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Grumpy Ballerina Refuses To Join Dance Routine


What’s the difference between children and adults? Children, more often than not, have no problem saying and acting in any way that they choose. After all, that’s what makes them kids, and it’s the best part about being a kid. You’re still at the tender age where it’s acceptable if you act out. What’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? Get sent to your room? Perfect. I wish that would happen to me! If they’re happy, sad, angry, moody, excited, etc.—you’ll know about it! And while sometimes this can be quite shocking, and even annoying, the video below shows you a different side.

In this heartwarming video clip, we get a front-row view of four adorable four-year-old ballerinas on stage doing their very first performance. They’re wearing the most darling outfits, a green leotard with matching tutus, and it’s impossible not to say “awww” at first glance. But then, the music starts, and we’re left kind of speechless.



You see, three of the girls are excited and ready to show off their best dance moves, but one little girl was simply not having it. And whether it was just a case of stage fright or perhaps a bit of sass, the one little girl on the left stands still, without going along with the practiced routine. Notice her hilariously grumpy face and standoffish posture.

I’ve been to dance recitals and have seen kids get stage fright and not go on at all. Maybe they’ll cry in an effort to make to their parents take them away from the stage. But, never have I ever seen a child so mad about being on stage. It makes me laugh so much every single time I watch this clip!

At one point, her friend even lends a helping hand, trying to encourage her to join in, but to no avail! This grumpy ballerina is staying put!

Regardless of the mishap, the crowd absolutely adored the performance and, judging by their laughter, simply loved the routine as well as the little girl who did not want to participate. Luckily, this performance (and the lack thereof!) was caught on camera, so that this cutie pie can look at it for years to come while having a giggle or two!

Little Girl Begins To Sing Original Song Then Her Partner Joins In And Makes It Extra Special


Sometimes, a talented performer, whether they are a singer, play a musical instrument, or are a dancer, has spent years of training and countless hours of practice to get where they are. They devoted their lives to their chosen craft and refused to give up until they became the best, or at least the best they could be.

Other times, it seems as if certain people are naturally born with a talent. They may still have to work to develop and grow in their chosen art, but from the moment they were born, they definitely had a leg up on the competition. You may have met one of these people, or you may be one yourself—maybe a youngster with rhythm and an undeniable talent for dance, or perhaps a child that opens their mouth and has a beautiful voice, without any training.



Jadyn Rylee is only 11-years-old, but she’s a very talented singer and hopes to have a career in the music business. She’s already on her way there. The little girl from Toronto, Canada has already had some success with her Youtube channel and fans are drawn to her voice and natural charisma.
But, there are a lot of talented kids out there and one of them happens to be Jadyn’s best friend. When Jadyn met Brayden Ryle, the two became fast friends. They most likely bonded over their love of singing and their quest for musical success.

Together, the tiny duo performed a song called “Only You.” Though it was initially meant to be a love song, it ended up perfectly illustrating their friendship. It’s so sweet and it’s obvious that these two put in a lot of time and effort to create something they can be proud of.

“We hope you feel the connection that we did when these kids met this past summer. . . they seemed so in tune with each other and knew exactly what to do,” said an artist who knows the pair.

Watch the fantastic duet below!

Captivating Everyone with Stunning Outfits: The Enchanting Little Girls


Littl Gils n Thi Al Otits: Th All Tin Fshin Siits” is lihtl tic tht clts th chm n ctivit sscit with ssin n ils in stlish n ct clthin. This cnct hihlihts th llwin scts:

Inncnc n Ctnss: Yn ils x inncnc n ctnss, n thi tits tn lct ths litis. Fm ill sss t cll ccssis, littl ils’ shin is ll t mcin thi thl chm.

Exssin Psnlit: Dssin llws littl ils t xss thi snlitis n ncs. Whth th lv incss wns, st tti, smthin tistic, thi tits cnvs sl-xssin.

Pnt-Chil Bnin: Chsin n cintin tits littl ils cn nin xinc nts n civs. It’s w t shw lv n c thh shin chics.

Minit Fshin Tns: Jst lik lt shin, th tns in chiln’s shin. Fm h chic t vint-insi lks, littl ils’ shin tn mis wht’s l in th lt shin wl t t smll sizs.

Ctivit n Imintin: Chiln’s shin llws ctivit n imintin t n wil. Dssin s thi vit chcts ximntin with cls n ttns cn sc nlss n.

Pcticlit n Cmt: Whil stl is imtnt, cmt n cticlit mnt whn it cms t chiln’s clthin. Pnts tn lk tits tht s t t n n tk , l, n m m st, thl ics.

Scil Occsins: Scil ccsins lik iths, hlis, n mil thins vi tnitis t ss littl ils in xisit tits.

Family Band Who Rocked Out During Quarantine Is Back With A New Take.


Covid lockdowns may be a thing of the past, but Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids are still going strong! This adorable family band started out in 2020 as a way for a musician dad and his kids to pass the time while stuck at home. However, the group has been garnering quite the following online! Years later, their covers of classic songs are only getting better and better.



To showcase how much the talented Clark kids have improved as musicians, the family has been revisiting some of their earlier songs. In one YouTube video, they compared their more recent rendition of “Ob La Di, Ob La Da” by the Beatles to their original attempt. You can really see how much they’ve grown in confidence!

Watch the video below to see this musical family rock on!

Baby Girl Laughs Uncontrollably As She Watches Her Dog Eating Popcorn


Here’s a question for you: What makes you laugh the most? Is it a good joke, a fun-filled chit-chatting session with your friends, or just a good rom-com? If you asked me, I don’t think I could tell you. I would have to think long and hard to figure out what makes me laugh until tears are rolling down my face. But, I can promise you that I have laughed like that quite a few times and it’s the best feeling ever. The moment in which you’re rolling over, tears running down your faces while you’re holding on to your stomach to relieve the aching, has to be one of the best moments, ever! And, it gets even better if you’re sharing that with a special someone.

If someone persisted to know what has made me laugh uncontrollably, in the recent past, then I would direct them to the video shared below. It’s a super simple, and adorable, clip of a little girl laughing her heart out the site of her dog eating popcorn.

Sounds simple right? If you think so, then that’s exactly what this video is. It’s a natural moment that the toddler and her pup are sharing, bonding over some popcorn, and thankfully her parents caught it on camera. You always see babies bonding with their beloved dogs; canines are also loyal guardians of their little humans and tend to look after them every moment they can. So, it’s evident that the pup in this video is always close to his little friend. Even during snack time, he chooses to stay close.



It’s incredible to see that something so simple can brighten up the toddler’s mood and further strengthen her relationship with her pet, because not only is the pup always around, but he’s now also funny and fun to be with!

What are some of the precious moments that you share with your pet? Tell us about them in the comments. We’d love to read your stories!

This video made me laugh as well as give me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart. The clip will be a real treat for the little girl to watch and share with her dog when she’s older, and I bet she’ll be so thankful that her parents caught it all on camera. They’ll bond over this one day, that’s for sure!

Click on the link below and see the hilarious and heartwarming footage!

Overabundance of cuteness. VIDEO: Adorable twins play together


Play is such an important part of our twins’, triplets’, and other children’s lives. We connect with our children from birth on, through hugs and close interaction, during their first years as they learn about the world, develop social skills, and learn to express themselves.

The Twins Trust has published a booklet with ideas for playing with twins, triplets, and other children ranging in age from babies to preschoolers. There are also accompanying videos to prove it. Remember that age is only a guideline; there are numerous factors that can influence your child’s development, and you should select activities that are age appropriate for your child.


Even a short period of play can be exhausting for your young children. If you’re wondering how to entertain such young children, our play brochure is full of ideas, such as singing songs or playing hide and seek. So, channel your inner singer and make these lovely ladies happy! Additional ideas can be found in the booklet, and the accompanying video can be viewed.

Adorable Toddler Dances With Street Performers In New Orleans



Toddler boy Boone Coleman loves music, and he loves to dance, so when he saw the street performers playing their brass instruments, he just had to grab his little blue slide whistle and join them. This little toddler charmed the entire crowd with his amazing dance moves and adorable whistle playing.


When a little toddler boy saw a set of street performers playing jazz on a street in New Orleans, he felt compelled to join them. Little Boone Coleman grabbed his little blue slide whistle and began to play and dance along with the trumpets and the trombones, adding his little wiggling dance to their jubilant music.
Said Boone’s mom Stephanie about the experience, “Boone received so many smiles and cheers from so many folks; it was the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen.” We’re sure Boone has a future in jazz music. Who knows, maybe he’ll get good enough to join the band he played with.

Family Band Who Rocked Out During Quarantine Is Back With A New Take.



Covid lockdowns may be a thing of the past, but Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids are still going strong! This adorable family band started out in 2020 as a way for a musician dad and his kids to pass the time while stuck at home. However, the group has been garnering quite the following online! Years later, their covers of classic songs are only getting better and better.


To showcase how much the talented Clark kids have improved as musicians, the family has been revisiting some of their earlier songs. In one YouTube video, they compared their more recent rendition of “Ob La Di, Ob La Da” by the Beatles to their original attempt. You can really see how much they’ve grown in confidence!


Watch the video below to see this musical family rock on!

16-Month-Old Baby Made Everyone Happy When Mother Brought Her At Grocery Store


Jesus loves the little children so much. They’re innocence and cute smiles can spread love and good vibes to everyone. They do not worry about what tomorrow may bring and there is always something so special about them that makes our heart happy.

Joelle, a 16-month-old baby was brought by her mom Caitlin at the grocery store to buy goods for the family. The cute little girl started to roam around and wave to every person that she met. Her smiles gave happiness to people at the grocery store and she even gave a hug to an old woman standing in the meat corner. People were responding to her and they were amazed with this cute little baby.



Children are God’s gift to us. They’re personality of not being worried about things that are coming is what we need to imitate. Do not worry about your future for God has already planned your life beforehand. Let the little children come to Jesus for they will inherit the kingdom of God. Be like little children who spreads love and gives joy to people around them. Whatever obstacles life may bring, lift up everything to the Lord for He will give the desires of your heart. You have an option to worry about your problems, but the best option is to trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Mom Criticized For Piercing Daughter’s Ears Just 1 Day After She Was Born


A new mom has been sharing some adorable photos and videos of her daughter, Lara, on TikTok and Instagram. The baby was born on Jan. 20, 2022. However, instead of receiving positive comments under her posts, the mom has been criticized for piercing Lara’s ears, especially because she did it just one day after Lara was born. This sparked a huge online debate, with people questioning if this was good parenting or not. People all over the world have chimed in with their opinion on Lara’s ear piercings.

It’s common for new parents to share photos and videos of their newborns as they’re extremely excited about the many adventures that parenthood brings. One mom posted a video in June 2022 of her daughter Lara on TikTok with the caption: “The time past (sic) too fast. Missing you being this small.” The video showcased her daughter, presumably at the hospital and a more recent clip where she was held by someone.



However, back in May 2022, the mom uploaded a video captioned, “1 day vs 3 months,” and showed what her baby looked like when she was only 1 day old compared to 3 months old. Something that stuck out to many viewers was the fact that Lara’s ears were pierced when she was just 1 day old.

Many people left comments criticizing the mom for her choice to pierce Lara’s ears. One person said: “Why shouldn’t they get a choice if they want their ears pierced or not? I am gonna let my babies decide when they understand these things.” Another person said: “OK but like why? She’s a baby! She doesn’t need them! I have (a) 7-month-old girl and I say hard no. Maybe when she’s older.”

However, other people argued that it was up to the mom to decide. One person said: “I got my ears pierced at 3 months old. My mom got hers done same day in the hospital. Leave the choice up to the family. We love our piercings.” Another person added: “Love how she has her ears pierced! Honestly I’d do the same.”

There is still an ongoing debate happening about who should get to make decisions like this, but many people agreed that they just wanted what was best for the baby.

Despite the criticism the mom has received for several months, she has continued to upload photos and videos of her daughter Lara. The majority of this media — if not all — still highlights the fact that Lara has her ears pierced. The baby also has different earrings on in the different photos and videos, showing that someone behind the scenes is switching them out.

Surprisingly, Lara and her mom have garnered plenty of followers over the past few months. The Instagram account has over 87,000 followers, while the TikTok account has a whopping 2.5 million followers.



A TikTok from June 21, 2022, showed Lara looking around adorably with her small hoops on display. The comments were pretty positive, as one user wrote, “So cute little baby.” Another said, “She looks like an angel sent from heaven.”

However, the videos showing Lara with her ears pierced when she was just 1 day old have received some mixed messages, with plenty of people criticizing Lara’s mom for her decision to pierce the baby’s ears.

One person asked: “How is that ear piercing even legal? Thought the age was 3 months.” A TikTik user replied: “They do it at the hospital. They asked my daughter if she wanted to pierce my granddaughter’s ears.” Another person added, “Someone said they do it for their culture.”

However, there were some positive comments among the harsh ones, showing that it’s really up to the parent or parents to make their own decisions. One user said: “Personal opinion… She is adorable and I totally love the earrings… Who cares what other people say… We live one life…”