody waits for when hearing this song.

“Don’t make me close one more door

I don’t want to hurt anymore

Stay in my arms if you dare

Or must I imagine you there

Don’t walk away from me

I have nothing, nothing, nothing…”

She hits every note, singing her lungs out. Then comes the next exciting part. She’s about to sing even higher, and you hold onto her every word in anticipation. BOOM!

“Don’t make me close one more door!” she sings, hitting the notes and belting them with her arms wide open and eyes closed. The audience in front of her cheers, screaming and applauding for the little girl with the big voice.

By the end of the song, the judges are clapping, and she even gets a standing ovation from judge David Edward Williams. He looks proud of her for being able to sing such a difficult song.

If you’d like to hear Arisxandra cover this Whitney Houston classic, watch the video down below!

Big Sis Doesn’t Want Anyone Taking Her Baby Sis Away From Her


I’ve always wanted a big sister. Someone to show me the ropes and help me understand how the world works. Ok, at least help me put on makeup, do my hair, teach me about music, and giggle through the night in a fort made of sheets! Older sisters have the grace and knowledge of being on this planet a little longer, so naturally, they’re a tad protective.

Just like one-and-a-half-year-old Henley, who, when she found out baby sister Peyton was on the way, got extra excited and was happy to welcome her. What the family didn’t anticipate was Henley’s strong reaction shortly after Peyton was born. And they hadn’t even left the hospital yet!

Mom Danielle Neville was all over the adorable reaction when it went down. She grabbed her camera to make sure she could hold on to this one forever – especially when they’re teens!

The family is in the delivery ward and Henley wanted to get close to her new baby sister. She was placed in the bassinette along with Peyton and the two are close and cuddled up together. The baby is fast asleep and Henley is spooned in beside her keeping her company. Mom’s camera is on when grandma approaches the two curled up cuties and looks at Henley. Gran asks, “Henley, you want me to take the baby?”



Henley doesn’t skip a beat. Without hesitation, her eyes wide and looking straight at grandma, she shakes her head no. Grandma tries again, “I’ll take her,” while scooping down to pick her up. Henley pulls Peyton in closer as if to communicate “she’s mine!”

Grandma apologizes and gives it another go. “Can I take her?” Henley squeezes Peyton in closer. Mom is giggling from behind the camera and grandma is befuddled. Dad is laughing in the background too, and it sounds like there are a few others howling with laughter as well. Henley is dead set on not sharing Peyton, and it’s adorable. Grandma decides maybe she should back down and enjoy this moment for as long as possible. Instead, she offers to take them for a ride, a little push down the corridor. She asks one more question, “You gonna take care of your sister? Ok, you got her right?” Henley nods her head yes. What a little sweetie!

Click below to watch this heartwarming display of sisterly love in the video that’s already got 8.8 million views in 2 weeks!

Young Boy Sings An Epic Rendition Of A Popular Johnny Cash Classic


Whenever I see kids with an incredible talent, I’m nothing less than amazed. Imagine this: at the age that you were going to school and playing with your friends and toys, there are some kids of the age group who are playing music, dancing, or performing at a level that is beyond that of adults who have worked or trained their whole lives. As a decidedly “average” human being, I find it fascinating, and I’m always impressed by their talent, focus, and hard work.

These kids have maturity and talent well beyond their years. They stand in front of huge audiences with a sense of professionalism and poise that seems impossible for their young age. Often, their talents and hard work extend into adulthood, and they become some of the biggest stars in the world.

Carson Peters is well on his way to becoming a lifelong talent. In this video, he is just 9-years-old, performing in front of an intimidating crowd at the Bijou Theatre in Knoxville, Tennessee. He tackles a difficult tune by a legendary musician — “Orange Blossom Special” by Johnny Cash. Carson started playing the fiddle at just 3-years-old when his parents bought him a 1/8 size fiddle. By age 4, he was playing in fiddle competitions and jamming at musical festivals.



From the moment he begins to play, the little boy dazzles the crowd with his impeccable fiddle skills. You don’t have to be a part of the music industry to recognize his talent. When he sings, he hits every note perfectly. But, for me, it his fiddle-playing that really entertains. Carson has the entire crowd in the palm of his hand as he shows off his incredible musical skills.

This was a few years ago and Carson has grown up a bit, though he is still young and his accomplishments are no less impressive. At just 12-years-old, he has played for crowds at Bristol Rhythm and Roots, Dollywood’s Bluegrass and BBQ, Asheville’s Bluegrass First Class, Song of the Mountains, Carter Family Fold, and WDVX’s World Class Bluegrass concert series. He is now a member of the bluegrass band, Iron Mountain.

Carson has also had the honor of playing on national TV as a guest on NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Little Big Shots with Steve Harvey, as well as play with Jimmy Fortune on the floor of the Tennessee State Senate. He and his band have even played at the legendary Grand Ole Opry.

Enough with the background, I think. Now, watch the young talent in the video below!

Dad Sings And Dances With Baby Girl


Mom is the nurturer, protector and first caregiver of a baby. After all, the two started to forge their bond in utero! Mom tends to be a little more sensitive to her baby’s needs with the tendency to always watch over and make sure her baby is safe, well-fed, guarded and out of harm’s way. But what about dad? Dad’s role is just as important but it’s a little different. He gets to start bonding once the baby is born. He’s a little more hands-on and shares the responsibility with mom in a different way.

In this video, we get to see a dad babysitting his baby girl, and what he does and how he does it is making hearts flutter from beginning to end!

Just before the video starts, this adorable baby girl was upset and crying. She needed a little love and attention, so dad scoops her up in his arms, hits play, and the rest is magic. Sam Cooke’s “A Change Is Gonna Come” comes on and the moment it starts, dad starts to sing, and this hunky dad has a serious set of pipes!

His name is Mani Hoffman and he’s a French singer, songwriter, and music producer. But when he’s not writing and producing for the masses, he’s at home with his family recording himself belting out soulful sounds to his little girl. And she loves it! She’s fully intrigued, and enjoying the sound of her father’s incredible voice. How could she not? The man summons some serious blues-sounding vocals that are just too good!

And like daddy like daughter. She perks up and tries to sing along with him, making cute little sounds, followed by a big smile. The two are dancing around the bedroom, as he moves up and down with her, gently twirling her around while hitting a couple of high notes. No big deal. He’s totally a multi-tasker. So much so, right at the 2:38 mark, sounds of another child are heard and dad spins around on his heels, instantly making sure she’s okay. And he doesn’t break from the song! He’s still singing flawlessly, as another little girl comes running in shouting, “Daddy!” He scoops her up too, finishing up the song while breaking hearts!

Click below to watch this heartwarming video of one handsome dad singing his heart out to his favorite girls!

Toddler Calls Dad Funny Name And Runs Out Of The House To Say “I Love You”


Kids come up with the funniest one-liners. They just have such a knack for being able to put together silly thoughts that make us boring old folks laugh! It’s a mix of innocence and learning how to express emotions that bring these colorful comments to life. Much to my horror, my own mother still quotes me on some of these to this day! I guess I can’t blame her, I was a pretty funny kid and when it’s a hilarious comment, it just sticks. That’s much like what the little boy says and does in this video!

If I was his mom, I’d quote him every day for the rest of his life, and definitely somehow bring it up in my speech at his wedding! This clip actually made me laugh out loud, it’s just so precious!


Mom is a smart cookie because she grabbed her phone right in time for this gem! Dad is suited up and ready to go to work, just as she hits record. Their adorable toddler is running around in diapers and a t-shirt as dad is about to leave. To bid him adieu, the little boy lifts up his arm and points at dad. Rather than saying have a good day, he exclaims, “Be a good fart machine!” Dad doesn’t even hesitate, and replies with a “You be a good fart machine,” right back. “Go to work and be a good fart machine at work!” says the boy again, just to make sure dad got the message.

A couple more words are exchanged and dad leaves. Mom, totally flabbergasted, looks at her precocious child and says, “A what??” Suddenly, it’s at this exact moment that the young boy has a realization. He comes to the understanding that his dad just walked out the door to be a fart machine all day at work, without knowing how much his son loves him. “I didn’t say I love my dad.” He tears out of the house, runs towards the door, yelling, “I love my dad! I LOVE MY DAD! DAAAAAD!”

He starts to cry and runs out the door to make sure dad knows how he feels. Luckily, dad hasn’t left yet, so the boy is able to tell dad exactly what’s on his mind. It’s such an authentic, sweet moment in a child’s life. We could all learn a thing or two from this kid – speak your truth, and don’t be afraid to tell the people you love that you love them!

Click below to watch this hilarious kid with a big personality.

Little Girl Argues With Dad Over How To Count To Five


It’s important to teach your kids how to think outside of the box. By introducing new ways of looking at things, you create connections which foster creativity and free-thinking. It’s a way to find the path of least resistance and to find loopholes to understand better. It’s the learned ability to see things differently, to generates tolerance and to see the bigger picture in an ever-changing world that is constantly expanding. It’s a way to approach learning, understanding and thinking on the spot.

But before you get too far, there are a couple of things you have to know first, like counting to 5. While this little girl sure can think outside of the box, once she nails her numbers, then she can be the wildly imaginative, sassy human she is! After all, you have to know the rules like a pro before you can break the rules like an artist.

This is a hilarious video of a wee thing showing dad she can count. They’re walking through a parking lot on a sunny day, discussing life while mom’s got the camera out. The girl and dad are engrossed in a heated debate on the controversial subject of counting. She’s got it all sorted out, adamant that she knows what she’s doing, except she’s just missing one thing – the number four. While dad, a teacher, tries to tell her she’s doing it wrong, she stands her ground. “No, it’s 1..2…3…5!” she claims, holding all her fingers up.



“NO,” he retorts. “It’s 1…2…3…FOUUUURRRR…5…” But, she doesn’t give up. She looks straight at him and stomps her little foot with her arms waving and her two tiny buns on the top of her head bobbing around. Mom can’t keep a straight face and is trying to muffle her giggles. She even chimes in and says, “Elia, it’s 1…2…3…FOUUUURRRR…5…” to which the steadfast toddler says, “No mommy. It’s 1…2…3…5!” Both parents, in unison, try to tell her otherwise. She is one defiant cutie stuck in her ways!

It’s only at the end, Elia starts to maybe consider that the two big important humans in her life could be right – but only for a second before she reverts to her old way of thinking. “It’s 1…2…3…5 mommy…” until she tries only counting to 4 and then gets it again. Mom and dad both start to cheer!

Click below to see this stubborn little muffin get a quick lesson in counting. Hopefully, it sticks this time!!

18-Year-Old Dedicates Dance To Mom


Dancing is such a powerful outlet for when we can’t verbally express what we’re going through. It’s a mode of communication that lets our bodies do the talking. There’s no pressure to find the right words or worry about tone or stringing together a sentence to say the perfect thing. Being able to move through the air, using your body as your instrument or as a tool to tell your story, is a gift only a few of us have.

And when it’s a complicated heartfelt story like this one with many emotions and layers, it’s obvious just how gifted this young man because he chose dance as his mode of storytelling.

Jaxon Willard is 18-years-old, from American Fork, Utah, USA. At age 11, he picked up dancing after being inspired by his sister who did ballroom dancing in an after-school program. His curiosity was piqued and this traditional dance led him to develop a deep passion for more than just ballroom, including, hip-hop, jazz-ballet, and contemporary dance.

Jaxon also knew from a young age that he was adopted. Harboring feelings of neglect and abandonment from his birth mother while at the same time experiencing huge gratitude and feelings of love for his adoptive mom, Jaxon has made strides trying to deal with his emotions. As he’s grown older he’s been able to learn to forgive his birth mom but also find the strength to be honest with his adoptive mom and share these feelings openly with her.

It’s through facing his adversity head on that he’s been able to unpack these feelings through his dance and unique choreography; choreography that gives him a voice where he can turn vulnerability, frustration, and heartache into something absolutely radiant on stage. And in this performance, there’s no denying how out of this world this young man is. Especially considering this routine was about the push and pull he felt in regards to his feelings about both mothers, but thrilled to have the mom he has now. This dance is for her.



For his performance in the duels segment of “World Of Dance 2018,” Jaxon takes the stage. He is magnetic, his heart is poured into every twist and turn and jump and movement of his self-choreographed routine. There are times where it looks like he’s suspended in the air, flying. His charisma, courage and unwavering talent grab hold of all the judges and audience members who are reduced to crying messes. Everyone was moved by this mind-blowing performance.

Click below to see another video of Jaxon in his element and just totally wow every single person in the room.

Maid Of Honor Raps Her Wedding Speech For Big Sister


Weddings are always a blast when your older sibling is getting married! It’s a time to share stories, and reminisce about the good ‘ol days – especially when your sibling is a hero in your eyes, and you have so many anecdotes and experiences to tell your close family and friends.

That’s what little sister Savannah, the maid of honor, did in front of everyone. She came up with a unique and thoughtful way to express her unconditional love and union for her older sister, Christina. And it impressed the socks off everybody!




Before she gets into it, little sis preps everyone by saying “…you might want to take out your cameras and get ready for this one…” The crowd is already cheering her on and going wild, curious to know what she has in store — and her stage presence! This 10-year-old has confidence! She is working the room with her charm and outstanding public speaking ability!

To the tune of Will Smith’s “Yo Home To Bel-Air” from “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” Savannah secretly prepped her rap/wedding speech before the big day. She took the audience on a journey that started when Christina was an only child until she was 16 when Savannah was born. She went on to share how Christina played a pivotal role in her young life, having such a good mentor and role model to follow.

Savannah’s chronological story that touches upon her and big sis’ many milestones through the years is perfectly packaged into an entertaining “rap.” She delivers it with grace and has everyone laughing and crying along with her. Way to go Savannah!

3 Boys Sing Beautiful Rendition Of “You Raise Me Up”


We all need a little lift sometimes. If it’s been a rough day, week, month, year, and an extra reminder that we are all on the same path of ups and downs, can go a long way. Music has the uncanny ability to help us through the good times and the bad, and unite us around the world, regardless of language or culture.

These three young boys are performing at the International Children’s Festival, back in 2013, and it’s their song choice that helped set them apart from the other performers.vThe boys chose to sing the emotionally charged “You Raise Me Up” made famous by Josh Groban, and written by Rolf Lovland. The song on its own is incredibly stirring and has been redone over and over again — skyrocketing in popularity ever since its first release. What’s so remarkable about the song, however, is how heartfelt it is when anyone sings it; you can’t help but be moved by its soulful lyrics and rhythmic pace.



At first, the boys are seen standing in a triangle, their backs facing each other surrounded by stars, blue light, and white fog. Their voices are isolated, each one a different range. As the song progresses into the second stanza, the boys walk together in unison and join forces for the chorus. All three of their ranges create power and strength until they do the reprise, where they really kick it up a few notches. Their entire performance packs a punch and ends quietly and softly in front of a screen that has the universe moving. A gentle reminder that we are so small in such an infinitely vast universe.

Click below to catch the feel-good performance. It’s one that will surely raise your spirits!